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Alien Indiscretions

Page 42

by Tracy St. John

  Rolat pumped his fists in the air, every ounce the victor. “Yes!” he roared, as if he’d scored a major conquest.

  They laughed at his triumphant display. Cissy dared to hope everything would turn out all right for them, if not for the rest of Kalquor.

  Chapter 28

  As soon as they reached the clan’s home, Rolat scooped Cissy up in his arms. She laughed as he carried her into one of the elaborate bathrooms off the clan’s sleeping room. There the three men undressed her as fragrant water sluiced from the basin’s jets. It was more a pool than a tub, wonderfully decadent in its excess.

  Cissy sighed as she was lowered into the bath. It came up to just cover her breasts. The warmth permeated her body, relaxing her muscles. She watched Diltan, Wal, and Rolat strip, her eyes delighting in muscled shoulders, wide chests, trim stomachs, and thick thighs. Her pussy gave a spasm to see the lengths of their dual cocks already erect. Knowing they would be inside her at some point tonight, filling her body, made her eager to skip the foreplay and get right to business.

  However, she was determined to welcome them with the same mindfulness as she’d had when they’d said goodbye. If their long separation had taught Cissy anything, it was that she must never take any of the men for granted.

  After a quick conference, Rolat fetched a rolling cart with several drawers and brought it to the side of the basin where Cissy sat. Diltan and Wal stepped into the pool and waded close to stand over her. Rolat slid in to join them. Cissy felt small next to the three big Kalquorians, dwarfed by their huge, masculine bodies. The thought of what they could do to her, what they could force her to do for them, turned her on. It didn’t matter that Clan Diltan would never push anything on her that she didn’t want. It was enough to know they could if they wanted to ... and that she was safe from them doing so.

  Wanting more of that oh-so delicious feeling of vulnerability, Cissy abandoned her usual need to argue for control. Looking up at the clan’s leader she asked, “What do you want me to do?”

  Diltan’s smile made him almost too devastatingly gorgeous to look at. “Be our good girl. Do as you’re told. That’s all that is required of you.”

  “Yes, Dramok. Whatever you want.”

  “Very good, Cecilia.”

  They knelt around her. “Turn around, my love,” Diltan told her. “We’re going to pick you up and lean you over the edge of the basin.”

  She did as she was told, turning so she faced the side of the pool with her back to the clan. Hands hefted her up, draping her so that her torso rested on the floor and her ass and legs hung over the side. She thought perhaps the festivities would begin with a spanking. That suited her fine. She was in the mood for a little harsh treatment. Maybe it would help bleed out the worry that still wriggled in her mind.

  “That’s our girl. Spread your legs now.”

  As she did so, Rolat tugged one of the rolling cabinet’s drawers open. From her angle with hair spilling over her eyes, Cissy couldn’t tell what he took out.

  Hands rubbed over her ass and thighs, massaging to work out the tension she’d carried for too long. Cissy didn’t try to contain her groan of appreciation. Maybe that spanking was coming, but until it started she would enjoy this just fine.

  The tip of something firm teased her anus. Then the feeling of slickness poured over it. Cissy dove further into relaxation, readying herself for the invasion. It came, a careful insertion of something much smaller than a cock, pressing her open in gradual increments. Cissy smiled. They were taking good care of her. Maybe she didn’t want that spanking after all. It was wonderful to be doted on.

  The plug wasn’t too long, and its sweet, slight fullness was inside her in a matter of seconds. Then they tugged on her, pulling her back into the bath.

  “Good girl. You’ll get a bigger one in a little while if you behave.”

  “Thank you.” Cissy thought good manners might count towards rewards.

  “Stand up to be washed.”

  She did so. The men filled their palms with a cleansing gel from a dispenser. For the next several minutes, they lathered Cissy from chin to her waist. They massaged her with suds, teasing out knots of tension in her shoulders, arms, and back. Her breasts and stomach received equal attention, alternating between making her moan with excitement and setting off giggles when ticklish parts were stroked.

  Palmfuls of water sluiced over her, rinsing off the suds. Cissy was directed to lean over the edge of the basin again. She did so and the small butt plug was removed. Rolat inserted a larger one, stretching her to about half the girth of a Kalquorian’s smaller cock. Cissy shivered, thinking how deliciously full she was going to be when she got the real thing.

  “My Nobek, why don’t you hold our girl so we can finish washing away these last awful weeks?”Diltan sounded as excited as Cissy felt. Judging from the way his cocks bobbed up against his belly when he moved, his tone was no lie.


  Rolat got behind Cissy. His hands cupped the backs of her knees. “Lean back against my chest,” he instructed. She did so, and he lifted her, his arms beneath her thighs. She sat above the water, cradled in a chair position.

  The lathering resumed. While Rolat held Cissy up, Diltan and Wal each worked on a leg and foot, again massaging free all tightness until she felt like jelly. Cissy thought she might ooze into the water between Rolat’s huge arms. She’d never been so relaxed.

  She couldn’t even summon the strength to tense when Wal’s soapy fingers began to cleanse her pussy. All she could do was tremble as his hand worked over her splayed mound. Her head lolled against Rolat’s wide chest as she moaned in gratitude for the sweet sensations waking in her core.

  His eyes bright with mischief, Wal looked to Diltan. “She needs a thorough rinsing.”

  The Dramok already had a metallic sprayer in his hand, connected by a tube to one of the many jets that lined the pool. “I would be glad to take care of that.”

  With a push of a button, a stream of water shot out of the sprayer. Cissy’s eyes widened as Diltan brought it towards her pussy. Her hands instinctively shot out to shield herself, but a laughing Wal caught her wrists, making her helpless.

  Diltan’s evil grin was at odds with the gentle cooing tone he spoke with. “Hold still, little girl. Let me get that soap off.”

  His aim was deadly accurate. The spray found her clit, and Cissy no longer rode gentle swells of arousal. Ecstatic lust burst forth, fully formed and stampeding towards climax.

  Had Diltan left the jet of water unmoving, the violent excitement would have swiftly turned to pain. However he played it over her pussy, letting it stroke the lips and clit and even her plugged ass from different angles. The stream left her screaming, but in rapture. Her body suffused with incredible heat. She damned near crackled with it.

  Cissy’s sex heaved all at once, the orgasm tearing through as if to escape an intensity it couldn’t face. She twisted and jerked in Rolat’s arms, her throaty screams turning into high-pitched shrieks. There was no escape. The delicious, insane pleasure continued, forcing brutal climax from her.

  Then it was gone, leaving Cissy devastated in its wake. She groaned, her body sagging against the Nobek holding her. Her pussy pulsed with angry surges.

  She blinked groggily at the radiant smile beaming from Diltan’s face. He held the now quiet sprayer in his hand, pointed away from her. She eyed it as if it was a weapon he might turn on her at any moment. It essentially was.

  “Fu—fuck,” she wheezed. “Fuck.”

  “We’ll get to that,” he answered as the other two laughed. “But first, this.”

  With his free hand, the Dramok reached to her still convulsing pussy, seizing the red, swollen nubbin at the top. The instant his finger and thumb squeezed, a thunderclap of elation rolled through Cissy again. She yelled at the fresh spasm.

  “Don’t, Diltan,” she begged, her feet kicking arcs of water around the group. “Don’t, you’re killing me.”

��Your word is sholt,” he reminded her. He rubbed her clit between finger and thumb, making her arch against the stoic Nobek who held her without straining. “If you want me to stop, it is your only way out.”

  Cissy gasped as he teased mercilessly. She couldn’t believe that she was tempted to fold because of pleasure. Yet perhaps there could be too much of a good thing. She was crazed from the powerful sensations overloading her wits.

  However, the rebellious part of her heard the challenge in Diltan’s tone. He believed she was too weak to withstand the gorgeous torment. He didn’t think she could take it. Cissy didn’t think she could take it either. In fact, she was sure of it. Yet she couldn’t stand to bow to that knowing smirk of his. She might love the man, but she was still ready to argue with him, to make him work to win her over.

  Cissy bit her lips together hard, making it hurt, taking what refuge she could from the unbearable bliss.

  Diltan’s grin spread wide enough to break his face. “There’s my stubborn little rebel. Last chance, Cecilia.” He pressed the button to turn the jet on again.

  A tiny moan of terror escaped Cissy’s clenched jaw. She pulled against Wal’s grip on her wrists even as she shook her head in refusal to bow.

  “As you wish, my love.”

  He turned the spray on her pussy again. This time her cunt exploded on contact. Every thought was eclipsed by rending passion that tried to tear her body apart.

  The jet moved away. Cissy panted, hearing it spatter the surface of the pool. Diltan hadn’t turned it off this time. There would be no more invitations to surrender. With Rolat and Wal holding her open and vulnerable to him, he would make her come as often as it pleased the Dramok to do so.

  She was lost in a hellish paradise. Cissy welcomed it with all her being.

  Once more, thick sprays of thunderous pressure attacked her pussy. Once more, Cissy lost herself in blinding climax. A brief pause. Renewed rapture. Another brief pause. More luscious agony.

  She screamed. She writhed. She sobbed. She surrendered over and over to glorious dissolution for her lovers’ pleasure. She made their will hers, that they would know she would give them everything for as long as they wanted. Forever, if they would grant it to her.

  The spray left again after another frenzied release. Through the roaring in her ears, Cissy heard its liquid whisper silence. She peered with blurred eyes to see Diltan lay it on the side of the basin.

  Wal still held her wrists, and he brought her clenched fists to his lips to kiss them. “Good girl,” he whispered with warmth. His eyes were filled with love as he looked at her. “Beautiful girl.”

  Rolat moved her so that he cradled her in his arms like a baby. He carried her out of the pool. Diltan and Wal climbed out to gather fluffy towels. They patted her dry as she lay depleted in the Nobek’s secure hold.

  The touches were as gentle as the orgasms had been brutal. Once again, Cissy felt all the tension bleed from her body. She drowsed, enjoying the soft caresses and the tingling coming from her still sensitive sex.

  In her relaxed state, she didn’t react to the motions of Rolat carrying her away. When he laid her on the cloud-soft sleeping mat in the clan’s bedroom, she let herself sink into it. Her eyes closed as she smiled with pleasure. Life was wonderful. Future and past no longer existed for her. Tomorrow was far, far away. The months of being apart were like a distant bad dream. She was content in all ways, happier than she ever remembered being in her entire life.

  The clan was quiet as they moved about her. She felt the bedding shift as they brushed against her here and there. Something soft wrapped around her wrists and tightened slightly. Fingers tested for snugness, making sure her circulation wasn’t compromised. More silky binds circled her upper thighs. Cissy was too blissful to care what the men were putting on her. She barely noticed for the pleasure that their mere presence gave her.

  Even when her legs were bent up, bringing her knees nearly to her shoulders, Cissy didn’t rouse from her pleasant dreaming state. The feeling of delicately placed ties that fixed her wrists to her ankles made little impression, as well as the knowledge that a velvet-feeling strap was passed beneath her neck. She heard small clicks and felt motions at the circles around her thighs. A slight pull at the back of her neck told her the strap had been attached there.

  It finally occurred to Cissy that she had been trussed up, practically hogtied by the clan. She blinked her eyes open to find the men kneeling around her. She was bound all right, curled on her back with her ass up and splayed wide.

  “Look at who woke up,” Wal announced in a cheery voice. He knelt between her legs, held open by the thick strap that passed behind her neck, its ends clipped to the thigh bands.

  “Just in time,” Rolat said. He was on her left side, holding what looked like small alligator clips in one palm. Cissy had gotten in some experience with such clips on her journey to Kalquor. She groaned. Nap time was at an end. The men were far from done with her.

  On her right, Diltan held up a red rubber ball. He squeezed it, and it squeaked. “In place of saying sholt since you will be gagged,” he told her as he pressed it into her hand. “Let me hear you use it.”

  Cissy tried hard not to let him see her shiver as she obeyed. The pliable ball squished easily in her grasp, emitting its squawk.

  The Dramok gave her that devilish smirk and held up another ball, this one black, attached to small cushioned straps. “Open your mouth.”

  The command in his voice had Cissy obeying faster than her mind could work. Diltan put the ball gag between her lips and strapped in place. “Feel free to bite down as needed,” he teased.

  Still a jerk ... but he was her jerk now. Cissy narrowed her eyes in threat.

  Wal laughed. “She’s awake, all right.” His smile was as menacing as his clanmates’. “She may wish otherwise pretty soon.”

  Rolat bounced the nipple clips in his hand. “I guarantee she will.” His threat rang in Cissy’s ears.

  Wal started by sliding the anal plug out. Cissy had grown used to its presence and missed it terribly. However, seeing the Imdiko lubing up another, larger one let her know she wouldn’t miss it for long.

  He pressed it in her, filling her almost as well as if he’d used his secondary cock. Cissy’s eyes rolled at the wondrous pressure in her nether regions. It felt so good.

  Wal wasn’t content to let the thick plug nestle inside her, stretching her in its delightful, aching fashion. He pumped it in and out of her, fucking her ass with slow care. Cissy moaned around her gag, thrilling to the sweet violation.

  Her view of the Imdiko was blocked by Rolat leaning down to capture a breast in his mouth. He sucked the mound deep in his maw, moving his raspy tongue so that it scraped over her already taut nipple. Glass shards of raw pleasure shivered through Cissy, catching her breath. She arched, offering him more of her flesh.

  The Nobek released her tit, sucking hard on it all the way. Her nipple jutted at him, as if to accuse him of abandonment. His tongue peeked out to flick the pebbled round of rosy pink back and forth.

  “Lovely,” he breathed. Approving of its stiffened state, he pinched it between the padded jaws of one of the clips.

  Cissy sucked in a breath. It didn’t hurt, not yet, but she was astoundingly sensitive to everything at that moment. The squeezing of the clamp felt profound, sending more darts of excitement through her.

  Watching her face with a lazy smile, Rolat tightened the clamp that held her nipple prisoner. The pressure turned to pinching, sending a warm ached through Cissy’s breast. Then a lance of pain made her whimper.

  “Lovely,” Rolat repeated. His eyes were heavy lidded as he licked his lips and tightened the clamp the slightest increment more. Cissy writhed as the pressure seared. He stopped. “Offer me the other one,” he said.

  Her eyes stinging with unfallen tears, Cissy arched her chest upward. Rolat seized the second breast as he had the first, sucking hard and abrading it with his rough tongue. The pleasure of that to
uch swirled headily with the torment of the other tit. Cissy was tossed in a maelstrom of conflicting sensations.

  Too soon, the Nobek had the second clip in place. Red-hot splinters of pain lanced through her breast. His control over her sent arousal to war against the hurt. Cissy couldn’t say that she liked the pain so much as being made to surrender to it. The submission was what got her trembling with excitement.

  Trembling turned to quaking when she saw Diltan raise a thick wand with the padded bulbous head on the end. He smiled his wicked smile at her as he turned it on. The hum was loud as the rounded end visibly vibrated.

  He lowered it towards her pussy. Cissy’s bonds left her wide open, her already swollen and sensitive clit exposed. She could only watch as the buzzing instrument homed in on her vulnerable flesh.

  Contact sizzled through her pussy, joining with the pleasure of Wal fucking her ass with the plug. Cissy screamed around the gag as elation roiled through her gut. Her body jerked, trying to get away from the too-profound thrill building in strength. Diltan kept up with her twitches, not allowing her to escape.

  Wal smacked her ass with a hard hand, adding even more heat to her lower regions. He paddled one ass cheek with his palm, and then smacked the other cheek with the back of his hand. The spanking underscored her inability to get away from their attentions.

  Then Rolat bent down to flick her clamped nipples with his tongue. The raspiness of his touch was the most acute Cissy had ever felt. It should have been painful, but instead it added to the increasing stampede to climax.

  Cissy’s mind untethered. She could no longer think. All she knew was fire and ecstasy and the helplessness to deny it. She shot straight to the pinnacle of culmination and hovered, climax gathering for one gigantic rush into the heavens.

  Then everything stopped. Wal quit spanking and plunging thickness into her ass. Rolat rose from her breast. Diltan pulled the vibrator away.


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