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Wrath of a Side Chick 2: A Chicago Hood Drama (Side Chick's Wrath)

Page 9

by Tamicka Higgins

  Breon confidently pulled money out of his pocket. When he’d been talking with Ray on the phone earlier in the spare bedroom at the apartment, he’d already gotten a rough price. Breon dropped the couple of stacks onto the coffee table and looked up into Kiwi’s eyes. “Trust me,” he said. “You not gon’ have to worry about any of this comin’ back to you and shit, my nigga. I promise you that. I already got a plan on where I’mma keep the shit, especially after I take care of what I gotta take care of.”

  Kiwi nodded and smiled. He then looked at Ray as he leaned forward and pulled the money over to his side of the table. “I like this nigga,” he said. “I like this nigga a lot.” He turned to Breon, looking at him directly. “You coo by me,” he said.

  After looking through the money, Kiwi excused himself. He got up and went into a back room. There, a light popped on, causing Ray and Breon to look at one another and wonder what was going on. “Never been back there,” Ray said then took a sip of his beer.

  Breon nodded then the two of them waited for Kiwi to walk back into the room. When he did, he gently placed two titanium, semi-automatic handguns onto the glass coffee table. Each gun was equipped with a silencer.

  “I might normally tell you where I got these from,” Kiwi said, “but just know that that’s some shit even the police ain’t got and probably don’t know how to handle. Got that shit from these Colombian niggas I knew back when, until they disappeared or got deported or whatever.”

  Breon and Ray each grabbed a gun. Ray, who never would leave the street life, wasn’t so impressed. Sure, he could see that the guns were topnotch, but they were nothing that he hadn’t seen at least a couple of times. Breon, on the other hand, looked up and down the sides. He practically marveled at how slick the metal was—how the guns practically looked brand new.

  Breon looked across at Kiwi, getting a vibe off of him that was letting him know that he was a cool dude. He decided to go into a little conversation, just to see where things headed. “Hey, man, my boy Ray here was tellin’ me that you from Los Angeles and shit,” he said. “That’s some wild stuff. It’s crazy you’d give up that weather to come to cold, windy ass Chicago.”

  “Yeah, a lot of people say that,” Kiwi said. “But just ‘cause everything is sunny and bright don’t mean that’s how it really is. I had some bad shit go down in L.A., well L.B. and Compton, really. I came here like five years ago, after spending a little time down in Indianapolis.”

  “That’s wassup,” Breon said. He then glanced at Ray. Something in Ray’s eye contact was telling him to go ahead and see what this dude would, or could, know about Dante. “Man, I wanted to know if you know this nigga named Dante.”

  Kiwi had just been about to light a cigarette when he stopped and looked at Breon. Breon instantly felt his heart jump, as he wasn’t sure if he’d made the right move by bringing up Dante. The facial expression Kiwi was giving him could have been taken in many ways.

  “Dante?” Kiwi asked. “Yeah, I know that bastard. How the fuck you know him?” He looked Breon up and down. “You ain’t family with the nigga, is you?”

  Before Breon could answer, Kiwi had pulled a gun from under the seat of his chair and stood up. He now had the gun pointed at Breon, causing both him and Ray to jump back and press their backs against the couch and wave their arms.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Breon said, waving his hands. “What you doin’, man?”

  “You family to that nigga Dante, ain’t you?” Kiwi asked.

  “Naw, I ain’t no fuckin’ family to that nigga,” Breon said. “Fuck that nigga. I put that on everything I love that me and him ain’t related. I was askin’ you ‘cause I need to find that nigga.”

  “Swear,” Ray said, seeing that Kiwi was calming down. “That’s why we came to get this shit.”

  Kiwi looked at Ray and Breon and realized that he was overreacting. He lowered his gun and smiled. “My bad,” he said, sitting back down into his seat. “But that nigga Dante leave a bad taste in my mouth, if you talkin’ about the same nigga I know.”

  Breon, finally being able to relax and not fear for his life, leaned forward and described Dante.

  “Yeah, that’s that nigga,” Kiwi said. “What the fuck he screw you over with?”

  “He lookin’ for me ‘cause he blame me for some shit that I ain’t even do,” Breon explained. “He ran up in my cousin’s house this morning and did some fucked up shit that I can’t even let go of.”

  “Yeah, that sound like him,” Kiwi said. “Yeah, I know that nigga. He know I’m lookin’ for his ass and shit, so he probably stayin’ low. That’s the nigga that you goin’ after?”

  Breon hesitated before answering. “Yeah,” he said. “He came for my family and I remember how petty and shit he was when we was both in this dude named Pablo’s area. The nigga fucked up in the head and shit and done gone too far with what he did to my cousin, which I won’t even repeat.”

  “I see,” Kiwi said. He then leaned forward and pushed one of Breon’s stacks back across the coffee table. “Take one of those back.”

  Breon was a bit taken aback. The look on his face made it very clear that he was needing some sort of explanation as to why he was getting money back all of the sudden. Kiwi waved his hand, motioning for Breon to take the money. “An enemy of my enemy is a friend,” Kiwi said. “And nigga, listen up when I tell you this.” Everyone leaned in to hear Kiwi clearly. “When you get that nigga…if you get that nigga…let me know. I’ll help you even better. That other thousand can be yours. I gave you the guns, and you gotta figure out how you gon’ get rid of them when you ready to get rid of them. You bring me the body and shit at the end, and all of this money goes back to you and we keep movin’ like ain’t shit happened.”

  “That’s the thing,” Breon said. He glanced at his boy Ray. “I was gonna ask you what you know about where we can find that bitch ass nigga and shit. I need to be gettin’ this done quick and shit, ‘cause I got shit comin’ up that a nigga really needs to be worried about and not this stupid ass, petty bullshit.”

  “I feel you on that,” Kiwi said, then paused. He tried to think of the different routes he’d take to get in touch with Dante. After getting fucked over by the guy so many times, and his disappearing acts with going to prison at the drop of a dime’s notice, he hadn’t had the time to keep up with a way to contact him. However, he did keep his eyes and ears open should he hear about him. “Now that I think about it, I know some niggas who might know him and shit,” Kiwi said. He leaned back into his chair as he took several seconds more to think about it. “Yeah, I know some niggas that know that slimy ass nigga. But these ain’t the kinda niggas that’s gon’ talk to another nigga about another man. You gon’ have to come different than that.”

  “What you mean?” Breon asked. He almost felt embarrassed with having to ask, considering he was basically seen as a veteran in the streets even though he’d gotten out of that life. “I mean, what you mean they not gon’ talk to a couple niggas?”

  “Just what I said, man,” Kiwi said, shaking his head. “He not gon’ talk to no other niggas that he really don’t know. But this nigga, or these two niggas I know, at this strip club I used to go to, used to bring that nigga Dante up. You know he be in and out of jail and prison and shit, but everybody know who he is out in the streets. He’s that nigga that folk don’t like to have around ‘cause you can’t trust his ass, but he’ll show up at your get together and shit and be up in a nigga face, actin’ like you friends and shit.”

  “Sound like the same ole nigga I used to have problems with,” Breon said.

  “Yeah,” Kiwi said, “but these niggas I know at this strip club, Bad Girls, over off of Cottage Grove, they definitely know Dante. But if you wanna get them talkin’, you gon’ have to have a chick do it. They don’t trust other niggas comin’ around, but they open up and drink and talk and shit when what walks up to them has a vagina. The prettier and shit the female is, the more they talk. They like that, so you two
probably ain’t pretty enough I wouldn’t imagine.”

  Breon and Ray chuckled at the sarcasm. Ray looked to Breon. “Well, shit,” he said. “We can think up somethin’.”

  Kiwi stood up. “Yeah, that’s what y’all niggas betta be doin’ ‘cause Dante only has gotten bolder and shit as he’s gotten older,” he said. “Or at least, that’s what I heard. He be mixed up in all kinds of shit, and know just about every kind of person he’d need to know from the time and shit he’s spent locked up.”

  “What you mean by bolder?” Breon asked. “That nigga ain’t out here killin’ niggas and shit is he?”

  “Look,” Kiwi said, “I don’t know if the nigga is killin’ niggas or not. But what I do know is that he done pissed a lot of people off, to the point where they try to find him and shit, but they not even lookin’ no more because the nigga is just that damn slippery.”

  Breon looked at Ray, wondering if he should tell Kiwi what happened. “He runnin’ up in houses now and beatin’ niggas with belts and shit, all recording it,” he said.

  Kiwi stopped and looked at Breon. “Is that so?” he asked. “Shit, sound like y’all need to be gettin’ this nigga sooner than later. Looks like he try’na flex out here in these streets and show niggas that he really is the real deal and shit. And he’s try’na use you as an example. What did he saw he wanted when he did that shit?”

  “To talk to me,” Breon said. “About some unfinished business.”

  “Sound like you got a salty ass nigga on your hands,” Kiwi said. “And them be the worst to deal with.”

  Kiwi led Breon and Ray back upstairs once they finished their Coronas. He talked to them as if they were really his boys, telling them everything that they would need to know to catch up with Dante. It would be no easy task, but it would certainly be worth it. In the foyer of his small house, Kiwi watched Breon pack a gun into his coat and then Ray do the same.

  “I’m tellin’ y’all niggas,” Kiwi said. “Hide them guns somewhere you ain’t got to worry about the police bustin’ in your door and shit, for whatever reason, and finding them. You want to be carrying them guns as little as you possibly can. Ain’t no tellin’ what’s on them guns, or how many states and shit they done been through. If I’m not mistaken, them came outta Indianapolis.”

  Breon looked out at the snowy front yard as Kiwi pulled the front door open. “And you know how everything pass through down there,” he said, thinking about many things. “I got you, though.”

  “And remember the deal, nigga,” Kiwi said. “Bring me that nigga Dante’s body and I’ll make sure he is gotten rid of to where ain’t gotta worry about nobody findin’ his body or nothin’. Like he just gon’ be gone and shit without a trace. You get rid of the guns, and I mean really get rid of them.”

  Kiwi hugged and shook hands with Breon then Ray before helping them out the door. Ray walked alongside Breon back out to his car. He knew that Breon was plotting, thinking of the next move to make.

  “I bet you glad that we asked the nigga if he know Dante,” Ray said.

  “Yeah, yeah,” Breon said, feeling like his boy was about to start gloating. “Now we just gotta figure out how to get to him.”

  “Yeah,” Ray said, turning his back to the wind for a brief moment. “I was thinkin’ about that same shit. Getting a chick to go up in that strip club and talk and shit.”

  Breon pulled his phone out of his pocket just as they were climbing into Ray’s car. He looked at the time on the screen, thinking about Nikki. “I know this chick,” Breon said. “I mean, we just met and stuff, but she seem real cool and shit. I told you about her and shit.”

  “You feel like you can trust her like that?” Ray asked, starting the car and slowly pulling out of the parking spot. “I mean, you just met the chick, so she barely like your side chick or whatever and now you try’na have her in on helpin’ you.”

  “What otha’ choice I got?” Breon asked. “I ain’t even try’na have Trina know any more about this than she really needs to know. As far as she gon’ know, I’mma just go and talk to this Dante guy and try to work shit out to where it ain’t even gotta come up to nothin’ serious. She not ever gon’ know that I went and put a bullet in the nigga’s head. The less she know, the better. But shit, I can keep puttin’ the dick on this Nikki bitch and shit from school because she obviously be fantasizing about my shit.”

  Ray rolled his eyes. “Yeah,” he said. “You say that about every chick you smashin’.”

  “Look, man,” Breon said. “I ain’t even told her that I’m gettin’ married or nothin’ like that. I ain’t even gon’ let her think that nothings goin’ on with me and my chick. She obviously ain’t lookin’ for nothin’ serious, but the way she be throwin’ the pussy at me and shit, and moanin’ and cummin’ when I drop this dick deep into her, she clearly love it and would probably do anything to get it.”

  “You know how a lot of these chicks are,” Ray said. “Especially nowadays, with the internet and stuff, they can go online and look at dick and start knowin’ that they want it and shit more than they really wanna admit. All you gotta do is give them what they want and they’ll be eatin’ outta the palm of your hand and stuff.”

  “Exactly,” Breon said. “That’s exactly what I was sayin’. I can keep fuckin’ this bitch on the side and stuff, you know, make her feel important, and she can be the one to do the talkin’ for us. Man, you need to see her in person because that body is bad. I already know them two niggas up at the Bad Girls strip club that Kiwi was talkin’ about would open right on up when they see that ass.”

  “Damn, is her ass like that, huh?” Ray asked, smiling.

  “Hell yeah,” Breon said, holding his hands wide open to signify how big it was. “And she suck dick like no fuckin’ other and love doin’ it.”

  “That will get them niggas up in there talkin’ and shit and sayin’ where Dante is,” Ray said. “But you feel like you can trust her and shit to not be out here runnin’ her mouth and stuff about what you doin’?”

  “That’s the thing, too,” Breon said. “I just need to know where the nigga is, but I was thinkin’ that she ain’t gotta know why. Or maybe I can tell her some bullshit reason, like he owe me a bunch of money or some shit and when I get it, she can get a cut but it ain’t gon’ never come.”

  Ray thought about it for a moment, looking over at his boy. “See, nigga, that’s the shit I like,” he said. “That’s some sneaky ass shit that could actually work. Make that bitch feel important and have her do the talkin’ since she can get a nigga to open up. Tell her jus’ that, too… Tell her that the nigga owe you some big amount of money or somethin’ and she can get a cut of it when you get it.”

  Breon nodded, telling Ray that as soon as they got back to his apartment, he was going to get into his SUV and hit Nikki up. He only hoped that she hadn’t fallen asleep and that his dick had her so mesmerized she’d be willing to go along. Breon looked out of the window at the urban development that was Chicago as Ray zoomed down the street. All he could think about was how he was willing to do whatever it took to keep Trina out of harm’s way. He still intended on calling her father and asking for her hand in marriage. And nothing was going to get in his way, especially not Dante.


  When Ray and Breon pulled up in the parking lot, Ray pulled his gun out of his pocket. “Nigga, you sure about this shit or what?” he asked, referring to the idea of Breon hiding it somewhere else. “I mean, we could just keep this shit at my place and shit since we know I’m not gon’ run off with it and shit. You sure that keepin’ it with that hoe is gon’ work?”

  “I think it’s gon’ work better than puttin’ the heat at your place,” Breon said. “Nigga, you know you be havin’ the cops breathing down your neck and stuff. All they need with you is a reason to come up in your place, fuck the search warrant. You know you done had the cops run up in your shit before.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Ray said, handing his gun over. “Man, just make su
re we can keep this shit quiet. Watch how you deal with this new side chick, bitch, or whatever you got.”

  “Nigga, you know I will,” Breon said. “Shit, she gon’ come in handy right about now, ‘cause that body is just the kinda female we need to get them niggas talkin’.”

  Breon said bye to Ray as Ray headed into his apartment building and Breon hopped into his SUV. Once inside, with the car running, he turned the radio down and called Nikki. He knew he needed to put his best game on from now on.

  “Hello?” Nikki asked, speaking quietly.

  “Hey, wassup?” Breon said. “You not asleep, are you?”

  “No,” Nikki said, to no surprise to Breon. “I was in bed dozing off and stuff, but I ain’t asleep. Wassup?”

  “I was wonderin’ if you still up,” Breon said. “I’m leavin’ my boy’s house and shit and wanted to talk to you about somethin’ real quick. I don’t feel like I can talk to my chick about it, so I thought about callin’ and maybe seein’ if I could come and chill for a second and talk to you.”

  “Of course,” Nikki said, waking up a bit more. “You know I’m here for you. How soon can you be here? Is everything okay.”

  “I’ll be there in like twenty minutes,” Breon said.

  When Breon pulled up outside of Nikki’s apartment building, in a spot not too far from her door, he felt strangely familiar with coming over to her place—a kind of familiar he normally wouldn’t feel for a chick he’d only known for three days. As he headed into the apartment building, he checked his phone to be sure that Trina hadn’t called. He liked that he’d dicked her down so unmercifully that she’d been sleeping the entire night through like a baby.

  Breon walked up to Nikki’s door and knocked softly. Within a couple of minutes, the door opened. His eyes angled down and looked into Nikki’s face. She’d obviously gotten up and had at least washed her face. She was dressed in nothing but a T-shirt and some silk, pink pants. Breon walked in, immediately looking back toward the bedroom hallway. “Is your roommate here?” he asked, speaking softly.


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