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Captive Bride [Highland Menage 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 6

by Reece Butler

  She squirmed out of his grasp. “If ye’ll excuse me, I have a few needs to take care of. Alone,” she added when Gillis tried to accompany her.

  She headed for the back of the bothy with her head high. He watched and, sure enough, she leaned her hand on the wall to stay upright. He let her go, knowing she needed her pride. She had little else left. Once they handfasted it would be different. Then the entire MacDougal clan would be behind her. It wasn’t much compared to what the Menzies clan controlled, but that life was now denied her. Not that it would have been much of a life.

  “I dinna think she wants ye much,” said Darach with a smirk. Her foot hesitated, but perhaps it was her weakness rather than the comment she’d overheard. “The Campbells didna harm her, or the Menzies before she was captured?” he asked when she had disappeared around the corner.

  “She’d n’er been kissed when she came to us,” said Angus.

  The word “us” brought Darach up short. He looked from Gillis to Angus, and nodded. “I wondered if ye’d share her.”

  “She came to me a virgin.” Gillis kept his words soft, letting the menace show in his eyes. “And she is my wife.”

  “Ah, it’s like that is it?”

  Two of Cameron’s men stepped into view before Gillis could answer. He’d known they would be near but had said nothing to Fiona, thinking it might make her even more nervous.

  “If her laird didna want her she’d think she had little choice but to accept both of ye.” Darach gave them a shrewd look. “Did you tell her there’ll be a few men eager for a young wife at my wedding? Afore ye encouraged her to jump the broom with ye, I mean.”

  “We might have missed that,” answered Angus. He showed white teeth in a parody of a smile.

  “After she sees good Cameron men she may think of tossing ye over,” taunted Darach. His men grinned at his side. They would have heard her speak and taken a good look to make sure she was no threat.

  “Cameron would have my head if I bash yer face and bruise it afore yer wedding,” said Gillis softly. “So I’ll not put my fist to it. Yet.”

  “‘Twouldn’t be my face that would be pounded into the dirt,” said Darach. “I remember how often ye were tossed into the duck pond after losing.”

  “Ye were beside me a fair few times,” replied Gillis with a growl.

  Darach laughed, not disputing it. “I’ll send yer woman some clothing with an escort.”

  “We need no escort,” said Angus.

  “Aye, ye do,” said Darach, still smiling. “All the guests will have guides.”

  “Ye mean guards.” Gillis cursed. “Fiona willna wish to lie with us if ye send guards.”

  “If I must lie alone until my wedding, so will ye,” replied Darach smugly. “A few Camerons at yer side day and night will make sure.”

  The three men rode off, grinning at the MacDougals’s predicament.

  “In that case,” said Angus, “we’d best help our wife rest. ‘Tis a long ride.”

  “Rest?” demanded Gillis.

  “Aye. After we relieve her mind of worry.”

  Gillis’s temper faded. “Ye mean relieve her of her clothes and leave her gasping.”

  “That, too.”

  Chapter Seven

  “Are ye sure they’ll nay return?”

  Fiona looked from Angus to Gillis as she fidgeted with the laces stretched over her breasts. She and Gillis had just held hands and hopped over a stick held by Angus. It wasn’t much in the way of a wedding, but it met the need. She was now a wife and what they were about to do was part of it.

  “‘Twill take three good days for the Cameron men to ride to Inverlochy and back, Fiona.” Gillis stepped closer. “There’s no one here but us.”

  His hands enveloped her fingers. His knuckles brushed against her breasts, tantalizing her nipples. She was sure it was no accident. Once more she had problems breathing. This had nothing to do with her chest being bound. It was Angus and Gillis, and what they wished to do with her.

  “But what if—”

  “I’m yer husband now,” murmured Gillis. “Whatever we do together is right.”

  She glanced at Angus.

  “Aye,” added Gillis, “and what ye do with my brother is right as well.”

  He kissed her, a gentle swipe across her lips that made her wish for more, then lifted her hands. His lips brushed her wrists and nipped her just the tiniest bit. A jolt of need shot between her legs.

  “Gillis say ye had nay pain yer first time, as ye rode astride.”

  She stiffened, remembering what else Cook had said.

  “Tell me, lass,” demanded Gillis quietly.

  “Tell ye what?”

  “Ye remembered something that made ye fear. We need to understand ye, so we can care for ye. Speak, Fiona.”

  A few, like Cook, felt sorry for her, and tried to make her life a bit less difficult. Others enjoyed acts of petty cruelty, knowing she could not complain. If Patrick did something she was the one punished, so he did things on purpose. He would sit there, eating around the fire with the men while she did his work, hers, and that of whomever he had insulted. He’d look over at her, knowing she was hungry and tired, and would laugh.

  When she’d raced away from him, calling the Campbell’s attention to herself, was it to save him, or to escape? It mattered not because she now had a life far better than the one she’d left.

  “Cook said it also meant if one of the men used me there’d be no proof.”

  Gillis’s fingers tightened painfully. She tugged to get free. He cursed, reducing the pressure.

  “I was treated as Patrick’s servant, a lad who could be cuffed but nay beaten.”

  “Ye spoke of beatings in yer fever,” said Angus.

  “I did?” Both men nodded. What had she told them?

  “Who else beat you?”

  “The guard captain.”

  “And?” demanded Gillis.

  She sighed. “And whoever the laird ordered to do it.”

  “What excuse did they use for all these beatings?”

  She pulled away at Angus’s question. Gillis let her go. She turned her back on them, crossing her arms over her chest. She didn’t want the memories, but they would not release her. She dropped her chin.

  “I was not to be seen by the laird. If he caught sight of me, I was beaten.”

  “What?” roared Gillis. “Yer father had his wee lass beaten fer that?”

  “I was just a by-blow on a woman who died a few weeks after my birth. He’d moved on to another long before. For some reason though, whenever he saw me he went into a rage. I was his only bastard, his only failure.”

  Arms wrapped around her from behind. The warmth of a wide chest soothed her.

  “‘Tis glad I am that ye were born, lass. Aye, and that ye dropped in on me.” Gillis rested his chin on the top of her head. She inhaled his acceptance of her.

  “What failure?” asked Angus. “That ye were born?”

  “If he’d stuffed me up in the nurseries and had raised me as his daughter, never having to see me, he could have married me off to gain something. Telling all I was a boy made that impossible. His loss of bargaining power was my fault, of course,” she added bitterly.

  “And our gain,” said Gillis. He turned her to face the room, and his brother.

  “Aye.” Angus cupped her chin with his palm. “Look at me, lass.”

  She hesitated before doing as she was told. She expected pity, but found compassion.

  “What happened afore ye escaped made ye who ye are. If I could, I would thrash yer father within an inch of his life. Aye, yer father had the right to do what he wished to his child. That does not mean he should. It will take time, but ye will forget—” He paused. “Nay, ye’ll never forget. But ye will find good memories to cover up the bad.” He dropped his head, looking at her from underneath bushy dark brows. “Do ye wish to make some good memories?”

  He waggled his brows. His meaning was obvious. Her breath hi
tched. Gillis slipped his hands underneath her arms to cup her breasts. He gently squeezed. Her mind went blank. The past was gone. All that mattered was now. She uncrossed her arms and reached out, placing her palms on Angus’s broad chest. Unlike Gillis, he had few freckles. His hair touched the back of his neck. His nipples were darker, as was the rest of him. He had the most alluring dimple on his chin. She wanted to kiss it. He made a low humming sound, almost a purr. His hands grasped her waist.

  “Are ye sure?”

  She’d escaped both her father and the Campbells. This was her new life, one that she chose. They were not taking from her, unlike everyone before. They were offering her a future, one of hard work and deprivation but she was used to that. For now she had two men who cared for her. She did not expect it to last so would enjoy it as best she could, as long as possible.

  She nodded. “Aye.”

  “We’ve seen yer body,” murmured Angus. “But ye were fevered. Would ye show us?”

  “Ye wish me to disrobe as ye watch?”

  “If ye do it I’ll not rip yer clothes off as I wish to do.”

  Her heart leaped at his demanding words, then thundered in her chest. Gillis released her, backing away. Angus gave a quick kiss to her brow and did the same. They stared at her hungrily, as if they were starving, and she was a most delicious morsel. She’d seen ugly lust before. It had not been directed at her, but at the serving wenches when they pulled their bodices down and swung their hips as they passed visitors, hoping for a coin. At the time she’d scowled, disgusted at such lewd behavior.

  It was different now. She wanted their eyes on her. She wanted their hands on her, and their mouths. A sense of power and awareness swept through her. A wave of arousal followed. She licked dry lips. Their eyes went to her mouth. She tested her power, pushing her tongue just past her lips and curling the tip up. Gillis swallowed hard and Angus choked.

  She didn’t know how to do it slowly, so hauled her shirt off. The fabric scraped over her breasts, tantalizing her nipples. Naked to her waist, she inhaled, filling her lungs. Both men groaned. Their hands were in tight fists. They shook as if fighting to stay still.

  She, invisible Fiona, did this to them. For once in her life she had power and she reveled in it. Both men, especially Angus, were proud of their control. She was going to destroy it, making them unable to resist touching her. She cupped her breasts. Her thumbs touched her nipples, so she rubbed them over the buds. Lifting, she offered her breasts to them.

  “Lass,” said Gillis, his voice hoarse, “‘tis nay wise to tease a man.”

  “‘Tisn’t teasing if ye will be getting what ye wish, aye?”

  Angus made a quiet growl. The whites of his dark eyes stood out. He stared at her, unmoving. She looked closer. No, he was fighting to hold himself still, and shaking with the effort.

  “Ye may be right,” continued Gillis. “But we’ve gone without fer so long that ye are hard to resist.”

  How far did she wish to push them? Was it enough to see how desperate they were for her? She was a strong woman, able to care for herself. At this moment, she did not wish to be strong.

  “Will ye help me?”

  A moment later she was naked, her back against Angus’s chest. His hands covered her breasts. Gillis knelt before her. He looked up at her with an eager grin.

  “Lift yer legs over my shoulders,” he demanded.

  That would bring her most private parts close to his chin. She remembered how that finger had felt. Surely he wasn’t going to do the same with his tongue?

  “Why? What will ye do?”

  His bright blue eyes darkened. His nostrils flared, and a wide grin showed pearly teeth.

  “What will I do with ye?” His deep chuckle made her shiver. “Ye are my wife, and I can do whatever I wish. And right now, I wish to taste ye.”

  Without waiting for a response he grasped her knees, spread them, and placed her thighs over his shoulders. She was fully open, inches from his nose. She tried to close her legs but he easily controlled her. He inhaled, eyes closed, and then groaned.

  “Aw, lass, ye smell heavenly.” His eyes gleamed at her.

  “What are ye—?”


  Her heart pounded as she watched his tongue curl up to touch her curls. He pressed on something, flicking it with the tip of his tongue. She gasped. It felt like nothing she’d ever experienced. It was so wonderful her bones turned to mush. She sagged against Angus, held up by his hands on her breasts. Gillis flicked his tongue again. She groaned and gave in to their touch.

  * * * *

  Gillis moaned as Fiona’s taste exploded on his tongue. She was sweeter than he could have imagined. She sagged, closing her eyes with a sigh. A burst of fluid filled his mouth. His cock hardened even more. He needed, with every part of him, to slide deep inside her. But more important was meeting her needs.

  She did not know what she wanted yet. He, and Angus, would be the ones to show her the joys of coupling. They had three days, more than enough to bind her to them in body, soul, and mind. Then, when she saw the wedding guests, men with heavy purses, she would not smile at them.

  The simple handfasting ceremony they’d shared was nothing compared to this. Having Fiona offer herself to them, innocently giving up control, meant far more. Gillis’s heart swelled along with his cock. Fiona was his wife. His wife! It was his duty to bring her pleasure as well as to protect and provide for her. This was no duty, it was his wedding gift to her. They had nothing else to give.

  He sat back on his heels and let his palm drift over her belly. Her skin rippled, quivering at his touch. Her pussy lips were swollen, thick with need. He slid a finger between them. Her breath hitched. He swirled the tip of his finger around her clit. She pushed down on his shoulders, raising her pussy in silent demand. He doubted she was aware of it. He'd have to grow his hair out so she could grab it and haul his mouth where she wanted his tongue to go.

  He slid his finger into her opening. She inhaled a hiss, clamping down. He pressed farther. She was tight. To ensure she only felt pleasure he had to stretch her passage well before thrusting deep. He pulsed with his finger, getting her used to his invasion. He had not wanted her to see his erect cock and be afraid. Since her eyes were closed, he pulled off his plaid. His cock sprang free of the heavy, rough fabric. He groaned in relief.

  “Will ye hold her?” he asked Angus. “We’ll share this time.”

  Angus gave a brisk nod. Gillis lifted her knees off his shoulders. He stood, shifting his grip to her thighs. His cock nudged her opening.

  “Are ye ready, lass?”

  “I need…” She squirmed, pressing herself against him.

  “Aye, ‘tis me you need. Me, and Angus.”

  He went slowly, pulsing as her pussy spread for him. She was tight. God, so snug! And hot. He gritted his teeth and pulled back to give her a moment. He had to fight to keep from surging forward.

  “More!” she demanded, thrusting her pelvis.

  It was the sweetest demand. He slid forward all the way to the hilt. She sighed, whispering something. He couldn’t hear it over the pounding of blood in his ears. Her bright curls mingled with his as he waited for her to adjust to his size. It took but a moment before she clasped her inner muscles around him like a fist.

  He would not come before her!

  Angus held her breasts, her back leaning against him. Her head thrashed back and forth on his chest as he pinched her nipples between thumb and fingers.

  “Wrap yer ankles around me,” said Gillis.

  She did so, tightening even more, making it almost impossible for him to withdraw. He put his thumb on her clit. He circled it, then pinched. She arched like a stiff board between him and Angus. Her pussy seized him, clamping down in the throes of orgasm.

  Gillis roared his approval, grasped her hips, and thrust inside her. Again and again he filled her tight sheath. A white-hot line traveled from his balls to his cock. He erupted, spilling his seed deep inside he
r. Fiona cried out and clamped down even harder, extending his powerful orgasm with her second.

  His body shook with aftershocks from the explosion. He inhaled, shuddering.

  “Can ye take more, Fiona?” asked Angus, his voice tight. “I dinna wish to hurt ye, but I burn for ye, lass.”

  “Mmmm,” she murmured. “More?”

  “She’s smiling,” said Gillis. “Methinks that means aye.”

  “Oh, aye,” she said without lifting her head from his chest.

  Gillis lifted her off his cock. It was still half-hard, or perhaps was hardening for another round. This one, however, belonged to Angus.

  They set her on her hands and knees on the pallet. The minx set her knees wide and waggled her ass at them!

  * * * *

  Angus groaned at the sight of Fiona’s round arse, waving in front of him like a red flag to a bull. He’d almost come along with her second orgasm. If he watched her face and saw those luscious breasts he would not be able to last. And he would last, until she came again. And again.

  He whipped off his plaid and knelt behind her.

  “I shall take ye as a stallion does a mare,” he murmured into her ear. “Tell me if I go too deep. I dinna wish to give ye pain.”

  Gillis crouched at her side. He reached under to play with her breasts. They dangled enticingly, nipples to be plucked, like ripe berries. Angus could not put his cock into her until she was ready to explode once more. If he did he wouldn’t last more than three thrusts. Her white cheeks beckoned. They were there for his pleasure as well as hers. He slid his hands over her arse. She mewed like a kitten at his touch. He kissed each cheek, gave a small bite and then kissed it better. She gasped when he bit each time but instead of complaining, her aroma intensified.

  She was no shy miss, sheltered from pain. She’d been beaten far too often. Would a touch of good pain make her burn? Her asshole beckoned. Gillis had filled her pussy, which was right as he was her husband. Angus could not fill her ass yet as she needed to be stretched. But he could start the process.

  He played with her pussy, gathering her fluid on his fingers. She arched, offering herself to him. He kissed the brown rosette. She squeaked, reversing her arch. She turned her head, frowning at him.


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