Prepper: A Story of the Future Collapse

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Prepper: A Story of the Future Collapse Page 5

by Franz Bates

After Michael gave orders for the search and rescue team, he went back to his office. He contemplated on the things he overheard from Mr. Kennedy. He is confused on what his next steps will be. For now, he will focus on finding Liz. He believes that she is still alive and trying to survive somewhere. He carefully talked to the rescuers and they have assured him that there are no remains of a woman found at the crash site. At this point, Michael was fully convinced that she did not die from the accident. “It may not be an accident at all.” Michael found himself saying out loud. Thankfully his office was soundproof due to frequent helicopter landings in that operation center. He dialed the local number to president’s office. He politely reminded her of the papers she needed to sign for the search operation to start. He will push all the efforts to find her, and investigate further, the truth behind Mr. Kennedy’s phone conversation.

  Mr. Kennedy’s office is located on the second floor of the 5-Storey Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center in Bluemont, Virginia. He is standing on the balcony, facing the wide gated entrance of the facility, to his left is General McCrystal, sipping his coffee. It was six forty-five in the morning and the sun is not even up yet. They seemed to engage in a very serious conversation. Have you thought about how to go in convincing her? The general asked. Not yet. I’m still waiting for the right timing. Once the rescuers found the body of the daughter, I will insist the idea to her. Then it’s going to be easier for me to impose anything on her in the middle of her mourning. The newly appointed vice president added. The two have been on the balcony for more than an hour now. Neither of them knew that someone from the outside is observing them carefully. Both the general and the vice president laughed hard as they continuously discuss their plans. It was a known fact that General McCrystal’s father lost the presidency to Hillary White in the last elections. Now that they have seen a small chance, they will do everything to steal the presidency from White.

  While everything seems to be going well for McCrystal and Kennedy, Michael is out doing his morning routine of jogging around the operations center compound. He saw this opportunity to observe the two old men engaged in a deep conversation at these ungodly hours of the morning. He knew that they were trying to avoid being seen by the public together as it may start up any issue. Michael pressed his plugged his earphones and started jogging. After an hour of running around the compound, he went back to his car and drove to his condo unit nearby. He went back to the Mount Weather at around nine A.M to perform his duties as the president’s assistance.

  Meanwhile, in Atlanta, Amelia and Elizabeth have finally crossed the border and are now in Georgia. Elizabeth fell asleep the whole drive and she felt guilty when she woke up for not being able to help Amelia at all. Amelia must have sensed this and said it is ok for Elizabeth to continue sleeping. Or do you want to stop by and eat? Amelia asked the young girl. No, it's fine. I can eat while the car is running. I am a frequent traveler. I am so used to eating inside the car. Elizabeth smiled. Ok then, go take your breakfast now because it’s getting late and it’s going to be considered lunch already by the time you are done eating. Amelia laughed. The two seem to be getting comfortable with each other as the hour's pass by. Not that Amelia has a problem with the girl, but Elizabeth’s trust seems to be very hard to earn.

  Amelia noticed that the radio of the car they are driving received a signal transmission. The signal must have been back here in Georgia. Let’s listen to the news. Amelia almost instantly pushed the power button and the radio turned on. Little did he know that Elizabeth went pale upon hearing what he said. Amelia was so indulged in the news that he didn’t notice the uncomfortable face of his companion. They were both shaken by the news updates about the virus.

  Reporter: The Superpox-99 has killed nearly twenty thousand lives now across all states. The majority are those living in the cities where the streets are crowded in a daily basis. New York City is still on top of the list with nearly ten thousand death tolls and continuously increasing. The CDC Representative is here with us today at the station to make an appeal to every American tonight.

  CDC Representative: The CDC is still hopeless in finding the resolution for this killer virus. The government is warning everyone to please avoid leaving your homes if it’s not necessary as this Superpox-99 virus can easily spread through the air. Always wear your masks and continuously take your vitamins to maintain strong antibodies in your system.

  After that segment, the radio signal went off again. They have reached the part of the road where there is a broken transmission line. Amelia continued driving while Elizabeth was quiet again. It must have been the news she just heard. Amelia thought to his self.

  Elizabeth was thankful that the news focused on the virus and not to the helicopter crash. It is still going to be a long ride and she is not sure for how long can she hide her identity from Amelia. She trusted the man who took her under his wing but she knows it might get complicated if he discovers who really she is. For now, she will continuously hope that everything goes well until they reached Virginia. She promised herself that she will reward this good-hearted man that never thought twice about helping her.

  On the crash site, two groups of rescuers and researchers arrived. Both have one goal; to find the president’s daughter, dead or alive. The group sent by Michael was unaware that the other group was just waiting for them to be done for the day and they will burn the whole accident site including the cars, helicopter parts, and the restaurant. The second group’s mission is to make sure no signs of life will be found the next morning. This is the order of the person who sent them.

  Chapter Eleven

  Seth spent the next few days in his cabin. He has created and prepared devices that would be needed for the next few weeks if things will continue to be rough. He planted more plants around the cabin to make sure it is surrounded with oxygen always. He also arranged his pile stock of dried food and put all the gasoline cans in the stockroom. He built a large place for Brodie just beside his room. Brodie had his own set of small pillows and a blanket. Seth also made extra spaces for any additional company in this cabin. He knew that anytime soon he may encounter some helpless civilians looking for safer shelter here in the woods. As he is preparing dinner for him and Brodie, he noticed unusual movements in the small stockroom attached to the kitchen. He immediately grabbed his pistol and silently opened the back door. More than anyone else, he knows the ins and outs of this cabin, so he used the shortcut to at the back to slowly creep at the stockroom window. He saw three men in a rush collecting all the cans of gasoline and placing them in a sack. He pointed his gun to the biggest of them all and shoots him in the head. The trespasser immediately fell down, while the two others dived out of the window to attack him. Luckily, Brodie seemed to have noticed the danger that his new master is in; the Rottweiler attacked the intruder who is currently on top of Seth. While Seth grabbed his pistol that fell beside him and fired two shots, each landed in the heads of the intruders.

  Brodie helped Seth in throwing the lifeless bodies of the intruders. Seth went back to the stockroom to secure that no cans of gasoline were accidentally opened during the commotion. After double checking everything, Seth went to bed and assured that Brodie was sleeping soundly. It was an eventful evening for both of them. Seth promised to himself to continue erasing ruthless convicts in this community for the sake of those innocent civilians that they are trying to victimize.

  The next morning, Seth built extra fences around the cabin, especially in the stock room. He knew that his pile stock of dry goods and gasoline will be the usual target of the convicts trying to make their lives easier by robbery. After catering extra security for his goods, Seth reviewed all the firearms in his possession. He is glad that all of them are in good condition and still full in terms of bullets. He placed some of them in hidden parts of the cabin for emergency cases. He hides the M16 rifle under his bed and his SIG SAUER P226 at the back of his face mirror, while his .38 revolver is carefully tucked in the side pocket o
f his truck’s driver seat. All of his firearms are fully loaded ready for any action.

  In the following days, Seth spent time familiarizing Brodie’s actions and gestures. He trained the giant Rottweiler to catch small things that he will throw in the air. He trained him as well to bring a couple of things from one place to another. He can ask Brodie to transport things for him in cases of emergency. As days go by, the Rottweiler seemed to be satisfied with the care of his new owner. That night, Jamie and Robert were online as they agreed during their first meeting. Jamie mentioned that she was able to get a ticket to Wisconsin. Her best friend who works for the airlines secured two tickets for her and for her son. They are now in Wisconsin under her mother’s care. Seth asked how the virus is spreading out in that area and Jamie said it is also rapidly increasing especially in the cities. “But my mother’s house is near the Black River State Forest and there are no reported cases here yet. I think the authorities are now preventing the entry of the individuals coming from infected states; luckily we were able to reach here before they closed all roads. Jamie reported.

  I don’t have any luck in booking a ticket. The trunk lines are always busy and when I tried to go to the ticket office it is closed. It has big signs saying that tickets are sold out and that flights going out of Gloucester, Virginia have been canceled. It was Robert who speaks this time. It’s as if the government is trying to control the spread by not allowing people to move to different places. Well, I see their point, but it also means that they are just waiting until everyone here gets infected and die. Robert continued, frustration is evident in his voice.

  Jamie, can you ask your friend is she can book me a flight to Cherry Creek in South Dakota. My girlfriend lives there and I want to stay with her to make sure she will be okay. Robert asked.

  I will do my best to contact her, but she hasn’t returned my messages to her since last night. Jamie answered.

  Both Seth and Jamie feel horrible for him. Robert is stuck in an infected area and Superpox-99 can strike him anytime soon. Seth remembered what his old friend told him. He advised Robert and Jaime to stay in areas inhabited by plants because Superpox-99 is weak when combined with oxygen. It will not kill the virus but at least it becomes weak. Seth also told Jamie and Robert the past eventful days he had with Brodie and while on the road. He told them that the convicts are robbing stores and pharmacies for supplies and using abandoned cars to travel in different borders.

  Jamie, your situation seems to be the best as of this moment so try listening to the news and keep me and Robert updated. We will try to get in touch again in the next few days to share ideas for this situation. Jamie and Robert agreed to talk again in the next few days.

  The following morning, Seth loaded his truck with gasoline and began his long drive to Boone. When he arrived in the town, he checked for any signs of abuse from the convicts. He saw one small establishment that had broken mirrors and washed out food supplies. The convicts have been here. He thought. He went to the local church and talked to the priest in charge. Along with other civilians and locals of Boone, the priest told him that there have been series of robberies and attacks from the convicts. They are equipped with fast cars and guns. They threatened every single person to come their way and those who will not give what they want will be killed. The convicts have killed several police officers that tried to stop them. Right now, the whole town is living in fear, not just of the Superpox-99 but also the dangerous killers trying to take over Boone. Seth was somehow relieved to know that aside from the thirty-seven people who died last week from Superpox-99, the number of virus fatalities did not increase anymore. The local doctors in their area were quick enough to distribute vitamins and antibodies to the people to keep their immune system strong. However, Seth warned the people that the virus has no cure yet so they should not be complacent that there will be no more victims in the next few days.

  In the CDC headquarters, Dr. Timothy Frankle was facing looking for something in his drawers when he heard his computer beep. He saw new emails coming from National Health Commission, all about the possible cure for Superpox-99. He never had the time to read each of them because of his left and right conferences and meetings. The CDC had become a marketplace since the virus breaks out. They held left and right meetings and the laboratories are filled with specialists all hoping to get the right vaccine that the world needs. He scrolled down and marked all of them as “read” so that he would see if there are new unread emails. When he was about to log out, his attention was caught by an email with the subject “Professor I NEED YOUR HELP!” It was an email from one of his students in the medical research. Last year, he was invited to teach on the subject Virology Research at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine and he gladly accepted the invitation. Doctor Frankle felt nervous about the email and he cannot understand why. He clicked the subject and the email opened.

  Professor, I need your help! I am one of your students in Virology Research. I am now an intern medical researcher here in Army’s Biological Warfare Lab in Fort Detrick, Maryland. I accidentally inhaled a small portion of the Superpox-99 virus that we are studying. I started showing signs and symptoms. I started having difficulty in breathing and I am starting to lose my eyesight now. I inhaled it the other day, I got a fever that night and now my whole body feels numb as I write this email, I don’t know for how long will I still live. Please develop a vaccine to avoid mass destruction. This virus has no vaccine developed yet and I know you are the only person who can do it. Please help the future victims! I am sorry.

  Doctor Frankle went pale after reading the whole email. It is clear to him now how the virus breakout started. He was right after all. The Superpox-99 killer is no other than the virus that he warned his sister about. Indeed the researcher is right; the virus has no cure yet. With more than twenty thousand victims of the Superpox-99 in just two weeks, he isn’t sure anymore if it was still the same virus that he studied about three years ago. It must have developed already to the highest extent. Doctor Frankle immediately dialed numbers on his phone. He knows that her sister is aware of all these. After a few rings, a woman picked up the other line but Doctor Frankle did not give her the chance to speak.

  Did the researcher survive? The doctor asked coldly.

  No, he didn’t. I was trying to call you right away upon learning it, but I cannot pass through your voicemail. The woman on the other line reasoned out.

  I warned you about this and you did not listen to me. The doctor toned down but disappointment is still evident in his voice. Please, Tim. I’ve had enough of the blaming game. We cannot find Liz. I am still hoping she is alive. No remains could be recovered from the crash site. The woman whined and Doctor Tim could feel the tears flowing from her eyes.

  I know, I am sorry Hillary. I am just concerned about you. Up to his last breath, Dad told me to take care of you. The doctor said in a low voice.

  I know you can do it, Tim. Please help CDC develop the vaccine. After all these troubles, I will resign and live a simple life. I want to spend time with the remaining family that I have and that’s you and Liz. The woman, who turned out to be President Hillary, tried to convince Doctor Frankle. I know you are still hurt when CDC rejected your proposal for the XfoltD virus vaccine, but this battle with Superpox-99 isn’t just about you and the CDC now. It’s about the millions of human population out there who could be washed out in the next few weeks. Hillary continued.

  Last year when a virus name XfoltD contaminated the air of Chicago and other areas in Illinois, the CDC asked two groups to develop a vaccine that would kill it. Unfortunately, even though he was the first to develop a vaccine, CDC chose to acknowledge and distribute the vaccine developed by the other group. Doctor Frankel was disappointed about it. Since then, Doctor Frankel became reluctant in giving his research results and recommendations to the CDC management. He felt that the current director who was his previous classmate in the medicine school has personal jealousy against him when Frankel’
s research was awarded for the best thesis of the year instead of his.

  Chapter Twelve

  Seth is packing up for another trip to Boone. He is determined this time to keep the peace and order in the small town. He has high hopes for the town because of the generous and accommodating people that live in it. He packed several firearms in case any trouble comes in the way. But he agreed to the priest of the town that they will avoid violence at all cost. So Brodie and Seth traveled back to Boone again. On their way, they came across the same store where he found Brodie. Seth noticed that the gasoline station became even messier and he is so certain that the convicts have gone, here again, probably to get more gasoline. At this point, Seth is one hundred percent positive the criminals are still around Boone continuously victimizing people.

  When Seth and Brodie arrived in the local church of Boone, he saw a familiar face inside, leading the Sunday mass; to his surprise, it was Father Alain. When he approached him after the ceremony, the priest told him that he was newly assigned in this area and the previous priest was reassigned somewhere else. Seth was happy to hear this news. So he explained again his plan to Father Alain and the latter agreed. They called for a meeting and surprisingly a lot of the locals of the town attended. Seth introduced himself as a Marshal Officer. He also assured the people that he will do his best to keep the order in Boone. He stated that he plans to patrol every night around the town and most of the men volunteered to assist him.

  The next morning, he started his mission by providing basic training to the group of men who volunteered to be his companions. He also guided every household in stocking basic survival kits until the Superpox-99 vaccine is not yet discovered. He asked everyone to plant more in their backyards to increase oxygen in their air. He brought the cartons of face mask that he recovered from an abandoned pharmacy and distributed it the women and children. He asked them to wear them all the time for added protection. On his third day, the patrolling started. So far all the streets are clear and no signs of any convicts or criminals hanging around. The same goes for the next few nights until the following week.


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