Braden: A Dark Mafia Romance

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Braden: A Dark Mafia Romance Page 6

by York, Adora

  The speed picked up even more with thrusts driven so hard, I felt the table actually start to move. It teetered forward, and then slammed down when he started to slide the other direction, only to lift again with the next thrust. There was a thick wetness on the front of my thighs and a stinging sensation where the edge of the table had dug into my flesh. I knew I was bleeding, but I didn’t care; the thrill was too strong. My body would heal. All I wanted at that moment was for him to keep doing exactly what he was doing, even if the table sawed my legs off completely. The grip he had on my neck was so tight that I could feel the tip of his fingernails. One was against my jugular vein, which rapidly beat along with my heart. The table continued to rise and fall with his lustful thrusts, each one sending a sting through my body along with a surge of pleasure. I felt my body start to tighten and I knew was close to an orgasm. Each time his cock slid across my g-spot, it got closer.

  “Harder…” I whispered.

  “My pleasure…” He said with that same mixture of rage and passion in his tone.

  He slammed into me so hard, the table fell over. I almost went face first into the floor, but his grip on my shoulder kept me suspended in the air. My thighs were scraped as it landed on the side. I was dead weight in his powerful arms, only supported by the edge of the toppled table. The shock temporarily siphoned my building orgasm, but it only took a few of his forceful thrusts to push me back towards the edge. I started to feel my pussy tightening around his cock and I knew it was coming. My toes pushed up against the floor and I felt every muscle in my body igniting with a demand for more. The storm roared inside of me until I couldn’t hold on any longer and then I started to buckle underneath him as I came. He held me tightly, keeping me right where he wanted me as I felt my body shake from the intense pleasure of each thrust.

  “Oh god…” I said with a loud scream. “Oh fuck…”

  My throes of passion and lust were answered by grunts from Braden who kept thrusting into me until I felt his cock throbbing against the tightness of my vaginal muscles. My pussy clamped down on his cock and he started to grunt even harder. A few seconds later, I felt another orgasm rip through me, followed by a third before my body even had a chance to recover from the second. His cock pulsated a few times and then he drove himself in deep, pushing me down onto the edge of the table as he unloaded inside of me. I felt his cum flood down his shaft and then it exploded into me like thunder. He pumped his cock until every drop had been drained. I felt him slide to the edge of my pussy, wipe the tip on my thigh, and then he walked away, leaving me there with my heartbeat slowly returning to normal. I pulled myself up and looked down at my thighs. They had been scraped and had bled, but the blood was dry on my legs. I walked over and lay across the couch, resting my head on his naked thigh.

  “Can I ask a question now?” I looked up into his dark stare.

  “You can ask one.” He said as his fingers traced my body.

  “What is your last name?” I felt like I deserved to know that.

  “Caito.” He replied as he started to trace back up the same path he had already went down, sending shivers up my spine.

  “Is that Italian?” I asked.

  “I said you could ask one question.” He pushed my head off of his thigh and stood up. “It is time for you to go.”

  “What? Seriously!?” I felt anger starting to rise up within me as I stood. “You asked me to meet you just so you could fuck me and send me on my way?”

  He knocked on the door and it started to open. I grabbed my dress off of the floor and covered my naked body. “Ms. Madison is leaving now.”

  “Don’t call me again!” I said angrily as I slid into my dress and stepped into my shoes. “This is not how you treat someone.”

  I stormed past Braden and out the door as the man once again escorted me towards the door. He reached for my elbow and I yanked it away, keeping myself two steps ahead of him. Once I was outside, I lit a cigarette and waved for a taxi, but the first one passed me by. I couldn’t remember the last time I was so angry. Braden Caito was a fucking asshole. He may have fucked me better than I had ever been fucked before, but I was not going to let him treat me like a whore. No man was worth that. I threw my half smoked cigarette on the ground as the next taxi rolled up to the curb and I demanded that the driver take me home. I spent the whole ride home cursing under my breath as my fury built. My parents weren’t home, which was just as well, because I wasn’t done fuming. As soon as I was home, I opened my father’s liquor cabinet and poured myself a glass of vodka. After a couple of sips, I downed the glass and took the whole bottle upstairs to my bedroom. I opened the windows and lit a cigarette as I rapidly took sips of the clear liquid.

  “You fucking son of a bitch!” I said angrily as I started to feel the buzz.

  Chapter 10: Braden

  I watched Angela leave in a huff, profanity expelled with every breath until she was out of sight. I closed the door and walked to the window, continuing to watch until she got to the door. I got dressed and lit one of my cigars as I watched the crowd dancing below us. The club was just one of many legitimate enterprises the Mafia owned. The days of smuggling drugs, running guns, and selling underage girls were long gone. We simply fought to keep the things we had and keep Harlem’s trash from invading our territories. Most politicians understood that we were a necessary evil. We only killed when we absolutely had to, especially since the war between the Five Families had ended. Occasionally we clashed with the Irish or pimps who got a little too greedy for their slice of the city, but the violence was nowhere near what it once was.

  “It won’t be the last time I taste you, Angela.” I stared as she exited the club and the door slammed behind her.

  I sat down in the chair and toyed with my switchblade. She might have seen what we did as just a fuck, but for me it was so much more. It was my way of finding out if I actually felt something for her or if it was just my emotions getting in the way of what I had to do. She had no idea how lucky she was that I did feel something when she was in my arms. I tried everything to fuck it out of my system, but it just didn’t go away. I wanted her to stay there forever, with her head resting on my thigh, but I just couldn’t handle that—not yet. She could hate me for now, but there was no way in hell I was going to let her go. She would be mine. The smoke rolled off of my lips and there was a knock at the door. I answered it cautiously, but after seeing Stefano, I pulled it the rest of the way open and let him enter. He looked around the room, his eyes coming to rest on Angela’s torn panties which were still lying on the floor beside the toppled table.

  “Damn, Braden.” He walked close to the table where blood could be seen on the edge. “Did you…?”

  “No, I didn’t kill her. I just fucked her.” I sat back down and poured drinks for us.

  “Remind me never to let them send you any of the whores I actually like.” He took the drink and sat down in the chair next to the couch.

  “I think I might be done with whores.” I said absently. “They just don’t do anything for me anymore.”

  “By the looks of this room, I’m guessing Angela Madison did though.” He raised his eyebrows at me and tilted his head.

  “Yeah…” I sighed. “She did…” I took a long drag from my cigar.

  “What is the endgame here, Braden? District Attorney Madison is responsible for your father’s death. You have Angela’s best friend locked up in one of our cells. This doesn’t end with a happily ever after if that is what you’re thinking.” He lit up one of his cigars and stared at me.

  “I don’t fucking know anymore, Stefano.” I shook my head as I exhaled smoke. “You know I loved Mary. She was my heart…”

  “I loved her too, but it has been five years. You’re allowed to move on, but is this girl really the right one for that? She’ll figure this out eventually and her father is going to do everything in his power to put you in the same place your father was when he died.” Stefano studied me nervously as he laid the reality
of the situation on me.

  “I know that. I may not be able to put my knife through Angela’s throat, but I still intend to make her father pay for what he did.” I glared at my glass angrily and took a sip. “Nothing has changed there.”

  “The Family will support you with that. I agree that he has to die. How are you going to do that without her figuring out it was you?” Stefano lifted his cigar to his lips.

  “I was a sniper…” I looked over at him. “Nobody knew who pulled the trigger when it was my finger on it.”

  “When are you going to do it?” He asked as he sipped his whiskey.

  “Tomorrow… I’ll paint the courthouse steps with his blood and then I’ll pick up the pieces of Angela’s grief. It isn’t the public spectacle I wanted, but the streets will know it was us. The message will still be delivered.” I looked over at my phone, which was buzzing.

  Stefano picked his up as well. “Oh shit!”

  “What the fuck?” I yelled. We had both gotten the same text message—Ronald had escaped.


  “How does this happen?” I screamed at the guard who was holding his head with a glassed look in his eyes.

  “I don’t fucking know, I’m sorry!” He shook his head with his lips curled up to the point he was almost sobbing. “I took him his dinner and the next thing I knew, I was waking up on the ground.”

  “Fuck!” Stefano grabbed me by the jacket. “We have to find him!”

  “No shit!” I pushed Stefano off and lunged at the guard.

  “You stupid son of a bitch! He’s a rich little pussy! How the fuck did you let him escape?” I threw a fist into his face and he caved to the floor.

  My anger ignited and every bit of it surged into my fists. I saw nothing but crimson and rage. Ronald was locked up in a cell that should have never been escaped. The man who let him escape was an imbecile. I could smell the alcohol in his blood as I landed punch after punch in his face and forcibly drew it from him. He was an associate, not a made man, and failure was not an option. He was finished in the Family, so it didn’t matter if I killed him or just left him permanently crippled. Stefano must have had some compassion for the guard, because I felt his hand wrap around my wrist and pull me off of him. I still landed a couple of stomps on the idiot’s sternum before Stefano pushed me away. More members of the Family came into the room and looked at the battered man on the floor. He was completely unconscious with a rattle coming from his lungs each time he drew a breath.

  “Stop it! Killing him isn’t going to fix this.” Stefano held his hands out to stop me from moving forward.

  “We have to find that fucking kid.” I paced back and forth.

  “Where would he go?” Stefano asked hurriedly.

  “He’d go to Angela.” I looked at Stefano. “He’d go straight to her.”

  “Let’s go.” Stefano grabbed me by the arm and we ran towards the garage area.

  Fear wasn’t an emotion I was used to feeling. Fear was weakness in other men, but as I realized just how everything could unravel because of Ronald, I felt is course through my veins. If he told Angela and her father the truth, everything could come crashing down. The ripple effect could impact all Five Families, and there would be no way we could let Angela live. Her whole family and anyone else Ronald was stupid enough to tell would have to disappear. Instead of vengeance, necessity would require us to execute them all. All because of a stupid man who couldn’t keep the lid on his bottle until the end of his shift. I had no idea how Ronald managed to take him down, but that didn’t matter anymore. The only thing that mattered was finding him, and hopefully containing the situation before it boiled over. I slammed my hand into the dashboard several times.

  “Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!” I yelled angrily as the car sped towards Angela’s house.

  “You’re not going to get all crazy on me are you? If he told her we were holding him prisoner, we have to kill her.” Stefano looked over at me.

  “I know what has to be done, Stefano. I’ve been doing this as long as you have.” I opened the dash and pulled out a silencer, attaching it to the end of my gun.

  “Hopefully we can take him out before he tells her anything.” Stefano reached for a silencer and started attaching it to his gun as he balanced the wheel.

  “I should have just fucking killed him.” I slammed my hand into the dashboard again. “Damn it!”

  “Why didn’t you? You got everything you needed from him.” Stefano stuffed his gun back into his jacket.

  “His death wasn’t necessary. He didn’t know who we were. Even if he did figure it out, he would have been too afraid to talk, and he wouldn’t have known where he was being held. There would have been no evidence.” I clenched my jaw as my anger rose up again.

  “Well he sure as fuck knows now.” Stefano turned onto Angela’s street and killed the headlights.

  “Yeah, now he’s on a crusade to save the woman he loves. Now he’s fucking dangerous.” I wasn’t sure if I was talking about Ronald or myself.

  I seethed as I saw her townhouse over the hill. The lights were off which suggested nobody was home or they were asleep. The upstairs windows were open which was strange for this time of year. It had been a mild December, but even a mild New York winter was too cold for them to just stand open. I kept my trained eyes scanning the perimeter of the area, looking for any sign of Ronald. I wondered if we were wrong—could he have gone to his own house instead of Angela’s place? Stefano had already called others to stand guard there and at his work, but this was the most logical place in my mind. I knew he was head over heels for his best friend, and he knew I was after her. He would want to warn her. It was what I would do if I was in his situation. There was still another possible option—the best option—that he was so scared he bought a plane ticket straight to Siberia and would never be heard from again.

  “There’s a car coming.” Stefano pointed and we both slumped down in our seats.

  The car pulled up to the front of the townhouse and the door opened. “District Attorney Madison…” I said angrily.

  “Steady yourself, Braden.” Stefano put a hand on my arm. “He’s smiling and laughing with his family. He doesn’t know anything.”

  I watched as District Attorney Madison, his wife, and his other daughter, Danielle walked up the steps towards the door. I didn’t see the door open before they got there, and I didn’t see anyone rush out to meet them, so I was certain Ronald wasn’t there. It was entirely possible Angela didn’t even go home after what happened between us. Ronald could have come, found the house empty, and went on his way. If that was the case, he would surely get caught in one of our nets. Nobody could hide in our city for long without someone from the Family finding them. We would just have to wait it out and see what happened. I closed my eyes for a moment and felt the weight of the whole situation descending on me. Everything that had happened was my fault, and I was going to have to live with the outcome, even if that meant Angela had to die in the process.

  Chapter 11: Angela

  An hour earlier

  The vodka had started to settle into my blood. I was vaguely aware that my parents would be coming home soon. I would have to crawl into bed and close the windows. My whole room was cold, but I didn’t care. I lit another cigarette and blew the smoke towards the window. I had been smart about men my whole life or at least Ronald was there to make sure I didn’t do something stupid and go home with an asshole like Braden. I felt tears start to well up in my eyes, but I forced them back and internalized that hurt. Why did I feel something for Braden anyway? All he had done was treat me like shit. I barely knew him and the only thing I truly liked about him—his cock—wasn’t worth the hurt he inflicted with his words and his actions. I lay there in my silent rage until I heard a noise.

  “Angela! Angela!” A voice cried out, only heard because my windows were open. There was a furious pounding at my front door.

  “Ronald? Oh shit!” I jumped up on my wobbly legs and ran down the st
airs. My fingers fumbled with the lock and I pulled the door open.

  “Angela, thank God you’re okay!” Ronald grabbed me in a hug and I stood there startled.

  “Thank God I’m okay? Where the fuck have you been? Everyone has been worried about you!” I pulled back from his embrace.

  “I’ll explain everything, but you have to come with me right now.” He grabbed my hand started pulling me towards the door.

  “Wait, I need my purse and my cell phone!” I pulled away.

  “There is no time. Angela, come on!” He grabbed my hand pulled me out the door.

  “Ronald, this isn’t your car. Where did you get it?” I asked as we got close to a dark colored sedan that had the engine running.

  “I told you, I’ll explain everything, but we have to go!” Ronald sounded desperate. I nervously slid into the passenger seat.

  He practically squealed the tires as he drove away from my townhouse. He looked scared to death. His clothes were dirty, like he had been wearing the same ones for days, and his hair was a wreck. For a man I always considered a metrosexual, he definitely did not look like the Ronald I knew. Every time we rolled up to a red light or a stop sign, his eyes darted back and forth like he was afraid the shadows were going to jump out and get him. I started to wonder if he was on some weird hallucinogen and tripping his balls off. That would explain his disappearance, his paranoia, and his unkempt appearance. He drove until we got to the edge of the city and finally pulled the car into a dark parking lot. He killed the engine and let out a long sigh. I turned my body sideways and stared at him.

  “Well?” I asked. “What the fuck is going on?”

  “Do you have a cigarette?” He asked, looking over at me.

  “I would, if you would have let me get my purse. What the hell is wrong with you, Ronald?” I implored as he twitched nervously.


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