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Ivy's Delta (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Delta Team Three Book 4)

Page 15

by Elle James

  “Those bastards do this to you?” he asked, his mouth so close to hers she had only to rise up on her toes to brush her lips to his.

  “Guayabera Man wanted me to make a video to send to my mother. I refused.” She shrugged. “He hit me and made me make the video.”

  “Wish I had known that,” Duff said.

  “What could you have done?” Ivy said.

  His jaw hardened. “I could have killed him.” He pulled her into his arms and held her.

  “It doesn’t matter now,” she whispered against his chest.

  “Here’s the first aid kit,” Vance appeared in the doorway. “I also grabbed some shorts and T-shirts you can wear if you’d like to shower and change. I can have the maid wash your clothes and return them to you when they’re dry.”

  Ivy stepped back. “Thank you. I’d love a shower.”

  “You’re welcome to use the facilities and have use of this bedroom while you’re here. If you need anything else, I’ll be in the kitchen. I’ll wake the maid and have her prepare some food. You’re bound to be hungry if you’ve been on the road all night.”

  “Oh, please, don’t go to any trouble,” Ivy said.

  “No trouble,” Vance said. “I was about to get up anyway. I like to go down to the beach for a morning swim. I’ll just do it after breakfast.”

  Duff finished cleaning Ivy’s wound and applied an antiseptic ointment and a bandage. Then he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead.

  Ivy chuckled. “Kissing my booboo?”

  “No. I’m kissing my girlfriend.” He pulled her into his arms and gave her a real kiss.

  “I’d really like to take advantage of the shower before I even attempt to eat anything. They gave me something to put me out for the plane ride here. I’m not sure what it was, but I woke with a headache.”

  “Do you need any help?” Duff asked.

  A slow smile tilted Ivy’s lips. “Need? Maybe not. Want? Yes.” She nodded toward the door. “Gonna close that?”

  Duff kicked it shut with his foot and reached around her to turn on the water in the shower.

  Ivy reached for the hem of his shirt and dragged it up over his head, dropping it to the tiled floor.

  He hooked his fingers in the ribbed knit shirt she wore and pulled it off in one smooth move, letting it fall on top of his shirt.

  Ivy unhooked the front of her bra and let it slide off her shoulders.

  Duff’s gaze met hers. “I didn’t bring protection.”

  “You’ve heard of withdrawal before release?” she asked as she unbuttoned the rivet at her waistband, kicked off her shoes and shimmied out of her jeans and panties. She stepped free and kicked them aside, standing naked in front of him. “But if that doesn’t work, we have other options.”

  Duff stripped in seconds, scooped her up into his arms and carried her into the walk-in shower with glass bricks and marble tiles.

  He dipped beneath the spray with her in his arms, letting the water splash over their heads and down their backs.

  She laughed and leaned her head back, rubbed shampoo into her hair, letting the water wash away the dust from the road. Ivy applied conditioner and rubbed it into the tangles. “You just applied a bandage.”

  “There were more,” he said, and set her on her feet. He squirted bodywash into his palm and smoothed it over her shoulders and arms, loving how soft her skin was beneath his fingertips.

  Ivy guided his hands to her breasts where he swirled the suds around her nipples, making them harden into tight little buttons.

  She sucked in a deep breath, the motion pushing her chest out, giving him full range of her breasts.

  He turned her to the side, letting the water wash away the soap. Then he bent to take one nipple into his mouth, sucking hard. He flicked it with his tongue and then moved to take the other nipple, rolling it between his teeth.

  Ivy moaned and wove her fingers into his hair, pulling him closer.

  He sucked, flicked and nibbled until the tension was so tight inside him, he couldn’t wait any longer. Duff lifted her by the backs of her thighs, pressed her back to the tiles and nudged her entrance with the tip of his shaft. “Are you sure?”

  She nodded. “Yes,” she said and lowered herself over him.

  He pushed up into her.

  Her channel tightened around him.

  “You feel so good,” he murmured into her ear.

  “Move,” she said in a tight voice. “I want it fast and hard.”

  Holding her hips, he pressed her into the wall and pumped in and out of her, holding tightly to his control. Again and again, he thrust.

  She rode him, her hands on his shoulders, her legs locked at the ankles behind him.

  When he could hold out no longer, he lifted her off him and set her on her feet.

  She took hold of his staff in both hands and finished what they’d started. He came in an explosion of sensations that left him pulsing with the intensity.

  The shower water was cooling when he drew in a deep breath and let it out. “Your turn,” he said, advancing on her.

  She shook her head. “Your friend will be waiting to feed us breakfast.”

  “You’d rather have breakfast than an orgasm?” He cocked an eyebrow.

  She started to nod her head and then shook it instead.

  He turned her back to the showerhead and dropped to his knees.

  She gasped. “What are you doing?”

  “Giving you an orgasm,” he said. “Concentrate,” he demanded.

  He parted her folds and dipped his finger into her moist channel. God, she felt good. He could feel himself harden all over again. But this wasn’t about getting him off. He wanted her to feel what he’d felt.

  Adding a second and a third finger, he slid in and out of her. Then he leaned in and flicked that nubbin of flesh that set her on fire.

  She gasped and grabbed his hair.

  He chuckled and flicked his tongue again, tapping the tip of her clit, then swirling it around and around.

  Her body tensed and she rose on her toes. “Oh, baby,” she whispered. “There. There.”

  He tongued, teased, and flicked her there until she was pulling hard on his hair and her fingers dug into his scalp.

  He didn’t care. She was riding the wave and he couldn’t stop until she shot the curl to the end.

  She cried out his name and stiffened, her breathing arrested, her muscles tight. Then she pumped her hips, faster and faster, her body writhing.

  When she finally sagged in the cool water, she drew in a long breath, hooked her hands beneath his arms, and dragged him to his feet. “Who needs to eat, when you can have that?” She kissed him, wrapping a leg around the back of his thigh, rubbing her sex against his muscle.

  Yeah, he could do it again. He was hard enough, but their host was waiting.

  Duff kissed her hard and then set her to arm’s length, reaching behind her to turn off the shower that had gone cold, not that they’d noticed until then.

  He stepped out of the shower, grabbed a large fluffy white towel and rubbed her body from top to bottom.

  Ivy took another towel and dried him off, pausing at his engorged cock. “Want to do something about that?”

  “You know I do. But as you pointed out, our host will be waiting.”

  “After breakfast,” she said with a wink. “Is it too soon to go to bed?”

  “Not for people who’ve been up all night.” He kissed her ear and tossed her a T-shirt and a pair of men’s shorts.

  She pulled the shirt over her head and let it fall down around her hips. The hem reached to the middle of her thighs. She didn’t really need the shorts as the shirt was as good as any dress. But she pulled them on since her panties would be going to the laundry with the rest of her clothing.

  When they were both dressed in the shirts and shorts Vance had provided, Duff replaced the damp bandage with a fresh, dry one. Then they padded down the hallway in their bare feet to the kitchen.

Vance stood beside a pretty, dark-haired maid, a cellphone in his hand.

  When he saw them at the doorway to the kitchen, he ended his call and smiled. “There you are. I’m glad you took advantage of the shower. Being on the road all night, especially some of our dusty roads, leaves you gritty and sticky. Come have a seat at the table. Angela has prepared some American favorites: scrambled eggs, bacon and toast.”

  Duff held a chair for Ivy and waited until she sat before he took the seat beside her.

  Vance settled in the one across from Ivy. “So, where did you start your journey last night? I can’t imagine driving on a motorcycle through the night in Costa Rica. The roads can be dangerous in some areas.”

  Duff reached for the scrambled eggs and spooned a portion onto his plate. He passed them to Ivy. “Do you have many problems in Costa Rica?” he asked.

  Vance lifted his shoulders and took the platter of eggs from Ivy. “As much as you would expect. Costa Rica is between Columbia and the US. You would expect some corruption by the cartels who run illegal product to their buyers in the US.”

  “How do you stay clear of the cartels?”

  “Some people pay protection fees,” Vance said. “Others do favors for the cartels to keep them off their backs. Not everyone is impacted by the cartels. Most tourist cities rarely see the cartel’s activities. Unless one of the tourists succumbs to the lure of quick money to fund the movement of drugs.”

  “It’s a shame that the cartels have so much sway in the communities,” Ivy said.

  “What about you, Amy? What do you do back in the States?” Vance asked.

  “I run a gift shop.” She smiled. “I don’t make much, but I like what I do.”

  Vance leaned forward. “Tell me…if you had the opportunity to make a lot more money, would you take it?”

  Ivy frowned. “I did have an opportunity to make a lot more money, but I purposely chose not to.”

  “Why?” Vance asked.

  “It wasn’t worth the way I felt afterward. I didn’t like what I was doing, I didn’t like myself.” She shook her head. “I’m poorer, but happier.”

  He nodded. “I understand that.”

  “Is that why you moved to Costa Rica?” Duff asked. “I understand the cost of living is better here.”

  “Partly.” Vance raised his arms out wide. “And who could resist paradise?”

  When they finished their meal, Ivy offered to help with the dishes.

  “Don’t. Angela does all the housework. It’s her job.” When Ivy would have protested, Vance stopped her with, “You wouldn’t want to deprive her of a paycheck, would you?”

  “No, of course not,” she said and yawned.

  “I was about to ask if you wanted a tour of our lovely city, but I think you two might be more in need of rest after your all-night ride through the jungle.”

  Ivy smiled. “That would be nice. I could stand to take a short nap.”

  “Please, make yourselves at home,” Vance said. “We can catch up later when you’re well-rested.”

  “Thanks, Vance,” Duff said. “We appreciate your hospitality. You were always a good sport. I miss the old days of hanging out at the bar, playing volleyball in their sand court with you.”

  Vance’s smile slipped. “I miss the old, simpler days as well.” His smile returned. “Now, please, get some sleep. I’ll be here when you wake.”

  “Thank you,” Ivy said, preceding Duff down the hall to the bedroom.

  Once inside, Duff closed the door and twisted the lock on the handle. “As much as I like making love to you…”

  “…I would rather sleep as well.” She smiled and laid down on her side on the bed, bunching the pillow beneath her chin.

  Duff entered the bathroom and gathered his cargo pants, leaving the rest for the maid to wash. He pulled the radio headset out of his front pocket and slipped it in his ear. He carried the handgun to the bed and slipped it beneath his pillow before he laid down facing Ivy.

  “Think the cartel will find us here?” Ivy asked.

  “It doesn’t hurt to be ready if they do.”

  “What’s next?” she asked with another yawn, her eyelids drifting closed.

  He smoothed her damp hair back from her forehead. “We wait to hear from our ride home.” He pulled her into his embrace and held her as she drifted off to sleep.

  He remained awake longer, hoping he’d been right to bring her to Vance’s place. He wondered if they should have waited on the edge of town or checked into a hotel under a different name.

  Before he closed his eyes for a short nap, he whispered into his headset. “Merlin? You there, buddy?”

  Chapter 15

  A sound woke Ivy, penetrating a shallow sleep filled with nightmares about Guayabera Man standing over her, swinging his fat hand at her face.

  The sound came again. That of car doors slamming and footsteps running.

  She sat up in the bed and looked for Duff.

  He was coming out of the bathroom, carrying their dirty clothing. “Get your shoes on.”

  Her pulse beat hard and fast. He hadn’t said it, but he meant for her to hurry.

  While he opened the window wide, she shoved her feet into her hiking boots and laced them halfway up, not wanting to take more time than she had to. She was on her feet and standing beside him as he shoved his gun into the pocket of the cargo pants he’d put on over the shorts.

  “What’s going on?” she whispered.

  “I’m not sure, but I heard voices outside. One of them was Vance, talking to someone else in Spanish.” He lifted her over the windowsill and dropped her onto her feet outside. “Run to the back wall. I’ll be right behind you.

  She hesitated.

  “Go,” he urged, then turned and grabbed a chair from the desk in the corner and jammed it beneath the door handle.

  Ivy understood and did as he’d said, running to the back wall where she looked for anything she could use to scale the wall. No pallets were lying around, but she did find a five-gallon empty paint bucket. She turned it upside down, stepped onto it and pulled herself up onto the wall, lying flat against the stucco to avoid detection.

  From her vantage point, she could see into the alley. So far, nothing moved there but a stray cat. Looking toward the front of the house, she could just see around the corner to the front. A dark SUV was parked there. As she watched, a Jeep pulled up behind it. A Jeep with a machinegun mounted in the middle and a man standing behind it, his hand on the trigger.

  Ivy’s heart lodged in her throat. She flattened herself even more and scooted back, out of sight of the Jeep.

  Duff squeezed his big body out the window and dropped to the ground. As big as he was, his footsteps made no sound as he ran toward her.

  She pressed a finger to her lips and pointed toward the front of the house, then she slipped off the wall and landed on the other side.

  Duff followed her, sliding over the top like a wraith, quiet, in control and ready for anything. He took her hand and they ran together to the end of the alley. There, he stopped and peered around the corner toward the street where the vehicles had parked.

  “Clear,” he said, and turned away from the house and the street. They wound through the neighborhood of white stucco houses, toward the coast.

  “Where are we going?”

  “To the beach.”

  “Wouldn’t it be better to hide in the jungle?” she said, running to keep up with him.

  He didn’t answer.

  Ivy could hear him talking quietly to himself. “Merlin, you copy? Lefty? Zip? Woof? Anyone?” He kept running, calling the names of his Delta Force teammates as he went. “Merlin, now would be a good time to tell me you’re here. Do you copy?”

  A shout sounded behind them.

  Ivy turned to see a man in black standing at the end of the street. He yelled and shook his fist. Then he lowered his weapon to the firing position.

  The crack of gunfire rang out, echoing off the walls of the nice h

  Duff grabbed Ivy’s arm and yanked her to the right, ducking into an alley. He kept running, bringing her along with him.

  Her lungs burned and her muscles strained as she ran for her life. When she didn’t think she could go another step, Duff ground to a halt. They were about two blocks from the water and the open beach. She had no desire to step out in the open and expose themselves to the man with the machinegun on the back of the Jeep.

  Instead of continuing down to the water, Duff pulled her over a low wall and into the shadow of a gazebo in someone’s backyard. Once there, he crouched low, cupped his hand over his ear where she could see an earbud, the two-way radio he’d worn the night before.

  Duff’s eyes narrowed and he spoke softly, urgently. “Merlin?”

  Ivy knelt beside him, leaning close, hoping to hear whatever Duff might.

  “Merlin, you copy?”

  Ivy strained to hear anything. The sound of Merlin’s voice in Duff’s headset, the screech of brakes on a vehicle heading toward them, the crunch of footsteps on streets outside the wall they hid behind.

  She used the time to fill her lungs and to will her heartbeat to return to a normal pace. When they started running again, she had to be ready. Duff could run so much faster and longer than she could. But she refused to slow him down to the point he was killed because she couldn’t keep up.

  She liked him. A lot.

  He was strong, brave and sexy as hell. They were in a resort town in Costa Rica. The terror they were facing couldn’t be happening. This could not be the end for them. She had plans. Plans that included going out on another date with Duff. A date that didn’t end with him being pushed over a cliff and her being kidnapped and taken to a foreign country.

  Duff’s hand shot out to grab her arm. He looked up, his gaze capturing hers. “Merlin? Thank God.”

  Ivy nearly cried at the brief flash of relief in Duff’s face.

  “We’re approximately two blocks from the beach, but someone let the cartel know where we were holed up. I suspect it was my buddy, Vance.” He said that last with a bite to his tone. “He must be working with the cartel.” He paused and listened. “How long until you arrive? You’re here?” He rose in a crouch and looked over the low wall toward the beach. “I see it. I don’t know if we’ll be able to make it across the beach. They’re here and they’re heavily armed.”


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