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Harlequin Intrigue June 2015 - Box Set 1 of 2: To Honor and To ProtectCorneredUntraceable

Page 52

by Debra

  Two waiters brought out trays of food, setting plates before each of them. “My wife was going to join us, but she’s not feeling well because of the rough waters.” Cady was referring to the empty chair. “Please go ahead and eat.”

  Evan was a few bites into his delicious meal of eggs, bacon and fruit when Christopher Cady walked in. When he saw Evan and Juliet his expression turned from bored to irritated to smug.

  “You wanted to see me, Father?”

  Evan saw Juliet’s fork hesitate halfway up to her mouth. Did Cady expect her to apologize to Christopher? She would do it to save the case, but Evan wasn’t sure he could stomach it. He reached over and grasped her free hand.

  “Mr. Cady—”

  Cady held out a palm to silence Evan.

  “Christopher, I was just speaking to Bob and Lisa about what happened last night.”

  The younger Cady could barely tear his gaze away from Juliet to answer. “A misunderstanding, Father. I’m sure Lisa did not mean any harm by what happened.”

  “I’m sure you’re right. You, on the other hand, I cannot speak so confidently about.”

  Now Vince had Christopher’s attention. A growing awareness of his father’s feelings about the situation dawned over his dark features. And he wasn’t happy about it.


  “Christopher, I want you to apologize to Mrs. Sinclair for your behavior last night.” Vince cut him off without even waiting to hear the rest of the excuse.

  At first Evan thought Christopher would refuse, defying his father. But then he turned stiffly to Juliet. “Please accept my apology. It was never my intention to hurt or frighten you in any way.”

  Juliet nodded, but didn’t say anything. There wasn’t anything she really could say. Christopher returned her nod and turned to leave, but Vince stopped him.

  “I want you to apologize to Mr. Sinclair, too. After all, it was his wife you traumatized.”

  Evan caught Juliet’s concerned gaze. She knew, as he did, that this was going too far. Evan didn’t understand all the dynamics between father and son, but obviously there was some sort of power struggle going on.

  Evan had not expected—or wanted—an apology from Christopher. Neither had Juliet. The best both of them had hoped for was just not having to abandon the case because of what had happened. Evan wasn’t sure what buttons Vince wanted to push with Christopher, but wished it didn’t involve him and Juliet.

  “Mr. Cady. That’s not necessary. Truly.” Evan tried to defuse the situation.

  “Oh, I think it is,” Cady replied, while casually eating his breakfast. Obviously, putting his son in this humiliating situation didn’t bother him at all. The opposite, in fact.

  Christopher stared at his father for a long moment, then finally turned to Evan. “Then my apologies to you also, Mr. Sinclair.”

  The words were calm, but his gaze murderous. Evan wasn’t sure if Christopher directed the sentiment toward him or toward his father, but knew he’d just made an enemy.

  But this wasn’t Evan’s first enemy. It wouldn’t be his last.

  Vince evidently decided his son’s lessons in humility were over, because he didn’t stop him as he turned again to leave.

  “There, glad we got that settled,” the drug lord said as he took another bite of his eggs Benedict.

  “Well, thank you for understanding, Mr. Cady,” Juliet said to him. Evan noticed she wasn’t really eating, just pushing her food around on the plate. He didn’t blame her. He’d lost the taste for his.

  “Vince, please, Lisa. Call me Vince.”

  “Vince.” Juliet smiled at the older man, but the smile didn’t reach her eyes. Her instincts were right. Vince Cady wasn’t to be trusted.

  Cady lifted his water glass. “Here’s to a fruitful business partnership for years to come.”

  Juliet and Evan both lifted their glasses. Evan gave his own silent toast: Here’s to the day we take you and your entire enterprise down, you bastard.

  The clinking of glasses was sweet to his ears.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The auction late that afternoon wasn’t very different from other ones for art or antiques. It certainly wasn’t like the cattle auctions Evan had been to a few times as a child, with a guy up front speaking very rapidly and with a Southern accent. This was much more subdued.

  Some people were here bidding on items for themselves that they would either keep or sell later. Others were representatives of a specific buyer. They were authorized to bid up to a certain amount and no more. Bidding was tricky; definitely an art form.

  Acquiring the drone override codes would be difficult. Although not everyone would be bidding on them, there were at least three parties who were here specifically to do so, Evan knew. Omega had given him and Juliet an unlimited ceiling for bidding for the codes. After all, Omega would recoup the money when Cady was arrested and his accounts frozen in the next few months, after Evan had a chance to glean as much information as possible about the drug lord’s associates and suppliers.

  Keeping the codes from reaching the streets was critical, but just as important was figuring out how and from whom Cady had gotten them in the first place. That’s why Omega hadn’t just taken the drone codes by force. They needed Cady’s connection inside the military. Undercover work was the only way to figure out who that was. If Evan and Juliet didn’t win the codes in the auction, then Omega would have to move much more drastically. Figuring out Cady’s supplier would no longer be an option. It was better if Evan and Juliet could just buy the codes. Their cover would remain intact to use as long as possible.

  Never burn a cover if you didn’t have to.

  But bidding was a skill. Going in with an extremely high bid would do nothing but throw suspicion on Evan and Juliet. They would need to use all their cunning in the bidding process. Win, but make sure it looked close.

  Evan was ready to get this all over with. There were just too many unknowns on the yacht. Things he couldn’t control. The situation with Vince that morning was just plain weird. Christopher had seemed ready to kill them at any moment. And Heath Morel being here had Juliet in a frenzy.

  Potential for disaster abounded. And although Juliet thus far had held up pretty well, better than most people would have under the circumstances, Evan wanted to get her off this ship and back in a situation where they had more control. Maybe not the upper hand, but at least a hand. Right now it felt as if he was trying to do everything with both hands tied behind his back.

  Not to mention the storm had really picked up and was rocking the yacht, even with its powerful stabilizers, all over the place. Almost everyone had a slightly green tinge.

  Evan looked around for various items as the auction continued, some art of questionable origins, and weapons, both legal and illegal. These weren’t what Evan and Juliet were here for, although every once in a while they would bid on something just to shake things up a bit.

  Another piece of artwork came up for auction. Juliet sipped at the champagne a waiter, struggling to keep glasses upright on his tray, had provided. “I’m going to bid on that,” she murmured.

  Evan turned to study it more closely. “Why? Do you know something about it I don’t?” She had learned a lot in the past year as an analyst, Evan knew. She had deep knowledge of many more cases than just the ones Evan worked on. Perhaps this piece of art held some importance.

  “I know it’s hideous.”

  He looked over to find her smiling at him. “And that’s why you want to buy it?”

  “Yeah, you could hang it in your bathroom.”

  Evan grasped her hand and linked their fingers together. He gazed at the painting more closely. It really was ugly.

  “Um, yeah. Maybe we should pass on that. Save us the paperwork and explanations later.”

  “Oh, all right. I’m disappointed.”

  Evan smiled to see Juliet relaxed enough to make a joke. Keeping a firm grip on reality was important when undercover. Despite the misha
p with Christopher last night, she seemed to have rebounded quite well.

  “You’re doing great.” Evan leaned over and kissed her temple, whispering the words in her ear. “Hang on just a few more hours and we’ll be done here. You’re amazing.”

  Juliet smiled at him crookedly. He knew she didn’t believe him. He wished he could make her realize how amazing she really was.

  The bid for the drone codes came up, drawing Evan’s attention away from Juliet. This was it.

  The bidding started slowly. Everyone’s attention focused on this big-ticket item regardless of whether they were bidding or not. Evan could see Vince Cady watching the proceedings closely.

  A pair of Ukrainian buyers were their biggest competition, according to the rumors Evan had heard over the past day. They were buying for themselves, leaving clear ideas of their intent. To do as much damage as possible to their enemies, which included the United States.

  Right now the Ukrainians were being bid up by a young man with a Caribbean accent Evan had met briefly. He knew this was just a Hail Mary for the younger man. He had no real shot at winning.

  Juliet was in charge of bidding for them. She sat, looking almost bored, as the action continued, not putting in a bid at all.

  “Planning to jump in at some point?” Doing nothing made Evan nervous.

  “I have a plan. Just simmer down.” Juliet winked at him.

  Evan sat back in his chair. He didn’t exactly relax, but one thing he had learned was that when Juliet had a plan, it was almost always a good one. He kept telling her to trust herself. Now was his chance to show her that he trusted her, too.

  Juliet did nothing as the Ukrainians continued to bid, forcing Caribbean Accent out of the running. Evan thought surely she would jump in then, but it was Heath Morel who bid instead.

  Juliet tensed, but didn’t say or do anything. She and everybody else watched as the bidding went back and forth like a Ping-Pong match between the Ukrainians and Morel. Evan wanted to prod her to get in there, but forced himself not to.

  Juliet could handle this.

  The bidding slowed down and began growing in increments of five thousand dollars rather than the twenty thousand just moments before. Juliet made her play. She raised her hand to get the auctioneer’s attention and made a bid one hundred thousand dollars above the current price.

  A collective gasp echoed through the sitting area. Cady grinned, all but rubbing his hands together. Morel turned to glare at Juliet, and Evan slipped an arm around her shoulders for support.

  The bidding was now too high for Morel. He stormed out of the room. The Ukrainians bid again, five thousand higher than Juliet’s huge bump. She countered with fifty thousand dollars more.

  No gasps this time, just silence. Juliet had obviously proved herself as the person to be beat in this auction. Evan turned to watch the Ukrainians argue with each other in short, quiet barks. One obviously wanted to keep bidding. The other recognized the truth: Juliet was going to win.

  She’d handled it perfectly. Throwing around the exact amount of money to stop the bidding cold. Letting the others know she was serious, but not seeming wasteful. As she’d told him, she’d had a plan. And it had worked.

  The Ukrainians finally shook their heads at the auctioneer. He asked for any other offers, waited a few moments, then closed the bidding. Juliet now owned the drone override codes.

  Evan’s relief was palpable. Their biggest obstacle had just been overcome. Cady walked up to congratulate them, Christopher by his side.

  “Well bid, my dear,” Vince said, holding out his hand to Juliet. She gave it to him, but instead of shaking it, he brought it to his lips.

  Evan could see Juliet didn’t like the feel of Cady’s lips on her skin, but she held it together.

  “Thank you, Vince. Sometimes it just takes a woman’s touch.”

  “And a very deft one it was. Although it seems like you’ve made some other people quite unhappy.”

  Evan noticed that Christopher had inched closer to Juliet. Evan wasn’t sure whether it had been done on purpose or not, but he still didn’t want the younger man anywhere near her. Evan slipped an arm around her and pulled her against him, farther from Christopher.

  “Some people are sore losers,” he told Vince.

  “I’d like to know some more about the people you buy for,” Vince said, while leading them toward the dining area. Now that the bidding was complete, dinner would be served. Although it looked as if neither Morel nor the Ukrainians had much of an appetite. They were nowhere to be found.

  “We buy for different people at different times,” Evan told Vince.

  “But none of our clients like us to talk about them.” Juliet smiled charmingly at the Cadys.

  “And that is why you are so good at what you do.” Vince returned Juliet’s smile, but his was much more calculating. This had probably been a test to see if the Sinclairs kept their heads, and their mouths shut, even when feeling a little cocky, having just come off a win.

  “It’s a shame you’ve been out of the game for so many months,” Christopher said.

  Juliet wrapped her arm more tightly around Evan as the boat rocked again, and looked up at him. “Bob and I just needed some time to ourselves.”

  “And why was that?” Christopher asked.

  Evan didn’t know why the man was pushing this point, but was determined not to give him anything to use against them. “Everybody needs a break sometimes. Plus, can you blame me for wanting to spend more time with someone this beautiful?” He bent down and kissed Juliet’s cheek.

  Vince chuckled. Christopher seemed less amused. “Yes, if I had someone so lovely I would never let her out of my sight,” he responded stiffly. “Excuse me.”

  Christopher walked toward some of the other guests.

  “Ignore my son. Maria spoiled him as a child and he has not had such good luck with the ladies,” Vince told them. “He lived in Europe until recent months, near his mother’s family. He’s had a difficult time adjusting to American culture.”

  Evan winked at Vince. “Not everyone can be as charming and witty as you and I, Vince. Know what I mean?”

  Juliet rolled her eyes. Vince chuckled ruefully. “Well, he is my son. Someday all of this gets handed down to him, so I’m trying to teach him as much as possible.” He looked toward where Christopher had stormed off. “But often it’s difficult.”

  Evan slapped Vince on the back. As both Bob Sinclair and Evan Karcz, he was thrilled that they’d won the auction, and wasn’t afraid to show it. “Ah, kids today. What are you going to do? Let’s get a drink.”

  They enjoyed dinner, sitting again at Vince’s table. Evan told stories of growing up in Virginia and the trouble he’d gotten into as a kid. Almost all the stories were true, just with names changed or certain facts left out. That was always the best bet when working undercover. Keep your stories as close to the truth as possible. The fewer lies to remember the better.

  His lightness caused Vince to open up a little, which was what Evan had hoped. Although the older man didn’t say anything they would directly use against him when the eventual arrest and prosecution occurred, they were one step closer to entering Cady’s inner circle. It wouldn’t happen today, maybe not anytime soon, but eventually Evan would be the one to bring this bastard down.

  And a friendly dinner with lots of laughs didn’t make Evan forget that. Vince Cady was a criminal. Had killed, at the very least indirectly, through his sales. But probably directly, as well.

  “Shall we head back to my cabin? I can present you with the drone override codes, which I’m sure you’ll want to authenticate. Then you can transfer the money.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Evan met Juliet’s eyes as she glanced at him sharply. This would be the opportunity for them to get a message to Omega—coordinates letting headquarters know exactly where they were, in case emergency extraction became necessary, although it didn’t look as if it would. He and Juliet had done pretty damn we
ll on their own. But they hadn’t checked in for over twenty-four hours. Evan knew Juliet’s brothers were worried.

  “Sure, Vince, let’s do it.” Juliet smiled and put her napkin down next to her plate.

  Evan stood and helped her with her chair. She took his arm and they followed Vince out of the dining area, stumbling slightly at the rough seas.

  Angry eyes drilled into their backs as they left the room. Could be the Ukrainians, could be Heath Morel, could be Christopher. The list of people angry with them grew by the hour.

  Vince’s cabin was much larger and more elaborate than theirs. The sleeping space was tucked away from sight and a sitting area with beautiful views and a private deck took up over half the room. Two guards stood just outside the door. No one got in or out without them noticing.

  Cady motioned for them to sit in the chairs, left for just a moment, then returned with a briefcase in hand. “Here you are, as promised. The drone override codes.”

  Cady undid the clasps, revealing a computer attached to the outer casing. It was obviously military grade or something damn close. He typed in a few passwords and the specs of a drone appeared on the screen, as well as a number underneath.

  “I assume whoever you’re buying for already has access to the Department of Defense mainframe. Without that, these codes won’t be of much use. I can, of course, provide that for your client, but it would be a separate charge and would take a little more time.”

  Juliet took the briefcase from Cady, smiling ruefully. “It’s not our first time playing in the big leagues, Vince. We’ll take care of the DOD mainframe for our client.” She made a tsking noise.

  The drug lord chuckled, obviously charmed by her. “Just checking, Lisa. I never miss out on an opportunity to make money.”

  “I don’t blame you. Sometime you’ll have to tell me how a businessman like you can get access to the DOD mainframe.”

  “It’s always who you know, my dear. Always who you know.”


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