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The Lost Tribe of Coney Island

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by Claire Prentice

  US government on, 6, 60, 101–2, 116, 123

  Philippine Commission, 43, 181, 220, 311

  phonograph recording incident, 117

  Pinkerton, Allan, 264

  Pinkerton, Robert, 264, 266

  Pinkerton, William

  background/description, 263, 264

  Hunt escaping and, 265–66

  looking for Hunt, 265–66, 268–69

  photo, 263

  Pinkerton Detective Agency office, 263

  Pinkerton detectives

  Coney Island and, 62

  Hunt kidnapping Igorrotes and, 254

  looking for Hunt, 244, 248

  Ponci, Fomoaley

  on America, 338

  description, 13

  interview for Independent, 98–101, 102

  journey to America, 13, 18, 22, 25–26, 28

  as leader, 13

  Luna Park, 72, 73–74, 87, 95–96

  traveling to New York, 42, 45, 47–48, 53–54, 55, 59

  See also Igorrotes; and specific locations

  Post Standard, 103–4

  postcards, souvenir postcards, 67, 81

  Potter, Myrtle, 16, 26, 53, 124, 128, 336

  Powell (Hunt lawyer), 296

  Prescott (Hunt lawyer), 296, 301

  Pucuan (Igorrote)

  in court, 163

  death/burial, 170–72, 275

  Quinn (Hunt’s business associate), 226–27, 229, 250, 253

  Reed, William, 180

  Reynolds, William, 108, 109, 110

  Ridgway, James W., 133, 140

  Ringling Brothers circus, 54, 130, 327

  Riverview Park, Chicago

  description, 210

  Igorrote witnesses moved to, 268–69

  Schneidewind and Igorrotes, 208, 211–12, 268

  Romans, W. P., 48

  Roosevelt, Alice, 80

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, 334

  Roosevelt, Theodore, xxi, 6, 60, 80, 262

  Sadoy (Igorrote), 215, 323

  Sans Souci amusement park, Chicago, 210, 211, 219, 221

  Barker and, 220–33

  Callahan and, 244–45

  conditions, 213–19, 222, 224–25, 228, 231–32, 244

  dog killing/eating, 232

  government as custodian, 244, 245–47

  Hunt/Woolf argument and, 223

  Hunt’s legal problems and, 213–19, 221–32

  intimidation of Igorrotes, 244

  Johnson inspecting village, 214–18

  location of Igorrotes, 213, 218, 219

  Schneidewind taking over Igorrotes, 232–33, 233, 244, 268

  Schneidewind visiting, 212–13

  wedding ceremony (sham), 215, 323

  Sargent, F. P., 242, 243–44

  Schneidewind, Richard

  after exhibitions, 320

  background, 209, 212, 318–19

  background with Hunt, 118, 191, 212

  Gabina/Dick and, 209, 320

  photo, 188

  Samoan Village exhibition, 320

  Selma and, 320

  smuggling and, 318–19

  visiting Hunt’s exhibition, 212–13

  Schneidewind, Richard, and Igorrotes

  Antero and, 189–90, 209, 212, 276, 323

  Chutes Park, Los Angeles, and, 188–90, 209

  continuing exhibits/scandal, 318–20, 322

  correspondence with McIntyre, 190–91

  Felder and, 118, 188, 191, 213, 214

  government inspecting village, 188–90

  Igorrotes’ return to Philippines, 272

  Lewis and Clark Exposition, Portland, Oregon, 118

  looking for Hunt, 235, 237–38, 239, 245–46

  offer to Balinag, 276, 313

  Riverview Park, Chicago, 208, 211–12, 268

  Strong and, 322

  taking over Sans Souci Igorrotes, 232–33, 244, 268

  treatment of Igorrotes, 208–10

  Scott, Cyril, 117–18

  Seaside Park map, xiii

  Seattle Daily Times, 8, 40, 42, 48, 50–51, 53, 54

  Secret Service, 236

  Seidenadel, Carl, 268–69, 316, 324

  Shelby County Courthouse, Memphis, 278, 278, 280

  See also US government prosecution of Hunt, Memphis

  Shelby County Jail, Memphis, 270, 278–80

  Short-O cooking oil ad, 103

  Simonton, F. M., 160–62

  Smiddy (detective), 308–9

  Spanish-American War, xxi, xxiv, 4, 69, 78, 153, 178, 272, 279

  St. Louis Exposition (1904)

  debate on Igorrote clothing, 6

  Hunt and Igorrotes, 1, 5–6, 132, 151, 179, 180, 181

  Hunt not paying Igorrotes, 151, 180

  Hunt’s future plans, 181

  Igorrotes and, 1, 5–6, 7, 8, 42–43, 132, 151, 179, 180, 181

  Philippine Reservation, xxii, 5

  US interest in Igorrotes and, xxii–xxiii

  St. Louis Globe Democrat, 134

  State of Tennessee v. Truman Hunt, 280–91

  State, War, and Navy Building, 177, 177

  Steeplechase Park map, xii

  Storyville and Igorrotes, 182–83

  Strong, Friday

  after Hunt, 321–22

  in America (1905), 48–49, 59, 63–64, 66, 76–77, 79, 82, 139, 167

  background/description, 4, 14, 54, 77, 78

  journey to America, 11, 13–14, 17–18, 24, 28

  mirror of, 14, 28, 63–64

  in orphanage, New York, 321

  pet dog of, 14, 22, 77

  at St. Louis Exposition (1904), 7, 14

  See also Igorrotes; and specific locations

  Sutherland, William Alexander, 243–44, 253, 254


  Description, 241

  See also White City amusement park, Syracuse

  Syracuse Lakeshore and Northern Trolley Company, 241

  Taft, William Howard

  becoming president, xxi

  Frank McIntyre and, 178

  Philippines and, xxi, 101–2, 116, 123

  Tainan (Igorrote)

  after Hunt, 322

  in America, 49, 59, 66, 242–43, 253, 254, 316

  description, 3, 274–75

  dreams/plans of, 14

  Hopkins and, 108

  journey to America, 11, 13–14, 24, 25, 41

  with Schneidewind’s group, 322

  ship’s cat and, 25

  singing and, 3, 242, 288, 312

  as witness against Hunt, 262, 268, 288

  See also Igorrote witnesses against Hunt; Igorrotes; and specific locations

  Taliaferro, Mabel, 325

  Tampa Morning Tribune, 161

  Tanao (Igorrote), 272

  Terrell (governor of Georgia), 152

  Texas State Fair, 148–50

  Thompson, Frederic

  background, 34–35

  Blue Grotto, Nashville fair, 34–35

  description, 32–33, 34, 37, 65, 67

  Dundy relationship, 37

  first meetings with Dundy, 35–36

  Hippodrome and, 31, 32–33, 37–38, 82

  Hunt’s arrest and, 131

  later life/death, 325–26

  Luna Park attractions and, 26–27, 32, 33, 36–37, 39, 61–62, 69–70, 82, 95, 108–9

  Trip to the Moon attraction, 35–36

  See also Dundy, Elmer “Skip”; Luna Park; Luna Park and Igorrotes

  Tilyou, George

  background, 36

  on Coney Island, 61

  Steeplechase Park and, 86, 108

  Tongai, Ellis, 319

  Treaty of Manila (1946), 337

  A Trip to the Moon attraction, 35–36, 62–63, 70

  Twain, Mark, 6

  Ulapan, Takhay, 323, 324

  US government

  Schneidewind and Igorrotes and, 319–20

  See also Philippines and US presence

  US government and Hunt

  costs and, 268, 293, 311
/>   debate on, 236

  ending prosecution, 311

  newspaper clippings on Hunt/Igorrotes, 192, 253

  See also Hunt, Truman, and US government; and specific individuals

  US government prosecution of Hunt, Memphis

  charges, 279–80

  first case, 280–89

  Hunt’s sentences, 289, 291

  judge’s reversal/Hunt’s release, 303–5

  new interpreter use, 297–98

  racism and, 268, 281, 289, 299, 300, 301, 302

  reason for using Memphis, 268

  religion and, 280–81, 282, 283–84, 287, 289, 291, 300

  retrials and, 292–94, 296–305, 296

  second case, 290–92

  Shelby County Courthouse, 278, 278, 280

  Vogue, 103

  Voorhees, Magistrate, 127, 131–33

  Wakefield, John, 45–46

  Washington Post, 250

  Whitaker, C. C., 160

  Whitaker, E. S., 178, 182, 184

  White City amusement park, Syracuse

  description, 241–42

  group members, 242

  naming, 241

  Syracuse mayor and, 242–43

  Tainan and, 242–43

  White City, Chicago, 210–11

  Whitney, Harry Payne, 32, 80

  Wilkins, George/Adele

  Hunts staying with, 65, 93, 94

  See also Groyss, Adele von

  Williams, Lizzie, 298–99

  Wingfield, Jacob, 334, 335

  Winnipeg, Happyland Park, 238–39

  Winnipeg Telegram, 234

  Winslow, Erving, 182

  Wolff (judge), 263

  Wonderland Park, Milwaukee, 234–35

  Woolf, Leonard

  Hill and Hunt and, 222–23, 226–28, 231

  Sans Souci and, 222, 244

  Worcester, Dean

  death, 329

  government position/career, 19–20, 179, 329

  Hunt relationship, 19–20, 179

  Hunt’s bond and, 20, 179–80

  Hunt’s contract, 20, 160, 180–81

  Hunt’s exhibition plans and, 20, 179–80, 185

  miner on Hunt and, 181

  Schneidewind and, 190

  Wotherspoon, George, 113

  Ygnichen, Falino

  description, 4

  illness/death, 46–47, 51, 52–53, 171, 172, 275

  journey to America, 12, 27, 29–30

  See also Igorrotes




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