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Drawing the Line

Page 26

by KD Williamson

  It took a moment for Dani to digest everything she’d heard, and when she finished, Dani was slightly nauseated out of sheer empathy. She moved toward Sheri and pulled her hands away from her face. “You have an amazing child who is going to grow up healthy and strong. I can’t imagine the fear you’re feeling, but you are doing the right thing. Every precaution will be taken.”

  Sheri met Dani’s gaze. “I wanna believe you.”

  “Please try. It’s okay to be scared, but you have to believe too.”

  Sheri nodded, and then the most remarkable thing happened—she hugged Dani. Swallowing down the tears clogging the back of her throat, Dani hugged her back. “It’ll be okay.” She said the words with conviction, but inside, Dani was shaken.

  While Sheri’s experience wasn’t exactly like her own, there were some parallels. Out of her own fear, she was pretty much planning to put her life on hold until after fellowship training. Becca wasn’t going to wait for her. No sane person would. Dani had always wanted to be a doctor as far back as she could remember, but looking at who she had become, all she’d done, and what she’d lost, Dani wondered if it was worth all the sacrifice.

  Sheri squeezed her tight, and part of Dani screamed yes, based on this outcome and many like it. The other part whispered emphatically that cutting herself off from the rest of the world had never done her any favors in any of her private relationships. No. It was time for her own life to be just as important too, and Becca factored into that life somehow. Dani was certain. “It’ll be okay,” she repeated.

  Rebecca whimpered and tried to reach around and swat away whoever’s hand was on her shoulder, shaking her awake. They never stopped, so she obviously hadn’t succeeded. Slowly, she rolled over on her back, moving her head separately. Any sudden movements and it was going to fall the hell off. The Advil she’d taken when Mark was here had helped earlier, but now it felt like she hadn’t taken anything at all.

  In an effort to open her eyes, Rebecca blinked. The light, wherever it was coming from, was blinding and sent a bolt of pain right through her eye sockets. So, she kept them closed and ended up drifting again.

  “Becca, c’mon, try to sit up and open. You need more fluids and somethin’ for your fever. I’m gonna give you Tamiflu too.”

  She waved Rick away. Maybe if she slept a little longer, she’d have the energy to do all that. Rebecca had to practically crawl to the bathroom earlier, which used up every bit of her reserves.

  “I forgot how shitty a patient you are. I guess I’m gonna have to treat you like a rag doll.”

  Rebecca moaned as he slid his hands under her armpits. At least he was gentle. He shifted her this way and that. He pressed something against her lips. She opened slightly, then drank deeply from the bottle put there a few seconds later.

  Rebecca blinked again and opened her eyes just a little to see Rick hovering over her with a mask covering his nose and mouth. “Dyin’?” she croaked.

  “Don’t be so dramatic. You’re young and strong, but you more than likely have the flu. I don’t know where you got it from. I love you and everythin’, but you’re not givin’ it to me.”

  Her mind was sluggish, but she remembered the man with the fake kid and fake story. He’d obviously looked like death for a reason. Sleep pulled at her again. Rick talked to her, but his voice was muffled like it was far away. Her bedroom door closed, but the sound mingled with the others.

  She heard another voice, a familiar female one. Rebecca tried to listen but gave up a few seconds later. Maybe her fever was worse than Rick thought, because she could have sworn she heard Dani.

  Chapter 26

  A coughing jag pulled Rebecca out of sleep. It felt like someone had her lungs in a vice grip. Unable to breathe properly, she did her best to sit up so that she could suck in some air. A hand touched her back, rubbing in large, soothing circles. Rebecca leaned into it. Even with her clogged nose, she caught a whiff of Midnight Pomegranate body spray, Dani’s favorite, which had to be all in her head.

  “Mucinex will help that cough and make it more productive.”

  Rebecca’s eyes snapped open, and she scrambled away even though her achy body yelled in protest. She grabbed her head and moaned. Trying to relieve the pain, she squinted. No matter how she looked at it, Dani still sat on her bed. “Wh…what?”

  “What am I doing here?”

  Still holding her head up, Rebecca nodded slightly.

  “You have the flu, and until you get past the initial stages where you feel like utter crap, it’s best that someone check on you.”

  “Why?” Rebecca croaked.

  With a gloved hand, Dani pushed her back against the bed. “You don’t take care of yourself when you’re sick, and because I wanted to.”

  All kinds of warmth shot through Rebecca. Made her think her fever was back. She stared at Dani as she eased back against the mattress. Her hair was loose and wavy around her shoulders, and her glasses looked askew. Her eyes were clear, soft, concerned, and focused only on her. Rebecca’s fever had to be back. “Dyin’.”

  Dani smiled. “No, you’re not.”

  “I am. Don’t lie.”

  This time, Dani laughed. “I’ve seen worse cases in the ER. You’re gonna be okay. I promise.”

  Rebecca noticed the face mask dangling around Dani’s neck. She pointed at it. “Put it on.”

  Dani did. “I had the flu shot this year, and I started taking Tamiflu. Better?”

  “Yea—” Rebecca broke into another coughing fit. When it was over, she looked around her bedroom. She had no idea what time it was, only that it was dark and one of her lamps was on. “Rick?”

  “He switched shifts. He’s working overnight so he can come stay with you during the day.”

  She felt strangely guilty and taken care of at the same time.

  “I’ll run to the store and get something more appropriate to treat your symptoms.”

  “Mucinex?” Rebecca repeated.

  Dani nodded and stood. “And a couple of other things.”

  She tried really hard to keep her eyes open because she had a question to ask. “Aren’t you mad at me?”

  She was met with silence as Dani looked down at her.

  Maybe she could have asked that a different way or something else entirely, but she didn’t have the mental energy to use a filter.

  “No, I’m more mad at myself.” Dani paused. “Get some rest. We’ll talk when you’re feeling better.”

  Rebecca didn’t know what that first part meant, but even as she drifted, she knew she had to find out.

  Dani was awakened by the weight on her chest and loud purring. She blinked her eyes open. Peyton looked down at her and licked her paws. Dani froze and stared at the cat. She wasn’t at all sure about her. “Nice kitty. I know I’m in your room, but you’ve got to learn to share.” Dani had seen the cat tree by the window, but there was also an empty, ready-made bed.

  Peyton stopped grooming herself and looked at Dani unblinkingly.

  She tensed, ready to bolt from the bed at first sight of an extended claw or a hiss.

  Peyton inched forward and purred louder than before, which made Dani relax slightly.

  “Oh God.” She sucked in a breath as Peyton pressed her nose against Dani’s chin. Then, the sandpaper-like consistency of her tongue licking her face eased all of Dani’s fears. Going on instinct, she reached up and petted the cat, who burrowed into her neck. Dani smiled. “You know I’m taking care of your mama. Don’t you?”

  Sitting up, Dani brought the cat with her, still curled around her neck. “You seemed creepy at first, but you haven’t given me any trouble at all, even though you’ve seen me at my worst.” She glanced at her phone. It was a little after six. “Good alarm clock too.” Dani slowly stood. Peyton detached herself and jumped to the floor. She looked up at Dani and meowed loudly.

  “I’m up. Thanks.”

  Peyton turned away and sashayed toward the door. She turned and meowed again. Suspicious, Dani glanced at her. “Did you do all that because it’s time to eat?”

  The cat swished her tail and meowed again before walking out in the hallway.

  “Or…?” Panic seized Dani. Maybe the cat had woken her up because something was wrong with Becca. Moving quickly, Dani made her way down the hallway until she got to Becca’s room. The door was open just like she’d left it. She peered at Becca’s sleeping form, watching her chest rise and fall with only a modicum of difficulty. Becca’s face looked dry, which meant her fever hadn’t returned. Dani’s shoulders sagged in relief. It was possible for the flu to have complications, but Becca was strong and otherwise healthy.

  Unable to tear her eyes away, Dani leaned against the door and just watched. When she’d been in med school, Dani used to get up at the crack of dawn and do the exact same thing. Doing so gave her a measure of peace before the storm, so to speak. Right now, the sight settled her just the same. That feeling paved the way for something powerful to wash over her; in that moment, Dani knew she was doing the right thing, the only thing. She swallowed. That didn’t mean she wasn’t still scared. Becca deserved time and attention, and if they were going to give this relationship another try, Dani had to find a way to make things better and keep her own sanity while doing it.

  They had a lot to talk about.

  Peyton brushed against Dani’s ankles and meowed once more. “Shhh.” She glared at the cat. “You really did do all that for food, huh?” Peyton blinked slowly up at her, then she set off further down the hall. Halfway, she turned to Dani to see if she was following.

  Dani rolled her eyes, “I’m coming.” She paused. “After I shower and get dressed.” She turned and pulled her T-shirt over her head.

  Rick yawned as he opened the refrigerator. He took out a carton of orange juice and drank directly from it.

  “She won’t like that.”

  He wiped his mouth. “You gonna tell her?”

  “I might.”

  Rick looked her up and down before smirking. “Uh-huh. Why are you here, again?”’

  Dani leaned against the counter and looked up at him. “Cleveland. Remember?” For some reason, she laughed. It sounded shaky and nervous, which she was.

  “Huh.” He crossed his arms over his chest and stared at her curiously. “Yeah, Cleveland. It sure as hell wasn’t easy, but somethin’ big is happenin’ isn’t it?”

  “Yes, I think so.” Dani sucked in a breath. “It started a while back, but I think you being Cleveland was a good idea.”

  “It helped me a lot. Got me Northwestern and Sandra, but now I’m gonna need you to spill. For right now, just call me Hollywood. I’m up for anything.’”

  “You sure?”

  Rick nodded.

  “Okay, but I’m not really sure how we got to this point. I was so angry with her, which somehow led to wanting her. Now, I can’t seem to stay away. The last part happened more organically, I guess. We hit a lot of snags, but I hope we can get through them.”

  “Well, damn.” He wrapped an arm around Dani and pulled her close. “Damn.” Rick sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “You sure about this?”

  This was her life, and it was time for her to live all aspects of it. She’d had enough regret. “Yes, I am, and I want to be present this time. Do my part to make it work.”

  Rick smiled outright. “Then ‘Ruswells’ is official again.”

  Dani groaned. “No, please don’t go there.”

  “Sorry. Have to.”

  The doorbell rang.

  Dani pulled away from Rick. “I hope that doesn’t wake her.”

  “Well, go answer it so whoever it is won’t do it again.”

  She was already halfway across the kitchen. A minute later, she stared at the balding white man outside Becca’s door. It had to be Mark. He was just as Becca had described him. Dani let him in.

  “Happy Thanksgiving.” He smiled as he stepped in the house. “My wife sent me to the store. Rick told me yesterday she was gonna be fine, but I decided to take a detour anyway.”

  Dani smiled back. “You must be Mark?”

  “Yep, we met before, but I don’t think you were paying much attention to me. Dani, am I right?”

  Heat rushed Dani’s face. Yes, she remembered almost everything about that night, but he was just a passing thought. She nodded and reached out a hand. “Nice to meet you, and happy Thanksgiving.”

  “Likewise. So, does our girl still think she’s dying?”

  Dani laughed and enjoyed the warmth that shot through her. Our girl. Becca had been talking to him. “As of last night, yes.”

  “It’s a shame. Her first Thanksgiving back, and she’s spending it in bed.” He looked at her, and Dani suddenly felt like she was under a microscope. “But it’s a good thing she’s around the people she wants to be with.”

  Becca had been talking to him a lot.

  Mark’s gaze shifted to somewhere behind her. “Rick?”

  “All day.” Rick walked up beside Dani. He shook Mark’s hand with gusto.

  “Well, it’s good to put some faces to the names. She talks about you two non-stop.” Mark cut his eyes to Dani. “Especially you.”

  Rick snorted. “I’m hurt.”

  Dani elbowed him. He didn’t even flinch.

  “When she’s feeling better, we should all get together. Get to know each other a little bit. I’ll even invite the other guys. You might wanna pull your hair out five minutes later, but still.”

  Rick shrugged. “I’m good. Let’s do it.”

  Dani looked up at him. “We should probably ask Becca about it first.”

  “She’ll be…”

  “She’ll be…”

  Rick and Mark said simultaneously.

  A smile pulled at Dani’s lips. “Fine with it?” she finished for them.

  Mark and Rick glanced at each other and laughed.

  Dani shook her head. “I’m going to go check on Becca again and then get to work. Mark, you should think about getting an antiviral so you won’t get sick.”

  Not waiting for them to respond, Dani left the living room. She stood in Becca’s doorway in almost the exact same place. Becca had turned over and was now facing the opposite wall. Disappointment grabbed hold of her.

  Becca groaned and slowly switched to lying on her back. She coughed a couple times as she opened her eyes. When Becca finally met her gaze, Dani’s heart clenched before nearly jumping out of her chest. Becca looked awful. Her eyes were puffy, and she wiped slobber from her mouth. Her hair stood up at weird angles. She should have wrapped Becca’s hair in a scarf to preserve her hairstyle, but by the time Dani had gotten there, it was too late. Regardless, Dani was completely unaffected by it all—as was her heart. It continued to beat double time.

  “Hey,” Becca rasped. “I’m still alive.”

  “Good morning.” Dani smiled and stepped deeper into the room.

  Becca held up a hand and coughed. “You don’t have on a mask or anythin’. Don’t want you to get the kids sick.”

  Dani stopped. She was right. She shouldn’t take chances even while on the Tamiflu. Becca would be contagious for a few more days. “Sorry, I wasn’t thinking.”

  “Mmm.” Becca stared at her. Her expression was pained but gentle. “Still wanna be here?”

  “I do.” Dani nodded.

  “Why?” Becca asked softly.

  “You asked me that already.”

  Becca lapsed into a coughing fit, and seconds later, Rick walked in with his mask and gloves in tow. “I’m here. I got her.”

  Dani really wanted to stay. She glanced at Becca, then at Rick.

  “You’re gonna be late.”

  Right n
ow, Dani didn’t care.

  Rick sighed loudly and pushed her gently toward the hallway. “You can make googly eyes at her later. Hopefully, by the time you get here, she’ll even look a little better.”

  Dani glared.

  Rick smiled with his eyes.

  “Fine. Tell her I’ll call and check on her later.”

  “She heard you,” Becca called out throatily, then immediately started coughing again.

  “I’m gonna put Vicks VapoRub on the bottom of her feet. Clear all this right up.” Rick crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Oh my God, what is wrong with you?” Dani asked.

  “Kiddin’, unless you don’t get outta here.”

  Dani backed away. “Okay, bye.” When she turned, Dani ran right into Mark. “Oh, sorry.”

  “It’s okay. I just wanted to poke my head in.”

  “Not without gloves and a mask. You walked right past them on the kitchen counter.”

  “Okay, I can do that.” Mark followed her back to the kitchen. “She’s gonna be fine, right?” he asked again.

  Dani smiled. He really cared about her. “Yes, she is.”

  Rebecca woke up slowly and tried her best to take a deep breath, but she wasn’t quite able. “Shit.”

  “Your breathing isn’t as bad as it could be. Trust me.” Dani’s voice was slightly muffled through her mask, but she was still understandable.

  “I can’t tell.”

  Dani held up a finger as she finished writing in the notebook in her lap. “My stethoscope tells me so.”

  Rebecca didn’t really feel any better, but with Rick’s help earlier, she felt cleaner. She turned toward Dani, who was sitting in a folding chair on the other side of the bedroom. Rebecca was pretty sure Dani didn’t have to camp out in her room, but nonetheless, she was glad she was. She had a ton of questions, but it seemed every time Rebecca tried to ask, they were interrupted or Dani stopped the conversation altogether. Dani being here meant something. It meant a lot, but she wanted to hear her say it. She wanted to hear that Dani understood. Maybe Rebecca needed to do this a different way.


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