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Caramel Kisses

Page 8

by TJ Michaels

  Talented lawyer. Excellent lover. Seemed to be a genuinely nice guy too. So, what the hell was he doing with her? Sure she was nice to look at, kept in as good a shape as she could given the demands of her job. A successful business woman with her own way and means. Nice house—Charli called it a museum—in a nice part of town. And most important, other than her house, she was completely debt free.

  But she was forty-fucking-two years old. Considering she wasn’t looking to start a family or have kids of her own, why was somebody like Drew hounding her?

  “Syd, you’re thinking too hard again.”

  Yeah, she tended to do that a lot in his company. He gave her a peck on her cheek and helped her down from the counter top.

  “I think we’re as fresh as we’re gonna get. How ‘bout lunch in the cafeteria?”

  “Drew I can’t.”

  “You need to eat, Sydni. It’s unhealthy. I won’t take no for an answer.”

  “God, you’re a bossy something or other.”

  He flashed a million-dollar-baby smile that lit up the bathroom.

  “Glad you think so. Now let’s get a bite.”

  “Fine. I’ll meet you downstairs in a few minutes.”

  “Sydni,” he drawled with exasperation.

  “I won’t stand you up. I just need to handle a couple of things and I’ll be there. Promise.”

  With a wink and another cheek peck, he turned and left the bathroom. And Sydni stood in the mirror and fanned herself. The man was H-O-T- hot! Enough to melt the tile under her feet.

  But still…he had no need for a sugar mama. So what the hell did Drew Caruth really want? Other than mind blowing sex, of course. Sydni pondered all the way down to the company’s gourmet restaurant on the tenth floor. Thought about it until Drew caught her attention and pinned her with a riveting, gray, I-want-you gaze. Sigh.

  * * * * *

  Alex watched from her favorite spot in the cafeteria. On days when she wasn’t summoned to Viktor’s office, house, or car for a mid-afternoon horny session, she people-watched here in the Expedex employee lounge, which was more like a four-star restaurant. And today, her people of choice were Sydni Cannes and her new lawyer stud. Nobody told her that the new guy and Sydni were lovers. Nobody had to. If there was one thing Alex was good at, was reading the body language of a sexually satisfied woman.

  Perhaps she could use their association to her advantage?

  “Viktor, it’s Alex,” she spoke quietly into the mouthpiece of her phone.


  “I think I may see a way to get Cannes to drop her little investigation of the contracts.”

  “You’re a smart woman. Handle it.”

  “Right. And what about the pawn? Does he know what to do?”

  “I only fuck him, Alex. I’m leaving the rest up to you.”

  She grimaced. God, she hated his condescending, self-righteous attitude. She was trying to save his ass here, and he had the nerve to get stupid and lay it all in her lap?

  “Big deal,” she snarled into the handset. “I fuck him too. Does that mean I should pass this all back to you?” Asshole.

  Silence. Followed by a quiet baritone, menacing and smooth. “Are you getting smart with me, Alexandra?”

  A shiver worked its way into the bones of her spine. Her mind raced with all kinds of retorts. But her mouth proved it was currently smarter than her brain and stayed shut. “You are there. I am not. Do whatever you think you need to do with Cannes and the pawn. And…” He paused. Never a good sign. “I’ll see to you later, as always.”

  Instantly, her cunt creamed as every nerve ending tingled in anticipation of what he would do to “see to her”. God, the man was so good at being bad.

  “Be at my house at six thirty this evening. Wear that lined leather trench coat I gave you last month. With nothing else. And Alex?”


  “Come prepared to serve.”

  “A-all right.” Breathless and just a little bit afraid, the words barely made it through the mouthpiece of the phone. Alex squeezed her thighs together and tried to ignore the way that being in the dark about what Viktor planned set her pulse racing and her cunt creaming. He was a sick bastard. And she loved it. So what did that make her? “Wait, Viktor, I’m supposed to see the pawn tonight.”

  “Expect him to call and break his date with you. I’ll be seeing him earlier. While he’s asleep in my bed, you will do your penance wherever I choose.”

  “Yes. Okay.”

  She waited until Viktor disconnected the call then snapped her own phone closed. Alex cast a quick glance across the expanse of the dining area to where Miss High-And-Mighty executive Cannes sat with her new gorgeous pet. A smile spread across her face as she tossed her trash in the receptacle and headed out the door. And just that quickly a plan formed into a solid wall of sheer will in her head.

  Chapter Eight

  The last few weeks had been heaven and thankfully predictable. Sydni knew Drew waited in the cafeteria in the same spot they’d been meeting everyday. He was settling into his new position at Expedex quite nicely. Not to mention settling into her just as nicely.

  The intercom beeped, and Tsubaki-san’s soft voice came through. “Miss Charli on line one to speak with you, ma’am.”

  “Thank you, Tsubaki-san. I’ll be heading to lunch after this phone call. You should too, so forward all calls to voice mail until after you get back.”

  “Hai. Yes, ma’am.”

  Sydni picked up the handset with a smile. “Hey chicklet, how are you?”

  “Great! The designs are coming along wonderfully. And I’ve designed a little something for you, sis.” It made Sydni feel good to hear the happiness stream through the phone. Charli was enjoying life, just like she’d always wanted her to.

  One of the advantages of having a sister who was a kick ass designer and tailor was that Sydni got to be the guinea pig for all the new designs. Well, it was usually a plus, unless Charli pulled something funky out of the hat like that orange velvet thing she’d tried to talk Sydni into wearing to a local charity fundraiser.

  “So, what’s up, Syd? You sound preoccupied. More so than usual, I mean.”

  “I, uh, I’m due to meet Drew for lunch any minute.”

  “You two have been thick as thieves. Dinner every night. Lunch every day. So, why don’t you sound happier?”

  “Same old concerns. Different day.”

  “Drew or work?”

  “Take your pick. Look, I’ve got to run, so…”

  “Oh no you don’t, Syd. You’re going to give me a clue before we get off this phone or I’m keeping the peach cobbler I made for you this afternoon.”

  “You made me peach cobbler?”

  “Don’t change the subject, woman. What’s going on? I thought you and Drew were really hitting it off.”

  Sydni wiped her palm across her brow with a sigh. “Look, Charli, it’s just that I don’t know what to think or feel. The more time we spend together the more I wonder about…” A pause was required to get her head together. Besides, it was her fault that she hadn’t brought these things up to Drew, and as far as he knew their relationship was just dandy. With a deep breath, she pushed on. “I don’t doubt Drew’s sincerity. And his love making skills? Dayum! I enjoy spending time with him. In fact, he’s spoiled me for any other man. But what about years from now when the difference in our ages, let alone our races, begin to show?”

  Sydni hit the speakerphone button, pushed back from her desk and started to pace in front of the huge window that overlooked the Expedex properties.

  “Perhaps I’m being premature, Charli, but I haven’t become successful by failing to plan or considering the results of my actions. What about ten or fifteen years from now? And what if the man wants children? By the time any child of ours reached age twenty, I’d be almost ready for social security while Drew was still in his prime. What then?”

  “You mean other than the fact that you’ll both be older,�
�� Charli quipped smartly.

  Sydni ignored the remark and pushed on, letting all of her emotional baggage tumble to the carpet and fall open.

  “God, there just seems to be such a huge gap between fifty-two and sixty. And sixty-two and seventy. Sheesh. Then there’s our family and the herd of cows they’d have if I showed up in the South on Drew’s arm.”

  “Why? Because he’s white? Girlfriend, puh-lease,” Charli chortled. Sydni wasn’t sure what was so funny, but she was sure Charli would let it slip any second now. “Syd, you’ve never given a damn what anyone thinks, including our absent family. Hey, you know what just popped into my mind? Remember that guy I dated in high school? Mark Anthony?”

  “Oooh, the hottie from Puerto Rico? Yes, how could I forget? He had a smile that made me want to drop to the floor and yell, do me now!” Sydni laughed, remembering the young man her sister had brought home for her to meet.

  “And what about Peetie, from Guam? He was quite a looker too. And smart.”

  “True. Whatever happened to him, anyway?”

  “Wait, wait,” Charli said excitedly, “What about Ricky, with the deep dimples and stellar biceps? He went on to become a dentist. Didn’t see that one coming.”

  Sydni paused. There was a method to her sister’s madness, she was sure of it. “Charli, why are you bringing up people you haven’t seen in fifteen years or more?”

  “Because you never cared about the race of any man I ever brought home. So why…?”

  “Okay, okay, I get it,” Syndi said, throwing her hands up though her sister couldn’t see through the phone. It didn’t stop Charli from having her say.

  “Look, sis, you took care of the both of us for years while the family you’re suddenly so worried about went off to do their own thing. They left the state, Syd, leaving us to fend for ourselves. Why do you care what they think now? If Drew is what makes you happy, who are they to say you aren’t entitled to him?”

  Good point. In fact, Drew made her feel special, loved. Alive. And he appreciated her just the way she was, big ass and all. The man had no interest in constantly trying to change her into something or someone else. And loved to sex her up just the way she liked.

  With a sigh she made her way back to the speakerphone. Pondering her sister’s words, she said, “Thanks, sweet pea. Love you, Charli. Gotta run.”

  “Love you too. Now go enjoy your lunch and stop tripping. You hear me, Sydni Lee?”

  “Yeah, I hear you, Charli Marie. See you at dinner on Sunday evening?”

  “Yep. Bye.”

  Speaking of Sundays, Drew even appreciated joining her in front of the television for a good football game. Even if he did like the Raiders. Well, nobody was perfect…but damn if Drew wasn’t awful close.

  Bottom line—could she get past the taboo of dating a younger man? A man she enjoyed both in and out of bed? Just the thought made her smile all the way to the Expedex restaurant-styled cafe.

  Drew looked up and smiled, then stood and pulled out her chair. Gentleman to the bone. “Syd, you all right,” he asked softly once he was seated.

  Sydni could have kicked herself. She’d slipped back into thinking so hard and deep over the what-if’s that she’d zoned right out.

  God, Drew couldn’t know what was on her mind. They’d already covered most of this ground in their endless talks—which she’d enjoyed, by the way—and surely the man was getting tired of her voicing the same tired concerns. This subject should be good and buried, yet it wasn’t quite dead in Sydni’s mind yet.

  But before she could open her mouth to assure both him and herself, they were no longer alone.

  “So, you’re the new head of legal for Japan, eh?”

  Interesting. Sydni had never noticed how pretty—young and pretty—Alexandra Voltier was. Until now.

  Drew stood and extended his hand with a friendly smile. But there was no heat behind it. Nothing like the blinding, completely focused gaze he tended to pin her with.

  “Yes. I was recently promoted into the Japanese division. I’m Drew. Drew Caruth.” He shook her hand and sat right back down again.

  “Mmm, yes, I know.”

  Was that a purr lacing Alex’s words? Bitch. Sydni didn’t make a sound, nor did she look up. Just stabbed the lettuce of her salad like she wanted to put a hole in the bowl. Drew looked her way but said nothing.

  “So, Drew, how do you like working with Ms. Cannes in the Japan group? I hear she’s a tough nut to crack, but once you get inside…she really knows her stuff.” The woman didn’t even bother to hide the real meaning of her words.

  Sydni felt her lover’s eyes on her but refused to look up or acknowledge the conversation.

  “It’s been awesome. The deals you all put together are a little different than what I’m used to, but everyone’s been very helpful.” Drew’s words were laced with just the slightest, quickly hidden confusion.

  “If there’s anything I can do,” the woman said with a sexy drawl that made Sydni’s gaze finally snap up. “Anything at all, be sure and let me know.”

  Well, that was more than suggestive considering Alex’s focus was on Drew’s crotch while she handed him her card. With a big assed grin plastered across her face she said, “Perhaps lunch sometime. Or dinner? Or whatever.” Hell, Sydni wondered when the woman’s fangs would begin to show.

  “Thank you for the offer,” Drew returned smoothly. “But I usually have dinner with my woman.”

  God, she so couldn’t deal with this right now. It was just too much, especially on the heels of all her insecurity. Not only were her thoughts in turmoil, but The Bitch chose that moment to poke her head into Drew’s business. Well, maybe this was for the best. If Sydni gave him an out, opened a door for him to walk away from whatever it was they were developing, perhaps he’d take the opportunity to get with Alex? Take the chance to be with someone a bit closer to his own age.

  Sydni stood so fast her chair shot back several inches and scraped the hardwood floor. Relieved that the thing hadn’t crashed to the floor, she squared her shoulders and spoke evenly.

  “I have some work to do. I’ll catch you guys later.”

  Alex’s smile quirked up into what could only be described as a predatory grin. “Perhaps I can keep Drew here company while he finishes his meal?”

  “Be my guest,” Sydni bit out, then snatched her plate off the table. She turned on her heel, biting her bottom lip to keep it from trembling as she dumped her uneaten food in the trash. All she gave Drew was a good view of her back as she retreated

  Drew’s expression remained schooled, but his body language screamed “What the fuck?” But the instant surge of jealousy she felt, though unreasonable, had her inner witch peeking her head out to play. And not in a good way.

  By the time she got to the elevator, her stomach boiled, skin flushed hotly, and temper flared. But Sydni was most angry at herself. Damn it, she’d never retreated in her life. That was something usually reserved for others to do to her, not receive from her. Yet, she’d bailed. With style, no doubt, but bailing was bailing no matter how classy it was done.

  Too late. Sigh.

  * * * * *

  Drew appeared as a walking mountain of calm resolve. But just like the high peaks of a volcano he looked cool enough for snow to stick on the outside, while underneath the surface his anger boiled hot enough to melt rock. What the hell had Sydni been thinking practically throwing him to madam wolf, aka Alex Voltier? Oh just wait until he got his hands on that woman.

  Even as a newcomer to the division, he’d already heard of this particular female. In fact, back in the days when he’d worked as an independent consultant on a few Expedex contracts, Alex’s name has been floated past his ears as one of the hottest, yet coldest, females in the corporation.

  So here he sat spending the remainder of his lunch time in Alex’s office when he should be licking the inside of Sydni’s sweet thighs for dessert. Damn women. Both of them.

  Instead of sitting across he
r desk from him, Alex sank into the empty chair next to him, no doubt reserved for whoever would be on the receiving end of a royal tongue lashing. Crossing her legs, the undeniably sexy curve of her calf muscle brushed his knee. The light scent of perfume floated from her perfectly proportioned body. And none of it did a thing for him.

  “So, Drew…”

  Drew bit the inside of his lip to keep from curling it up in disgust. There was nothing he disliked more than a ‘ho-style female who put herself out there for easy pickin’. Time to make it clear what his intentions were. And weren’t.

  A drawl that was probably supposed to come across as sexy dribbled past her lips. “Would you like to have this discussion over dinner? Or maybe breakfast.” Alex re-crossed her legs, spreading her thighs more than was necessary before hooking her leg over her knee, swinging a high-heeled pump back and forth. Her smile was huge, but the frost behind her eyes was chilling.

  “I’m flattered that a beautiful woman like you would give me such an invitation. But I’m seeing someone, Alex.” Then he laid the stop-’em-in-their-tracks smile on her. Hmm. She didn’t thaw. Not even a little.

  Uncrossing her legs, she crossed them at the ankle and sat up a bit straighter in the comfy chair. A saucy tilt of her head was followed by another frosty grin.

  “I understand, Drew. I’d heard you were single, and I’m single… Well, I hope you’re not offended. You know, everyone suing everyone else these days.”

  “Suing? For what?”

  “You know, sue me.”

  An uneasy slither worked its way into the individual bones of Drew’s spine. What was going on here?

  “For sexual harassment,” Alex crooned with a pout. Too bad her contrition was lost by the hint of bitch behind her eyes.

  He chuckled and waved her off, then scooted down comfortably in the chair as if he were at home watching the game. He hoped she bought his easygoing attitude because something whispered to him that the whole situation, as innocent as it appeared, was three kinds of wrong. “We’re both adults here, Alexandra, so no worries.”


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