His Unexpected Omega (The Mountain Shifters Book 3)

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His Unexpected Omega (The Mountain Shifters Book 3) Page 6

by L. C. Davis

  "You think it was Rand?" Benjamin asked, frowning.

  Kenneth shrugged. "I don't believe in coming to conclusions without all the facts, but I do know that the pair bond between me and Jesse is getting stronger by the day and if he wasn't safe, I'd feel it in here," he said, tapping his chest with his fist. "My best guess and my gut both say if we follow Rand's trail, it'll lead back to Jesse."

  Chapter 15


  Jesse opened his eyes to find a shadow across the room. He blinked a few times before Rand came into focus and he realized the beta was watching him closely. The empty beer bottles at his side didn't bode well for Rand's state of mind. He had started drinking after the attack and while the adults turned a blind eye, Jesse knew the alcohol had been the beginning of his brother's gradual journey away from himself.

  "Rand, please," he slurred, struggling to keep his head up.

  Rand stood from the chair and crossed the room. He dropped something into Jesse's lap before taking a step back.

  Jesse stared down at the gray photograph in his lap in confusion. "Who is this?" he asked, studying the features of the man in the picture. He was vaguely familiar, but his face and clothing were generic enough. The photo had obviously been taken from a distance and without his knowledge. It looked like he was outside of a gas station.

  "His name is Randall Oakley," Rand said, his voice equally slurred. "He belongs to the East Unit of the Mountain Ridge Pack, and he's one of the mercenaries Noel hired to attack us."

  Jesse looked up sharply. "Rand..."

  "He killed Laura," Rand said, his lip curling back into a snarl. "I'm gonna make sure he knows that before he dies. That this is for her."

  "It won't bring her back," Jesse cried, straining at the ropes. "You'll get yourself killed."

  "We're gonna go down fighting the way it should have been," muttered Rand. "The others will come for you. Chuck says they're already on the move. I hope your precious mate is worth it, but don't you dare shed a tear for me when I'm gone."

  "No!" Jesse sobbed, tears streaking his face as Rand moved towards the door. He slid the drawer in the desk open and pulled out a gun, loading it. "Please don't do this, Rand, please."

  "Shouldn't be long before they find you," Rand muttered, slipping the gun into his waistband. He paused in the door. "Maybe what I did was wrong, but I tried. You make sure the others know that."

  "Rand, no!" Jesse gave up on struggling against the restraints and put all his effort into one desperate mental plea, willing his brother not to walk out the door just as he had willed their father not to leave so many years ago. Just like back then, all of Jesse's longing to keep the people he loved safe and close came to nothing as the door fell shut.

  Some things never changed.

  Chapter 16


  They were so close. Kenneth could feel the presence of his omega within a few miles and all but hear his heartbeat. Just a few more minutes and Jesse would be within his reach.

  Then, he felt it. The wave of pain and pleading, nonverbal instructions as clear as writing on the wall. Turn back. Find him, please. My brother. Bring him home.

  Kenneth gritted his teeth, fighting the wave of emotion from his omega. It was tinged with Jesse's energy, as unmistakable as his scent. Barnabas stopped at his side and Benjamin soon caught up with them. The three wolves had been following Kenneth's intuition the entire journey and they had made record time. Kenneth knew they wouldn't have any trouble finding him from there. He also had a pretty good idea of where the omega was being kept.

  What's wrong? Barnabas loped over to him as Benjamin slowed to a stop not far off.

  It's Rand. I don't know how, but Jesse asked me to go after him.

  The link, Barnabas mused. It never fails.

  He's alright. There's a hotel not far from here, just off the interstate. I'm sure he's there. Get him and take him back to Dara. I'm going after Rand before the dumb kid gets himself killed.

  You know where he's headed? Barnabas asked warily.

  Kenneth nodded in the direction of the mountain's ridge looming on the dark horizon. Not hard to guess.

  Benjamin wasted no time taking off in the direction of the hotel, but Barnabas lingered. You have no obligation to go after him. Not after he tried to frame you.

  He's important to Jesse. That's obligation enough for me.

  Barnabas nodded before turning and taking off after Benjamin. Kenneth sighed and started in the other direction. Getting too old for this shit.


  Mountain Ridge territory came into view, but Kenneth could smell blood well before his paws crossed the invisible border. Under normal circumstances, betas would have surrounded him immediately, but he made it well into the forest nestled between the mountains before he so much as heard another wolf's howl.

  There was a commotion not far up ahead and Kenneth willed his tired limbs to pick up the pace. His wolf slowed as they came upon a ring of snarling alphas and a few betas surrounding a pair of much smaller betas. The young wolves reeked of fear and the biggest one's fur was just a shade darker than Jesse's. He was trapped with his back to the mountain wall and judging from the fresh blood still gushing from the neck of the fallen black wolf at his side, he had narrowly missed his chance at the revenge he had come for.

  Kenneth hoped the taste of a Mountain Ridge wolf's blood on his fangs had been worth it to Rand. The cycle was about to begin anew if those wolves surrounding him had anything to say about it.


  The whisper ran through the gathered wolves and all eyes turned on Kenneth, gleaming gold in the moonlight. A few of the betas on the outer edge of the circle backed up as Kenneth continued his steady approach, but even he was no match for seven alphas and half as many betas.

  Kenneth. Clark, the East Unit alpha emerged from the group, his eyes fixed on the older alpha until they both came to a stop a few feet away. I'm afraid you've picked a bad time.

  I didn't come for a visit, Kenneth said, nodding in the direction of Rand and the cowering yellow wolf at his side. I came for these idiots.

  I didn't ask you to do shit, the one who had to be Rand snarled. The other beta at his side wasn't so quick to turn down the rescue with his tail between his legs and his ears flat against his head.

  I know you didn't. Seems your brother inherited all the sense in the family, Kenneth shot back, turning back to Clark. These betas are under my protection.

  Clark's eyes narrowed. They're Council wolves. You don't have a pack.

  That's a matter of debate that can be settled in the presence of your Alpha.

  This doesn't require Mitchell's approval. These fools came into my territory and killed one of my betas, Clark growled. I am well within my rights as Alpha of the East Unit to put them down.

  Be that as it may, the consequences of your decision to exercise that right might be a bit further reaching than you think, Kenneth said calmly. This idiot just so happens to be the son of the former Blue River Alpha and I have a hunch it won't take another Tribunal to connect the beta he killed to the attack a few years ago. The one that happened under your watch.

  Clark shifted uneasily. Kenneth took another step forward, putting himself between the Blue River betas and the pack of wolves that were all too eager to spill their blood. You wanna demand a hearing with the Council, fine, but I'd personally recommend that you don't stir the pot if you want to remain Alpha. If you want to kill them, you'll have to go through me.

  Rand was silent until he snapped his jaws at the other beta for whimpering. Kenneth ignored them both, staring Clark down. The other alpha was the first to look away, his broad shoulders falling. Not a word of this to Mitchell and if I ever see another Blue River wolf on my territory, I'll --

  Careful who you threaten, Kenneth warned. I just so happen to be rather attached to a Blue River omega.

  Clark took a reluctant step back. Just get them off my land.

  Gladly. Soon as you tell me w
here the other one is.

  Chuck ran, Rand said, hanging his head in shame.

  Go on, then. You heard him, get your asses back over the border and so help me, if either of you stray an inch I'll rip your throats out myself, Kenneth warned, snapping at the smaller beta's flank when they failed to move fast enough. Go!

  The rescued betas took off like rockets into the woods and Kenneth shook his head. Ah, to be young again.

  Watch yourself, Ken, Clark warned, edging into the woods as the last of his wolves disappeared. And no, that wasn't a threat. That pack is nothing but trouble.

  Kenneth chuffed, turning towards the border. Tell me something I don't know.

  Chapter 17


  Jesse looked up sharply but his shoulders sagged in disappointment when Alex walked through the front door of his mother's home. Alex had loped back onto Blue River territory with his tail between his legs, both literally and figuratively, three days prior, but there was still no sign of Rand or Chuck. Kenneth had called a few times to reassure him that they hadn't gone back into Mountain Ridge territory and that Toval was keeping an eye out for them in case they got any more brilliant ideas. Besides, Kenneth reminded him, Rand had gone out for revenge against one beta in particular, and he had gotten it, for better or for worse.

  Jesse had given in and begged Kenneth to come home instead of looking, but the alpha's insistence to keep searching for another few days at least had certainly won him a few points with his soon-to-be mother-in-law.

  "Hey," Alex said softly, hesitating for Dara's approval before he sat down at the kitchen table. She was knitting a pair of gloves and looked as if she might rather put her needles elsewhere as she gave the beta a disapproving once-over. "Any news from Kenneth yet?"

  "No, the other Musketeers are still running around out there like pups," Dara said in a biting tone. She slid a plate of cookies across the table anyway. As furious as she was, she couldn't overcome her need to feed every mouth in her pack. It was part of her nature as a mother.

  Jesse had been given plenty of time to contemplate his nature after the events that had unfolded. As much as he longed to be with Kenneth and complete the mark that had left him feeling as if someone had left the door to his heart open, he was grateful for the chance to focus on his family. They would need the trust he had slowly but surely been earning again if and when Rand returned.

  "I'm sorry, Mrs. Fields," Alex said softly, looking up at Jesse over heavy blond lashes. "I'm sorry to you, too, Jess."

  "I know," Jesse said, reaching across the table to take his hand. The beta jolted in surprise, but Jesse smiled and practiced one of the skills Laura had taught him, sending a gentle wave of energy to soothe the beta's frayed nerves and reassure him of his omega's words. "You're not the only one who's made mistakes, but if we're ever going to have a future as a pack, we can't keep hiding secrets and holding grudges. That's what a pack means. It's family."

  Alex's eyes watered and he quickly looked away, but he nodded. "Thank you."

  Dara sighed. "Well, I'm glad you're finally starting to take your responsibilities seriously, but don't you dare use that omega energy on me. I'm pissed and I intend to be for quite some time."

  Jesse couldn't help but laugh. Even Alex cracked a smile, but he flinched as the front door opened.

  "Kenneth!" Jesse cried, flying up from the table and into the alpha's arms. They kissed and, for a moment, Jesse forgot they were in the presence of Alex and his mother. At least, until she pointedly cleared her throat and tapped him on the shoulder.

  "Excuse me? Don't you two think you should save something for the mating ceremony?"

  Jesse's face grew warm as he reluctantly pulled away, but Kenneth's arms remained firmly clasped around his waist. The alpha pulled his omega to his side and gave the tiny woman a patient smile. "It's good to see you again, Dara. You look lovely as ever."

  For the first time in his life, Jesse saw his mother become flustered. It passed quickly as she smoothed down her soft brown bob and returned to her seat at the table. "Well, come on in and sit down. It's freezing out there. Jesse, I know I taught you some hospitality over the years."

  Jesse bit his lip to keep from smiling as he took Kenneth's coat and poured his alpha a cup of coffee. Once they were all settled around the table, Jesse lingered at his side, afraid to pepper him with questions the moment he came in.

  "I found Rand," Kenneth announced, never one to torment a captive audience.

  Dara and Alex leaned in eagerly. "Where is he?" she asked, looking at the door. "I'll kill him. I'll hug him first, and then I'll kill him."

  Kenneth chuckled. "You might have to wait a bit longer. He's at the Silver Lake Pack for the moment."

  "What?" Dara cried. "Why?"

  "Before you kill me," Kenneth began, pulling Jesse onto his lap. The omega froze, wondering if his mother was going to tolerate the gesture of familiarity. For the time being, she seemed far more intent on what Kenneth had to say. "Let me explain. I also found Chuck and brought him back. He's with his aunt now, but Rand asked me not to make him come home."

  Dara narrowed her eyes. "Why on earth would he refuse to come back?"

  Kenneth stared at her for a moment as if trying to determine whether or not she was joking. Jesse gave a slight shake of his head and the alpha cleared his throat. "Er, let's just say he and I had a little heart to heart. He's...well, he's embarrassed to come back after everything that happened. He needs some time and I know it's your call, but I truly believe the best place for him right now is on neutral ground. The Silver Lake wolves are good at rallying around wounded wolves without bruising their egos."

  "Wounded?" Dara cried.

  "Figuratively," Kenneth added quickly. Jesse could feel a spike in his stress levels and gently stroked his hair, sending a subtle burst of calming energy through to him. It was getting easier every time he did it. He fully intended to calm Kenneth in other ways once they were alone, but energy would have to do for the moment. "May I speak freely, Mrs. Fields?"

  "Dara," she said unhappily, picking at the edge of a doily. Jesse watched in amazement that his mother was actually listening to a practical stranger. Kenneth really was an alpha. There had never been any doubt in Jesse's mind, but seeing the wolf in action, he realized just how far Noel had fallen from fulfilling that role in their pack, regardless of his birth.

  "Dara," Kenneth echoed, gentling his tone. It was no less authoritative as he spoke, telling Dara things she never would have heard from anyone else. Jesse listened intently as he spoke words of instruction and comfort at once. Rand was young and eager, but misguided in his devotion. He felt a call to protect his pack as a beta but, without the guidance of an alpha to narrow his drive and focus, he and the others had gone astray. Kenneth fully believed that Rand and Chuck understood, as Alex now did, that what they had done was wrong, but they were still full of anger and bitterness that wouldn't be healed overnight.

  Somehow, throughout it all, Kenneth managed to sound as if he was talking with an old friend rather than lecturing Dara on her shortcomings. By the end, she was silent in contemplation and Alex hadn't looked up from the table the entire time.

  "I suppose you're right," Dara said softly. It was the first time Jesse could remember hearing the words come from her lips and he had to do a doubletake just to make sure they were really moving. "Maybe cooling off at Silver Lake is the best thing for him if I..." Her voice broke as she covered her mouth. Jesse moved to settle at her side, putting a hand on her shoulder. "I've been such a terrible mother. He was in so much pain and I didn't even know."

  "It's not your fault, mom," Jesse said softly. "Ever since dad got sick, we've both been in our own worlds."

  "He's right," Kenneth said gently. "It isn't anyone's fault. The important thing now is that you can come together as a family. As a pack."

  Dara looked up, her eyes full of tears and something else Jesse hadn't seen in them since his father had died. "Yes, I think we can," she
said, straightening her spine. "Now that we've got an Alpha to guide us, I believe this pack can finally start to return to its former glory."

  Kenneth looked away and Jesse found himself torn between the two people he loved most. He wanted to reach out and comfort Kenneth, but for once, he wasn't sure it would be enough. Barnabas had chosen Benjamin.

  "I suppose that leaves us with the matter of the mark to discuss."

  "Yes, it does," Dara mused. "Fortunately, Benjamin is as understanding as he is noble."

  "I'm sure he'll make a fine Alpha," Kenneth muttered.

  "Mom, I can't be mated to Benjamin," Jesse said, forgetting his place in his panic as he moved to Kenneth's side. "I love Kenneth. He's my mate."

  "I can see that," Dara said thoughtfully. "He's also proven himself worthy as an Alpha. If he hadn't, I wouldn't have sent Benjamin back home."

  "You what?" Jesse and Kenneth both stared. Alex was gaping. Dara smiled softly and took a casual sip of her tea. If there was one thing Dara enjoyed, it was attention.

  "A mark is a mark, finished or not," she said in the prim tone Jesse was used to. "We could use a strong alpha around here, and it's clear that this pack is more work than a young man can handle. Even one as eligible as Benjamin," she said with a wistful sigh.

  Jesse and Kenneth turned to each other and the alpha tilted his head. "Are you saying what I think you are?"

  "In my roundabout way, I'm asking," Dara said, growing serious as she held Kenneth's gaze. "You saved the lives of the two people I hold dearest in this world. My Jesse's hand is yours, but I'm afraid there's a good deal of responsibility that comes with it. If you're willing to lead this pack, I welcome you into my family with open arms."

  "Absolutely." Kenneth looked down at Jesse. "That is, if that's what he wants."

  Jesse squealed with delight, unable to contain his joy as it bubbled to the surface and he threw his arms around his alpha's neck. When that failed to suffice, he pressed his lips against Kenneth's and melted into his embrace.


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