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Den of Mercenaries

Page 8

by London Miller

And before she could get used to that, he stopped.

  Pulling out, he flipped her over, drawing her up to her knees in one fluid move, fitting her ass in the cradle of his body. Her hands fisted the sheets, helpless to do anything more than give in to what he wanted.

  But as quickly as he had left her, he was shoving right back in, taking her breath away.

  Reagan didn’t think she could come again, even as Niklaus was trying to force another out of her with the incessant brush of his fingers. It was there, hovering just out of reach, until she looked up and caught their reflection in the dresser mirror.

  Her eyes were wild, frenzied, her hair a mess as Niklaus sifted his fingers through it, but it was him that made a tremor overwhelm her … the way his eyes were screwed shut, that intense look of concentration as he fucked into her with abandon, chasing after his own pleasure.

  It was the sight of him like that that made her tip over the edge, the orgasm he’d been trying to dig out of her swallowing her whole as she fought for breath, crying out his name.

  Finally, he gave one last harsh thrust, her name and a curse muttered into the back of her neck as he held her close, his chest heaving against her back.

  Awareness crept back in, bleeding into the moment.

  And she knew, as he gingerly pulled out of her, still semi-hard, that he wasn’t done with her yet.

  “You totally had sex with him, you little whore.”

  If there was ever a time when Reagan wished she could call off work, now would be that time. She had barely spoken to Shan before the proclamation was out of her mouth, loud enough for anyone in their immediate vicinity to hear her…which included two elderly women that looked from Shan to Reagan as though they were expecting to get the details too.

  Ignoring them, she pulled Shan to the side knowing that she wasn’t going to get out of this without telling her something. Reagan spoke quietly, “Do you have to announce it to everyone?”

  “So how was it? On like a scale from one to ten? Did he tie you up at all—he kind of looks like he’d be into that?”

  “No,” Reagan replied with a roll of her eyes. Lately, that was what Shan was saying about everyone. “Nothing like that.”

  “Then like what? Come on, give me something here.”

  She wouldn’t—not about Niklaus.

  She might have, had it been anyone else that she spent the night with, but with Niklaus…no, she wanted to keep that to herself and bask in the memory.

  Reagan still hadn’t believed it when she left his room early in the morning, going back home to shower and get ready for work as though nothing had happened.

  But something had happened, and she could feel it every time she moved a certain way, the slight twinges reminding her of everything all at once. He had asked for one night, and that had been good enough for her at the time.

  Every minute of it was everything she could have ever hoped for, but even as she had walked away, she was already thinking about whether there would be a next time.

  She hadn’t meant to, but very soon, she was counting down the minutes, waiting for the new hour to strike to see whether Niklaus would be in around his usual time.

  And sure enough…

  Reagan was spared answering when the door came open once more, and Niklaus walked in heading for his table.

  It was then she knew, even as she went about making his coffee and was gifted with a smile that made her toes curl …

  Even two nights wouldn’t be enough.

  Chapter 12

  Their second night together, he showed her quite clearly that she had made the right decision. By the third, she wasn’t sure she could keep up with him, though at least this time he was a touch more gentle with her—not by much. And now here she was, heading to his room for another night climbing over every inch of him. Earlier, he hadn’t stopped by the diner, but he had mentioned that first night that she could drop by any time.

  Taking the elevator up to Niklaus’ room, she didn’t bother knocking, sticking the key into the lock and turning, stepping inside without preamble. But when she did, with the lights on, she could see that the bed was made, all the furniture returned to its right position.

  Reagan frowned, trying to make sense of what she was seeing. While he hadn’t been a slob or anything with clothes all over the floor or anything like that, there had been a sort of lived in feel to it when Niklaus was in the room.

  The bed was made and looked untouched …

  The bathroom was clean, all towels accounted for and resting folded on the towel bar bolted into the wall.

  Everything just looked … sterile, or as much as this place would allow. It was like the past three nights had never happened, like a figment of her imagination.

  Hurrying out, Reagan stopped at the front desk, ringing the small bell there to get the attention of the man watching the small television behind the counter.

  “Pardon me?”

  “Yeah?” He turned, wiping greasy fingers along his shirt, his gaze straying to her breasts before back up to her face again.

  On a whim, she slid the key across to him. “I just wanted to drop this off for my friend. Niklaus? He’s in room three-eleven.”

  The man’s eyes flickered down to the open book in front, before snatching up the key and hanging it next to its corresponding number.

  “Don’t know anyone by that name, but thanks.”

  Frowning, Reagan said, “He was a little over six-feet, dark hair, blue eyes…”

  “Look, lady, whatever name he gave you, whoever he pretended to be, that ain’t got nothin’ to do with me. Only thing I can tell you is the guy paid through the night. And I ain’t seen ’em.”

  Biting her lip, Reagan didn’t say anymore, hurrying out before she could embarrass herself any further. Because what more could she say?

  She only had his first name, which could have very well not been his name from what the clerk said. But besides that, she knew nothing else.

  Not what he did for a living.

  Not where he was from.

  She didn’t even have a last name.

  And worse, he was gone … and he had never said a word.

  Six months later…

  It was raining outside the diner, the water falling in sheets from the night sky. Reagan was sitting in a booth, counting out her tips as she waited for the downpour to lessen, at least enough to where she could get home without being totally soaked through by the time she got there. And though she had spent the entirety of the night smiling at customers, making sure everyone was pleased, she was tired and ready to get home.

  Six months …

  That was how long it had been since Reagan had last seen him, a night when he’d just disappeared without a word. Oh, how excited she had been when she had gone to work that next day, expecting to see him enter any moment. When he hadn’t, she didn’t think much of it, but after the second—and third, and fourth, and fifth—she had realized with a startling clarity that he must have left and gone back to wherever it was he came from.

  She didn’t mean to be upset. He had only ever offered her one thing, and she had gladly accepted it—begged for it at least a couple of times if she remembered correctly. Once he was gone—and she accepted he wasn’t coming back—she still ached at the thought.

  But nevertheless, after five months of trying, she had finally put him, and everything they’d done together, to the back of her mind and kept it there.

  Since he had walked away, a lot had changed for her. Her father had stopped drinking, her mother was less dependent on him, and she was finally able to start saving towards her dream, the same dream she had shared with Niklaus that last night. Picking up more hours at the diner was exhausting, but in the end, she knew it would be worth it.

  Yeah, Niklaus was the last thing on her mind … until he wasn’t.

  Another long afternoon of rain had the air muggy as Reagan exited the diner, fiddling with her umbrella, not paying attention to her surroundings. If she
were, she might have noticed Niklaus’ slow, but steady approach.

  “Here, let me get that.”

  Her head snapped up as she heard his voice, too surprised to do anything more than stare at him as he deftly got the button unfastened, and the umbrella open, holding it out for her.

  He seemed immune to the rain, standing beneath the awning with his leather jacket on, a hoodie beneath it with the hood partially concealing his hair. He looked good—though that wasn’t very hard—though he did look a bit tired.

  “What are you doing here?” She wondered if the bitterness she felt inside could be heard in her words.

  Judging from the expression on his face, the answer was yes. “Was in the neighborhood.”

  Considering she practically knew everybody around here, or knew someone who did, she doubted she would have missed hearing about him being back. The families around here had a habit of subtly announcing if there was someone new around.

  Not knowing what else to say, and strangely hurt by his words, Reagan said, “Diner is still open.”

  She tore her eyes from him, determined not to show him just how much his presence affected her—she wouldn’t give him that too. Instead, she turned her back, ready to brave the rain to get home as opposed to taking a cab, anything to get away from him sooner.

  But if she thought he was just going to let her walk away, she was wrong.

  While she refused to turn back, she could hear him trailing her. “Is there a reason you’re following me?”

  “I’m walking you home.”

  “I can take care of myself, Niklaus.”


  Was that humor in his voice?

  “So why bother?”

  “You’re worth the effort.”

  Turning abruptly, Reagan frowned at him, trying hard not to notice the way the water droplets clung to his skin. “Really? Why don’t I believe you when you say that?”

  Finally closing the distance between them, he asked, “Want me to show you?”

  Reagan shook her head, leveling her gaze on him. “No, prove it.”

  Before she could even fathom what he was doing, he had ahold of her arm, dragging her into the side alley between two buildings they were passing. She couldn’t even utter a protest before he was sliding one hand around her neck and tugging her closer, pressing his lips to hers.

  Any protest she thought to have, died a sudden death as he claimed her mouth, not giving her a chance to resist. Her back hit the damp brick wall, cold seeping through the thin cotton of her uniform, sending a chill through her.

  As quickly as he silenced her with a kiss, he dragged his lips across her jaw and down her neck, biting down just enough to keep her aware of what he was doing.

  His hands diving beneath her skirt, he tugged her stockings and panties down her legs, just far enough that he could get his hand down between her legs. When he had his thumb circling her clit, her head fell back, her hands squeezing at the material of his jacket.

  “Now how exactly do you want me to prove it to you?” Niklaus asked at her ear, pressing closer, making her aware of the erection that was straining his jeans.

  “Niklaus…” His name was a whisper, her attention solely focused on the way his thumb moved against her.

  She felt him smile as he said, “Use your words. Tell me.”

  “Fuck, don’t stop.”

  “Is that what you want? You want me to fuck you right here?” he asked, and this time, the humor was gone from his voice, replaced with a strain that she felt too.

  Her thoughts may have been in chaos, but the moment the question was hanging between them, she seized on it, her sex clenching at the very idea.

  “Please, Niklaus. Right now.”

  He didn’t waste a second, dropping down to practically rip her stockings and panties off her. She was already one step ahead of him, stepping out of her shoes to make it easier. The moment she was bare beneath her skirt, he was back on his feet and her hands were at his belt, tugging the leather free.

  Pulling a small square from his back pocket, he tore it open with his teeth, letting the aluminum packet fall to the ground at their feet.

  When she finally got his jeans open, her hand closing around the hard, long length of his cock, stroking up and down. He only allowed it for a moment longer before he was sheathed in a condom and had his hands at the back of her thighs as he lifted her, making her wrap her legs around his waist.

  Niklaus didn’t waste any time as he angled his cock at her entrance and pushed in. The last time they had been together, he had waited ages, teasing her for what felt like hours before he finally gave in.

  Now … now there was a feel of desperation to the way he handled her, from the way he was sliding inside, to the almost painful grip he had on her ass as he held her steady.


  Niklaus froze the minute he heard the expletive leave her lips. Held up against a wall by 190 pounds of lean muscle was enough for a tremor to slip up her spine. It might not have been very long since the last time she was with him, but her body had obviously forgotten just how fucking big he was.

  How it took a moment for her pussy to stretch enough to fit him in.

  He didn’t stay still for long, gradually pulling out, enough to scrape across every nerve ending inside of her, then thrusting back in, harder than the first.

  A ragged moan spilled from her lips as her back hit the wall, her hands clutching onto his shoulders, but he didn’t stop—not when she was crying his name or as she exploded into pieces in his arms.

  Only when he gave one last brutal thrust inside of her did he finally come, his grip on her loosening just enough that she could finally take in a good, lungful of air.

  As that haze of lust cleared, Reagan fell back to reality very quickly, pulling away from him as she straightened her clothes as best she could.

  It was almost annoying how quickly his disheveled appearance disappeared when he didn’t have to do nearly as much as she did—and she bet she still looked a mess.


  “Don’t—just don’t, Niklaus.” Shoving her hair out of her face, she rolled her eyes. “Is that even your name?”

  He didn’t look the slightest bit concerned by her question. “I didn’t lie about that.”

  Oh? She had expected he had, going over various names in her head. She had looked up his name once before, learning that it was Russian in origin—but thought that maybe his parents liked the names because he definitely didn’t sound Russian to her.

  “Kind of hard for me to believe that when you disappeared six months ago. No one had even heard your name before.”

  “Wanna talk?”

  Reagan stared in disbelief at just how casual Niklaus asked the question—as though she wasn’t accusing him of being a liar, at the very least that he had fucked her up against an alley wall.

  “I have a feeling that my definition of talk is different from yours.”

  “No,” he said reaching for her hand. “I mean it.”

  “About anything? You’ll tell me everything?”

  “I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.”

  Reagan didn’t have time to ponder his words, or that he hadn’t actually answered the question, he was already leading her down the street.

  Chapter 13

  “A definite step up from the last one, but you have terrible taste in hotels,” Reagan said as she entered Niklaus’ room as he held the door open.

  He merely smiled at her words. “It’s enough for me.”

  She would just have to take his word for that.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, she carefully removed her shoes, wiggling her toes into the carpet for comfort as she had been standing on linoleum and concrete all day.

  “I’m going to grab a shower,” Niklaus said as he reached for the bag that was sitting next to the night stand. “Wanna join me?”

  Reagan shook her head, feeling shy all of a sudden. Sure he had just
been fucking her against a brick wall, but there was something about the idea of showering with him that felt too … intimate.

  “I’ll go after you if that’s okay.” Not that she had anything to wear once she got it, but she was in desperate need of one.

  Like he had read her thoughts, he held his bag up. “I’ve got you covered on that front.”

  As Niklaus disappeared into the bathroom, Reagan lay back, listening to the shower as it kicked on, letting her mind drift to a different time when she hadn’t been as happy with Niklaus.

  Already, she had to remind herself that she was still angry with him, that what he had done was not okay. But what was the point when she had already let him do exactly what he wanted? She wasn’t usually so easily bent to someone’s will, but when it came to Niklaus—he made her weak.

  By the time he was walking back out of the bathroom, his skin still damp from his shower, her fatigue was already setting in. She had to force herself to get up and shower away the night, then pull on Niklaus’ clothes as she crawled into the bed beside him.

  She was waiting for that first caress of her skin, could practically feel it already though he had yet to actually touch her, but he didn’t touch her—at least not in that way.

  His touch was surer, less lingering as he pulled her into his side, curving her into the fold of his body.

  When she looked up to him for an explanation, he merely shrugged and said, “I told you we would talk.”

  “Okay, tell me why you left.”

  “I had another job,” he answered back immediately.

  “Why didn’t you say you were leaving? You know I showed up one day and they said you had never been checked in.” Though the man that had told her didn’t look like he necessarily told the truth all the time.

  “If I came to see you before I left, I wouldn’t have.”

  “Niklaus …”

  “I’m serious.”

  She shook her head, still disbelieving. “You don’t have to say that—you’ve already convinced me to sleep with you again.”

  “I mean it.”


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