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A Soldier's Christmas

Page 4

by Lexi Buchanan

  She wanted someone to pinch her so she knew that it wasn’t a dream and that he was really in her home. Her face tilted up to his and she stared at his generous mouth, wondering what it would feel like to really kiss him. The shadow of his beard gave him a hard edge, but the emotion in his eyes filled her heart with hope, and love.

  He brushed the hair from her face with his fingertips, and asked, “What did you mean, I stopped writing? You stopped writing to me six months ago, but I never stopped.”

  Emma blinked a few times and tried to comprehend what he said. “How’s that possible? I wrote and mailed so many letters to you these past months, and I’ve never received anything from you.” She frowned.


  Emma glanced to the side, and for the first time, noticed her mom and sister watching from the doorway to the kitchen. Her mom stepped toward them when Emma met her gaze.

  The introductions had to happen, even though her first thought was to grab Logan’s hand and take him to her bedroom. She just wanted to talk to him, and keep him to herself a little bit longer. She’d been without him for months, so she had the right to be selfish, and have all his attention on her.

  Emma cleared her throat, and with great reluctance, stepped out of Logan’s arms. He obviously felt the same way as she did because he took her hand and intertwined their fingers together—needing the connection between them.

  She inhaled and smiled at her family. “This is Logan, my soldier.” Emma frowned when her mom and Bree glanced at each other. “Um, Logan, this is my mom, Martha, and my sister, Bree. Hovering in the background is Bree’s husband, Gabe.”

  The introductions made, Emma pointedly glared at her mom for not making Logan feel welcomed. The last thing she wanted was for him to leave, although she had a feeling if he did that, he’d be asking her to leave with him.

  Her head was filled with so many questions, but at the front of all the others was just one, if they both wrote to each other these past months, then what had happened to both their letters? Why didn’t either of them receive anything? That didn’t add up.

  “Logan, I’m sorry. Where are my manners? Please come through to the kitchen and have some coffee and cake.” Her mom finally said, although she seemed reluctant. She motioned for them to follow her into the kitchen.

  Emma winced and glanced at Logan who had a polite smile on his handsome face while he faced her family. But when she met his gaze and smiled, his face lit with pure joy.

  “No, I’m the one who should be apologizing. I should have called or something first.” He squeezed her hand and let Emma lead him through into the kitchen.

  Chapter 9

  Logan followed Emma as her warm hand squeezed his. He was relieved to see that her family had left two chairs together for him and Emma. Her family already gave them strange looks with how ‘attached’ they were, having only just met in person, so he wasn’t sure it would have gone down too well if he’d dragged her onto his lap to keep her close.

  From the moment she’d opened the door, his heart had beat wildly in his chest with emotion that he’d never felt before. He certainly hadn’t expected Emma to recognize him, but she had, and that filled him with joy. Just like the emotion behind her greeting filled him with hope, and he’d known that he’d made the right decision to come and see her.

  What surprised him was his own response to her. He’d never in his life been one to cling to someone but, with Emma, he couldn’t let her go.

  His beautiful girl was even more beautiful than he imagined—there was a slim, wild beauty about her. Emma’s thick auburn hair hung in long graceful curves over her shoulders, her facial bones were delicately carved, and her full mouth gave him plenty of ideas. It gave him ideas that he was too overwhelmed to even contemplate, especially since he sat with her family in the kitchen.

  He glanced at Emma, and smiled, wishing they were alone so he could tell her what it meant to him to finally be with her. He had manners though and would sit with her family for a short time before he took his leave with Emma.

  The B&B where he stayed would have to do because he had a feeling that if they stayed at Emma’s home, they’d constantly have someone listening or trying to interfere.

  He smiled at Martha when she placed a cup of coffee on the table in front of him, not wanting to alienate her. After all, she was Emma’s mom.

  “Thank you.” He reached for it, and warmed his hand around the cup without taking a drink.

  Martha sat opposite, and asked, “Have you been back in the States long, Logan?”

  Emma squeezed his hand as she clung to him. He couldn’t complain though, because he clung just as tightly.

  “No, ma’am. Just four nights, two of which have been spent in town.” Logan offered a nervous smile to Emma.

  “You’ve been in town for two nights?” Emma frowned.

  “The first night, I arrived late. Then the weather was bad yesterday...but, I did get a glimpse of you at work,” he admitted.

  Emma froze and faced him. “The handsome man that Betty told me about.”

  He grinned. “Probably. I wanted to make sure you were okay. Your letters suddenly stopped, and I worried about you.”

  “Oh,” Bree started while she sniffed into a Kleenex, and continued, “That is so sweet. And please ignore my tears. Someone only has to say hello to me and I’ll burst into tears at the moment. But...honestly, the fact that you’d come to see Emma as soon as you got back is beautiful. She’s been upset about you.”

  “Bree?” Emma moaned, looking overcome with emotion.

  Logan let go of Emma’s hand and wrapped an arm around her shoulders instead. She snuggled against his chest while he held her tightly.

  Bree rolled her eyes. “Don’t get me started. It’s the truth.” She faced Logan. “Since your letters stopped, she’s been really worried...I want to see my sister smile again.”

  He dipped his head, and placed a kiss to the top of Emma’s head. “I’m sorry you worried, Emma.” He cupped her beautiful face in his hands. “I promise you that I never stopped writing.”

  Emma nodded. “Neither did I.” She slipped her hand into his and kissed his palm. “We’ll talk about it later.”

  Gabe cleared his throat, and asked the question that Logan thought would have come from her mom, “I don’t get the connection you guys have. I mean, this is the first time you’ve met, and it’s as though you’ve known each other for years, as though you’ve been in a relationship…” He trailed off as he waved his hands in front of him.

  Logan placed his hand on his thigh with Emma’s fingers intertwined with his, and answered, his gaze unwavering from Emma, “I don’t get it either.” He smiled. “Emma’s special, and she gave me something to look forward to on mail day.”

  “Until they stopped,” Emma whispered.

  A lone tear slipped down Emma’s cheek, so he reached out and used his thumb to wipe it away. “Don’t think about that now.”

  He wanted to say so much more to her, but not in front of her family. What he had to say was for Emma and her alone, although, he did wonder what had happened to the letters. Now that he knew that she hadn’t stopped writing to him, it would be niggling at the back of his mind until he knew what had happened to them.

  A very small part of him wondered whether her family had anything to do with it. Could they have destroyed Emma’s to him, and gotten to Emma’s mail before she had? He didn’t want to think that, considering they were her family, but it was the only possibility that he could think of.

  “You know what?” Emma jumped up, and startled him out of his thoughts. “We’re going out.” She grinned down at him. “Right now.”

  Logan tried to tamp down his happiness, but it was hard as he let Emma tug him up from the chair.

  “Emma, he hasn’t finished his coffee yet,” Martha started, “and while we’ve been in here the snow has begun again.”

  Logan’s heart sank at her words because he sure as hell didn’t want to
be stranded at the house with her family. He’d love to be stranded in town with Emma, though.

  Emma let go of his hand and looked out of the kitchen window. The slump of her shoulders told him that Martha hadn’t been exaggerating.

  Could he get through in his truck? He joined Emma at the window and realized that the snow had only just started. Should he risk it with Emma in the truck with him?

  He decided to ignore Martha because he really wasn’t sure that she approved of him with her daughter, and turned to face Gabe. “If I left now with Emma, will we be okay getting to town? My truck has brand new tires and chains.”

  Gabe looked uncomfortable, but stepped to join them at the window.

  “I think you need to let Emma stay where it’s safe and warm,” Martha stated.

  “Mom, stop.” Bree shuffled over to her husband. “It’s only just started. I know it can change quickly, but, Logan, I think you’ll both be just fine if you left now.” She smiled.

  “Why don’t you both stay for dinner at least?” Martha tried again to get them to stay.

  “I’ll probably get snowed in here if we do that.” That wasn’t an option, and he hoped Emma was on the same page as he was.

  “Mom, we won’t be here for dinner.” Emma turned to him and quickly kissed his cheek, grinning at his surprise, and added, “Give me a minute to go and grab my purse and boots from my room. Then we can leave.” She dashed out of the room, leaving him to face her family.

  “What are your intentions?” Gabe asked him before he could think of something to say.

  He laughed because the question had been unexpected, although it shouldn’t have been. “My intentions are no one’s business but mine and Emma’s.”

  Gabe frowned.

  “But I will, hopefully, put your mind at ease by saying that I have no intention of hurting Emma.” Logan sighed, and left it at that.

  He knew her family meant well, but the adrenaline high he’d been on since he’d arrived had left him drained, and he was more than ready to be on the road.

  “I’m ready.”

  Logan found his girl and started to laugh. Emma only had one boot on, and that wasn’t even fastened. Her purse looked heavy and she was seconds away from dropping everything in a heap on the floor. So he rushed forward and took everything from her.

  He placed them down on the table and helped her into her coat before he pushed her down into a chair. Logan grinned while he crouched down and fastened her boots onto her feet. “You ready?”


  Logan took her hand and kept her close while they said their goodbyes to her family. Bree and her husband smiled, but Martha didn’t seem happy that her daughter was going off with him.

  Chapter 10

  They hadn’t exchanged words while getting into Logan’s truck. The silence was comfortable and it gave Emma pause to think. Her mom hadn’t been her usual warm self, and she seemed to be against her going off with Logan. Something had been going on with her mom for a time, and Emma had only just realized it. But what? Her mom was usually the most welcoming of people, and she’d go out of her way to help anyone. In fact, her mom had been trying to marry her off to Seth, despite how quickly their relationship had cooled. Now another eligible bachelor had come into town and she was cold to him. What the heck had changed?

  “Are you sure that you want to come with me?” Logan asked as he started his truck and left it idling while he watched her.

  Emma turned to smile at him and felt her eyes fill with tears. She blinked them away but more appeared.

  Logan unclipped his seatbelt and moved closer, his hands cupped her face as he gently placed a sweet kiss to her lips. He smiled softly at her, and dipped his head again. The kisses were light as butterflies as pleasure took flight in her belly. They were only brief touches to her lips, but she felt joy at being with him. He was the one person who made her feel whole.



  His smile split his face. “We need to go.”

  “I know.” She cleared her throat. “I can’t believe that you’re really here. That I’m sitting in a truck with you while you touch me, kiss me.”

  “I’m struggling with the same emotion, but,” he looked out of the truck window, “unless we go now, we’re going to be snowed in here.”

  Emma groaned. “I don’t want that. Let’s go and get snowed in at your B&B instead.” She quickly kissed his lips before settling back into her seat.

  Logan laughed, and fastened his seatbelt as he pulled away from her home.

  Emma couldn’t take her eyes from him and watched as his hands flexed on the wheel. His eyes were bright as he concentrated on the road in front of him while the snow whirled around the truck in large, thick flurries. She hadn’t lied about wanting to be snowed in with Logan.

  “Talk to me, Emma. Tell me how you’ve been.” Logan quickly glanced at her before his concentration turned back to the road.

  Emma paused and tried to think of something to say, but her mind was as blank as the landscape outside the truck. She admitted, “I thought if we ever met that I’d have so much to say to you, but the reality is that I’m so overwhelmed to be sitting here with you that nothing comes to mind.” She chuckled. “Oh, it will, and you probably won’t be able to shut me up so enjoy the silence for now.”

  Logan smiled. “I know what you mean. I still can’t get over that you recognized me. It was a bad photograph that I sent you.”

  Reaching out, Emma placed her hand on his thigh and smiled when he flexed against her touch. She kept her hand on him. “It was your eyes that did it. I’d recognize you anywhere because of them. I felt like it was me that you were focused on when the image was taken.” She shrugged, and did what she’d wanted to do since he’d climbed into his truck—laid her head on his shoulder.

  He sighed in pleasure. “If the weather wasn’t so bad, I’d wrap my arm around you.”

  “I know. You can do that once we get into town.” She stared out of the window and wondered how he knew where he was going. She lived there and couldn’t make anything out, which is when she thought about her brother. “You know, we might bump into my brother in town. Travis went to pick something up for Dad’s truck. He might get snowed in out there.”

  “Is your brother going to be as suspicious as the rest of your family?” He groaned. “Of course he is. He’s your brother, and he’s going to hate having a guy around you.”

  “Hmm, I’m not sure. He was okay when I dated Seth, but then again, he knew Seth. Everyone did.” She hated how things had ended with Seth because it wasn’t really like her to hurt anyone, and she knew that she’d hurt him. She sighed heavily and snuggled into Logan’s arm.

  “A heavy sigh?” He noticed. “What happened between you and Seth? You briefly mentioned him, but never really talked about him. I’m not going to lie though, it was a relief that your letters weren’t filled with another man when I wanted to be…” he trailed off as though he’d said too much.

  “To be what?” Emma thought she knew what he’d been about to admit, but she really wanted to hear him say the words.

  Her head lifted and her gaze caressed his face. She noticed the slight blush that had crept onto his cheeks. “Tell me, Logan,” she whispered.

  There was a comfortable silence between them when he confirmed, “I wanted to be your guy, Emma.”

  She felt close to tears again, and was annoyed with herself for acting like a broken faucet. “I wish we were in town so I could hold you, and see your eyes when I admit that I think part of the reason for my failed relationship with Seth was because of you. From the first exchange of our letters, I felt a connection with you that I’ve never felt with anyone before, and when that disappeared six months ago, it broke my heart.”

  Emma softly cried into his sleeve as they drove in silence for the rest of the trip into town—both lost in their own thoughts.

  By the time Logan pulled up to the B&B, the snow was so thick that sh
e didn’t want to get out of the truck. They were in their own cocoon while the winter storm swirled around them. But they couldn’t stay in the truck all night, as much as Emma didn’t want to face Adele and her interrogation. Greg would just smile if he was around, but Adele wouldn’t let up and give them the privacy they craved.

  Logan cut the engine and turned to look at her, his eyes were hot and seemed to look deep inside her as he rested his forehead against hers. “We need to go inside,” he winced, “and probably get past Adele.” He smiled. “I want you in my room. Not for sex,” his smile widened, “but because I want, and need, to hold you and have you where I can see you. I need that to make this feel real so I know I’m not dreaming.”

  She heard what he said, but her brain kept repeating ‘not for sex’ and couldn’t get past that or what the thoughts did to her body.

  Emma unclipped her seatbelt, and his, before she climbed astride him. His surprise was clear in his eyes and merged with the delight already there. Logan yanked his gloves off and cupped her face in his cool hands as she settled down on his lap. She smiled at the evidence beneath her. “Not for sex, huh?” She grinned, and wiggled around on him.

  Logan groaned and moved one hand to her hip to hold her still. “Well, I’m not opposed to sex with you, but what we have is so much deeper than a sexual relationship. I might not have had sex for a hell of a long time, but I didn’t want you to think that sex was all I’m interested in with you.”

  She shook her head and caressed his jaw, running her fingers over his lips. Her breath escaped when he opened his mouth and sucked her fingers inside.

  “Logan,” she moaned.

  He took hold of her wrist and pulled her fingers from his wet mouth. He placed a kiss in her palm and closed her hand around it.

  “Let’s go and face the first hurdle, then we’ll be warm and alone.”

  “I’m looking forward to that. Just us, Logan.”

  “Just us, babe.” He kissed her on the nose, opened his door and pulled them both out into the snowstorm. Logan kept her hand in his, grabbed her purse from the truck, and guided her across the street.


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