Prepper: A Story of the Future Collapse

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Prepper: A Story of the Future Collapse Page 6

by Franz Bates

  Everything was going well for the safety and peace of Boone except that few more cases of Superpox-99 cases were reported. In a span of days, 9 virus-related deaths were noted and Seth is beginning to worry for the safety of the people. He was feeding Brodie for an afternoon snack when one of his assistants came rushing. Fear and worry are evident in his face. Seth, we have a bigger problem now. There were about forty people in the Harmony Center in Deerfield Rd right now. All of them are suspected to have Superpox-99. On my way here I encountered few more patients coming. The young man was panting. Seth decided that it’s time to seek help. He pulled out his phone, searched for a name and dialed. After a few rings, a man answered on the other line.

  How are you, Seth? It’s been few weeks. The person seemed happy to hear from him.

  It’s both eventful and tiring. This virus is nearly clearing out our town. I called because I need your help. Seth is obviously sad and frustrated. He couldn’t think of a solution to stop spreading the virus in the town of Boone.

  I have no cure for the virus either my friend. The doctor reluctantly answered. He knows exactly where Seth is leading this conversation too and he is not ready for that now. Dr. Frankel, our country needs you right now. Remove all the hesitations in yourself. You are the most qualified person to create the solution. Seth convinced him.

  Seth and Dr. Frankel are in the same neighborhood. Late one night when a robber tried to steal from the doctor’s house, Seth was able to respond quickly. Thankfully, no one was hurt after that eventful night. From then on, they have been very good friends. Every time Seth will have medical consultations, he will always go to Doctor Frankel. One day, when the doctor went home in his usual time of arrival, Seth noticed a sad demeanor from him. Seth learned that Doctor Timothy Frankel’s vaccine for the Chicago virus at that time was rejected by CDC. He could see from the genius doctor’s eyes how frustrated he is because of the rejection. He supported him by keeping him company on the golf course and other morning activities until the doctor felt better again. Seth used to call him D.T; short for Dr. Timothy.

  Before he initiated this phone conversation, Seth knew that the doctor friend will just shrug him off if he tried to convince him to create the vaccine. But he will take all the chances he had.

  Beside me right now are five-year-old kids infected with the Superpox-99, they could have been playing and enjoying being a kid instead of suffering from blisters and blindness. At any moment they could be leaving their morning parents permanently. Would you carry it to your heart to these kids die? Seth delivered his prepared speech to convince the doctor. The doctor on the other line sighed. Seth knew that he won the conversation. The doctor has a soft heart for little kids.

  I’ll get back to you once I have it. But I have to set your expectation, Seth, it will take some time. Superpox-99 has developed into something really scary. I myself is not sure where to start. The doctor gave in and Seth was happy to finally get an answer from the doctor.

  I believe in you, Doctor Tim. You have to believe in yourself too. I’ll support you all the way until we find the resolution for this virus. Seth instantly lightened up.

  Yes, I might actually need some help. Can you come over as soon as possible? Doctor Frankel said as a matter of fact.

  Sure, I will be there tonight. Send the list of things that you will need. I’ll try to find them for you. I am not sure though which roads are closed and which roads are open, but I will surely be there. Seth replied. They agreed to start the experiment at

  Doctor Frankel’s personal laboratory that night.

  As Seth was driving to Doctor Frankel’s house, he was excited to finally see a brighter future not just for Boone but for the entire country. He felt a little tinge of hope that everything will be all right soon. He can go back to his family and continue with their lives. He thought about his father again. He wondered if he was able to go back to his mother and his sister by now. While Seth was continuously driving, Brodie was sound asleep in his passenger seat. He was generally thankful for the last events, from discovering Brodie, to taking the lead for Boone and for being able to convince D.T for the creation of the vaccine.

  He arrived at his house in Morrisville in Raleigh. He had a quick tour of Brodie in his apartment then proceeded right away to the next house to start his mission with Doctor Frankel. When he entered the doctor’s house, he called out his name aloud to advise him that he has arrived. Doctor Frankel responded that he is in the office area. When he found him, he saw the Doctor going thru scattered pieces of paper on his desks.

  To our luck Seth, I cannot find that research I did three years ago about this virus. Doctor Frankel said nervously. That’s the only way to being everything. We have to find it!

  Okay, let me help you! Tell what exactly we are looking for. Seth started to scan through the pages too. Look for the paper with “SP-99” The doctor replied without looking away from the pages he is scanning.

  Both of them exerted maximum effort to find the old research but they failed. After an hour of looking thru the files in the cabinet, Seth found an old file seemed related to what they are looking for.

  Draft Copy – SP-99. Seth read the title page. The doctor turned to his direction and grabbed the handbook.

  This is the copy of the first failed trial, what we need is the very last one which I haven’t tried yet because I got busy with the vaccine for the XfoltD. The doctor placed back the research in the filing cabinet and went back to his office unhappy. Seth grabbed the handbook again and followed Doctor Frankel.

  We can start from here D.T. Even if we cannot find that on-going research, the idea is all in your head. So what’s wrong? Seth is trying to lighten up the mood again.

  Have we to start from scratch again? The doctor questioned.

  It doesn’t matter if we have to start from scratch again, what’s important is we start now. Seth replied, emphasizing on the word start. The doctor nodded and took the handbook from Seth. The two proceeded to the personal laboratory of Doctor Frankel and started mixing elements according to the handbook. The night ended with no luck for them. Multiple attempts and failures exhausted both of them until dawn. It was around six in the morning when Seth decided to make them two cups of coffee. They are not giving up on this mission. They will do whatever it takes to make this vaccine work.

  We cannot give up; the world is waiting for this vaccine. Doctor Frankel spoke first as he sipped his coffee.

  Seth smiled secretly. Looks like his old friend is back and this is the most important factor for the success of their mission. At the back of his mind, he is wondering where the original research went. He made a mental note to look for it later so that the vaccine development will be faster.

  The next day, Seth and Doctor Frankel are still working on it. Most of the job is done by the doctor and Seth stayed there to keep him motivated. Doctor Frankel learned about Seth’s initiative in keeping the order in Boone and he admired his concern for the civilians. You are truly a marshal by heart, Seth Andrews. The doctor commented.

  Seth only shrugged it off and smiled. That afternoon, they still have no luck. Doctor Frankel continued in experimenting while Seth volunteered to go back to the office to find the original untested handbook. He went back to the laboratory and asked the doctor for other possible locations in the house but the doctor confirmed that all his papers are just compiled in one cabinet. Seth began to wonder where the handbook had gone but doctor Frankel convinced him to go home first to check the situation in Boone.

  The next morning, Seth traveled back to Boone to continue his duty. They agreed to keep in touch and the doctor promised to update him right away for any developments in the vaccine creation. As soon as he arrived in Boone, he asked Father Alain for the updates. He was again upset to know that the numbers of infected civilians are still increasing. He contemplated on telling them that his doctor friend is trying to build the vaccine. Their venture in creating a solution for the Superpox-99 is still not going anywhere

  After dinner time that night, Father Alain came rushing to Seth’s room. He was weeping as he mentions that nine kids, with ages five to seven years old, just passed away due to the virus infection. He wanted to call doctor Frankel at that moment to share the news but he controlled himself because he doesn’t want to disturb him in his work.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “This is just plain ridiculous.” Michael sternly disagreed with the idea. President Hillary was consulting him for an executive order to be released. Vice President Kennedy proposed Executive Order 23245 that states all the identified survivors of Superpox-99 will be forcedly dismissed or killed because they have harmful effects in the people around them.

  Contrary to the first order of the president to the media to report any instance of the survivor by the virus, because they can help supply the anti-bodies needed to develop the vaccine. After the first instance was reported to CDC, they recovered antibodies from the survivor to create a vaccine but they have no success. In fact, the researchers and doctors who worked directly with the survivor even got infected too and are now showing symptoms of the Superpox-99. They immediately sent back the survivor to the quarantine to avoid further spread. Because of that instance, the CDC Director released a statement that the antibodies from the survivors cannot be used to create a vaccine. He also added that the survivors are still carriers of an even stronger Superpox-99. He advised that people should stay away from survivors.

  This statement of CDC gave an idea to General McCrystal and VP Kennedy. They proposed euthanasia for all the identified survivors of the vaccine to avoid further spread and harm to the remaining population. They used the experienced of CDC doctors and researchers to solidify their point to the president.

  President Hillary disagreed right away to the idea of the Executive Order 23245. She said that it is very inhumane to kill all those survivors just because they are suspected to be carrying a stronger version of Superpox-99.

  “Then give us another solution! The VP reiterated while having a heated discussion with the president. The survivors cannot give us antibodies for the vaccine. Your Plan A is a complete failure. So if you don’t agree with this proposal, you have to give us another solution. VP Kennedy pressured the president to speak up.

  Give me another five hours. I will give my decision by then. Hillary spoke up.

  . People are dying; the entire population will be washed out in nearly two weeks if you don’t think fast. Kennedy left the office frustrated that she did not sign right away.

  After he left, Hillary pulled out her phone and dialed Timothy’s number. It has been several rings already and he is not picking up on the other line. For the second attempt of Hillary to reach his brother, the recorded voicemail message answered her call. “Hi I am busy right now, please leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you!” Hillary tried to record her message. Please call me as soon as you can. They found survivors in Alabama but CDC said they cannot develop the vaccine out of it. I don’t understand why you have to explain it again to me. After recording her message, Hillary hung up and dialed another number. It was Michael’s line this time. Michael answered the phone and agreed to come to her office. President Hillary told him about the proposed Executive Order 23245 and Michael immediately dismissed the idea and he totally finds it ridiculous.

  Have you consulted your brother about this? Was it his advice to look for survivor’s antibodies right? Michael asked wondering if the genius doctor has anything to say. He knew that doctor Frankel was an expert in virology.

  I called his cell a few minutes ago but I’m being redirected to a voicemail. The president answered sounding so upset of the situation. She knew that the only person she needs right now is the genius in virology himself; her brother.

  Chapter Fourteen

  As the death toll in Boone is increasing, the number of crime and violence cases also increased. Seth was caught up between the vaccine creation and the maintenance of peace and order in town. As a result, there were nights when he was too tired to make his routine patrol. Father Alain came to the idea that the men of Boone should be able to do their patrolling too, in case Seth cannot do it. Thus he called for a meeting and asked for their opinion. Seth agreed to form a special class for securing peace and order. The group who will undergo training is called Frontier Justice.

  They are a trained group of individuals, whose purpose and duty is to protect the town of Boone. Seth trains them with basic handling and shooting with pistols. He selected a few who topped the training and gave them pistols to use in case of trouble. Seth was fully convinced that once the convicts learned about his training classes with the civilians of Boone, they will soon start to stay away and find another place to hang out. The next few days became eventful for the Frontiers. They encountered many convicts, some of which they were able to kill.

  Back in the Mount Weather Operations Center, the vice president is putting too much pressure on Hillary to sign the Executive Order 23245. Since you cannot give us any alternative solution, you have to agree with our proposal. The vice president said to Hillary. The president knew that Kennedy has personal intentions in doing this but she cannot point out yet as of this time. She kept calling her brother for help and advice but he is not picking up. At that moment the doctor was busy creating the vaccine for Superpox-99 together with his friend Seth Andrews. The president lost hope and she only had one last hour to decide. After several attempts of calling and failures in contacting doctor Frankel, the president signed the Executive Order.

  In the town of Boone, survival seems to be getting harder and harder. The Superpox-99 is tortuously spreading and the death toll is exponentially rising. Seth and Father Alain were having breakfast together while they were listening to the news. They were shocked when the news about the new executive order was released.

  Reporter: Due to the failure of CDC in creating the vaccine from the antibodies of the survivors, they discovered that these survivors are carriers of an even stronger Superpox-99 that could be harmful to those who are not yet infected. Here is the statement of Vice President Kennedy:

  “We are back to square one, in this fight with the virus. The original plan of getting antibodies from the survivors did not carry out. We are looking for other possible ways to create the much-needed vaccine. While we are doing that, we need to make sure that those survivors carrying stronger Superpox-99 will not be roaming around to infect others. Thus, we are strictly implementing Executive Order 23245. We will quarantine all the survivors in the town of Allagash in Aroostook County, Maine.

  Father Alain spoke up first after hearing the news. “That’s the farthest land of America with about 400 people population only. If my intuitions are right, it will serve as the mass graves for the survivors. The priest said as if it was the most obvious thing on earth. Are you sure about that? Seth asked wondering how the priest came to that assumption.

  It’s pretty obvious Seth, they are putting them into quarantine to avoid the larger spread. But what resolution do they have for the survivors? There is no vaccine yet. There is no assurance yet but I am pretty sure this is a repeat of what happened in --Chicago virus breakout. They mass-killed the infected citizens until the vaccine was created, which took the CDC over 3 weeks to discover. Seth was truly disturbed by what the priest told him. If that is the case, they to need to hide the survivors of Boone from the police and he needs to contact doctor Frankel and consult about this government’s decision. From what Seth could remember, Dr. Frankel told him that the antibodies of the survivors are the only way to create a vaccine for Superpox-99 but if the CDC failed to do it, what hope is left for the survival humanity?

  Seth drove back to Dr. Frankel’s apartment in Morrisville, Raleigh. As soon as he arrived, he told the doctor about Executive Order 23245 and the CDC failure in creating a vaccine. Doctor Frankel was also surprised to know that there are survivors of the Superpox-99 virus. “I’m not being hopeless Seth, but it’s quite im
possible to have so many survivors for this virus. There could be two things, one; they are survivors but not of superpox-99, it could be a different virus with almost similar symptoms, or two: they are indeed survivors of Superpox-99 but there is a mishandling in the process of vaccine creation. The doctor said while scanning pages of the failure report from CDC that was cascaded thru their emails. The report contains all the attempts and processes they have undergone in trying to formulate a vaccine.

  Seth had an idea. He thought about bringing a survivor to doctor Frankel for him to personally go through the process again. CDC might have missed something that’s why they failed. Would you like me to find a survivor and you try it here? Seth offered, even though at back of his mind he is not sure yet where to find survivors. He made a mental note to seek Father Alain’s help in this new endeavor. In the town of Boone, he cannot remember any instance of surviving the virus, but even if that is the case, Seth is willing to go extreme means just to find a survivor. He went back to Boone that night full of hope that he will be able to find the solution. He will not stop until this virus is kicked out from the atmosphere. He knows that they are almost there and they just need to figure out few more things to finally get the resolution. Seth arrived in Boone that night. He consulted Father Alain about any reported incident of surviving Superpox-99. Father Alain informed him that there is one unconfirmed instance of a 46-year-old accountant in Berkley Avenue, along with State Farm Road. Seth and Father Alain wasted no time and drove to the said survivor’s house. As they were driving, Seth gave a brief orientation to Father Alain as to why they needed to find a survivor. He told the priest that doctor Frankel is willing to facilitate the creation of a vaccine. He also added that there might be an error in the CDC process that Doctor Frankel could carry out properly. As soon as they arrived in the accountant’s house, Seth hopped off his truck and walked to the doorstep with Father Alain following after him. Seth knocked three times and a distressed crying woman answered the door. Seth was taken aback. He didn’t expect such scene to welcome him. Seth politely introduced himself and his companion. He asked the woman why is she crying. The woman’s answer almost shook Seth’s remaining hope.


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