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The Real Jane Austen

Page 40

by Paula Byrne

  Gothic novels 79–80

  home and family 6–7, 25–6, 40–6, 63, 99–100, 102–5, 123–5, 133, 136, 161, 218, 238–47

  inheritance and great houses 225–35, 325

  love, romance and femmes fatales 104–6, 133, 149–50, 170–1, 184–5, 188–90, 273

  militia 124–31

  naval matters 237–51

  novelists and poets 40, 55–61, 64, 80–1, 88–9, 118–19, 218–19

  religion 204–8, 210

  riots and revolutions 44, 45–50

  seaside 313–24

  shops and shopping 153–5

  slavery and civil rights 215–23

  literary works

  ‘The Beautifull Cassandra’ 63

  ‘Catharine, or the Bower’ 30–1, 47–8, 53

  ‘A Collection of Letters’ 59–60

  ‘Edgar and Emma’ 65

  ‘Elinor and Marianne’ 102, 105, 106, 166, 274

  Emma 9, 27, 86, 101, 142, 170, 234, 253–5, 289, 291, 295, 296

  ‘First Impressions’ 102, 157, 166

  ‘Frederic and Elfrida: a novel’ 56–7

  ‘Henry and Eliza’ 63, 130

  ‘History of England’ 53, 61–4

  ‘Jack and Alice: a novel’ 57–9

  Lady Susan 166, 270–4

  ‘Lesley Castle’ 59

  ‘A Letter From a Young Lady’ 102

  ‘Love and Freindship’ 64, 71, 117–18

  Mansfield Park 9, 25–6, 30, 89, 112, 119–20, 123, 130, 133, 136–7, 138, 147–50, 161, 185, 205–7, 217, 220, 221–3, 231, 232, 233, 240, 242–3, 247–51, 273, 285–7, 291, 295, 301, 321

  Northanger Abbey 48–50, 72, 79, 80, 83, 87, 113–14, 115–16, 127–8, 153, 157, 167, 168–71, 265

  Persuasion 26, 100, 105, 112–13, 123, 208, 221, 234, 249, 251, 261, 265, 291, 303, 319–20

  Pride and Prejudice 9, 77, 81, 103, 112, 119, 128, 131, 142, 147, 153, 183–4, 185, 205, 207, 208, 217, 234, 282–5, 294, 297–303

  Sanditon 77, 79, 113, 265, 291, 322–5

  Sense and Sensibility 9, 66, 103–5, 106, 115, 124, 131, 133, 166, 184, 185, 234, 261–2, 265, 274–5, 278–81, 295

  Sir Charles Grandison or the Happy Man 141

  ‘Susan’ 165–6, 274, 276–7

  ‘The Three Sisters’ 102

  Vellum Notebooks (juvenile writings) 53–72, 102, 113, 139, 159, 176, 190, 271, 303

  The Watsons 165, 271, 274–5

  Austen, Jane (great-aunt) 16

  Austen, Lady 26

  Austen, Leonora (b.1733) 31–2, 219

  Austen, Martha Lloyd (1765–1843)

  character and description 95

  correspondence with Jane 112

  Jane buys shoes for 159

  kindness to Mary Benn 294

  marriage to Frank 94

  relationship with Jane 95, 157, 244–5

  Austen, Mary Gibson

  marriage to Frank 226, 244

  pregnancy and confinement 245

  Austen, Mary Lloyd (1771–1843)

  comment on Lyme Regis 2

  correspondence with Mrs Austen concerning Stoneleigh 229–31

  Jane’s comment on her pregnancy 185

  marriage to James 94

  relationship with Jane 98–9

  scarred by smallpox 95

  and story of Jane’s engagement to Harris Bigg 181

  Austen, Mary-Jane 245

  Austen, Philadelphia ‘Phila’ see Hancock, Philadelphia

  Austen, Rebecca (d.1733) 31, 219–20

  Austen, Stephen 31

  Austen, Tom 19

  Austen, William (d.1737) 31, 219

  Austen-Leigh family 267

  Austen-Leigh, James Edward 6, 189–90, 292, 327

  Bagshot Heath 113

  Balliol College, Oxford 83

  Banks, Sir Joseph 76

  Barbados 219

  Barmouth 315

  Barrow, John, Some Account of the Public Life and a Selection from the Unpublished Writings of the Earl of Macartney 251

  Barrymore, Earl of 137

  Barton Court, Kintbury 95

  Bath 6, 195, 245

  Austen family’s move to 1, 76, 135, 159–60, 165, 178, 220, 226, 270

  entertainments and diversions in 146, 158–9, 166–71

  famous for electroanalgesia 157–8

  Lower Rooms 166–7, 168–9

  New Assembly Rooms 167–8

  shoplifting episode 161–3

  shopping in 153, 155, 158, 159

  Sydney Gardens 159, 165

  visits to 14, 15, 88, 156–7

  Bath Chronicle 155

  bathing machines 311–15

  Beckford, Alderman 220–1

  Beckford, Charlotte-Maria 305

  Beckford, William 220–1, 305

  Bedlam Hospital 18, 227

  Belle, Dido 213, 214, 215

  Benn, Mary 283, 294

  Bentley, Richard 327

  Berry, Lieutenant William 245–6

  Bessborough, Lady 281

  Betham, Matilda 271

  Bickerstaff, Isaac

  The Hypocrite 145

  The Spoilt Child 140

  Bigeon, Madame 45, 132

  Bigg, Alethea 94, 181, 183

  Bigg, Catherine 94–5, 181, 183

  Bigg family 175

  Bigg-Wither, Harris 181–3, 226

  Bigg-Wither family 139, 226

  Billington, Elizabeth 142

  Blackall, Revd Samuel 178–9, 185

  Bodleian Library (Oxford) 53, 76–7

  Bolton, Duchess of 194

  Bombay Castle (ship) 32

  Brabourne, Lord 8

  Bridges, Revd Edward Brook 177

  Bridges, Elizabeth 99

  Bridges, Lady 177

  Brighton 125–6, 128, 321

  British Critic 282

  British Library 53, 267

  Brontë, Charlotte 235

  Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton 194

  Buller, Richard 20, 21–2, 316

  Burke, Edmund 76

  Burney, Charles 75

  Burney, Fanny 277

  admired by Jane 64, 88, 89

  comment on being dipped in the sea 313

  comment on the Hawke sisters 85

  comments on her characters 81–2

  defends the novel 79

  frequent visitor to the Cookes 83

  marriage to John Thorpe 83

  quoted by Jane 17

  witness madness of George III 19

  Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth, By the Author of Evelina and Cecilia 75–6, 77, 79, 81, 82–3, 88, 270

  Cecilia 81–2, 88, 142

  Evelina 79, 82, 85, 139, 170

  The Wanderer 84, 89

  Burns, Robert 270

  Byrne, Patrick 70

  Byron, Captain ‘Mad’ Jack 92

  Byron, Admiral ‘Fairweather’ Jack 92

  Byron, Lord 21, 92, 234, 283

  The Corsair 92

  Cadell and Davies, publishers 75, 278

  Cadell, Thomas 270

  Calcutta 29, 34

  Carlton House 298

  Caroline, Princess 298, 299

  Cawley, Mrs 23

  Centlivre, Susanna, The Wonder: A Woman Keeps a Secret 137

  Chapman, R.W. 322

  Charles I 61, 84

  Charles Stuart, Prince ‘Bonnie Prince Charlie’ 61

  Charlotte Augusta, Princess 281

  Charlotte, Princess 299, 302

  Charmouth 1, 315, 328–9

  Chatsworth House 228

  Chawton 6, 27, 29–30, 139, 209, 269, 271, 294

  Chawton Cottage 116, 285

  Chawton House 235

  Chawton Manor 258–9

  Cheltenham 120

  children 256–65

  China 37, 250–1

  Chute family 15

  Clapham sect (or The Saints) 201–2

  Clarence, Duke of 145

  Clarke, Revd James Stanier 183, 297–8, 299, 302, 303

  Clarkson, Th
omas 7, 72, 218–19, 223

  History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the Abolition of the African Slave-Trade 218, 219, 222

  Clergy Ordination Act (1804) 204–5

  Clive, Robert 33, 34, 36

  Cobbett, William 110

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 26, 72

  Colman, George 136

  (with David Garrick) The Clandestine Marriage 119

  Colyton 22, 315, 316

  A Companion to the Altar (book) 205

  Cooke, Cassandra Leigh 83

  Battleridge: An Historical Tale 84–5

  Cooke, Edward (blanket weaver) 127

  Cooke, Mary 83

  Cooke, Samuel 16, 83–4

  Cooper, Dr 23

  Cooper, Edward 23, 24, 64, 201

  Two Sermons Preached in the Old and the New Churches at Wolverhampton, preparatory to the Establishment of a Bible-Institution 201

  Cooper family 14, 137

  Cooper, Jane 23–4

  Cowley, Hannah

  The Belle’s Stratagem 139

  Which is the Man? 139

  Cowper, William 25–7, 218, 229

  ‘Epistle to Joseph Hill’ 229

  The Task 26, 216, 229

  Tirocinium 25–6

  Craven, Lord 95

  Critical Review 282

  Cromwell, Oliver 61, 84

  Crosby and Co. publishers 270–1, 276–7, 289

  Crosby, Richard 277

  Crosse, Richard 193

  Crown (ship) 239

  Culham, Francis 18

  d’Antraigues, Comte 132–3

  d’Arblay, General Alexandre 83

  d’Arblay, Madame see Burney, Fanny

  Darcy, Lady Amelia 92

  Dawlish 2, 315, 316–17

  Deane, George (or Henry) 20

  Deane parsonage 36, 200

  The Devil to Pay (play) 147

  Digweed family 173

  Digweed, Harry 178, 269

  Dundas, Mrs 95

  Dusautoy, Miss 294

  East, Gilbert 20

  East India Company 30, 32, 33–4, 36, 76

  East Indies 7, 30, 31, 32, 33, 39, 57, 76, 124, 239, 251, 268

  Eastwell Park (Kent) 214

  Ecclesford (Cornwall) 137

  Edgeworth, Maria 76, 86–7, 88, 109, 203

  Belinda 81, 87

  Castle Rackrent 87

  Leonora 87

  Patronage 87, 89

  Tales of Fashionable Life 87

  Edwin, Elizabeth 146

  Egerton, Thomas 67, 130–1, 132, 277–9, 285, 286, 308

  Eldridge, Henry 186

  Elizabeth I 61, 64

  Elliston, Robert 146–7

  Endymion 237

  Evangelical movement 7, 200–3

  de Feuillide, Eliza Hancock (1761–1813)

  adventurous life of 41, 42, 45–6

  at the seaside 312

  character and description 40–1, 132–3

  comments on the Austen children 44, 46

  correspondence of 219

  death of her mother 42

  education 38

  enjoys visits to Steventon 41–2, 43–4

  execution of her husband 46

  hears news of French atrocities 44

  illegitimate daughter of Warren Hastings 36–7, 38

  illness and death 133

  illness and miscarriage 43

  involved in London riots 42–3

  marriage to Henry Austen 129–33, 142

  marriage to Jean-François 38–9

  as muse for Jane 133

  son suffers from fits 19, 44–5

  and theatricals at Steventon 138–9

  visited by James Austen 66–7

  de Feuillide, Hastings 19, 40, 42, 44–5, 132, 312

  de Feuillide, Jean-François Capot 38–9, 40, 42, 46

  Fielding, Henry

  Tom Jones 80, 175

  Tragedy of Tragedies, or the History of Tom Thumb the Great 55–6, 139

  Finch-Hatton, Daniel 256

  Finch-Hatton, George 214

  Fletcher, John 137

  Fonthill Abbey 221

  food shortages and riots 126–7

  Fowle, Charles 20, 178

  Fowle, Eliza Lloyd 94

  Fowle, Fulwar Craven 20, 94

  Fowle, Tom 20, 22, 93–5, 102, 105, 137, 177, 186

  Fowle, William 20

  French Revolution 45–6, 47–8, 50, 66, 126

  games 253–7, 259

  Garrick, David 76, 136, 137

  The Chances 137, 138–9

  (with George Colman) The Clandestine Marriage 119

  Gentleman’s Magazine 196

  George III 19, 70, 227, 297, 313, 320

  Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire 76, 281

  Gibbon, Edward, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire 270

  Gibson, Mary 284

  Gifford, William 295, 303

  Gilpin, William, Observations, relative chiefly to Picturesque Beauty Made in the Year 1776 in Several Parts of Great Britain, particularly in Scotland 118–19

  Gisborne, Thomas 201

  Enquiry into the Duties of the Female Sex 140–1

  Godmersham (Kent) 140, 214, 225, 235, 245, 268, 286

  Goethe, J.W. von, The Sorrows of Young Werther 66

  Goldsmith, Oliver

  History of England from the Earliest Times to the Death of George II 60–1, 62

  She Stoops to Conquer 147

  The Vicar of Wakefield 66

  Goodenough, William 20

  Goodnestone Park 110, 111, 225, 235

  Graham, Dr James 157–8

  Grant, Elizabeth 313

  Great Bookham 83, 84

  Grenada 219

  Gunn, Martha 314

  Habeas Corpus Act 215

  Hackitt, Sarah ‘Madame Latournelle’ 24

  Hackwood Park 194

  Haddon’s (or Week’s) plantation (Antigua) 220

  Halford, Sir Henry 297

  Hampden, John 61

  Hampson family 219

  Hampson, Sir George 220

  Hampson, Rebecca see Austen, Rebecca

  Hampson, Sir Thomas 220

  Hancock, Eliza (b.1761) see de Feuillide, Eliza

  Hancock, Philadelphia ‘Phila’ Austen (1730–92) 219

  apprenticed to milliner in Covent Garden 32

  birth of Eliza 36

  childhood 31–2

  death of 42

  given an Indian shawl 29

  marriage 34–5

  relationship with Warren Hastings 36–7

  remains in England after husband’s return to India 37–8

  sent to India 32–4

  travels in Europe 38

  Hancock, Tysoe Saul (d.1775) 17, 33–4, 37–8, 39

  Hanson, Miss 21

  Hardy, Thomas 50

  Harrison, Elizabeth-Matilda Butler 256

  Harrison, Frederick 50

  Harrison, Mrs 19

  Hastings, Elizabeth (b.1758) 34

  Hastings, George (b.1757) 14, 34, 35–6, 41

  Hastings, Mary Elliott (d.1759) 32, 34

  Hastings, Warren

  illegitimate daughter 35–7

  marriage to Mary Elliott 34

  sends letter of praise to Jane 283

  supports Burney’s novel Camilla 76

  told of his goddaughter’s marriage 130

  trades in opium for East India Company 34, 39

  Hawke, Cassandra 85, 231

  Julia de Gramont 85

  Hawke, Elizabeth 85

  Hawkins, Laetitia M., Rosanne 78–9

  Hayley, William, The Mausoleum 69

  Haymarket Theatre (London) 141, 142

  Heath, William 311, 314

  Heathcote, Sir William 139

  Henry II 228

  Hill, Constance 318

  Hill, Joseph 226, 229

  Hoare, Charles 316

  Holder, James 220

  Holder, William 220

  Holt-Leigh, Robert 231

nbsp; home 25–7

  homosexuality 241–3, 244

  Hume, David, History of England from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688 60

  Hursley Park (Hampshire) 139

  Hurstbourne Park 20, 21, 235

  Illusion; or the Trances of Nourjahad (play) 146

  India 32–5, 40, 47

  Isle of Wight 1, 183, 237, 245

  Jamaica 219

  James I 200

  Jane Shore (play) 194

  Jekyll, Joseph 162

  Jenner, Dr Edward 194

  Johnson, Samuel 218

  Lives of the English Poets 270

  Jones, W. 70

  Jordan, Dora 139, 145

  Kashmir 29

  Kean, Edmund 144–5, 147

  Keats, John, Endymion 316

  Kempshott Park 235

  Kenwood House (Hampstead) 213–14

  Knatchbull, Sir Edward 105

  Knatchbull, Mary 105–6

  Knight, Cassandra 177

  Knight, Catherine 14, 63, 279–80

  Knight, Edward Austen (1767–1852)

  adopted by the Knights 14–15, 24, 25, 125

  caricatured by Cassandra 64

  childhood 18

  death of 239

  distraught at elopement of Edward Knight and Mary Knatchbull 105–6

  enjoyment of theatricals 139–40

  as father of eleven children 256

  health of 156

  as literary inspiration for Jane 27

  marriage to Elizabeth Bridges 99, 111

  rents Chawton Cottage to Jane 258

  visited by Jane and the family 225

  visits to Bath 156–7

  Knight, Edward (nephew) 105–6, 120, 140, 290

  Knight, Elizabeth Bridges 201, 225, 257

  Knight, Fanny, Lady Knatchbull (1793–1882)

  correspondence with Jane 202, 259, 290

  death of 8

  given advice on courtship and marriage 188, 202

  given advice on her novel 291

  given advice on religion 202–3

  governess of 140, 260

  marriage to Edward Knatchbull 105

  relationship with Jane 102

  Knight, George 259

  Knight, Louisa 177, 286

  Knight, Marianne 286

  Knight, Thomas 14, 63

  Knight, William 225, 256

  Knox, Vicesimus, Elegant Extracts: or Useful and Entertaining Passages in Prose Selected for the Improvement of Scholars 62

  Kotzebue, August von, The Birth-Day 158

  La Ligurienne (French brig) 244

  Lamballe, Princess de 44

  lap-desk see writing boxes

  Lavater, Johann Caspar 13

  Laverstock House 235

  Le Scipio (French privateer) 237

  Lefroy, Anna (Jane Anna Elizabeth Austen, 1793–1872) 256, 265, 280, 290–1

  birth of her daughter Jemima 190

  comment on Cassandra’s sketch of Jane 327

  comment on Henry Austen 125

  comment on Jane and Cassandra’s strong bond 106

  correspondence with Jane 144, 190, 259–60

  description of Jane 304–5

  hears about Lyme Regis 2

  Jane’s comment on Anna’s proposed marriage 19


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