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Sweet Temptation: A Players Rockstar Romance (Players, Book 3)

Page 21

by Jaine Diamond

  Her mouth floated open.

  But instead of telling me off for that, like I probably deserved, she recovered quickly. She sipped her drink, studying me. Then she turned on her heel and headed for the door to the bar.

  I beat her to it and opened it for her.

  She met my eyes, once, then strut past me into the VIP area, where her “friends” were waiting to swarm her again.

  I put up with it for maybe another half-hour, restless and irritated. Then I had Andre bring my car around to the back door. I told Summer it was time to go.

  She said nothing, neither agreeing or disagreeing with that.

  She took another twenty minutes, at least, saying her goodbyes, while I grew increasingly agitated.

  Then she followed me out back without a word and I drove her home. In complete silence.

  She didn’t say a word to me.

  When we got to her house, she went up to bed, alone.

  And I went to bed in her guest room… after jerking off in her bathroom again, thinking about her tits spilling out of that silver top, as she danced in my head.

  Chapter Fourteen


  The next morning, I was up by eight o’clock. Early for me, especially the morning after an event. But I had come home at like two a.m., alone, and gone straight to bed, so I’d gotten an okay sleep.

  It was filled with weird dreams of last night’s show, and Ronan driving his car. Without a shirt on. I wasn’t even sure how those things connected in the dream, but they were in there.

  I slipped on a robe and headed down to the kitchen. The house smelled gloriously of coffee, which meant Ronan had been up. I didn’t see him, though.

  When I peeked down the hall to his room, his door was shut, and I could hear the rumble of his voice; he must’ve been on the phone.

  I could see a set of free weights on the sunroom floor, so maybe he’d already gotten a workout in. Someone must’ve dropped them by for him this morning? Because they weren’t there yesterday.

  He’d told me he worked out with a personal trainer, and that he trained some of his employees in mixed martial arts; he’d asked me if it was okay if they do that here. In the sunroom or in the basement, wherever they wouldn’t be in my way.

  I didn’t have a problem with that. Having to see fit men working out in my house wasn’t exactly an inconvenience.

  I wondered if his trainer had already come and gone this morning. The man was an early riser like I’d never known.

  I fixed myself a coffee and threw together a quick breakfast scramble with eggs and some random leftovers, just trying to clean out the fridge before I headed out of town. I was flying to Toronto later today.

  Well, Ronan and I were flying to Toronto.

  I made breakfast for him too, and left it on the warm pan on the stove. I texted him that it was there, and headed back upstairs with my breakfast. I put on my fluffy slippers and enjoyed my food and coffee out on the balcony off my bedroom—while I tried not to think about Blair climbing up here just days ago.

  I’d had Christina, my housecleaner, thoroughly clean and disinfect it for me to eradicate the creepy vibes, before I’d even think about coming out here again.

  While I ate, I returned a few messages. And I talked to Pam to make sure everything was a go for tonight’s show. Sledge was already on his way to Toronto with my gear, and she’d sent me all my hotel and flight info.

  The flight had been changed, to accommodate adding Ronan and Andre to my travel itinerary. Pam had cc’d me on her email to Ronan with his and Andre’s travel info, too. On our flight to Toronto today, Andre was seated halfway back in the plane, on the aisle.

  Ronan was seated with me in first class.

  He’d already told me that he’d book a cab for us this morning. So all I had to do was get myself ready, pack up and head out.

  I was just heading into my bathroom after breakfast when I got a text from him.

  Ronan: Thank you.

  So… he was having the breakfast I’d made for him. And at least he wasn’t pouting about last night. Maybe.

  He’d seemed pretty damn grumpy after the show, while I mingled with my guests—you know, had a good time—and he watched over me like a hulking, sexy grouch… then had the audacity to inform me, his client, that I wasn’t going home with anyone.

  Because that seemed normal.

  I really didn’t enjoy him telling me what to do. Except that in a twisted sex way… I kinda did.

  I didn’t like letting him win, though.

  And I definitely didn’t love it when he’d informed me that we were never, ever hooking up because it would be… improper.

  Since when did the idea that fucking someone was “improper” ever turn anyone off?

  Was he trying to turn me on?

  Because if so, it was fucking working. The man was a giant, handsome pussy tease. My pussy had decided so last night, when I came home to bed alone and took it for a desperate, exuberant ride on a large, phallic sex toy while I fantasized about his grouchy face.

  I would’ve considered pouting about the whole thing myself, but I really wasn’t much of a pouter.

  I would, however, vent to Elle about it after my shower, if I could get her on the phone. I sent her a text to give her a heads up, then showered and dressed. I packed my travel bags, and while I put on my makeup, I shut myself in the bathroom and called her on speaker.

  “Elle’s firefighting department,” she answered. “Putting out fires since two-thousand-and-forever.”

  “Hey, babe.”

  “What’s going on? Your message sounded… angsty.”

  “Uh-uh. I don’t do angst. But I do need to spew.”

  “Go nuts.”

  “What’re you doing?”

  “I’m feeding Emma. She’s half-asleep. You’ve got a good twenty minutes or so.”

  “I’ll take five. We’re heading to the airport soon.”

  “Oh, right. Toronto?”


  “You have guys going with you?” she asked, sounding like a meddling mom.

  “Don’t worry. Ronan won’t let me take a step without one. I’ve got two guys on the road, actually.”


  “As you saw, he worked the show at the Ruby last night. It was… interesting.”

  “Your first show with personal security, superstar! How did it go?”

  “It went. We kinda got into an argument afterward. Maybe it was a debate? I high intensity negotiation?”

  “About what?”

  “About whether or not I was getting laid.”

  Elle choked a little. “What?”

  “I was hanging with people after the show, after you left, and we were talking about afterparties, and Ronan was hovering. Then he got all up in my grill about going home with anyone.”

  “You’re kidding.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Hmm. Doesn’t really sound like something you’d put up with,” she pointed out.

  “Meaning what?”

  “Are you putting up with it?”

  “He’s a giant killjoy, Elle,” I complained.

  “Right. So, obviously, you still like him?”

  “I do. It’s utterly fucking annoying.” I sighed. “I went home alone last night to make my bodyguard happy. Is this a thing?”

  “This is definitely not a thing. You’re his client. He works for you.”

  “I know. But he said he wasn’t gonna sit in his car outside while I hooked up with someone.”

  Elle laughed.

  “Can you believe that shit?” I asked her. “Stop laughing.”

  “And then what happened?”

  “I let him drive me home and went to bed like a good girl.”

  “And since when are you a good girl?”

  “Exactly. No one but my dad has ever had this kind of say over my life. And you know my dad has a way of making me all… melty. No other man has ever had that power. It’s unholy.”

/>   “Because you don’t usually give anyone else that power.”

  “That is fabulously true.”

  “Why don’t you just tell him you like him, like the big girl you are, and ask him to assign someone else on his team to be your bodyguard. Then you’re free to ask him on a date.”

  “Elle. You don’t ask an alpha like that on a date. You let him chase you.”

  “Then get another bodyguard, and let the chase commence.”

  “I can’t. I have the best bodyguard right now. Why would I get rid of him?”

  “Well, what do you want me to say? I guess you’re screwed.”

  “Can’t I have both?”

  “It’s not a good idea, Summer.”

  “I want to seduce him, though. How fun would that be?”

  She kinda snorted. “I give up.”

  “You can’t give up.” I stood back to check my makeup, and the time on my phone. “He got all steamed up when I was talking to guys at the club. I think he was jealous. It was… tantalizing.”

  “You two are in deep, deep trouble. I can’t watch. Just call me after it implodes and we’ll do a spa day or something.”

  “Elle. I always help you with your man shit. This is a best friend SOS. Help me.”

  “I’m not sure telling me to fuck every hot dude I ever met was exactly helping, over the years, but okay. If I were you—”

  “No. No offense, sweetie, but if I were you doesn’t help me. Because you would hang back and let it play out. And you know I don’t have that kind of patience.”

  “Jesus.” She snickered. “He is not even gonna know what’s coming, is he?”

  “I mean, he watched me at a fitting yesterday. I had on this amazing translucent bra. He has some idea.”

  “So… you think he wants you, but just won’t do anything about it because of his job?”

  “I think so. I’m not sure yet.”

  “Get to know him more. Like I told you already. And meanwhile, go on with your life. Don’t let him go caveman on you again. You do you. He’s security. That’s all it is unless he’s willing to admit he wants more.”

  “Hmm. That’s good advice, Elle.”

  “Don’t sound so surprised.”

  “I am, really.”

  Elle laughed. “Fuck you. And by the way, if he’s the alpha you say he is, he’s not gonna let anything get in the way of what he wants, if he wants you. Remember that.”

  “Damn. You know, you really know more about men than I think.”

  “Thanks. I’ve dated a few alphas myself.”

  “You mean, they’ve tried to date you.”


  “Oh, honey. You don’t do alphas.”

  “Huh,” she said, like she was seriously pondering that. “But you do?”

  “You know I do. If you think for one sweet second that any man on Earth is gonna lock me down, longterm, he’d better be as alpha as that man in my guest room right now.”

  “Okay,” she agreed, “that sounds about right. Which is why Flynn was such a question mark. Hate to break it to you, but Flynn is no alpha.”

  “No shit. The man is in love with a woman from afar and totally sitting on it. I’m gonna crack that shit wide open, though, don’t you worry.”

  “Oh, I’m worried.”

  “Sweetheart, you’re going to that man’s wedding before you walk down the aisle yourself.”

  “That may be true.”

  “Maybe I can hustle my way into that wedding party, too…” I mused.

  Elle snickered.

  A text message popped up on my phone.

  Ronan: The taxi is here.

  “Babe, I’ve gotta go. The alpha’s waiting for me.”

  “When are you back?”

  “Sunday. I’ve got the show in Toronto, then Montreal, then I’m stopping in Hope to visit my brother on the way back.”

  “Okay. Have fun. And don’t take any shit from that alpha of yours.”

  “I’ll try.”

  “My God, Summer. Listen to you. You’ve got it bad.”

  “Shut up. He has these amazing muscles along his forearms, and just the right amount of tattoos… When he opens doors for me, it makes me wet. Are you seriously telling me that never happens to you with Flynn?”

  “Uh, yeah. That’s what I’m telling you.”

  “So, you’re saying… it’s totally not standard to have to change your panties because your bodyguard opened a door for you?”

  “That is exactly what I’m saying.”


  Elle groaned. “Text me from the road. Let me know how it’s going.”

  “What, my career? Or the handsome man-beast breathing down my neck?”

  “Both, obviously.”

  “Okay. Love you, babe.”

  “Love you right back. Show Toronto how it’s done on the west coast.”

  “Oh, you know I will.”

  When I was off the phone, I grabbed my purse and the smallest of my overnight bags, then headed downstairs. Ronan was waiting at the front door, moto jacket on, looking all stoic and badass—and ready for anything. Except, of course, fraternizing with his client.

  Because, you know, that would be improper and all.

  His gaze immediately skimmed down my body, though. Because apparently he was still allowed to check me out.

  Pussy tease.

  “You have more bags?”

  “Two more,” I said, setting my bag down. “They’re up in—”

  He was already heading down the hall to my room, so I didn’t bother finishing that sentence. I slipped on my coat. And when he returned, carrying my two rolling suitcases like they weighed nothing, and also picked up the bag I’d set down… my body responded in some deeply improper ways.

  He then opened the door for me, too.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  He met my eyes and nodded.

  I stepped outside, taking a deep breath of the crisp October air. I watched him take my bags to the waiting taxi. Then he went back inside to “Check that everything’s locked down.”

  I pulled out my phone and texted Elle.

  Me: He’s carrying my bags now. Maybe I should stash a bunch of panties in my purse?

  Elle: I’ll have extras sent to your hotel.

  Andre met us at the airport with his usual easygoing smile. Totally different vibe than his boss.

  He grabbed my bags from the taxi before Ronan could, so at least my lady hormones got a break for a moment.

  Takeoff was smooth and pretty close to on-time. Ronan was sitting next to me, on the other side of the tiny table between us, silent. He seemed a little extra stony today, and I wasn’t sure why.

  Because of last night, maybe?

  We’d just leveled off at high altitude and the seatbelt sign went off. I dug out my phone and earbuds, planning to listen to some music and try to tune out his silent, broody sexiness, when he said, “The restraining order came through.”

  I stared at him. “It did?”

  “They’ll be sending it to you. I already have a copy.” He opened a document on his phone and showed it to me. “I can walk you through it now, if you’d like.”

  “Yes. Please.”

  “It’s a twelve-month bond. Sanchuk accepted the terms we requested. It’s all pretty standard. No contact with you, directly or indirectly. That includes anything at all, like messages through other people. He can’t try to reach you in any way.” He scrolled a bit though the document. “He’s not to come within one-hundred meters of your residence or place of employment. That includes anywhere you’re scheduled to appear at a gig or event. He can’t possess firearms or other weapons, or use drugs or alcohol—”

  “You think he’ll stick to all that?” I interrupted. I’d talked through the whole thing with the police officer who was working on my file, days ago, so I knew what we’d requested. It was basically what Brody’s lawyers advised us to request.

  But I still wasn’t sure.

p; For all I knew Blair was a meth addict, and he’d be stumbling onto my property again the next time he got high.

  “He has to. Disobeying this a criminal offense. He could be convicted and do time for that.” Ronan met my eyes. “This is the best protection you’ll get from the legal system right now.”

  “Right.” I watched as he put his phone away. “I guess I can breathe a sigh of relief, then.”


  I waited. I tried to absorb it. I repeated his words, over and over again, in my head.

  The restraining order came through.

  But I didn’t feel… anything. Just a lingering unease, maybe. The one that had been with me ever since that night.

  “Why don’t I feel relieved?”

  Ronan sighed. “I know. It’s a cold comfort, right? I’m not gonna kid you that he agreed to this out of the goodness of his heart, because he saw the error of his ways. He agreed to it because he doesn’t want to do time.”

  “I see. Well… thank you for letting me know. And for looking out for me.”


  “Please. Do not say you’re just doing your job again.”

  He shut his mouth.

  “Don’t diminish it,” I said. “You’re my hero right now, okay? Let’s just leave it at that.”

  He was silent for a moment.

  Then he said, almost to himself, “It’s a fucked-up world.”

  “I prefer to think of it as a beautiful world,” I said.

  My unease must’ve been coming through, though, because he looked me in the eye and assured me, yet again, “You’re safe, Summer. He’s not getting near you.”

  And he sounded so sure of that, I really wanted to believe him.

  Chapter Fifteen


  The Toronto show was nothing short of fantastic.

  I wore my new warrior-chic outfit, complete with the fabulous headpiece that made me feel like some medieval tribal queen. After the show, I hit several afterparties, staying out most of the night with old and new friends.

  Ronan escorted me everywhere I went, though he never said much.


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