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Prepper: A Story of the Future Collapse

Page 8

by Franz Bates

The next few days have been eventful for Seth and Brodie. Added to that was the implementation of the Frontier Justice that they started in Boone. The encounters with the convicts are getting more and more frequent. Seth trained more civilians in basic self-defense as well has basic gun handling. He knew that these individuals are not licensed to carry a gun but for emergency cases, a basic knowledge could help save lives. These convicts are equipped with firearms and weapons and are ready to kill anyone who comes their way. A few more convicts were killed every time Seth and Brodie will encounter them. They have been continuously robbing the grocery stores and pharmacies in Boone, trying to get food and medicine. Because of the previous day's encounter with the convicts, Seth decided to put a curfew for women, children, and youth to out of the streets by six in the afternoon. He reminded everyone to stay in their homes as soon as the night falls for their safety. In the daytime, the men are doing their best to remove abandoned cars in the secluded area, some they are trying to burn as they are becoming the hiding place of the convicts.

  The 24-hours operations of the groceries and pharmacies were reduced to 12 hours to make sure that they wouldn’t be the target of the robbers at the peak hours of dawn. The store owners agreed to Seth’s suggestion instead of putting their businesses and staff at risk.

  Doctor Frankle on the other side of North Carolina, was still trying to begin another experiment. Seth provided him with companions in his house to assure is safety to which the doctor agreed. Seth received a call from the Raleigh police department for an update about the investigation.

  Chief Officer: We have the findings of the investigation. It looks like the vehicle used to during the robbery at doctor Frankel’s house was a smuggled car. According to the report, the legal owners of this van have reported the vehicle missing since last month and it was never seen since then. This is a vague lead still at this point but at least we have somewhere to begin. The officer told Seth. Seth agreed, even though he felt that the update was still not pointing anywhere. Thank you for your update. I have revealed to you last week that those vials are containing the possible vaccine treatment for Superpox-99. Whoever has the interest in those vials must have known the doctor for quite some time to know that he is doing experiments. Seth reminded the investigating officer. After the conversation with the police officer, it was doctor Frankel that is calling him this time. He eagerly answered the call, hoping for a positive update about the vaccine.

  Hello doctor Frankel, how is it going for you there? Seth’s voice was lively.

  Everything seems to go as planned. I’ve got positive results this time. Have you gotten a hold of any survivor? I’m calling to see when can you bring one here? I need the antibodies before this experiment expires. Doctor Frankel seems to be upbeat as well this time, possibly because of the good results of the experiment. Seth cannot answer him right away. It has been a few days now since he made an appeal to the Sunday mass in Boone but no survivor has risen to the call. I have not gotten any luck D.T. I am beginning to think maybe I should travel somewhere else to find a survivor volunteer. I got one in the Berkley Avenue but the government official took him before I arrived. I was in the race with this Executive Order that the president signed. Seth sighed deeply.

  Indeed it is a race with time. Seth needs to get to each survivor and talk to them before the CDC representatives and enforcers get a hold of them. How he wished that the executive order is withdrawn. He even came to a point that he would like to call the president of the United States and ask for her help but he knew it wouldn’t be a good idea. He went to three different survivors today but he wasn’t able to talk to them. The government officials came before him and took the survivors with them as mandated by the executive order. He was beginning to lose hope. He went back home to his cabin with a heavy heart. He fed Brodie and put him to sleep. He will get a nap too, hoping to have better thoughts when he wakes up. Despite being in a chaotic and distressful situation, Seth was able to get a good night sleep in his cabin. He knew he needed this recharge because tomorrow is another set of battles to face. It was around six o’clock in the morning when Seth woke up and nursed himself a cup of coffee. He opened the radio and listened to the news. He was hopeful for positive updates today about the virus breakout.

  Reporter: This news just came in. President Hillary White ordered to stop the execution of E.O 23245. She apologized deeply to the public and ordered the immediate release of the survivors held captive in Maine. She asked the CDC to distribute vaccines to the remaining population that is not infected. It is not exactly the vaccine to cure Superpox-99 but it will help them not get it. The president also ordered CDC to have a repeat of the experiment and try to find where they have missed. She said that the survivors will be set free but she is asking them to at least stay at home.

  On the other news, the search and rescue operation for the president’s daughter still continues. Some checkpoints are strictly being implemented in the entry and exit points of all the major states in case the young woman is being held captive by kidnappers.

  For anyone who may have a lead about her location, please report immediately to the police department of your area.

  Seth almost jumped out of happiness with the news he heard. This means that he can now freely ask any volunteer survivor to donate antibodies for doctor Frankel’s experiment. He made a mental note to call doctor Frankel as soon as he reached the place with a signal. Seth immediately packed up and traveled back to Boone after finishing his coffee. He has high hopes this time that their plans would work. He is pretty sure that the doctor will make it this time around.

  Back in Mount Weather Operations Center, President Hillary was happy with her decision to take back Executive Order 23245. She was able to talk to his brother early this morning and he advised her to remove that E.O so that they can freely get survivor volunteers. The doctor promised to her that he will make sure to get the vaccine created as soon as a qualified survivor donates anti-bodies. Doctor Frankel told the president that CDC must have missed some qualifications for the antibodies donor and had jumped right away in creating the vaccine. The president understood and believed his brother. She is happy to know that things are going somewhere now when it comes to eliminating this virus in the United States atmosphere.

  Michael also had great news about the whereabouts of Liz. Reports were confirmed that there is no corpse of any woman in the crash site. The rescuers have concluded in their report that the young woman was able to walk away from the accident area before the helicopter exploded. Right now they just have to find where she might have gone to be able to survive. They could only hope that someone with a good heart is taking care of the teenager right now.

  In the president’s conversation with his brother, the doctor said that he is doing an experiment on his own with the help of his friend Seth Andrews. Hillary was very happy to know that her brother is back in the league. She knew that the development of the vaccine will soon be resolved and she believes in her brother’s capability. Hillary was staring at her phone when a gentle knock on her door caught her thoughts away. She opened the door by pushing the button on her left corner and it revealed a smiling Michael. This man has never been beaten by any negativity around him, Hillary thought.

  “Reports have confirmed that Liz was indeed not found at the crash site. The rescuers affirmed positively.” Michael delivered the news happily. Hilary smiled at the thought. She has been praying all day and night for the safety of her daughter. Hillary revealed to Michael the details of her conversation with her brother Tim. Michael was happy to know that the genius virologist decided to give it a go. After all, this is a battle of the nation against Superpox-99. Whatever it is that’s between him and the CDC should not be a hindrance for him to prove himself capable of creating the cure this time. Michael added and Hillary nodded in agreement. I have released the statement for withdrawing E.O 23245. I am pretty sure Kennedy will be here any moment to fire disparaging comments about my decision. Hillary said.
And just like what she had mentioned, the president’s phone rang and it was vice president Kennedy. When she did not pick up the call, a text message from him came in.

  Mrs. President, with all due respect, I believe you shouldn’t have done that. There is no other way we can prevent the spread unless we develop a cure now. I am setting up a meeting with the Senate to question this decision. Just make sure that you have alternatives or you will regret throwing E.O 23245 away. Kennedy’s angry voice can be felt from the words of his text message. I am answerable to my actions Kennedy. The president briefly replied to the message.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Garreth and Elizabeth decided to make a stopover when they came across an open area with a couple of abandoned cars. They saw one car with several bottles of water inside and a pistol. Garreth took them as an additional to their current survival stocks. While both of them are still checking out the cars for possible supplies that they could take with them, they heard a helicopter heading to their direction. When it was about to land few meters away from them, Garreth immediately grabbed Liz and hid her at the back of an abandoned car nearby. A man wearing a soldier uniform descended from the helicopter. He went directly to Garreth, the latter grabbed a pistol and prepared in case this soldier means harm. He pushed Garreth to the ground and walked towards Elizabeth who is hiding at the back of the truck. He grabbed Elizabeth in the arms and he was trying to drag him to the helicopter. After few seconds of lying down the pavement, Garreth stood up and he looked around to find Elizabeth. He saw the soldier dragging the girl to the helicopter. Garreth was right; the man was trying to get Elizabeth. He grabbed the gun that fell to his right and fired shots to the soldier. He ran to their direction and snatched the rifle of the soldier. He shot him several times in the heart and he fell dead on the ground. Elizabeth and Garreth immediately ran to the car and drove away from the place. They saw the helicopter moving away as well. The driver must have realized that his companion was dead.

  Garreth didn’t say a word and concentrated on driving for the next few minutes. When he realized that they have reached a safe place already, he finally spoke up.

  So you are the president’s daughter?Garreth asked the teenager, hoping to get answers this time. The young girl only nodded signifying that he is right. Alright, why didn’t you tell me earlier? Garreth asked again, wondering why she kept her identity from him.

  I’m scared at first because I don’t know who to trust. But thank you for saving my life many times now. Elizabeth said with tears in her eyes. She knew it’s time to tell him the truth. I listened to the radio earlier while you were sleeping and I heard about the helicopter crash carrying the president’s daughter. I knew right away that it was you. I was just waiting for you to get comfortable in telling me the truth. Garreth confessed. I knew you broke it down so that I wouldn’t be able to listen to the news and find out about you, but I was a good repairman.Garreth smiled while looking at Elizabeth. Elizabeth felt a little better when she saw that Garreth was not mad at all. He was so kind that he continued saving her life even after knowing the situation.

  I understand that you cannot trust anyone with your identity. Don’t worry I have no bad intentions. I’ll just make sure to get you home safely to Virginia. Then you can forget about me. Garreth continued. Elizabeth only smiled. Of course, she wouldn’t just forget about this man who saved her many times. She plans to introduce him to her mom and let Michael fix his paper in prison for him to be set free.

  Elizabeth told Garreth more details about the helicopter crash. He then concluded that the crash was not really an accident and Elizabeth agreed with him. Some people, probably political opponents of her mother want her dead. My dad just died last week because of the Superpox-99, and now they wanted to get rid of me. A teary-eyed Elizabeth broke Garreth’s, heart. She is so much like her daughter. Don’t worry Elizabeth; I will not let any of those bad people get anywhere near you. Just always listen to what I say and we will survive and reach Virginia alright? He tried to comfort the teenager. Elizabeth nodded and asked for some time to sleep. Garreth only nodded. He knows that Elizabeth is carrying a heavy heart with all the trials coming her way.

  While Elizabeth was asleep, Garreth continued driving while his thoughts go back to the eventful stopover that they had. At first, he thought that the soldier from the helicopter was there to rescue. He was taken aback when the man pushed him to the ground forcefully. It was a good thing he was able to recover easily from dizziness and was able to help Elizabeth right away. He was thankful for the shooting lessons he had with his son a few years before he got convicted.

  Garreth was a good man in general. He has no bad intentions against the teenager beside him. All he wanted was to take her to her mom in Virginia and he is free to go back to his family. He listened to the news to get more information about the virus and the search and rescue operations for Elizabeth. He knew that there were checkpoints along the way and he is thinking of a way to hide the young girl. He cannot trust anybody else even the police. He will only surrender Elizabeth to the president herself.

  He woke up Elizabeth after a few hours of her sound sleep. He asked him to eat dinner with him even without stepping out of the car. It was around six o’clock in the evening and they are only a few hours away from Virginia. They parked the car under a big oak tree. Garreth took out two bottles of water and two canned sausages. They ate dinner together feeling comfortable with each other for the first time. Elizabeth even shared some of her childhood memories to Garreth as they were talking. When they are both done eating, Garreth took few minutes of the time to check on the engine of the car. He also asked the teenager to change clothes in order to cover up her identity. They will pass through several checkpoints and Garreth explained to Elizabeth that they cannot trust anyone right now even the authorities. The teenager agreed and followed Garreth’s instruction. She trusts him now more than anyone else. They both hope that their plans would carry out positively.

  Reporter: Several checkpoints have been established at the entrance and exit points of the major states. This is in relation to the search and rescue operation being done for the missing daughter of the president. It would be noted that the helicopter carrying the teenager daughter of the president accidentally crashed while on its way to Virginia. After few days of recovery operations, the rescue team declared in an official statement that there were no remains of the teenager body found at the crash site. It could have been that the teenager was able to move away from the burning helicopter before it exploded. Garreth and Elizabeth were listening to the news as their drive continues.

  So if there were checkpoints along the way, I know how we can pass through. Just trust me on this one sir. Elizabeth proudly declared.Their attention was caught by the voice of Mr. Kennedy speaking on the radio

  Mr. Kennedy: I think it was an irrational decision to withdraw the Executive Order 23245 without any backup plan. The virus is continuously spreading and until now we do not have any resolution. I just hope the president knows what the consequences of her actions are. Elizabeth immediately frowned at the thought of the vice president contradicting her mom’s decision in public.

  I personally think that mom shouldn’t have appointed him in the first place. If we are going to trace his record, Kennedy has nothing but controversies and anomalies. He was involved in money laundering and blunder back in 2005. The public ousted him for being corrupt. As soon as we arrive in Virginia, I will talk to my mom about him. Elizabeth was obviously disappointed.

  Do you think he has something to do with the “accidental crash”?Garreth asked her, putting emphasis on the last two words. Elizabeth nodded in response. I strongly think there is, but it’s quite hard to prove it. If my instincts are right, he is not alone in his evil plans against my mom. Elizabeth added further. Garreth was amazed by her way of thinking. Well, Garreth thought he shouldn’t wonder because she is the only daughter of the president of the United States. It runs in the blood.

p; The two were successful in passing through several checkpoints along their way. As they approach Virginia, Elizabeth couldn’t contain the happiness she feels and it was pretty obvious to Garreth. This time it was Elizabeth who keeps on asking Garreth questions about his family, previous works, and studies. It was then that the teenager learned about Garreth’s family background. His wife is a public school teacher and they met in the school where both of them are instructors. She is a part-time Mathematics teacher while Garreth is a substitute instructor for Physical Education, a karate class. They have two kids, the boy became a firearms instructor and a deputy marshal and the youngest daughter works for a newspaper company as an editor. Garreth already mentioned about these to her but it’s only now that she was genuinely interested in his whereabouts. Either she was thinking about something else back then, or she was too busy hiding her own identity from Garreth.

  Elizabeth also introduced to Garreth, several things about her. She said she plays a music instrument and she secretly likes debate. She wouldn’t tell her mom about it because at times she can go crazy and brag about it to everyone.

  Next thing I would know, I am already signed up to different debate events and competitions.Garreth laughed at the girl’s antics. And she might also introduce me to Politics and that’s a big NO for me. Elizabeth further added.

  So, I bet you can invite Kennedy in a debate and win against him. For how many times he made himself a laughing stuff in public, I’m pretty sure it became one his hobbies. He did well in embarrassing himself during the 30th Annual LGBT Debate in Manhattan, and last year in the debate television show “Fast Talk”. Garreth answered while laughing. You know for someone who spent years in prison, you seem to know a lot about the politics outside. Elizabeth said, truly amazed.

  Chapter Nineteen


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