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The girl most likely to…

Page 27

by Susan Donovan

  Carrie's pulse tripped. This was exactly why she'd opted for a job in health-care policy instead of clinical work. Clinical work required her to touch everyone who came to her for help, no matter how frightening or dirty or wretched they were. Her mind spasmedshe'd taken the Hippocratic oath as a physician and this was a human being who needed her help, but, honestly, she wanted to bolt.

  For a long moment, she stared at him.

  Did you come to sit for me, darling? he asked.

  I am going to call an ambulance, she said, getting out her cell phone.

  Wait! Virgil tried to push himself up to a stand. Carrie waited to make sure he didn't fall, and was grateful that he'd managed on his own. I was just catching my breath. I'm going in right there. Virgil pointed a shaky finger toward the house behind him, a beautiful two-story bungalow that Carrie had often admired in her visits to Persuasion.

  I've been invited to dinner in there. Would you mind helping me up the sidewalk?

  A white envelope sat on top of what looked like a stack of photo albums. /For My Darling Daughter/ was written in shaky handwriting in the same blue ink. Kat picked it up, a million questions fighting to get attention in her head, the first one being, This is for me? She'd said it out loud.

  It is, Cliff said.

  How do you know my mother? Kat asked, and somewhere in the bottom of her gut, she knew the answer.

  Look through everything. All your questions will be answered.

  Kat picked up the first photo album and cracked open the plastic cover.

  This couldn't be. The first page was filled with photos of Aidan as a baby. In fact, she recognized many of them. Either she or Phyllis had taken them. Kat was shocked and looked up to Aidan with a sense of helplessness.

  What in the hell is going on? Aidan asked. He dropped to his knees next to Kat and she grabbed his leg.

  Look through this one. She handed it to Aidan and picked up the nextAidan's kindergarten graduation, Kat in a sun hat in the backyard helping Phyllis with the roses, several Ocean City vacations…

  She knew about me, Aidan said, whipping through the album in his hand.

  Phyllis must have sent these to her.

  Kat thought she would faint. She picked up the last album and started with the final page, crammed with photos of Aidan's lacrosse matches.

  Kat began to sob. I don't understand, she wailed, looking up to Cliff.

  What is all this shit? I don't get it! Phyllis knew my mom?

  Cliff nodded gently. She sent pictures to Rita through the years, so Virgil would never know. You'll have all the time in the world to go through the albums, but you should probably read the letter. He caressed Kat's shoulder.

  Kat tried to tear open the flap but ripped the entire envelope in her anxiety.

  I'll do that for you, hon, Nola said.

  Kat gladly handed it over, then accepted the three-page handwritten letter Nola handed back. Kat stared at it, her eyes swimming and her whole body shaking. Read it for me, please. She handed it back to Nola.

  Aidan's arm went around Kat. He pulled her to her feet and took her to the sofa. He sat on one side of her and Riley sat on the other. She clutched at both of them as everyone found a place to sit. Jeff and Richard brought dining chairs into the living room for Cliff and Barbara. Nola propped herself on the arm of the love seat, directly in front of Kat.

  Wait. I need a beer, Matt said. He was back in seconds, but Nola greeted him with a glare when he returned. She cleared her throat. ?My Dear Daughter,' Nola read aloud. You do want me to read aloud, right?

  Kat nodded, so stunned she wasn't sure she'd hear a word of it. ?This letter is an apology and an explanation. I hope you read it in good health. ?I did some very stupid things in my life. First off, I did not tell you the truth when you were a child, and I suppose you've lived all this time knowing something was wrong, but you couldn't put your finger on it. Forgive me, Katharine. I was ignorant and so afraid, and now I'm going to be facing my maker soon and I don't have the strength to come see you in person. That's why I'm writing this down. I will give it to your aunt Rita to give you, once I'm gone.'

  Nola looked up. You OK, hon?

  Kat blinked. She turned to Riley, hoping he'd have the answer to that question.

  Do you want to go on, Kat? he asked her.

  She nodded.

  Nola continued.?Your real father was a very nice young man from Cumberland, Maryland'

  Wowholy shit! Nola shouted. Sorry, that part was mine.

  Kat's eyes flew to Cliff. He smiled at her. Kat felt the strangest combination of rage and relief begin to churn inside her. ?I met him at the Randolph County Fair when I was a junior in high school. He was there with a group of students, and he came back often to see me. By my senior year I was pregnant with his child. Virgil Cavanaugh was older and smarter than me, a visiting lecturer at the college, and he married me even though I was pregnant with another man's baby. But I paid a high price. He never let me forget that he took me in when no one else would have me. He used it against me all of our marriage. For whatever reason, I was never able to give him his own child, and it enraged him. When you were four years old, Virgil caught me answering a phone call from your real father. That's when the hitting started. What was I supposed to do? Your real father was married with a family of his own and it wasn't true love between us, anyway. I had nowhere to go. No job. No place to live. I decided to stay and take whatever Virgil dished out so that you'd have a home.'

  Kat squeezed her eyes shut. She felt Aidan and Riley tight against her sides, which was a good thing, because she really thought she might shatter into a million pieces if they weren't there.

  Nola stopped reading. Maybe I should end it here. Her question was directed to Riley, but Kat raised her head.

  Let's hear it all, she said.

  Nola cleared her throat and continued. ?I know I made the wrong choice. I should have grabbed you and taken my chances in the world. My dear daughter, forgive me. I was a scared woman when Virgil married me, and I stayed scared all my life. ?You may have already figured this out, but it's no accident that Cliff Turner picked you up on Route Three. Cliff is your real daddy, Kat. Rita called him the instant I sent you away and told him to get here as fast as he could and find you and get you out of town. Cliff's wife didn't know about you until recently. She was very understanding. And, as you can imagine, I feel indebted to Phyllis. I know she was a better mother to you than I could ever be.'

  Those are nice things for her to say, Barbara whispered.

  Does this go on much longer? Erin asked.

  Where's the bathroom? asked Stephanie. Rachel got her started down the hallway. ?I bet you've always been amazed at how lucky you were that Cliff picked you up that night. You /were/ lucky, but not for the reasons you thought. You were real lucky that nobody picked you up before Cliff got there and that your real daddy cared enough to make sure you were safe.

  You were always loved, Katharine. You were always wanted. My beautiful grandson was always wanted, too.'

  My God, Aidan said with a sigh.

  Rachel went over to him and sat at his feet. ?If you're reading this, it means I'm dead and you somehow got my things without Virgil standing in the way. If it was Rita who managed this, then God bless her. She's really not so bad, Kat. She was scared of Virgil, same as me. ?Now let me tell you about Rileyhe's turned out to be a fine man and a wonderful doctor. He's taken real good care of me. Now, I've wanted to tell him for years about you and your boy, but I never did because I knew if Riley brought you back to Persuasion, Virgil would try to get his hands on Aidan. I probably made a mistake with that, too, and I hope someday you'll find a place in your heart to forgive me and all my weaknesses. I know I was real weak. ?Love, Mother.'

  The silence was shattered by Loretta's howl.

  Somebody put her outside, please, Riley said, his eyes on Kat. Matt excused himself and came back promptly, a fresh beer in hand.

  Cliff began to speak, but Kat's hand
flew up to stop him. Nobody say a word. I need to sort this out. The first person she turned to was Aidan, still right next to her. He looked surprisingly cool. Are you all right? she asked him.

  He nodded. Are you?

  Kat thought about that for a second, and then she shook her head. No, I'm not all right. I'm just… amazedamazed that my life has been nothing but a big stinking pile of lies, from day one. Everyone kept the truth from me because they thought they were doing me a favor! My God!

  How stupid can people be!

  Cliff tried to interrupt, but Kat wouldn't have it. You! she cried. You knew all along that I was your daughter, but you didn't have the guts to tell me?

  Cliff's face fell and he looked toward Barbara. My life was a lie, too, Kat. I hated not being able to share that with you, but I swore to your mother that I would never say anything. She never budged on that, even after I came clean to Barbara and there was no reason to hide it anymore.

  Kat nodded. I see.

  Cliff inclined his head toward the letter still dangling in Nola's hand.

  BettyAnn always said she'd tell you in her own way someday, and about a month before she died, she told me about the letter she wrote and that she'd packed it up along with other mementos and gave the cartons to Rita for safekeeping. So when you told me you'd come back to Persuasion, I figured it was only a matter of time until you knew.

  Kat felt numb.

  So Virgil is not my father. Kat's head hung with the weight of that news. It was pure relief. It explained why he'd never loved hershe wasn't his and his wife couldn't give him a child of his own. He'd seen Kat as a burden. And none of it was ever her faultit was his.

  It's interesting that your mom did the same thing with you as you did with me, Aidan said. There wasn't a trace of anger in his words, just the wonder of seeing the connection. He smiled at Kat. She did the best she knew how, Mom. She was protecting her child. Same as you.

  Yee-haw! Matt said, raising his beer. Welcome to Dysfunction Junction, West Virginia!

  Rachel made a little squeak of alarm from the floor near Aidan. Her eyes were as round as plums.

  What? Aidan asked.

  I, uh… Her eyes flashed up to Kat. I'm just so glad my parents aren't here for this.

  Loretta continued to howl. Riley said, Will somebody find out what's wrong with that damn dog?

  It's probably just a squirrel, Matt said.

  So you're my grandfather! Aidan looked across the room at Cliff and his face broke out into a huge grin.

  Oh my God, Kat said. You're right. She looked to Cliff. Phyllis left me all that money because I really was her niece, didn't she?

  Cliff's face softened. Sunshine, she left it to you because she loved you and Aidan more than anything in the world.

  This is all good news, Nola said, perking up. Think about ityou don't have to go through any of the hassle of changing your name back to Cavanaugh or anything, because you really are a Turner.

  Kat laughed in astonishment. I need a drink.

  And you don't ever have to worry about Virgil again, 'cause he's nothing to you, Matt pointed out.

  Kat stared at the fire, knowing there was something that gnawed at her.

  It was Phyllis. Even Phyllis lied to me, she mumbled, incredulous. Then she spoke up, looking around the room. No wonder I went through most of my life unable to tell truth from lie. No wonder I could lie to myself so well that I could actually forget big hunks of my life! I come from a dynasty of bullshit! She looked at everyone in the room, then shouted, When I showed up here last month, I wouldn't have known the truth if it bit me in the ass!

  That's pretty much what it did, hon, Nola said.

  Barbara got up and gathered the grandkids. Now's a good time to have some pie, she said, practically dragging them out of the room.

  I'll take a piece of the pecan while you're out there, Matt said. No whipped cream.

  I hope you can find a place in your heart to forgive me someday, Kat.

  Cliff's face was red and wet from tears. Try to forgive your mother and Phyllis, too. We just wanted the best for you and Aidan.

  Riley squeezed Kat's hand to get her attention. Kat had almost forgotten he'd been right next to her. She looked up into his face and he gave her a private smile. Then he kissed her.

  You know, Virgil knows I'm your father, Cliff added. We met once, before you were born. He told me if I ever showed my face around Persuasion again, he'd kill me where I stood.

  Loretta's howls continued from the backyard.

  What is /wrong/ with that dog? Riley asked.

  There was a pounding at the front door.

  I'll get it, said a woman who stepped out from behind the foyer archway.

  Kat had no idea who she was.

  Is that woman your aunt Rita? I'm totally lost, Jeff said.

  No, Matt said, shaking his head and laughing. That right there would be Joanna Loveless, from the newspaper. /Joanna Loveless?/ Kat didn't know Joanna Loveless was there. She jumped to her feet in horror. How long had the newspaperwoman been standing by the door? Had she heard the whole sordid tale of Kat's existence? Had she even bothered to /knock/, for God's sake?

  Kat didn't have time to explore those questions, because as soon as Joanna opened the front door, Virgil staggered in, supported by Carrie Mathis.

  Look, before you say anything, I just want everyone to know that I am not intentionally in violation of my restraining order. Carrie glanced frantically around the room. Riley, help me get him to the couch. Matt, call EMS. You… Carrie blinked as she looked at Aidan. Oh my God!

  Wow. You've got to be Aidanget some blankets.

  Nobody fucking move! With a wild swing of his arms, Virgil clipped Carrie in the face with an elbow. She fell with a thud. In his left hand he held a gun, and though he swayed unsteadily, he aimed it right at Kat.

  Everything's your fault, he said to her, and began to pull the trigger.

  All that flashed through Kat's mind was, /I can't die. My life just started/.

  Madeline knew it was a brazen thing to do, but she'd decided to walk on over there with this chocolate-cranberry torte, like a good neighbor, and wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. She dressed up her old metal tart pan with a bit of clear plastic wrap and a festive red bow.

  Yes, she'd see Matt and Nola together, but truly, Madeline was exhausted from all the petty jealousy. That stupid catfight with Carrie in the kitchen had been a new low. Madeline was disgusted with herself, with both of them. It pained her to admit it, but Carrie was rightit was time to grow up and move on. Life was too short to spend it meddling in other people's affairs.

  Besides, Madeline wanted to see how Joanna Loveless was coming along with her article.

  Madeline walked briskly up the sidewalk, pausing only to give a quizzical glance at what was obviously Carrie's Volvo parked at the curb. Where had she gone? Madeline wondered if, after she'd kicked Carrie out of the buffet line, the poor woman had gone door-to-door through Persuasion, begging for a cup of green bean casserole. Madeline sighed, promising herself that if she ran into Carrie, she'd invite her back to Cherry Hill. There was plenty to go around.

  Madeline headed up the walk. Oddly enough, the front door to Kat's house gaped wide open, so Madeline poked her head in and gave a polite holler to announce her arrival.

  It was then she noticed a room full of people cringing in terror, Carrie's body sprawled out on the welcome mat, and an unsteady Virgil Cavanaugh, who that second whipped around in Madeline's direction. The wild insanity in his eyes and the gun in his hand was further proof that she'd come at a bad time.

  Madeline screamed. She raised the tart pan in front of her face and winced. Virgil fired the gun. The tart pan bent from the zing of the bullet and clattered to the floor. So did Virgil Cavanaugh, who was then tackled by what looked like an entire football team's worth of men.

  Matt Bohland topped the heap, using his cell phone to call for an ambulance and report a twenty-seven-eight in progress, what
ever that was. Joanna Loveless fainted, and her spiral notebook slid across the foyer floor.

  Thank you, Madeline. For everything.

  Finally, after about six hours, Kat had stopped trembling. The cup of herbal tea Madeline just placed in Kat's hands already had begun to cut through the chill in her bones. Loretta lay snoring at her feet. I appreciate you opening up your home like this.

  It's nothing. Half the group was staying here anyway, and you couldn't exactly relax in a living room roped off with police tape.

  That was true. In fact, she didn't know when she'd be able to relax in that house, if ever.

  Madeline once again disappeared into the kitchen, but the B and B buzzed with activity. The parlor and library swarmed with police of every jurisdiction, plus the county medical examiner, reporters from as far away as Morgantown and Charleston, evidence technicians, and a host of Persuasionites who had no reason whatsoever to be there except to share in the excitement and eat Madeline's leftovers.

  Rita sat across the room, huddled with the funeral director. Kat had overheard Rita tell him how she wanted Virgil's remains cremated once the body was released after autopsy. Rita added that there was no need to select a style of funerary urn, because no one would be taking the ashes.

  That's an unusual twist, the mortician said.

  He was an unusually twisted man, Rita replied.

  Virgil had died of a gunshot wound. The bullet from his own gun had apparently ricocheted off Madeline's baking dish and hit him right between the eyes, killing him instantly.

  Everyone else who'd been in Kat's house was well and accounted for.

  Carrie was fine. She was in the library at that very moment flirting with a TV reporter. Poor Joanna Loveless had been admitted to Davis Memorial for observation but was listed in good condition. The girls had been sleeping for hours, but Cliff and Barbara had only moments ago gone upstairs for the night. Cliff was a good man, simple and direct. He told Kat he'd understand completely if she hated him. With a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek, she assured him she didn't.

  Unfortunately, Aidan was already on his way back to Hopkins. Though Kat worried about him driving at night, Rachel was inconsolable and said she needed to go back to Baltimore, where it was safe. Kat had a feeling their love might not survive the events of that night, but Aidan seemed upbeat when he left.


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