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Too Close To Break

Page 6

by M. A. Innes

  “I just want you.”

  That was it. I just wanted him. Just needed him.

  “You’ll always have me.” Leaning in, he took my mouth. The tenderness was still there, but he loosened his grip on the heat and need he’d held back so tightly until I was drowning in him. His touch. The taste of his mouth on mine. The heat of his body as he covered me. The flood of sensations when his cock rubbed against mine.

  It was perfect.

  Finally releasing my mouth, he started kissing down my neck, working his way to my chest. His tongue flicked over my nipples, swirling around them and tugging on them with his teeth. He wasn’t just fanning the flames of my arousal; it was an inferno. Everything felt sharper. It was like a camera lens that was so focused on the two of us, there was nothing else around.

  The scrape of his teeth across my nipples felt even more incredible. I was consumed with the flood of sensation as he pulled at them and teased the sensitive buds. Whimpers escaped as he gave them one last kiss and started licking down my body again.

  Jeremy grinned and reached up to play with my nipples, his fingers plucking at them, making me squirm with need. By the time he was finally kissing around my cock, I was begging and writhing underneath him. I wasn’t sure if it was too much or not enough.

  Releasing my nipples, he pushed at my legs and spread me open, whispering all the wonderful, naughty things he was going to do to me. Nothing else mattered but the touch of his hands, the way his lips caressed my skin, and the promise in his voice.

  Completely ignoring my cock, he started licking my balls and running his tongue from my taint to the base of my dick. He rolled them in his mouth, sending flashes of lightning up my spine. Jeremy’s hands gripped me so tightly I knew I was going to have his marks on my body tomorrow. I wanted more. I wanted every touch and lick to be branded on me, so I would always have part of him with me.

  When he finally released my balls and pushed my legs up toward my chest, opening me even more, I knew what he was going to do, and I was desperate for it. The flick of his tongue as he teased my opening had me moaning. When his hands slid down my thighs, grabbing on to my ass to pull my cheeks apart even more, I groaned. I was exposed and open, but I was safe in his arms.

  As he licked and kissed my hole, it was like he was making love to me with his mouth. I felt just as owned and desired. He had me a squirming, desperate mess by the time he stiffened his tongue and slid it into me. It felt incredible, but it wasn’t enough. I needed something harder, longer.

  When I started to curse and grab at him, I heard his low chuckle, but he finally pushed one finger inside me. It was too slow and too shallow, but it was moving things in the right direction. Just not fast enough. “Damn it. If you don’t hurry up I’m going to—fuck.”

  He pulled out too quickly, leaving me aching and frustrated. He leaned over me, braced on his arms, and gave me a kiss. It was still weird when he did that—but in a hot, naughty kind of way. Pulling back, he smirked. “You say the sweetest, most romantic things when I’m making love to you.”

  Thrusting my hips up, I rubbed my cock against his, making us both gasp. “Because you’re trying to make me insane.”

  “Such sweet talk.” I got another kiss, and he stretched out to reach for the lube on the bedside table.

  I was so needy the sound of the cap as it came off was almost musical. I watched his face, serious and intense, as he brought two slick fingers down to my ass. One finger eased in gently, making sure I was ready, but when I pushed back, trying to get him to go harder and deeper, he pulled out and pushed in two. The stretch was incredible and perfect.

  The almost-pain mixed with the cascade of pleasure as he nailed my prostate made it hard to breathe. He worked my body, but stretching me wasn’t his only goal. He loved watching me squirm and beg on his fingers. He said that something about it was just as hot as when I straddled him and rode his cock.

  Just thinking about that almost pushed me over the edge.

  My hands flailed around, desperate for something to hold. My cock possibly. But before I could even get in one stroke, his voice barked out a rough command. “No. You’re going to come on my dick and not a moment before. Reach up and grab the pillow.”

  He was so fuckin’ hot when he said things like that.

  “I’m sorry.” The words came out whiny, almost pleading, but that only seemed to spur him on even more.

  I moved my hands up and gripped the pillow, digging into it with a tight hold so I wouldn’t be tempted to let go. Jeremy’s eyes flashed with desire as he fucked me with his fingers and watched me. His gaze was so intense that when he pulled his fingers out, I thought he’d gotten lost in his thoughts. When he reached for the lube and started fisting his cock, I knew he was finally ready to stop the teasing and the sexy torture.

  I wrapped my legs around him as he stretched out over me, his cock positioned right at my hole but not entering me yet. Squirming, I tried to get him closer, but he pulled back, making me wait. He took my hands in his, holding them down to the bed above my head so I was stretched out helplessly. His face was inches from mine, but the wait was killing me. He was so close, but it could take forever for him to cross that final span. “You’re mine. Nobody in this world is going to change that.”

  He slid into me with one long stroke, filling me completely. The pleasure shot fireworks through me that made every nerve tingle. This was what I’d wanted. To belong to him. For him to remind me just how much he needed me. How I was his. His rough voice growled out demanding words that were filled with a fierce determination. “Nothing will take me away from you.”

  His hips snapped back and forth, sending his cock flying over my prostate. I wrapped my legs tighter around him and held on to his hands, trying not to break apart. It was like everything in me was vibrating, and I would explode at any minute.

  “Even if no one ever understands what we have, I will always be there for you.”

  The desperately beautiful words were at odds with the way he slammed his body into mine. He was pushing us toward the most explosive orgasm ever at a breakneck speed, and all I could do was hold on.

  “I love you.” His voice was tender, but the sweet words sent me soaring. “Do you understand that, Baby?”

  I nodded, but he didn’t wait for me to find the words. Need and emotions made it hard to talk as the pleasure took over and my orgasm crashed through me. “No matter what happens. No matter how our life changes and who finds out, I will love you forever.”

  Chapter 6


  I’d watched him sleep.

  Eventually, I’d nodded off somewhere in the middle of the night, because I’d woken up wrapped around him when the first nightmare struck. After that, sleep wasn’t an option. It was the same terrifying cycle all over again.

  He’d be calm for an hour or so, but then he’d start to move and shift. After a few minutes, the dreams would turn crazy and stressful, and he started to talk about the kidnapping again or me in prison. Somehow it all got mixed up in his head, but I probably should have expected that.

  I had, but I’d hoped I would be wrong.

  I hated being right.

  He’d woken up groggy and out of sorts and couldn’t understand why. I’d just made us some breakfast and then put us both back to bed. I wasn’t going to get any work done until everything was settled, and his class wasn’t until later, so it was the best thing I could think of.

  By the time he needed to go, we were both feeling more human. I told him I would call Dr. Sheppard while he was in class. I was hoping he’d be able to concentrate, but I think his goal was just to be a body in the seat, so his absence wouldn’t be noticed. Either way, it gave him something to do other than worry and pace around the apartment.

  “You’re sure he said we should call from his office?” Kevin’s voice was quiet, but I could hear the stress he was trying to hide.

  “Yes. He was really clear about that. He said we should come in after yo
ur class.” I thought he was worried because it wasn’t like we had any parents we could call and ask for help. He knew the situation better than anyone and had immediately connected the dots.

  I knew there wasn’t anything he would be able to do if the conversation with the police started going bad, but at least he’d be able to give Kevin good advice and maybe even help him find a lawyer. It was more than a therapist should do, but I knew there was no way he’d leave us to fight through things alone.

  “Are you sure you should have brought me?” Maddox piped up from the back seat, almost teasingly. We’d been sitting in the car for the last five minutes and hadn’t gotten out yet. Kevin knew putting it off wasn’t going to change the outcome of the call, but I was hoping it would make him more ready.

  Hell, I wasn’t ready to go in either.

  “Yes, Bryan’s already at work and I told him you guys knew. There’s no way he’s expecting you to stay home and let Bryan worry about this on his own.” Maddox and Bryan had called throughout the day, checking to see if we were okay. When Bryan had gone into work, I’d known right away we couldn’t make Maddox stay behind. They were kind of a package deal—especially when things got stressful.

  His hands reached out and grabbed our shoulders. “I’m here for you guys too. Don’t forget that.”

  Maddox’s phone signaled again, so he sat back in the seat. I had to smile. “What’s Bryan saying now?”

  “That if we don’t get our asses out of the car he’s going to tell Michelle on us.” Maddox’s face tightened and he looked a little like he’d eaten a lemon. “She’s going to lose it. Not only is she not here to help, because that’s going to make her nuts, but we didn’t even text her.”

  Michelle was still on her cruise for a few more days and even though they could text her, they’d decided not to. Well, not unless we all needed bail money. Or a lawyer. Or both. Yup, we were going to end up calling her. I just hoped she wasn’t too mad that Kevin turned Bryan to the dark side and had gotten him to evade the police.

  She might not think that part was funny.

  Kevin squeezed my hand and let it go, reaching for the door handle. “Might as well go in before he comes out here screaming at us. It wouldn’t look professional.”

  Yeah, that was the biggest problem we had at this point.

  He glanced back at me. “You have the paper, right?”

  “Yes.” I had the paper, but I’d also taken a photo of it and backed it up to the cloud. I was slightly paranoid, but I’d seen too many Law and Order shows to not take evidence seriously.

  Taking Kevin’s cue, we climbed out of the car and headed inside. Just as I’d pictured, Bryan was pacing around the waiting room pretending to straighten papers and clean up. The way the receptionist was watching him, he wasn’t fooling anyone. She had an indulgent smile on her face but her usual cheer was missing, so it was clear he was making her worry.

  “I’m sorry we’re late.” Kevin took Bryan’s hand, then dropped his voice lower. “I just had a hard time getting out of the car.”

  Bryan nodded. “It feels like time is standing still there.”

  The receptionist must have sent a message to Dr. Sheppard or maybe we were just that loud, because he came out in seconds. “Hello, gentlemen. Maddox, it’s good to see you.”

  Maddox had moved to stand right behind Bryan as soon as we’d walked in, so shaking hands was awkward, but they made it work. Dr. Sheppard looked around at the four of us before addressing Kevin and me. “Do you want to have Bryan and Maddox in the room, or are they waiting out here while you make the call?”

  Considering we’d already made them accomplices, having them wait outside was probably silly. Kevin gave the first smile I’d seen him crack all day and looked over at the guys, so he must have thought it was ridiculous too. “Come on, you’re already accessories after the fact or something. Might as well see what happens firsthand.”

  The four of us laughed awkwardly—too much stress—but Dr. Sheppard just started leading us back to his office. Normally, he thought we were funny even if he didn’t admit it. He had a dry sense of humor that didn’t come out very often and most of the time, we could only get him to crack the barest hint of a smile. Our best guess was that he thought it wasn’t professional to laugh at his clients. Imagine that. Walking into the office with a serious expression, it was clear he was just as worried as we were.

  The setup of the room was a little bit different. The chairs were circled tightly around a small coffee table and Dr. Sheppard had stretched his desk phone over, so it was in the middle of the group. We were all quiet as we filed in and took our seats.

  Digging the paper out of my pocket, I set it on the table and reached for Kevin’s hand. It was clammy and shaking, but he was taking deep breaths and fighting off the panic. He looked over at Dr. Sheppard and then glanced back down at the phone. “You want me to use this one?”

  It was a ridiculous question we already knew the answer to, but it was just his way of trying to put it off for a few more minutes. Dr. Sheppard didn’t even blink; he took the question in stride and answered it like it was perfectly reasonable.

  “Yes, the landline would be best.”

  Dr. Sheppard didn’t elaborate, but Maddox jumped in. “So it would be easier to prove you were listening if another witness was needed? And I’m assuming so you can start recording it if that becomes necessary? Virginia is only a one-party notification state.”

  Dr. Sheppard nodded, but the rest of us looked at Maddox like he was an alien or something. Kevin laughed. “Changing majors or something? Going for a law degree?”

  Maddox blushed. It was the only time I’d ever seen him react that way. “I didn’t sleep very well last night, and planning seemed like the best idea. I also have the names of several top lawyers and some interesting printouts of laws regarding consensual sexual activity.”

  We all laughed, but Dr. Sheppard nodded and gave an understanding smile. “Having information in a stressful situation can be helpful. But sleep would have been a good idea as well instead of staying up all night looking things up online.”

  Some of the tension had evaporated, so when Kevin reached for the phone, the fear running rampant inside me wasn’t as bad as it had been a minute ago. Dr. Sheppard hit several buttons on the phone and a dial tone came out of the speaker. “There you go. Just dial the number now.”

  Once he started pushing the buttons, I was finally calm. I think it was the realization that we’d made the decision, and that we were going to handle it. Whatever it was. I’d had the same feelings when I’d finally accepted that we would have to move out and leave the house. There had still been the issues about how I felt for Kevin, but just having made that one decision put everything into focus.

  The phone rang several times before a deep voice answered. “Detective Davison.”

  Dr. Sheppard straightened up in his seat and looked at the phone. But there wasn’t time to focus on him because Kevin charged right in. “This is Kevin Abrams. I’m returning your call.”

  We’d decided to completely ignore the fact that Kevin had sent the guy on a wild goose chase, hoping that the cop wasn’t mad enough to bring it up. I could hear the phone moving on the other end, and it took a second for the cop to respond. “Thank you for returning my call. I want to apologize again for upsetting you. It wasn’t until I did some additional research that I understood your previous situation and realized my showing up might have come across more stressful than I’d intended.”

  Weirdest conversation with a cop ever.

  Kevin looked at me, confused, and I shrugged. I had no idea what to say to the guy. Kevin looked back at the phone and cleared his throat before responding. “Um, yeah, it’s just that…well…sorry.” Trying to clear his head or maybe get rid of some of the stress, he took a deep breath and reached for my hand. “What can I do for you, Detective?”

  “We recently received a phone call from an anonymous individual that alleged some very specifi
c activities. While there is some question about the validity of the information, the department is still required to speak to you and see if any of the allegations are correct and require legal action. Let me be very clear, though. The department has no desire to become unnecessarily involved in private matters. Think of this primarily as a welfare check.” The detective paused, and I wasn’t sure what to think of the way he’d worded his statement.

  “Um, I’m fine. I’m not sure what anyone told you, but there’s nothing wrong.” Kevin looked at me and squeezed my hand, understandably confused and probably relieved.

  What the hell had the anonymous caller said?

  “Is there a time where you would be able to speak with me in person?” The detective spoke evenly, and I could tell he was trying to make Kevin more comfortable, but the idea of Kevin meeting with him had my stomach churning.

  “Um…” Kevin’s voice trailed off, and he stared at the phone.

  Dr. Sheppard reached over and hit the mute button. “Kevin, is it all right if I speak with the detective? I think I can help.”

  Kevin nodded, clearly relieved to have the problem taken out of his hands. I was too because I wasn’t sure what the fuck was going on, and I was starting to move from panicked to angry. Pressing the button again, Dr. Sheppard took control of the conversation.

  “Detective Davison? My name is Dr. Sheppard. I am the therapist for Kevin and Jeremy Abrams. Kevin asked me to be with him when he made the phone call because he wasn’t sure what the exact nature of the questions would be.” Dr. Sheppard said it calmly and with his usual understanding tone, but I wasn’t expecting it to work so well on the cop too.

  “Oh, Dr. Sheppard.” There was a short, awkward pause before he continued, “Would it be possible for me to meet them both at your office? If they’re agreeable, I think that would be best for all involved.”

  Dr. Sheppard looked at us and we both nodded. I felt safer doing it here, and something about the way the detective responded to the doctor made me think having a professional on our side was the way to go. “Yes, they’re fine with that. I can adjust my schedule to work around yours, Detective, what works best for you?”


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