His Unexpected Omega (The Mountain Shifters Book 3)

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His Unexpected Omega (The Mountain Shifters Book 3) Page 7

by L. C. Davis

  Dara sighed heavily. "He's gone into the mountains for a few weeks and he comes back with no decorum."

  Kenneth chuckled, halfheartedly prying the omega off of him only to pull him back onto his lap. "That's alright. I'm a bit rusty on the finer points of Council etiquette myself, but I'm sure you can teach us both."

  Chapter 18


  Kenneth watched the omega stretched out on top of the blankets, his perfectly round bottom a sight for sore eyes and barely covered by the alpha's T-shirt. Kenneth decided that the sight and scent of Jesse in his clothes was just about the sexiest thing in the world, second only to him wearing nothing at all.

  Speaking of which...

  "What are you doing?" Jesse asked, looking back over his shoulder as he folded the book he was reading and placed it on the bedside table.

  "Just painting a picture," Kenneth said as a grin spread across his face.

  "Oh, yeah? Why don't you come here and make it a better one?" Jesse offered, patting the spot next to him.

  Kenneth climbed into the bed and gathered the omega into his arms. That was all the invitation he needed. Jesse melted against him and the older alpha marveled at the way his omega responded to his every caress. This time, when his hand disappeared between Jesse's legs, his mate was fully ready to receive him. Jesse still gasped softly and his lips parted as Kenneth prepared him with his fingers.

  As the alpha settled between his mate's legs, the sweet resistance of the ring of muscle at Jesse's entrance soon gave way to acceptance and Kenneth found himself buried in the other wolf's softness. Jesse's neck was soft and supple underneath his fangs and it was all Kenneth could do to quell his desire to shift and hunt his mate to place that final mark. The moon would be full soon enough, he reminded himself. If there was one thing that was worth waiting to do properly, it was that.

  Determined to take his time, Kenneth slowed his pace and allowed himself to savor every inch of his omega. What was blissful exploration for him proved to be the sweetest kind of torture for the omega writhing underneath him. Heat or no heat, Jesse made no attempt to hide his need for his alpha's knot and Kenneth wouldn't have had it any other way. His knot began to swell, locking him inside the smaller shifter. Their fingers laced as Kenneth kept Jesse pinned to the bed so he couldn't hurt himself from writhing. At first, he had worried it was Jesse's breathless attempt to get away, but the moans that escaped him soon laid those fears to rest.

  As the omega writhed beneath him, Kenneth breathed in his arousal and caught a new note in the unique bouquet of perfection that was Jesse's scent. Something soft and floral and altogether intoxicating. Before Kenneth could think about it any further, Jesse bucked underneath him, demanding further attention he was all too eager to give.

  Kenneth claimed his omega's lips and held him as he shuddered in pleasure. His own bliss followed not long after as he filled Jesse with his seed and wondered how long it would be before their union brought new life of its own.

  Jesse moaned his satisfaction and nuzzled Kenneth's neck as they settled together, the alpha's knot still tying them together. Kenneth stroked the omega's hair and studied every facet of his face while he slept before finally forcing himself to sleep with the realization that he could easily pass an eternity that way without ever noticing the passage of time.

  Chapter 19


  "Are you nervous?" asked Alex. He had mercifully agreed to help Jesse prepare for the mating ceremony while Dara ran around barking orders at every Council wolf who had the misfortune of coming into her line of sight.

  "A little," Jesse admitted, smoothing down his white tuxedo jacket. It wasn't so much the event that was making him nervous as it was the crowd of wolves gathered from all the Council lands, including the Mountain Ridge Alpha and his mate. Even then, the anxiety was a welcome distraction from the deep sadness he felt knowing that, for all the wolves who were in attendance to celebrate his union with Kenneth, Rand wouldn't be one of them.

  "You're lucky, you know," said Alex. "I don't think I've ever seen anyone look at someone the way Kenneth looks at you."

  Jesse smiled, reaching out to caress the beta's cheek. "You'll have that one day, you know."

  Alex's brow furrowed and Jesse could feel the sadness in his gaze before he turned away. "I don't know. Maybe."

  Jesse started to speak, but the words stuck in his throat. He had gotten to know Alex better in the past couple of months than he had in all the years they had spent in the same pack, and it had become increasingly clear that Alex's involvement in the ill-planned kidnapping was far more a result of his devotion to Rand than his own desire for vengeance. In lieu of any words that could ease the sense of abandonment they both shared, Jesse pulled Alex into his arms and held him tight.

  "He'll come back to us, Al," he promised, stroking the beta's long blond hair. "He loves us, but he's hurt and lost right now. He just needs time, you'll see."

  Alex hesitantly returned the embrace and Jesse could smell the faint scent of salt in the air. "Yeah," the beta said, wiping his eyes as he pulled away. "Ugh, I need to stop. This is your mating day. It's a good day."

  "Yeah," Jesse agreed, dabbing at his own eyes. "It really is." Even if his nerves had made it impossible to keep anything down all morning.

  There was a knock at the door and for the first time since they had gotten back, Alex didn't jolt at the sound. Small progress, as Kenneth was fond of saying. The door opened a crack and Cameron peeked in, grinning from ear to ear. True to his title, the verum omega's joy was always infectious and soon, Jesse found himself smiling wide.

  "Hey, Cameron."

  "You look amazing," Cameron said, slipping into the room. He hugged Jesse tightly, then Alex. "Both of you. I can't believe this day is finally here! Are you excited?"

  Jesse laughed. "Almost as excited as you," he teased.

  Cameron snickered, pausing suddenly. He tilted his head and sniffed the air, his eyes fixed on Jesse. "Are you...what's that smell?"

  Jesse unconsciously reached for his neck. "I'm wearing a bit of cologne, but --"

  "No, it's not that," Cameron said, moving closer. He hesitated. "You smell like Angel did. When he was..." The omega trailed off and his eyes widened. "Oh."

  "What?" Jesse asked, exchanging a confused look with Alex.

  "Nothing," Cameron squeaked.

  "When Angel was what?" Alex pressed.

  Cameron gave a nervous laugh. "Well, uh, I could be wrong and you should see Kaya to be sure, but you smell pregnant."

  Jesse took a moment to process the information and suddenly found the room a bit less stable than it had been. Alex caught him and helped him into a chair before he could swoon.

  "I might be wrong," Cameron said earnestly. "I'm no expert."

  "Omegas are supposed to be good at telling that sort of thing," Alex mused, watching Jesse with renewed interest.

  "Look, there's no sense in getting worked up before the wedding over something that might not even be true," Cameron said, putting a hand on Jesse's shoulder. The younger omega looked up in surprise, but soon a calming wave of energy washed over him and he nodded.

  "Yeah," he said softly, biting his lip. "It would explain why I haven't really been feeling well, though. And...I mean, we haven't had time to plan anything, but I think Kenneth would be happy."

  "Of course he would," Cameron said with a bubbly laugh. "I have to admit, it'd be nice for Laura to have someone else to play with. Mitchell and Angel's twins are a bit...uh...militaristic when it comes to make believe."

  Jesse couldn't help but laugh. "I'll keep that in mind."

  "I almost forgot," Cameron said with a twinkle in his eyes. "I came to deliver a present before the ceremony."

  "But don't we open those afterward?" Jesse asked.

  "Oh, I don't think you'll want to wait on this one," Cameron said, reaching for the door. Alex stood to follow him and the omega held up his hand. "It's sort of a present for you, too, Alex,"
he said with a mischievous tone in his voice. "Stay right here."

  With that, the omega disappeared and left Jesse and Alex alone again. Alex shrugged, stepping back as the door opened once more. Jesse stood and found his legs less than steady, but it was all he could do not to cry out and run into the "gift's" arms when he saw who it was. "Rand!"

  The older beta slipped into his room and his energy was hopeful but cautious. Jesse hoped to change that by throwing his arms around his brother's neck and squeezing as tightly as he could. Tears flowed freely down his cheeks and he felt like his heart might easily burst in his chest when Rand returned the embrace. "You came."

  "Of course I did," Rand muttered. "What kind of asshole would I be if I missed my little brother's mating ceremony?"

  Jesse pulled back to look him over, letting out a trembling sigh of relief. He had gotten reports here and there that Rand was doing well in the Silver Lake Pack, but seeing and touching him was a balm to Jesse's heart that words could never be. "You look... so..." Jesse squinted, trying to figure out what it was for a moment before he decided on, "peaceful."

  "I am," Rand murmured, looking down at the floor. "I've been working on a lot of things at Silver Lake, Jesse, and I --" He broke off, clearing his throat. "I'm so sorry, Jess. For everything I did, to you and to mom and to Kenneth. I know you have no reason to forgive me and I don't expect you to. I'm not ready to come home yet. There's still a lot I have to work on, and I'd understand if you don't even want me there when --"

  "Want you?" Jesse echoed, shaking his head. "Rand, of course I want you home. We all do, but I want what's best for you. If that means staying with the Silver Lake Pack a little longer, that's fine, but when you're ready, you will always have a home in Blue River," he said, taking the beta's hand. "You're my brother and I love you. And I also forgive you."

  Rand finally met his eyes and nodded before pulling Jesse in for another hug. "I love you, too, Jess," he said softly, his face red by the time he pulled away. "You uh, seem happy."

  "I am," Jesse said, beaming. "Especially now."

  "Kenneth...he's a good guy," Rand mumbled. "He'll take care of you."

  "He'll take care of all of us," Jesse agreed softly. "He talks about you all the time, you know. As soon as you're ready, he'll be there to welcome you back as enthusiastically as I will."

  Rand smiled a little and glanced behind him, finally noticing Alex who had moved to the corner of the room. His gaze softened as he took a step towards the other beta and hesitated. "Hey..."

  "Hey," Alex said in a choked voice.

  "I uh, wanted to talk to you. To um, apologize," Rand said, running a hand through his hair. "For, you know, getting you into all this."

  "It's okay," Alex said quickly. The way he was looking at Rand made Jesse wonder how he had ever missed the love in that gaze before. Then again, there were a lot of things he had missed. Somehow, despite all the attention he now showered on Kenneth, his union with the alpha had made it possible for him to see the very pack he had always belonged to clearer than ever before. At Kenneth's side, he felt confident that he could be the omega they all needed, even if it took him a little time to get there.

  "No, it's not," Rand said, reaching for Alex's hand as he stepped closer. "Maybe we could go somewhere, after the ceremony?"

  Alex hesitated only a moment before nodding shakily. "Y-yeah, sure."

  "We could sit together," Rand offered, clearing his throat. "Unless you uh, came with someone else."

  "No," Alex squeaked, lowering his voice. "I mean, no. Not really."

  Rand smiled. "Okay, then. You go on out, I'll join you once the ceremony gets started," he said, glancing back at Jesse. "I believe the honor of walking you to your mate falls to me. If you'll let me have it."

  Emotion welled in Jesse's throat, making it impossible for him to do anything but nod. There was nothing in the world that would make him happier than that.

  Chapter 20


  There were few times in Kenneth's life that he had ever been truly afraid. The day his pack had been raided was the first in his memory, but the fear that lingered in his nightmares had begun to fade rapidly ever since that small brown wolf had stepped out of the alpha's dreams and taken over his every waking moment. The second had been that awful moment of not knowing where Jesse was and only having the fledgling link between them to assure him that the omega was alright. The fear that plagued him as he stood at the end of the aisle, surrounded by what he was sure had to be every damn wolf in the Council, was entirely different from either of those times. This time, the fear was rooted in uncertainty of what the future held but tinged with the hope that came with knowing that no matter what was ahead, Jesse would be at his side.

  His omega. His mate. His most treasured possession and the only wolf who would ever possess him. Allen Teak might have imprisoned his body and broken his spirit, but it had taken one little omega to put it back together again and give him hope for a life he had thought was well behind him.

  As Jesse came down that aisle on his brother's arm, Kenneth's eyes burned and just this once, he wasn't even going to make some half-hearted excuse about allergies or dust in the air. If there was a single sight in the world a man was justified in getting misty-eyed over, it was the sight of his mate so close to being his in every way that mattered.

  Rand came to a stop as far as the white runner on the floor would take him and Kenneth nodded in mutual respect as he took Jesse's arm to lead him the rest of the way. Rand had come a long way over the last couple of months, and even though the young man had a ways further to go on his journey, Kenneth knew he would make a fine beta one day. His beta, and the alpha would be more than happy to let the past stay where it belonged and welcome him back into the fold when it was time.

  If anyone knew the value in forgiveness, it was Kenneth. After all, if he had chosen vengeance all those years ago with his fangs at the Mountain Ridge Alpha's throat, he wouldn't be holding his destined mate in his arms, ready to place a bite that would unite them rather than continue the cycle of bloodshed.

  The young omega, Mel, had agreed to take Kaya's place while the elder was dealing with pressing matters elsewhere and he did a commendable job of reading the old rites, but Kenneth's heart was thundering too loud in his ears to focus on the words. His attention was fixed on Jesse. If he focused, he could hear his mate's heartbeat, too, and something else just beneath it...

  Mel cleared his throat. "I said, you may claim your mate, Kenneth."

  "Right," Kenneth muttered, grinning sheepishly as a low chuckle spread around the room. He took Jesse into his arms and relished the way his mate's neck looked, bared and waiting for his bite. It wasn't customary to place a second bite in human form, but given the fact that they had already jumped the gun on tradition, Kenneth knew it was wisest to appease Dara, even if it meant going through the motions one more time. The sight of Jesse in his arms and the scent of his mate's readiness to submit to him again for all the Council to see made Kenneth decide it wasn't a half bad deal.

  Jesse let out a soft gasp as Kenneth's fangs broke the surface of his skin. There was no need to bite deeply this time. The mark had already begun, and soon he would claim his mate's flesh in their beastforms under the full moon. Still, he relished the few drops of Jesse's blood that rose to the surface before gently helping him to his feet.

  The reception was a blur of congratulations and enough socializing to make Kenneth long for his cabin in the middle of the woods. Jesse had already assured him that they might have to live with the pack, but there was no reason they couldn't get away from time to time, starting with their honeymoon.

  After a brief dance with his mother-in-law, Kenneth managed to extract his mate from the crowd of omegas who were congratulating him and marveling over the ring on his finger. It was a human convention Kenneth's pack had always observed and his way of honoring their memories with the ceremony. That night marked a merger of their two packs in spirit, Jesse had
reminded him on more than one occasion.

  When they finally made it out to the open field, Kenneth breathed a sigh of relief both to be under the light of the full moon and away from the crowd. The sight of Jesse stripping down in front of him, his smooth skin aglow in the moonlight, made the deal that much sweeter.

  Kenneth resisted the urge to take his mate into his arms, knowing that if he got a taste for his human flesh, they might well never get to the mate marking. Jesse was the first to shift, taking him by surprise, but Kenneth took off after him and his paws hit the ground running. Being around the young omega had a way of energizing him and reminding him that he wasn't quite as old as his soul liked to think it was.

  The thrill of the hunt soon mingled with jubilation and Kenneth found himself hanging back a bit just to prolong it. There was something about closing in on his mate and knowing that Jesse longed to be claimed even though adrenaline and instinct were pushing him to make it a challenge that made the old ritual all the more intriguing. The scent of Jesse's desire spurred his wolf on like never before and by the time he caught him, Kenneth had worked up an even greater thirst.

  Jesse's wolf yelped in surprise but quickly flattened itself on the ground in submission, allowing his mate to explore his scent and nuzzle his fur. Kenneth pressed his nose into the omega's neck and breathed deeply. The difference in his scent was even more noticeable as a wolf, but it was too alluring for Kenneth to delay the mark any further. Jesse squirmed beneath him, a silent plea for what they both wanted. Kenneth gently took the nape of his mate's neck in his fangs and relished the unique pleasure that came with that first rush of blood. Jesse whimpered but laid still. The pain would only last for a moment, but the closeness it would weave between them would last forever.


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