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A Wolf's Promise (Black Hills Wolves Book 10)

Page 6

by Cara Carnes

  “Melanie’s taking her inside. Come with me.” Warmth surrounded her hand.

  Geez, she felt like a school girl getting caught necking behind the swing set. The last time she’d experienced this adrenaline rush was…well, never. Sticks cracked beneath her feet as she followed dutifully behind him.

  Pausing before a shack of sorts, he pulled the door open and tugged them in. A tool shed. Saws, hammers, and an assortment of items she couldn’t name hung neatly on pegs along one wall. A workbench and flat table filled the small space.

  Drayce claimed her mouth, his tongue dueling with hers until bursts of need shot a rush of desire between her legs. She moaned, wrapping her arms around him as he lifted and settled her on the table. Deft hands made quick work of removing her shirt.

  She yanked his shirt off and kissed along his neck. The fiery heat from his skin seared her tongue. The exquisite salty taste hastened the southward path her hands began. Reaching for his belt, she undid it quickly. “I can’t wait.”

  “Neither can I,” he growled. “I won’t be gentle when all I’ve thought about all day was pounding into you until you passed out in pleasure. But I promise it’ll be real slow next time.”

  Her pussy tightened in anticipation. “I thought you didn’t make promises.”

  “I’m thinking with you anything’s possible.”

  “Hmm, I like the sound of that.”

  “I’ve got a new list for your notebook,” he whispered as he removed her pants. “Ways I want to fuck you.”

  Yes, please.

  “Are you wet for me?” Fingers delved into her pussy, plunging until a groan escaped her parted lips. He pressed her onto her back on the table, keeping one hand splayed on her stomach while the fingers of his other hand massaged her clit.

  Grabbing his hair, she clung to him as he kissed her senseless. The man’s tongue should be a registered weapon. The roughness shredded her inhibitions. She clawed at his shoulders when he licked a path downward. Fiery heat engulfed one nipple, then the other. He suckled, nipped, and pinched the sensitive buds until she growled in frustration. He continued, his tongue licking a path across her mound.

  “Fuck me already.”

  Chuckling, he unzipped his pants. His gorgeous, hard cock jutted out. She licked her lips. “Hell no, sweetheart. You want to get fucked, I’m going to fuck you hard. Next time you can play.”

  She moaned her assent and spread her legs wide. He fingered her wet pussy. “You on the pill?”

  Pill? What pill? “Huh?”

  “Birth control, sweetheart. You on it?”

  Right. She’d always had condoms with her before. “Yes. I’m clean.”

  He thrust into her, slamming against her until skin slapped against skin. She cried out, relishing the way he filled her, almost to the point of pain. Grunting, he fucked her hard and deep, fast complete strokes meant to demand her surrender. He growled and pulled out of her.

  She whimpered and reached for him. He chuckled and spun her around, pulling her backward. “Spread your legs, sweetheart.”

  Holding onto the table beneath her, she obeyed. He rewarded her with a smooth, powerful glide of his cock into her pussy. Although she disliked not being face-to-face with him, the new position made each stroke deeper, more powerful. He set an explosive pace that swept her into a tidal wave of primal awareness. His fingers pinched, stroked, and massaged until all she could do was gasp, groan, and cling to the table. She’d never been possessed so completely.

  “Come for me.” The husky command ricocheted through her. Deft fingers toyed with her clit until she was carried away into the abyss. Her vision blurred, her senses inhaling Drayce. Only Drayce.

  Firm fingers wound in her hair, tugging her backward for a soul-wrenching kiss. He growled into her mouth as he surrendered his release. Collapsing against the table, she shimmied against his bulky weight. She’d never felt so complete. “Wow.”

  “No shit.” He breathed hard in her ear. “Tonight we do it slow, under the stars. Maybe by tomorrow morning, I’ll be sated enough to let you up.”

  She shivered in anticipation. “There you go. Promises. Promises.”

  When he said nothing in response, she charged forward. “Tomorrow, we as a team speak with your Alpha about Melanie. We’ll make a list if needed.” She suspected he’d agree to anything right now. He grunted his approval for the idea. “Good. That’s settled. Now, I’m hungry. I seem to recall something about waffles.”

  His jaw twitched as he kissed her chastely on the lips like he hadn’t rocked her world a hundred different ways a few minutes ago. Her man needed to loosen up. Hmm. Sounded like a project she could take on, starting that night. Naked on a blanket under the stars.

  “What are you thinking about?” He eyed her suspiciously.

  “Oh, nothing. Maybe a few ways to spend my first night outside, under the stars. With my man. Guess you’ll have to wait and see.” She smirked. “Let’s go get those waffles started.”

  Chapter Six

  So much for a romantic night under the stars. Drayce growled his displeasure for the disruption as he dutifully trudged through the forest with Drew and Ryker. This little expedition had nothing to do with the young out-of-control punks and everything to do with pack politics.

  Drew was a damn good Alpha as far as Drayce could tell, but a newly returning pack mate needed to earn his way into the pack’s trust. So far, Drayce had gotten off thanks to his antisocial and somewhat erratic behavior. Apparently, Kinsey’s arrival in Los Lobos had put him on the radar.

  Whatever. He’d kick some pup ass and be back in time to tuck Kinsey into his bed. Blood surged southward and pulsated in his cock. Damn. Not a good idea to think about that right now.

  Drew chuckled and looked at Ryker. “He’s got it bad.”


  “Let’s do this already.” Both men halted and crossed their arms. “Sorry, still adjusting to pack ways. I guess I’ve been alone too long.”

  “It happens,” Drew stated. “I’m putting you in rotation, effective tonight. We’ll handle this situation out at the old Suthers’ place, and then you’ll spend the rest of your shift with Ryker.”

  Fuck. So much for this being a quick ass kicking. He wanted to be home.

  Anticipation coursed through his veins, ramping up his adrenaline. He had a reason to be home now. Sure, Melanie and Ellis had provided a somewhat decent incentive to hang around Los Lobos. But Drayce wasn’t an idiot. Kinsey being in his home, his bed was a totally different enticement—one that ensured the punks he was about to confront would sorely regret screwing up tonight. Nothing and nobody would interfere with his time with Kins.

  Yep. Drew was right—he had it bad.

  “How are we doing this?” He posed the question to no one in particular. Although Drew was the Alpha, Ryker was a hell of an Enforcer—the toughest one Drayce had ever encountered, which meant either of them could be handling the reins of tonight’s encounter.

  “This is more of a kick in the ass for a couple of kids than anything.” Drew paused a couple hundred feet from a dilapidated house perched on the edge of a clearing. “Nate and Daren didn’t handle their dad’s desertion from the pack too well, and their mom’s too busy to deal with their outbursts.”

  What piece of shit would desert his mate and pups? Wait. Nate. Daren. Unease prickled along his skin as his mind rewired the past and memories flooded his synapses. “Are these Mark’s kids?”

  “You knew Mark,” Ryker stated.

  “Yeah. He was Pop’s friend back when I was a whelp. They had a falling out after they chose separate sides when it came to Magnum.” Drew’s jaw twitched, but he remained otherwise silent. “I didn’t realize he’d left without his family. He was a rotten son of a bitch.”

  They fell into a somewhat tense silence as they made their way to the house, assuming it could still be called that. Boards curled and jutted outward along the sides of the home. Cave-ins could be seen along the roof. Someone lived

  Anger and outrage resonated in him. “You allow them to live here?”

  Ryker grabbed Drayce’s shirt and hauled him forward. “Let’s get one thing straight. You don’t know shit because you ignored this pack when you returned. We gave you that play, but your round is up. Keep your mouth shut and your ears open unless you’ve got something to contribute.”

  “We do what we can for the pack, but they’ve gotta want the help. Denise is beyond stubborn, takes full blame for her mate’s actions before he fled the pack and left them stranded. The pack doesn’t blame her, but she won’t accept our help,” Drew offered.

  “So, they’re on their own.”

  “Yes,” Ryker said.

  “She has a part-time job at Gee’s bar, and does odd jobs when they’re available. It’s about all we can do for them. Any help with this place has been refused.”

  Drayce remembered Denise. She’d been too young to marry that worthless piece of shit. Mark had been a good fifteen years older, which made her about twenty when they’d married after his first mate died during childbirth. She’d raised those kids as if they were hers.

  And the fucker repaid her by abandoning his duties. Worthless piece of shit.

  Drew and Ryker stood on each side of the two boys when they approached. The two boys looked like their dad, both flashing wary brown eyes back and forth from the Enforcer to the Alpha. Stringy, brown hair fell around their necks. They both shoved their hands into the pockets of pants that were a few inches too short.

  Drayce lost count of how many holes were in their shirts. Their gazes immediately tracked downward to their filthy sneakers. The unruly punks he’d expected were nothing but terrified, probably desperate, kids—probably fourteen or fifteen. How old had they been when Drayce left?

  He should know. The fact he didn’t made the unease in him grow. What the hell had they done?

  “What are y’all doing out here? Mom doesn’t like visitors when she’s not here. You know that.” The accusatory voice came from the blue-shirted kid on the right.

  “You know why we’re here, Daren.” Ryker edged closer. “You and your little brother have been starting fires, down at the dry river bed. Again.”

  Fuck. Fires were bad news in country like this. Everything the pack owned could go up in smoke if a blaze got out of hand.

  Not good.

  “We’ve talked about this before, boys.” Drew crossed his arms. “I expected you’d listen after the last time.”

  “We were only f—”

  “Shut up, Nate. That ain’t their business.” Daren glared at Ryker, then at Drew. “What business is it of yours? We put it out. Those no good old bags need to mind their own business.”

  “Those ‘old bags’ own the land you set the fire on. Seeing how they didn’t invite you, it’s trespassing.” Ryker prowled forward and encroached on their personal space. The two boys stepped backward and looked up, their throats moving as they gulped.

  Their terror stung the air with its intensity, and everything in Drayce wanted him to step forward, knock them aside the head, and drag them to his home—a real home. To hell with the ass kicking. He’d save that for Mark. Yeah, chasing that son of a bitch down sounded real good right about now.

  “Apparently, you two aren’t adult enough to be trusted alone.” The censure made the two boys tense. Drew approached. “We’re gonna have to insist you two have someone with you when you’re mom’s working.”

  “A babysitter?” Daren yelled. “Are you fucking serious?”

  “Watch your mouth,” Ryker growled.

  “Momma can’t afford nobody like that. Please, we’ll be good. I swear. We just g—” Nate yelped when Daren punched his side again.

  Drayce waited for Drew or Ryker to demand the boy to finish, but neither did. Fuck. He’d intended to abide by the Enforcer’s order. Clearly Nate and Daren were trying to hide something. Stepping forward, Drayce asked, “What were you going to say, Nate?”

  “Nothing,” he whispered.

  “Yeah, nothing.” Daren glared at him. “Who the hell are you?”

  “Drayce knew you and your folks.”

  “Oh, yeah? You one of the runners?” Daren chuckled. “Couldn’t handle the heat of our Alpha’s rule?”

  “Probably a piece of shit like our pa,” his brother said.

  Ryker growled.

  Nate flushed and backed up a step. “Oops, forgot my mouth again.”

  “Answer Drayce’s question, Nate.”

  The two boys looked at one another, then at Drew, as if gauging the repercussions if they ignored his order. Nate shrugged and kicked at the ground. “It wasn’t important.”

  “We’ll decide what’s important,” Drayce responded.

  “We didn’t mean to break the rules again. It sorta happened. We went hunting and got the kill near the dry river.”

  “So, we had dinner out. We put the fire out.”

  The boys ran over one another with their words, each hedging their gazes, looking away rather than at Drew or Ryker. Interesting. Something else was going on.

  “You have to hunt for dinner often?”

  Red rose in their faces. Bingo.

  “It ain’t Mom’s fault,” Daren defended. “She thinks we eat the same amount as her, and we let her ’cause she does what she can.”

  “Besides, she ain’t even our real ma. What if we need too much tending and she gets sick of us?”

  “She say that often?” Ryker growled.

  “Never!” Daren screamed. “But I remember what Pa said before he turned tail and ran like all you cowards did. So, we make do and don’t make trouble.”

  “Fire’s serious business, boys. We’ve got rules against it for a reason, as you know.” Drew regarded the two of them. “So, my decision stands. You’ll need someone around when your mom’s working.”

  “She can’t afford a sitter, and you know it. You want her to beg for help, but she won’t.”

  “I figured as much,” Drew commented. “We’re not trying to make things hard on y’all. You’re pack. We want to help.”

  Drayce’s gut burned. He’d had no idea what all went down after he’d jumped ship and tore off for less confrontational turf. Damn. How many other families existed like this, on the fringes of the pack—still too untrusting and scarred by Magnum’s horrid rule and exit to ask for help. And really, how much could the pack do? Their resources were stretched thin, but they were improving in record time lately based on what he’d seen.

  Still. He’d done exactly what they’d accused him of—turned tail and ran like a scared dog. Leaving because he didn’t trust his ability to remain true to the pack. Many made the choice, but it didn’t make it right.

  “I’m thinking we can help one another out, boys.” Drayce closed some distance between him and them. “I’ve got a gorgeous woman back at my place who wields a mean hammer. Or so she says. I’m looking for a reason for her to hang around longer.”

  Ryker and Drew chuckled.

  “Thinking you don’t need a reason,” Ryker commented.

  Probably not, but he was good with hedging his bets. “Here’s the offer. I’ve got a bunch of materials at my place. She and I will help you two fix this place up. We can work on it until sunset, then we’ll head back to my place and have dinner. Your mom can pick you up on her way home each night.”

  “She’s not gonna like this charity,” Nate commented.

  “No. She won’t go for it.” Daren shook his head and looked back at the house. “Besides, there ain’t enough stuff at your place or anyone else’s place to fix this heap of boards up.”

  “I’m thinking my woman’s pretty resourceful.”

  Drew chuckled. Crap. He’d just said my woman. Tightness hugged his heart. Yeah, the statement settled right.

  “That sounds like a good idea.” Drew nodded his head with an obvious note of respect when he gazed at Drayce.

  Good. He’d earned his Alpha’s respect. Now all he had to do was s
urvive a security detail with the Enforcer and then convince Kinsey to back his plan. To back him.


  “He should be back by now.”

  Kinsey remained silent, watching Melanie twist the dishrag into knots. A part of her wanted to console the Omega and another part wasn’t sure exactly what to think of the woman who’d integrated herself so fully into Drayce’s life.

  Ellie jumped around the kitchen while happily humming the same song she’d sung the past couple of hours. Dinner had been a silent fair of hamburgers and fries with ketchup and mustard. Apparently, no good fry was eaten without mustard—a lesson Ellie insisted Kinsey learned.

  Her stomach roiled at the memory. Melanie paced to the narrow window and peered out into the blackness. She turned and chewed on her lower lip and began scrubbing the counter for the twentieth time.

  Enough. The nervousness drifting off the Omega almost drowned Kinsey. “Okay, we’ve waited around for Drayce long enough. Let’s get this party started.”

  Ellie paused her hum. Pigtails flung when she whirled her head around in a semi-rendition of the exorcist. “Party?”

  “Well, it was supposed to be a surprise, but we’ll get it started without him. We’ll need a couple of blankets, flashlights, and marshmallows. Let’s do this.”

  Melanie’s eyes widened. “What are you doing?”

  “We are going to have a stargazing party. Ellie, why don’t you go get a couple of flashlights.”

  “Okay.” She raced out of the room. Kinsey would bet a dollar she had no idea where to find what she’d been sent after, but the exuberance was exactly what was needed right now.

  The moment the girl disappeared, Kinsey closed the distance between her and Melanie. “Look, you don’t know me, but we need to get a couple of things straight. Okay? First off, you and your daughter are a huge, important part of Drayce’s life. That means you are very, very, very important to me, because I have no intention of walking away from that man. He is my heart and soul.”

  Tears streamed down Melanie’s cheeks. “Robert was my breath.”


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