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Sweet Temptation: A Players Rockstar Romance (Players, Book 3)

Page 31

by Jaine Diamond

“You know, I always did appreciate your dry sense of humor, Ronan.” Piper smirked, looking me over. “Was that what she liked about you?”

  Christ. Were we really going there?

  Yup. And I supposed I’d started it.

  “Oh, wait,” he said. “No, she liked eatin’ pussy.” He glanced over at Blazer, who chuckled. “I always get that confused.” Then he looked at me again, holding my gaze. Just waiting for me to posture up, get pissed off or something.

  I didn’t.

  “Guess she was confused too, huh?” he pressed.

  “I dunno,” Blazer said. “Sounds like my kinda girl.”

  “You know, you might think so,” Piper said thoughtfully. “But personally, I prefer a girl who prefers dick. I mean, if she gets a taste of the pussy and doesn’t come back for the dick, you know you’ve got a problem.”

  “That is a solid point.” Blazer smirked at me, and I really wanted to knock that look right off his face.

  Instead, I tried to guide Piper back to the conversation at hand. “You were about to share some intel? Something about the Sinners?”

  “Yeah. The fuckin’ Sinners. Sorry. You bring up pussy like that, it gets me all distracted.”

  I didn’t bother reminding him that he brought up pussy. The guy was trying to push my buttons, but I really didn’t have time for this shit, or any interest in dredging up high school drama in front of his club brother.

  “You know,” Piper mused, “those boys over at the Sinners MC can be cooperative as fuck when we need them to be. Blazer had a little afternoon tea with them the other day. Didn’t you, Blaze?”

  Blazer smiled, and it was truly sinister when the guy smiled. Kinda like the stockbroker next door who turned out to be a serial killer. I was getting the picture that the Kings’ idea of afternoon tea involved something akin to breakfast with the Sopranos.

  “One of their former prospects,” Blazer informed me, “managed to cough up the fact that Sanchuk is a patched member of the Bloody Bastards MC.”

  Okay… This was not good news, in any universe.

  “‘Former’ prospect?” I asked.

  “Former as in he’s recently been relieved of his patch,” Piper said.

  Which meant the Sinners had kicked him out of their club.

  Maybe the Kings had insisted on it, as a step toward making amends for letting Sanchuk get near them?

  “You trust this intel?” I asked him.


  “Apparently, Sanchuk made this prospect all kinds of promises he probably can’t back up,” Blazer said. “Involving a supply chain from down south.”

  I studied Piper. “How could you not know this?”

  “We know it now,” he said, in that warning tone of his. The one that told me to back the fuck off before I pissed him off.

  “I’d assume the Bloody Bastards aren’t allowed on Kings turf?” I pressed anyway.

  Piper’s jaw flexed.

  “Sanchuk’s been here under the radar,” Blazer supplied. “Now that he’s on the radar… he’s not welcome.”

  “Let me guess.” I looked from Piper to Blazer and back. “You all can’t find him to give him that message.”

  “Rest assured,” Piper said, “he already knows.”

  “He’ll stick his head up somewhere,” Blazer added, picking at his nails like he was already bored as fuck of this conversation.

  “Bastards have been tryin’ to push up into our territory for years now,” Piper informed me, “sniffin’ around. Sanchuk is one of their little rats. They recruit these losers, patch them in, promise them whatever, and have them doin’ their dirty work, spying on us.”

  “But here’s the best part,” Blazer added. “When shit goes sideways for them, they’ve got no protection from the Bastards up here.”

  “Sounds dirty as shit,” I said.

  “Yup,” Piper agreed. “That’s the Bastards way.”

  “Hey. That could be their slogan,” Blazer mused. “Bloody Bastards: dirty as shit.”

  Piper smirked. “Maybe we’ll tattoo that on Sanchuk’s ass when we find him. Great idea, Ronan.”

  “I hate to ask,” I said, interrupting their dark comedy routine. “But what do you imagine any of this has to do with Summer?”

  “I dunno,” Piper said. “Maybe Sanchuk picked up on Dirty’s connection to the Kings? Maybe he saw my boy Haz with Ashley Player, and he was hopin’ to supply the Players? Grab himself some status in the local scene? Maybe he thought Summer was the easiest target.”

  I considered that, not loving it at all.

  “She did say he offered meth to some of her friends,” I admitted.

  “Maybe he wants to see who’s buyin’,” Piper said, still studying me. “And who they normally buy from.”

  I was afraid he might be right, though it still didn’t feel like all the pieces fit.

  Why meth?

  “Methamphetamine doesn’t exactly feel like the party drug of choice at a DJ Summer event,” I pointed out.

  “Nope,” Piper agreed. “Feels more like a lowlife dealer tryin’ to get noticed by chicks any way he can. With whatever drug he could get his hands on in quantity, and maybe meth was it.”


  “Or maybe he felt like that was the only drug he could safely deal in an otherwise Kings controlled market,” I said.

  Piper actually laughed. “The Kings ‘deal’ in marijuana. And if you hadn’t read the news, that shit has been legalized in our fair country. We’re upstanding citizens now. Just like you.”


  I’d spent a large part of my life making sure I was nothing like Piper Grayson and his MC brothers. Because there was a time when I’d come far too close to ending up exactly like them—and it still fucking bothered me, when I stood face-to-face with guys like these.

  In my mind, we couldn’t be more different.

  “Something made Sanchuk take notice of Summer,” Blazer reminded me. “Wasn’t my bedroom he was trying to break into.”

  I hardly needed reminding.

  “You think maybe we’re blowin’ this shit all out of proportion?” Piper held my gaze, and he wasn’t smiling now. “Maybe we’re way off base here. I mean, maybe it has nothin’ to do with business at all. Maybe it was just those blue eyes of hers that caught his interest.”

  “Maybe,” I said flatly.

  “She’s got a nice, round ass,” Blazer mused. “Good tits… I’d do her.”

  I clenched my teeth.

  “You know,” Piper said, “some women just have that addictive kinda pussy.”


  Fucking no.

  If he was suggesting that Blair Sanchuk had been anywhere near Summer’s…

  Nope. I wasn’t getting baited like that.

  I breathed slowly, in and out through my teeth.

  Piper was studying me, pretty much trying to read my fucking mind. I had no way of knowing if he was keeping anything from me. But he was definitely wondering if there was anything I wasn’t telling him. Trying to rattle me.

  But fuck him. I wasn’t letting him use Summer and my feelings for her against me.

  He didn’t know I had feelings for her.

  And I definitely wasn’t gonna offer up that information.

  “Sanchuk never touched her,” I gritted out. “And she sure as fuck never touched him. I really don’t know why he was after her. But I’d love to find out.”

  I would. It seemed that the MCs were somehow tangled up in it, maybe. I just didn’t know how.

  And I wasn’t sure Piper did, either.

  Maybe Sanchuk noticed Summer because of the Ashley/Haz connection. Maybe he saw Ashley at one of her shows, with Haz.

  But then again, there was probably an equal chance that it had nothing to do with the Kings or Dirty or the Players at all, and a lot more to do with Justice.

  I wasn’t about to tell Piper about that, though. I wasn’t gonna tell him I saw a Bastard at Justice Sorensen’s party. I would
n’t risk getting Summer’s brother in trouble with the Kings. I wouldn’t be breathing a word about that to anyone, including Summer, until I knew what the fuck was going on there.

  “Hope you figure it out,” Piper said neutrally.

  “Yeah. Thanks for the intel,” I forced out. Unfortunately, I was thankful.

  It was more than my team had come up with.

  “You see this guy anywhere, you know what to do.” Piper held my gaze a moment longer, until I finally nodded.

  I didn’t like it, but the fact was, we both knew he was probably the only one who wanted Sanchuk as much as I did.

  If I called the police to tell them an alleged member of some outlaw motorcycle club from out of the country was hanging out in Vancouver, what the fuck were they gonna do about it? I had no evidence of Sanchuk’s club affiliation, no evidence of any other crime he’d committed, and I didn’t even know where the guy was.

  For all I knew, Blair Sanchuk had fled town and was never coming back.

  I watched Piper and Blazer get back on their bikes and drive away.

  I exhaled.

  And yeah, I realized I’d just about lost my cool, my control, when Piper pushed my buttons about Summer. He was just pushing, testing. Feeling me out.

  I would’ve done the same if I were him.

  And I realized why I’d almost lost it.

  I was falling in love with her.

  I knew it when I was fucking her last night.

  I knew it now, when I wasn’t even with her.

  And I knew it when I considered that she was very possibly still in danger.

  So I got on my bike, and I flew home to her.

  Unfortunately, we didn’t have time for a pre-gig quickie that night.

  Too bad, because by the time we got to the club, I was in a surly fucking mood. Really could’ve used some tension relief.

  I’d worked events at the Pandora Ballroom a few times, years ago, and I still had guys here all the time working event security. I knew the venue, the management, some of the security staff.

  It should’ve been a smooth and easy gig.

  But I was tense as shit all day, in the wake of that meeting with Piper and Blazer.

  I’d do her.

  Yeah, no shit.

  A lot of guys would do her. That was clear enough at her shows.

  But I did not like those assholes putting it in my face.

  They were trying to figure out if Blair Sanchuk was after her because of her, or because of anything to do with their business. Which is exactly what I’d want to know if I were them.

  It was exactly what I wanted to know, too.

  Still didn’t like it. Didn’t like it one fucking bit that they were even looking at Summer, wondering what it was that Sanchuk was looking at—and why.

  I did not like the Kings MC paying any attention to my woman at all.

  Yeah, that’s right. In my head, she was my woman now.

  And I hated that Blair Sanchuk had ghosted my team.

  I hated all the fucking fanboys, too, all over Summer at the show. Hanging out before she went onstage, waiting to meet her. Trying to get backstage while she got ready.

  They sent her drinks, more than she could ever drink. They offered her drugs. They invited her to afterparties.

  It was the first show she’d played since we started fucking, and I hated how accessible she was to her fans—even more than I hated it before.

  When she went onstage, they dangled on every note she played. They crammed themselves onto the dance floor. They sung along and jumped up and down and got sloppy drunk.

  I stood at the edge of the stage for the whole show, just watching them. And studying the power she had over them. I wasn’t sure even Summer understood that power, but it was there.

  If she asked them to donate money to some cause, they’d do it.

  If she told them all to get naked, they probably would.

  If she invited them all back to her place after the show, they’d all be there, with drunken bells on, having the night of their lives.

  I was impressed and in awe of it as much as I was jealous of their desire to have a piece of her.

  As she finished up her set, she spoke to them.

  “Tonight, I’m gonna sign off with a song dedicated to my HOT new bodyguard.” The crowd screamed, and she threw me a look over her shoulder, smiling.

  Even in the foul mood I was in, my dick throbbed at that look.

  “You all may know it,” she said. “Because he’s musically challenged, though, I’m just gonna let him know this song is ‘The Girls’ by Calvin Harris.”

  She wandered in my direction as the song started playing. She smiled at me again. I resisted the urge to reach for her as she spoke with Sledge for a moment. Then I escorted her backstage, walking her to her dressing room.

  As I closed us inside and locked the door behind us, I asked her casually, “Do I get all the girls, in your estimation?” referring to the words in the song.

  “Oh, I know you do,” she said, already sliding off the shimmery, blood-red bob wig she’d worn for the show. “The question is, do they get you?”

  She turned to me, her heavily made-up eyes looking extra sultry, gazing at me from under the long lashes. I watched as she slipped off her slinky gold dress and let it pool around the sexy, strappy shoes at her feet.

  Her lingerie, a matching bra and panties, were black and see-through, with patterns that looked kinda like spiderwebs… I could see her hard nipples through the mesh.

  The panties were fucking tiny, and she hooked a thumb in them like she was considering whether or not to slide them right off.

  And that was an invitation if I’d ever seen one.

  I advanced on her and grabbed her wrists, lifting them over her head and pinning them to the wall with one hand. If anyone was taking off her panties right now, it was me.

  I ripped them down as she lifted a leg, eager to be rid of them. I pulled her thigh up around my hip and undid my pants, letting the weight of my belt drop them to my knees. I tore my underwear down and grabbed my cock, angling it right where I wanted it. I was rock-hard already, and I shoved into her.

  A few more thrusts and I was buried deep, my balls pressed right up against her heat.

  I couldn’t get enough of her… being inside her like this.

  I grabbed her neck with my free hand and angled her face to me. I kissed her, sinking my tongue into her at the same time I screwed my dick into her, hard, over and again.

  She moaned against me as I hammered her up against the wall.

  And fuck… I was already on the edge as she squirmed against my hold.

  Summer liked it when I held her down. She was strong and strong-willed, but no match for me, obviously, and she loved feeling my strength. That was clear in every move she made when I fucked her.

  I fucking loved that about her.

  I’d never been all that turned on by women who wanted me to touch them like they were delicate flowers. That worked for maybe a screw or two, but it got old, fast.

  I was what I was. I was a big man, I’d been blessed with a big dick, and I liked to fuck a woman hard. If I wanted her, I wanted to be able to show her how much, and have that lust returned.

  Summer gave it back to me with an endless hunger.

  She groaned my name against my neck and my balls ached. I already wanted to come so hard… I wanted to blow inside her, make her mine.

  I wanted to fuck her right on the stage in the club, where every asshole out there could see who DJ Summer belonged to.

  Make her come, screaming my name over the sound system.

  Now that would be music to my ears.

  “Fuck,” I growled. “I want to come inside you.”

  Summer looked in my eyes, panting. Then she tugged at my hold on her wrists. “Let me go,” she whispered.

  I released her, and she pulled away, shifting her hips so I pulled out.

  Then she dropped to her knees in front of
me, grabbing my cock. I groaned, throbbing in her hands. She glanced up as she stroked me, tight, meeting my eyes. “So, come,” she said. Then she took my cock in her mouth.

  My eyes rolled back and I collapsed forward, leaning on my arm on the wall. I tried to watch as she blew me, but my eyes kept rolling closed. It felt like there were three chicks down there with their fingers and tongues all over me.

  I lasted about ten seconds before I exploded. I gripped her hair and shoved into her deeper, letting go down her throat.

  I groaned as my whole body shuddered with the release, and she moaned her approval.

  When she was done sucking me dry, she licked her way up my body as I leaned on my arm against the wall, just trying to stay on my feet as my body went limp.

  As she kissed my neck, I grabbed her face and pulled her to me. “You’re really something else, you know that?” I muttered, still panting.

  She smiled at me sweetly and said, “I know.”

  I chuckled.

  That smile on her face and the spark of challenge in her pale-blue eyes said, Are you worthy of me?

  And beneath that challenge, their was a vulnerability that she hid well. If you looked at her as often as I did, though… it was there.

  She was scared, maybe… Of what, I didn’t know. I didn’t know how much of it had to do with the attempted break-in, or how much of it might be something else.

  But no matter what it was, I wanted to make her feel safe. It was a driving need in me.

  I wanted her to know I wouldn’t let go unless she wanted me to.

  I reached to pull up my underwear and semi-zip my pants so I wouldn’t trip as I grabbed her, walking her over to the counter where her cosmetics were laid out. I swept them aside and dropped her on the counter, and I wasn’t gentle about it. I knew Summer could take it.

  Her mouth dropped open, turned-on. She liked it when I manhandled her.

  She spread her thighs for me as I got down on my knees, leaning back against the mirrored wall as I buried my face in her pussy.

  I ate her out fast and hungry. And she rocked her hips into me like she wanted more, much more of what I was giving her…

  I pressed her thighs apart and shoved my index finger up inside her. She was slick and slippery, hot. I groaned against her clit. She gasped and buried her hand in my hair, pulling it as she gripped me. She was holding my hair back so she could watch me between her legs.


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