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Alien Indiscretions

Page 13

by Tracy St. John

  * * * *

  Cissy stared into the dark purple eyes of the man holding her. Had Rolat really said he wanted to put his handprints all over her ass? Was he talking about spanking her?

  Cissy had been more than willing to experiment with the Kalquorians on the transport that had brought her to the Empire. She knew how dominating the men were and some of the wilder sexual activities they enjoyed. Spanking had always been high on the list.

  She’d allowed half a dozen men to bend her over benches or their laps. Getting her bottom warmed had resulted in varying states of pleasure and pain, depending on her partner’s expertise in the matter. Her butt had met hands and straps and overall found the experience to be agreeable.

  Cissy tried to think responsibly about the immediate situation. She’d had too much to drink tonight. She didn’t think she was outright drunk, but her head buzzed pleasantly. Her thoughts felt muddy, too gooey to come through clear. Plus she had little personal experience with Rolat. Tasha had told her enough that Cissy was sure he was a safe person to be with, but who really knew?

  Yet there was a security safeguard here in the complex. Sensors would have picked up that three men had entered Cissy’s room with her. Fifteen minutes after their entrance, if they weren’t gone, the computer would automatically send a message to check on Cissy. If she didn’t respond to it with her code, it would signal security to come to her room and forcibly enter.

  It seemed to Cissy there was more to be worried about ... some important detail she was missing. With the bohut making her loose-limbed and Rolat’s stare and threatened spanking warming her below the waist, she had trouble thinking. Good heavens, she could drown in the deep blue-purple of this man’s eyes. And then there was that huge hand squeezing her ass. Such a big hand, a hand that would deliver the kind of spanking that would make her thrash ... and wet.

  “Naughty girl,” his deep voice said, rumbling from his chest to shiver through her. “Are you ready to make up for your bad behavior?”

  Cissy wasn’t sure what she would say, she wasn’t even sure she could speak. Yet her mouth opened and formed the word, “Yes.”

  “Have you bothered to learn any Kalquorian yet?”

  “Lina. Kenich guer”: A little. Not terribly well. Her numb tongue stumbled over the guttural pronunciation.

  Rolat understood it anyway. He nodded and smiled. “Do you know the word for ‘stop’?”

  “Sholt.” It had been one of Cissy’s first Kalquorian words. Her lovers always cautioned her to use it if the sex play got too rough.

  A spanking often led to sex with the aliens. A spark lit in her gut, eclipsing that warning feeling that she was forgetting something important.

  I’m being stupid and tipsy, but I don’t care. I want this man to spank me with his big, heavy hand. I want him to make my ass hot, and then I want him to fuck me. I want, I want, I want.

  Rolat’s thrilling stare filled her vision. “I will be careful to not cause any damage. If the pain becomes too much or you are upset with the chastisement, you will say sholt. If you understand my instructions, say, ‘Yes, Nobek.’

  “Yes, Nobek.” A million times yes, and a million times more.

  He picked her up off his lap. More hands grabbed her, and Cissy remembered it wasn’t just the two of them. For heaven’s sake, how had she forgotten Diltan and Wal were there too?

  As her head swam with arousal and confusion, they turned her over so that she lay over Rolat’s muscled thighs. Scarred flesh of a dangerous man. Cissy could feel how unyielding he was. Damn if his legs weren’t each nearly the circumference of her waist, and she was no dainty girl. Was she really giving herself over to this beast for a spanking?

  The familiar mix of concern and anticipation filled her being. The anxiety was more intense than usual. First of all, Rolat was bigger and badder than the men she’d played with on the transport that had carried Cissy from Earth to Kalquor. Second of all, he had help. There was more than one pair of hands hiking her skirt up, pulling her panties off, and rubbing her bared derriere. Cissy had never played with more than one man at a time before. Most of the men serving in the Empire’s fleet were unclanned Nobeks. The majority of the Kalquorians she’d entertained were young with as little experience with females as Cissy had with males.

  Diltan’s clan was not made up of wet-behind-the-ears boys, nervous with immaturity. The sense of assuredness transmitted through their touches, the way they massaged her rump and thighs. That they knew what they were doing offered a strange mix of security and terror.

  “By the ancestors, I’ve been thinking about this ass for weeks,” Diltan groaned. “Serve her well, my Nobek.”

  “Of course. Will you keep an eye on her for me, Wal? I’m not sure such a stubborn creature knows when to say when.”

  One pair of hands left off its eager kneading. A moment later, warm palms cupped Cissy’s face, tilting her head up. She looked into the Imdiko’s face.

  His pupils had nearly swallowed the purple of his irises. Wal’s parted lips showed his fangs had descended from his palate, peeking out from behind his flat teeth. Yet he smiled as Cissy’s gaze met his, and his attractive features transformed to become almost as dazzling as Diltan’s.

  “Hello, my lovely. I’m going to watch to make sure you’re all right while Rolat gives you discipline.”

  “Okay.” Cissy’s brain refused to come up with a better response. She stared at Wal, amazed that he could appear so forgettable in one moment, so gorgeous the next.

  One of the two pairs of hands still rubbing her flesh drifted down her legs, stopping halfway down her thighs. They gripped her firmly. The other set of hands stilled. One held a fleshy buttock while the other traced its way up her spine. It stopped at the nape of her neck. Rolat’s fingers curled around, holding her.

  “Now my lovely, wayward Earther. You will hold still until I’ve turned this delectable ass red enough to satisfy me that you’ve learned your lesson. Next time you feel mischievous, remember the spanking I’ve given you.”

  That he invited Cissy to misbehave again went unsaid. She sucked on her lower lip, anticipating future spankings as well as this one. Plus there was the bonus of irritating Diltan for real...

  Rolat’s hand lifted from her ass. “Relax,” Wal whispered. “It will be more enjoyable if you don’t tense up.”

  Cissy drew in a deep breath. Blew it out while concentrating on making all stiffness release from her body. Her pussy was warm and wet with anticipation.

  Bring it on, big guy.

  The heavy palm crashed down on her right buttock. Pain flared white-hot and agonizing. Cissy shrieked.


  “I do hope we get to that,” Rolat chuckled. “But first, this. Oh, what a lovely handprint on that sweet ass. Time for another.”

  Cissy moaned, unsure if she wanted another one. The first blow was fiery hell. Maybe she didn’t want this after all. Maybe she should call a halt.

  Her gaze was still on Wal’s face. He’d glanced away to see the effects of his clanmate’s discipline, and his expression filled with bald want. It made her sex pulse to see such naked desire.

  It distracted her enough that she didn’t finish considering whether or not she wanted the spanking to continue. Rolat’s hand slammed her left ass cheek this time. Cissy howled.

  Tears leaked from her eyes. She jerked in an effort to get free, to escape the flaming agony of the Nobek’s correction. However, he and Diltan held her down, keeping her from getting away.

  Caught. Can’t move. No escape...

  Another slap, this time to a part of her right buttock he hadn’t struck before. Cissy had plenty of backside to paddle, something that had delighted previous playmates. If Rolat was going to turn the entirety of her ass red, he still had a ways to go.

  “Look at her dance,” the Nobek chuckled. “I do enjoy a good lap dancer.”

  “You told her to keep still,” Diltan said. His cultured voice was breathy.

; “I did. I’m glad she’s so disobedient. I like the show and it gives me an excuse to keep spanking her for not minding me.”

  Another slap. More flames. Cissy sobbed and writhed. No matter how she bucked, she couldn’t get loose.

  They had her helpless. It was that sensation of utter vulnerability that enticed her every time.

  Even as pain rained down on her flesh, a part of Cissy reveled in her lack of power. Immobilized, defenseless, she had no hope of physically overcoming the men. For whatever reason, it made her insides melt. Even as she sobbed and struggled against them, her body woke as it never did for sex alone. She felt more alive, more vital right that moment as Rolat spanked her.

  Through it all, she gazed through tear-blurred eyes at Wal. His eyes darted to what his Nobek did to her, but only for quick moments. Most of the time his stare riveted on her face, watching her carefully. Despite her throbbing butt and the fact she was held down with no hope of defending herself, Cissy felt safe under the Imdiko’s regard. It made no sense to feel protected when a man held her legs prisoner and another walloped her ass, but a sense of security enveloped her just the same.

  Her rear was on fire. Her sex heated, excitement percolating with every strike. Moans interrupted Cissy’s cries as lust went to full boil. Pain was an aphrodisiac, feeding her arousal so that it bit hungrily throughout her gut. Her struggles were no longer about escaping Rolat’s discipline. She rubbed her mound against his thigh, reaching towards fulfillment.

  When the Nobek stopped spanking, she shrieked with dismay. “No! Keep going!”

  There was an instant of startled silence. Wal’s eyes went wide and he looked up at his clanmates. Then they all burst into laughter.

  Cissy couldn’t see the other two men from her position, especially since Rolat still gripped her neck and Wal her face. However, she saw the Imdiko had as many tears streaming from his eyes as she did. Their hilarity made her mad.

  “It’s not funny, you bastards! Damn it, I was close!”

  “Ma – Ma – Matara,” Rolat guffawed. “Oh, you wonderful, wonderful creature!”

  With the help of the others, he turned her over, careful to keep her smarting butt off his thighs. He rocked her cradled in his arms, laughing still.

  Diltan collapsed back against the lounger. “Now this is a woman. Were you really near orgasm?”

  Cissy didn’t see what was so hilarious. “Yes, you jerks! Why did you quit?”

  Rolat shook his head, disbelief mingling with the humor. “I quit because your ass is so red. I told you I would not cause damage, so I had to stop. By the ancestors, I’ve never been with a female who responded so well to a spanking.”

  With his frank expression of delight, Cissy’s frustrated anger calmed. They were impressed with her. No one was making fun. They were glad she’d been aroused by the Nobek’s discipline.

  Her face warmed with embarrassment. She’d never become turned on enough by a spanking that she’d come close to climax. Cissy thought that maybe something was weird about that.

  Diltan leaned close again, his gaze searching her face. “Now, no withdrawing, you lovely rascal. Let’s see if you are in need of our continued services.”

  His hand slid beneath her rumpled skirt, which had moved when Rolat shifted her so that it just concealed her sex. Knowing fingers slid along her slit.

  Cissy’s first impulse to slap him away short-circuited as desire leapt, full and demanding. Instead she moaned with longing, her legs falling apart to give Diltan better access.

  “Soaking wet,” he murmured. “She did enjoy herself.”

  With no warning, Diltan pressed two fingers inside Cissy. His thumb brushed her clit. Her body resounded, like a gong that had been struck. She arched with cry as he filled her. At the same time, she slammed her splayed hands against his chest, trying to fend him off. It was too much sensation, bringing her right up to the edge of destruction.

  “Hold her,” the Dramok commanded.

  Wal’s arms circled Cissy from behind, pinning her to his chest. Rolat grabbed her wrists and held them, stopping her desperate shoves against Diltan.

  The clan’s leader pushed Cissy’s skirt up, exposing her mound. “There you are,” he breathed, his mouth curling in a happy smile. “What a lovely pussy, Matara. And a greedy one, too. I do believe she’s trying to yank my fingers off my hand.”

  “Careful, my Dramok,” Rolat chuckled.

  Diltan arched a brow at the gasping Cissy. “Now my rebellious beauty, if you take my fingers away I won’t be able to do this to you.”

  The two digits buried inside her curled. Diltan pulled them outward, dragging his fingertips hard along the front of her sheath. The friction was an electrical jolt to Cissy’s system. Her hair stood on end as a shockwave rumbled through her body.

  She uttered a strangled cry, her insides heaving with near-cataclysm. Just like that, Diltan had her on the verge of orgasm again.

  Wal’s voice teased her ear. “She’s a wild one, all right.”

  “Indeed,” Diltan agreed. “I think there is only one way to tame a woman like this. Positive reinforcement.”

  With that, he pumped her pussy with those wicked fingers. His thumb stroked her clit.

  With the second thrust into her sheath, Cissy detonated. Her head jerked back against Wal’s shoulder as a mighty force broke loose inside her guts. She screamed as that force heaved. It felt as if a physical entity fought to escape her body.

  “Good girl. Do you have another for me?”

  The brute teasing the monster inside her continued to fuck her, his fingers pounding hard against her, just the way she liked to be taken. The ravening desire drew in on itself for a moment before tearing through her once more. Cissy bucked against the men holding her, wild with release. They held her immobile, forcing her to accept climax so intense that it was almost painful.

  When at last the storm subsided, the first thing Cissy noted was her sobbing breath. She hauled in air like she’d just run a marathon. What the hell, she felt that worn out.

  “Easy, little rebel. Drink this.”

  A cup pressed to Cissy’s lips. She gulped cold water until the glass was empty.

  The cup was taken away, and she met Diltan’s gaze right in front of her. On either side, Rolat and Wal also stared. Their expressions were identical: awed and amused.

  “That was something else,” Rolat decided.

  Before Cissy could decide whether to be humiliated or proud, an insistent beeping sounded in the room. It was followed by an electronic voice that stated, “Matara Cecilia Salter, it has been noted you are not alone in your quarters. Please submit the code for your safety status.”

  She started to speak, but issued only a weak croak. She cleared her throat and tried again.

  “Code H-L-I-A-A-L-L-W-R-T-F.”

  “Received and acknowledged. You confirm you are safe with your companions. Would you like another check-in in fifteen minutes?”

  Cissy eyed the three men watching her. Was she safe? Not from gut-wrenching orgasms, but who wanted to be guarded against that?

  She grinned. “Negative on the check-in. Clear current guests for duration of visit.”

  “Acknowledged. Please remember to input new security code at your earliest convenience.”

  It clicked off. Rolat cocked his head to one side inquisitively.

  “I know your code was made up of Earther letters, yet I could discern no pattern. Are you a cipher expert?”

  Cissy snickered. “No. Those were the first letters for the statements ‘Holy Leader Is An Asshole. Long Live Women’s Right To Fuck.’”

  Rolat threw his head back and laughed. Wal also chuckled.

  Diltan shook his head but grinned. “Am I to assume that we may continue enjoying ourselves ... and you?”

  The dangerous light in his eyes made things inside Cissy’s belly tremble. Dear heavens, they’d brought her screaming just with a heavy hand and busy fingers. What would full-on sex be like with these thr

  There was only one way to find out. She pointed a shaking finger towards the bedroom door.

  “That way.”

  * * * *

  Diltan wasn’t sure he’d ever been so hard in his entire life. So far, Cissy was more amazing than he’d dared to fantasize. Her brash persona translated to an exuberant libido that had his knees knocking together. Damn, she excited him.

  However he thought there was more to be thrilled with than her willingness to be spanked and have sex. He’d detected an almost hidden desire to submit behind all her outspokenness. Was there something softer beneath the rowdy strength she seemed determined to show the world? A secret desire to be overcome and dominated?

  Surely he couldn’t be so lucky. Yet the possibility was too much to not explore.

  Letting the steel that made up the greater part of his personality move forward, Diltan spoke with the command he’d been born to wield. “Maybe we’ll take this to your sleeping room later. For now, I will have you here in the matter I wish.”

  Cissy’s hazel eyes went wide. For an instant, she melted back against Wal, her face softening. Then the brassy light filled her gaze once more. She gave Diltan a mocking smile. “Is that how you think it’s going to go?”

  The Dramok fought off the urge to grin from ear to ear. She did want to surrender. He’d seen it for that fraction of a second before her strength of will took control.

  I’ll have to earn her submission. Maybe this woman isn’t so far off the mark for me after all.

  Instead of letting his face light up with anticipation, he gave Cissy a no-nonsense look. “That is exactly how it’s going to go. Please remove her clothing while I look for something to bind her wrists with.”

  Not waiting to see if he would be obeyed, Diltan rose from the lounger. He went into Cissy’s room, ignoring her startled yelps and squeals as his clanmates got to work.

  He noted with appreciation how tidy Cissy kept her sleeping room. Diltan preferred organization. Moreover, he hoped it meant he’d not have trouble locating what he wanted. Opening Cissy’s closet confirmed his hopes: the more outrageous clothing items were kept separate from what the Earther chose to lounge around in when she wanted to be comfortable. He found a robe with a silky sash. Perfect.


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