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Theirs to Tame: A Sci-Fi Alien Dark Romance: Tharan Warrior Menage Book 2

Page 9

by Kallista Dane

  He fastened a chain to the collar around her neck and led her out the door. They headed down the stone passage, stopping in front of a light-filled opening. Unsnapping the chain, he tossed a sword through the opening onto the floor of the arena and gestured for her to step through after it. “You’ve been nothing but trouble since I first set eyes on you. Go on, human. Win,” he snarled, his voice cold. “Win – and be free of me.”

  Kyra stepped through the doorway, blinded by bright sunlight after spending hours in the dark stone chamber. The moment she did, she realized why the pig threw the sword out into the arena. It wasn’t to keep her from stabbing him with it. With guards posted all around, that would have been suicide. No. He hoped she’d bend over to pick up the sword and give the audience a peek at her naked ass bearing his red handprint.

  Instead, she bent at the knees and scooped the sword out of the sand and dirt covering the floor. As she walked to the center of the ring, she heard the announcer over the roar of the crowd. “And from the stable of the great Master Bophe, the first human ever to compete in the Arena of Tanis Major. I give you the female slave Kyra.”

  A shadow passed between her and the sun. She looked up.

  Bophe called her opponent from Palioxis a giant. For once, she found herself agreeing with him. The female blocking the light from her easily measured eight feet tall, not counting the sharp ridge of bone protruding from the top of her skull. It started just above her forehead and ran along the back of her head. She turned, raising a hand to the cheering crowd, and Kyra saw the ridge continued down her spine, where it became a row of individual spikes that looked like they grew out of her vertebrae.

  Her skin was a reptilian shade of gray-green, as though she bathed in pond scum. Built like a Tharan warrior, she had broad shoulders, narrow hips, and thighs the size of tree trunks back on Earth. But she was definitely female. She stood in the center of the ring, tall and proud. Stark naked. No male appendage dangling between her legs. No ball sac. Only the slight swell of three breasts evenly spaced across her broad chest, with elongated bright red nipples, as though she’d nursed triplets just before stepping into the arena.

  The sword at her side was nearly the height of Kyra herself. She stared at it then glanced down at her own weapon. Lethally sharp, but only half as long, it looked like a dagger compared to the one her opponent wielded.

  At five foot five, she felt like a toddler craning her neck up at a parent towering over her. The giant was in peak physical condition. Well fed, well rested, well cared for – unlike Kyra. Though she’d been training in Bophe’s camp for the last three weeks, her body hadn’t fully recovered from months of captivity by the space pirates.

  The Palioxan saluted the crowd then started toward her.

  Kyra had had some training in martial arts at the Academy. Though she’d bested a few male cadets in Tridacian wrangling matches, she didn’t know any moves to slam a creature this size into the ground. But, as an engineer, she knew the laws of physics.

  Holding out her sword, she backed away slowly, facing her opponent the entire time. The female kept coming, slashing back and forth with her weapon, herding her relentlessly toward the fifteen foot high stone wall surrounding the ring.

  The crowd screamed and shouted, but, as the giant advanced, Kyra’s focus narrowed and the sound dimmed. She risked a glance behind her at the wall, did a quick calculation – then whirled around the sword and darted to the opposite side of the arena. The crowd hissed and booed her cowardice, afraid they’d be cheated out of a good fight.

  The alien shook her sword in the air and started advancing again.

  Leaning against the rough stone wall, Kyra took a deep breath as she considered her next move. It was a huge risk. Then again, she had nothing to lose.

  Kyra charged straight at her opponent.

  The female stopped dead in her tracks and gestured to the crowd as though asking, “What the fuck does she think she’s doing?”

  Kyra sprang into the air and did a double somersault over the giant’s head, slashing at the back of her opponent’s sword arm as she came down. As she sprinted away, she heard the female screaming in rage, even over the roar of the spectators.

  Though her move was pure showmanship, Kyra couldn’t help wondering if the crowd’s reaction was due as much to the pussy and ass she’d flashed with those somersaults as it was admiration for her gymnastic skills. Heart racing, Kyra fought to catch her breath. She’d never gotten that much height on a double somersault before, even after years of gymnastics training at the Institute. But she’d never vaulted into the air on a planet with a lower gravitational pull than Earth.

  The giant hefted her sword to her other hand and came at her. Faster this time. Kyra charged again, then did a dizzying series of back flips. She stopped short, ending with a somersault at ground level. It brought her in below the level of her opponent’s sword. She slashed out again, ripping open a gaping wound in the female’s thigh before dashing away.

  The crowd went wild. Screaming, shouting, stomping their feet to cheer her on. Time after time, she twisted and whirled in the air, slashed at her opponent, then darted off. At one point, the giant managed to grab hold of her, but Kyra twisted away. The audience roared their approval. She thought it was over her lightning-quick move until she saw the alien waving a scrap of metallic cloth. Kyra glanced down to see her breasts bare and dripping with sweat, the sun glinting off the golden serpent’s fangs clamped onto her swollen nipples.

  Bleeding from a dozen gashes, including one above her left eye, the Palioxan swayed drunkenly as she twisted from side to side, struggling to keep the little human in sight. Kyra almost felt sorry for her. Almost. If her opponent got the chance, the bitch would still kill her.

  It was time to end the show. Bophe had gotten his spectacle. Kyra charged at the alien from her blind side, did another somersault over her head. She came down behind her in a crouch, whirled her sword, and slashed through the tendons at the back of the giant’s knees. Her opponent crashed to the ground, face-down.

  “Kill. Kill. Kill.”

  This time, Kyra heard it clearly. The ground vibrated under her feet as two hundred thousand spectators stomped in unison with the chant.

  The female rolled over, staring at her through eyes glazed with pain. Kyra grabbed the huge sword lying in the dust next to her, raised it – then lowered it again.

  “Do it. I beg you.” The creature spoke in the guttural tongue of the arena. “Let me die quickly, with honor. I’m of no use to my master, now. I can never fight again. I can’t even stand. My loss means my death. It’s the rule of the arena. Bophe will send in the Gornian dragons to kill me if you don’t. They’ll tear me limb from limb. Eat me alive as I scream in agony, while the crowd cheers.”

  She couldn’t turn away from the female’s eyes. Pleading for cruel mercy.

  Kyra twirled the sword over her head, closed her eyes, and brought it crashing down with both hands. She heard the sickening crunch as it sliced through the alien’s neck, even over the roar of the crowd.

  Bophe stood in the opening of the stone wall waiting for her, surrounded by guards. She headed straight for him. Dropped the bloodstained sword at his feet.

  “I fought. I won. I’m free.”

  She started to walk past him into the tunnel but he blocked her way.

  “Stupid Earther.” She expected fury but, to her surprise he smiled, flashing razor-sharp incisors. According to stories she’d heard, he’d used them to slash open the necks of his opponents in the days before he’d battled his way out of the arena to become its owner. “You thought you could outwit me?”

  He moved closer, his mangled face only inches from hers. The smile disappeared. “You’re not finished yet. You won your battle. That means you advance to the final round. The alien males fight in teams of two for their last match. You’ll be awarded to the winners at the end of today’s event for a celebratory fucking. They’ll be your new owners.”

  Kyra st
ared at him in shock. “No!”

  “Fine. Have it your way.” He spat out the words. “You got lucky with the Palioxan. If you prefer, you can fight them instead – to the death. But, this time, I guarantee it will be your death.”

  “So that’s my choice – get fucked or die? What about our wager? You said I’d get my freedom. You gave me your word.”

  You want freedom, Earther? Then fight. Lose… and you die. Win… and you’ll be claimed by the victors as their prize at the end of the competition. Stripped naked and fucked by them right there in the center of the arena while thousands of spectators cheer them on.”

  He gave her a cold smile, flashing the razor-sharp incisors he’d used to slash open the necks of his opponents back in the days before he’d battled his way out of the arena to become its owner.

  “Don’t worry. You may not have to live even one more day as a slave. Some alien species are rougher than others. Half the time, my girls don’t survive the fucking. As for our wager, I’ve kept my word. Either way, you’ll be free of me.”

  Chapter Eleven

  His guards dragged her to a cell in the bowels of the arena. The air stank of blood and rotting meat. Snarls and growls came from cells lining the dark passages that lay beyond. This must be where Bophe’s array of beasts were kept, ready to enliven the proceedings if a match didn’t deliver enough excitement for the bloodthirsty spectators. Their savage cries echoed off the stone walls, making it impossible to hear the announcer. She had to gauge the progress of the matches by the muted roar of the crowd and the dull thuds rocking the framework above her with every stomp of their feet.

  She paced back and forth in the narrow enclosure, too furious to rest. Kyra knew why Bophe put her down there all alone, surrounded by the Gornian dragons and other ferocious creatures he kept handy in case he needed a diversion for the crowd. He could hardly allow her to rejoin the rest of his team. He couldn’t risk having them discover his lie. His promise she’d go free if she won gave the toughest of them a glimmer of hope for their own future. She’d seen it in their eyes.

  Over the last year, she’d learned the will to live didn’t exist in equal amounts in every creature. Sometimes those who looked the strongest and fittest were the first to give up when facing adversity. Others, seemingly weak and frail, somehow summoned the strength to go on, defying all odds. When the other members of Bophe’s team found out he was capable of the ultimate betrayal, some of them might give up and refuse to fight for him any longer, even if it meant being put to death right then.

  Others, like D’jen, could turn on him in rage. If several more joined her in attacking him, they’d likely be killed by Bophe’s guards, but they would all die with the satisfaction of knowing they’d sent him to the seventh hell first.

  Once the adrenaline rush that powered her victory wore off, it was all Kyra could do to stay on her feet. Vile odors and occasional rustling sounds coming from the layer of straw made her determined not to rest on the floor. Instead, she closed her eyes and leaned against the damp stone wall.

  Bophe was right. She’d been lucky in her match with the Palioxan. The female was guilty of the worst mistake a soldier can make in combat – arrogance. She’d won in the past because her opponents were intimidated by her size and her appearance. They’d taken one look at her and decided they couldn’t win. When Kyra walked into the ring, the alien was almost scornful. She didn’t consider the small human a serious threat.

  Kyra’s next opponents wouldn’t make that mistake. They’d face her knowing she defeated a formidable foe. And there would be two of them. Two against one, knowing all they had to do was pin her down and she’d be theirs to ravish in front of thousands of cheering voyeurs.

  Ruthlessly, she drove those images out of her head. She’d be damned if she’d waste what might be the last few hours of her life dwelling on negative thoughts. Instead, she called up memories of Jax and Jynn.

  Two dominant lovers focusing all their attention on her, working in tandem to take her to the heights of ecstasy – the nights she’d spent with the Tharan twins had been the highlight of her life. But it wasn’t all about mind-blowing multiple orgasms. For the first time since her parents died, she’d felt cared about. Cherished. Looking back on their time together, she realized even the discipline spankings they delivered came from their caring. They took seriously their responsibility to keep her safe from harm.

  The twins always talked about sharing a Bond with the one destined to be their Mate. She’d never know the magic of a Bond like that now. Kyra struggled to hold back tears as she sent a desperate plea out into the Universe.

  Jax. Jynn. I wish you could hear me – and I wish we’d had that Bond. Just once, I’d love to have connected with you so completely that our minds and souls were one. I’d like you to know my final thoughts were of you. I’m sorry I ruined any chance we might have had for a future together by taking off alone like I did. It was so stupid! I know I’ve worried you, probably even caused you both to put your lives in danger looking for me. I stubbornly ignored your rules. I didn’t recognize that you made those rules because you cared so much, not because you were trying to be mean or bossy. I deserve to be punished. If you were here, I’d bend over and ask you to spank me long and hard while I begged your forgiveness.

  She sighed and closed her eyes, fighting back tears.

  In the dark cell, it was impossible to tell how many hours had passed. Kyra didn’t believe in giving up, but exhaustion and despair were sapping her meager reserves of inner strength. She was out of ideas, incapable of formulating new strategies to defeat her next opponents. When the heavy thud of boots in the corridor signaled the return of Bophe’s guards, it almost came as a relief. Locking her up all alone as she waited to face death was the cruelest punishment Bophe had ever meted out.

  They marched her through the winding passages to the wide stone opening leading to the center ring of the arena. She was shocked to see Tanis Major’s twin suns still blazing in the sky, though they hung low on the horizon. She’d lost all sense of time.

  Bophe waited at the entrance to the arena, Ceres by his side.

  “My feisty little human.” He gave her a cold smile. “It seems you’ve become a crowd favorite. The spectators were so impressed by your victory over the Palioxan giant, they’re betting heavily on you. Laying odds you’ll slay one of your opponents – before getting fucked by the other.” He shook his head. “If I’d known you had the potential to be such a moneymaker for me, I’d have kept you around a while longer.”

  “Ceres, a draught of wine for our valiant warrior.” He motioned the young slave forward with a fresh jug.

  Kyra drank greedily, more to soothe her parched throat than for any false courage the alcohol might impart. Ceres wouldn’t meet her eyes, and Kyra was surprised to see tears flowing down the young girl’s face.

  “I’ve been praying to the goddess for you all day,” she whispered.

  “Thank you, Ceres. Don’t be sad. Bophe was right. No matter what happens, today I’ll be free of him.” Kyra drew her in for a hug, dropping her voice so only the young girl could hear. “One day, you’ll be free, too. Never give up hope. Stay strong – and when the opportunity arises, seize your moment.”

  “As victor of your last fight, you have your choice of weapons,” Bophe announced. “The sword you carried into battle – or the sword you used to sever the head of your opponent.”

  He held them both out. She eyed the Palioxan’s enormous weapon and shuddered. It still bore the stain of the giant’s blood. She’d never killed another being before.

  “I’ll take my sword.” Knowing Ceres was watching gave Kyra a shot of courage. She couldn’t tell the young girl to be strong and then crumple in defeat herself. She stared into Bophe’s eyes. “It’s small but deadly – just like I am. Your customers are smart to bet on me. I’m going to walk out of that arena alive – and then I’m coming after you.”

  He must have seen something in her face that sho
ok him, because she caught a flicker of something she’d never seen before in his eyes. Nervousness? Anxiety? It was gone in a flash, but it gave her an added burst of strength.

  She heard her name announced and gave Bophe a mocking salute then turned and strode into the center of the arena.

  “Surprised us all with her dazzling display of acrobatic skill! The newest star of the Arena of Tanis Major.” The announcer’s voice rang out. “We all saw her face the giant from Palioxis and emerge victorious. But can she do it again – this time facing the challenge of conquering two powerful male warriors?”

  Kyra’s mind was racing. She wasn’t above using any advantage she had to win. No matter how big or strong they were, her opponents were males. Arrogant males, used to winning. Males who’d be thinking more about fucking the female alien by the time she finished putting on a little show for them than fighting her.

  Striding into the center of the ring to the roar of the crowd, she put her shoulders back and thrust her sword high in the air. The golden serpent’s fangs clamped onto her nipples caught the rays of the setting suns, drawing attention to her bare breasts bouncing with every step. She followed with a standing somersault she knew would send the red skirt flying up to her waist, putting her naked ass and pussy on display. The spectators cheered wildly.

  Two figures stepped into the ring from the entrance on the opposite side. With the glare of the setting suns behind them, she couldn’t make out much except their size. Huge. They wore nothing except a low-slung garment around their hips that stopped just above the knee.

  Even across the arena she could see the broad chests packed with muscle, the powerful biceps flexing as they twirled their swords. As they came toward her with slow, measured steps, she caught the glint of silver masks of death covering their faces and thick silver cuffs circling their forearms from the wrist halfway to the elbow.

  She fought down a wave of panic and went on with her desperate plan. Flashing her ass again in a series of back flips, she came to rest on her knees facing in their direction.


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