Santa's Elf

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Santa's Elf Page 17

by Qwillia Rain

  The next cabinet was tugged open, but still no luck. Pushing them closed, she moved on to the drawers.

  “Looking for something?” Dayton’s reflection grinned at her.


  He moved in beside her, leaned his hip against the sink and offered, “Can I help?”

  “Well,” she explained with a lopsided smile, “unless you want to look at raccoon eyes all night, I could use some eye makeup remover. I forgot mine and I thought…”

  He chuckled and shook his head, “Sorry to disappoint, but I’ve never had use for the stuff, personally.”

  “But what about…”

  Again he shook his head, “Do you ever recall seeing a woman leaving my office as if she’d stayed the night?”

  Elf thought about it. “No.” Her nerves had her avoiding his gaze. Turning back to her things, she started collecting the items strewn over the granite. Fumbling for the tube of mascara beside his hip, her knuckles bumped a white plastic disk, sending it skittering across the counter’s edge to bounce off Dayton’s bare foot.

  Before she could grab it, Dayton bent, and retrieved the case of birth control pills. Elf could feel her cheeks flush as he examined the white disk, and popped the lid. As she watched him, his gaze raked over the blister packs inside before he pushed the top closed.

  Holding the case out to her, he waited until her eyes met his. “Are you trying to tell me something?”

  “No.” At his arched brow she snatched the case from his fingers and shoved it into the makeup bag. “I was going to talk to you about…”

  Pulling open one of the drawers she hadn’t searched, Dayton reached inside. Keeping his eyes focused on her, he set the large, silver box of condoms in front of her. “If you were worried about protection, I wasn’t going to ignore it.”

  Elf zipped the bag closed, took a deep breath, and faced him. “I trusted you would handle it. I also, well” ‑‑ she cleared her throat ‑‑ “I thought I’d, we’d…” Not sure how to continue, she looked up at him and shrugged.

  The blue of his eyes darkened, edging closer, Dayton settled his hands at her hips, drawing her against him. “If you’re trying to bring up health issues,” he offered, his lips easing along her jaw toward her ear, “I can assure you, I’m clean.”

  “Me, too.” She cleared her throat, and repeated, “I mean, you don’t have to worry, if…”

  She felt so awkward. Stammering through a discussion about whether or not either of them had a sexually transmitted disease was not how she’d pictured the evening. A smile curved her lips. No, she’d imagined, after reading over the list he’d given her, that they’d have a leisurely dinner, linger over dessert then return to his home for a little intimacy. Similar to the preceding eleven days, she’d pictured Dayton easing her into the bedroom, shedding first her clothes then his own before moving to the bed.

  Just as he had over the last week and a half, Elf had expected him to use his hands and mouth to build her arousal, tumbling her into climax at least twice before he finally satisfied both their desires.

  But, no. Instead, here she stood, face burning with embarrassment, body heating at his nearness. Conversation focused on whether or not either of them was contagious.

  “Elf.” His teeth nipped the lobe of her left ear, drawing her attention back to him.


  “Where’d you go?” He chuckled as he leaned back to watch her face.


  The first and middle finger of his left hand silence her when he touched her lips with them. “Not to destroy the mood or anything” ‑‑ he grinned ‑‑ “but, I know some women prefer not to deal with the mess. If you want me to wear the condoms, even though you’re on the Pill, I will.”

  She was stymied. How was she supposed to respond to his offer? After the hundreds of discussion she’d had with her mother growing up, Elf was more than aware that intercourse wasn’t a neat and tidy activity. Dayton’s offer would satisfy her naturally fastidious nature, but the primal part, the voice that had dominated her decision to enter into this affair, spoke up again to protest allowing any type of barrier between their bodies.

  Having experienced his touch and the erotic texture of his tongue, she wondered at what his cock would feel like inside her. Would it still remind her of velvet sheathed steel?

  Again his teeth nipped at her ear, drawing her mind back to the present. “Elf?”

  The heat in his eyes engulfed her. “No.” She shook her head, hands gripping his waist as she arched toward him. Pressing her lips to his she assured him, “You don’t have to wear anything, unless” ‑‑ she pulled back, searching his gaze ‑‑ “unless you want…”

  Lifting her from her feet, Dayton strode out of the bathroom and into the darkened bedroom. He followed her down onto the mattress, his weight heavy against her as he pushed her skirt to her hips. Against her throat he growled, “Baby, I’m about to explode knowing I don’t have to put anything between your sweet body and mine.” Dipping his fingers between her thighs, Dayton eased the red-and-white-striped panel of her thong away from her bare mound to stroke the damp petals there.

  His touch zinged fire through her veins. Her hands rose to clutch at his arms, while her thighs fell open easing his access to her aroused flesh, inviting him to explore, touch, and stoke the fire building within her.

  “You feel so good,” Dayton groaned, his lips tracing her jaw, caressing her lips, before trailing to the swell of her breasts. First one finger, then a second slipped between her thighs, testing her body’s readiness. The rough pad of his thumb explored, gathering the juices beginning to flow from her body to better lubricate the circular motions he supplied in order to coax the nerve rich flesh from beneath its hood. “Twelve hours isn’t gonna be near enough time, my Elf,” his gruff warning vibrated through her as he rose over her.

  Hair drifting into his glittering blue eyes, breath coming in heavy, panting gasps, Elf recognized the aura of unleashed need surrounding him. Her own arousal was twisting, gaining strength with every stroke of his thumb, each thrust of his fingers.

  “I can’t…” he gasped, pulling away, his fingers dragging free of her gripping flesh, as she hovered on the brink of climax.

  Elf cried out, her hands, losing their grip on his shoulders, dropped to clutch at the comforter beneath her.

  His retreat was temporary. Shaking fingers dragged her panties off, dropping them onto the carpet, before tugging her shoes free. When she tried to rise, Dayton held her in place with one broad palm on her belly, while his left hand fumbled the belt free, and opened his jeans. “I’m sorry,” he apologized as he made quick work of shedding his pants, and ripping his shirt off over his head.

  From one breath to the next, Dayton moved between her thighs, snaked his arms beneath her back so his hands cupped her shoulders and eased the head of his penis into place.

  “I’ll go slow next time, baby,” he promised, pressing forward, his eyes holding hers as his tip slid through her tight opening. “Christ,” he hissed. The heat and fist-tight grip of her pussy fought his possession. Sliding his left hand from her shoulder, he retreated, shifted enough to adjust the position of her right thigh, so it rested higher on his hip, closer to his waist, opening her body to his.

  Beneath him, Elf arched as his cock slid deeper, edging past the resistance at the mouth of her vagina. The heated walls fought his every move. He cursed and sweated, sweated and cursed, as he rocked forward, slid back, then pressed deeper, wanting, needing to bury himself completely in her.

  “You’re so fucking tight, baby,” he didn’t know if his words were meant to be a reprimand or praise, Dayton tried to focus on taking his time. Sweat burned his eyes, trailed between his shoulder blades, and dripped from his body onto hers as he fought the need to simply force her to take everything he had.

  Hell, he reminded himself, she was over a foot shorter than him. Even with the amount of attention he’d spent on preparing her body for h
is, she’d still had difficulty taking two of his fingers, let alone his cock which was easily twice as thick. Sliding his fingers over her hip, across her quivering belly, Dayton slipped his length back so the juices coating him dripped onto his fingertips. Stroking the moisture upward, he again worked her clit to full prominence.

  Alternately circling and pressing on the sensitive bud, Dayton breathed a bit freer as her body responded. Muscles that had been working against his advance, now fluttered and pulsed, drawing his body in.

  The logical part of his brain urged him to stay reasonable. There was no way, it tried to remind him, her delicate body could take his full length. Even some of his past lovers, who’d stood nearly equal in height to him, had experienced difficulty accommodating all ten and a half inches.

  The primitive part of him, pushed the caution aside. He could hear his voice, gritty with arousal, urging her, “That’s it, my Elf, take it. Take every bit.” Words of praise mingled with curses as heat bloomed at the base of his spine. He could feel his balls draw up as the last inch settled into place.

  “So good, Elf.” He growled, drawing back then thrusting forward. “You’re so wet and tight. Just for me.” His eyes met hers. “Only for me,” he ordered.

  Eyes wet with tears, face flushed, and sweat pooling above her top lip, she croaked, “Yes. Just for…only for you.”

  “Good girl,” he crooned, his hand slipping from between them to slide under her shoulder. Holding her in place, his knowing smile held a hint of menace. In her eyes, he could read the tinge of fear, but the arousal outstripped the other emotion. Beneath his breath, Dayton cursed, “Fuck. You are a dangerous woman, my Elf.”

  Her pink tongue slipped out to stroke over dry lips. “H-how?” she dared.

  He drew back slowly, held her gaze. “Because,” he answered, “you make me want to test your limits.” The tip of his cock butted up against her cervix as he bucked against her. Her whimper had him pausing, “Am I hurting you?”

  “Yes. No.” She couldn’t seem to decide.

  Rocking his hips back then forward, he jarred her body again. “Good hurt or bad hurt?”

  Back arching, fingers clutching at his hips, Elf stammered, “G-g-good.”

  “Good,” he echoed, picking up a steady rhythm of retreat and advance. After several minutes he spoke again, “My Elf.”

  He had to repeat himself three times before her dazed eyes gained focus and she mumbled an incoherent response.

  Around a self-satisfied chuckle, he asked, “Do you remember the safe word?”

  Her head bobbed in ascent.

  “Tell me what it is,” he asked.

  “Vi…oh…yessss,” she moaned, arching into his thrusts, thighs wrapping tight around his hips.

  “Tell me,” he demanded, voice firm, implacable.

  “Vi…Vix…Vixen,” she finally muttered.

  His eyes held hers as he paused. Holding her gaze, he shifted his body higher over hers. His left arm he braced on the bed above her head while the crook of his right elbow cradled her leg, easing it up, and to the side, opening her to his body further. “I’ll go slow next time, baby. If it starts to hurt, or I frighten you, just say our word, okay?”

  The heat in his eyes dried up the words in her mouth. Instead of answering, Elf nodded. Muscles tightened in anticipation, but he shook his head.

  “Don’t,” he warned. Holding her gaze he started moving again. Rocking forward and back; advance then retreat.

  Slowly, slowly, before gradually picking up speed until his hips pistoned between her thighs, stealing her breath. Tension mounted, arousal tightened, twisted to a fiery knot that grew, enveloping her body until nothing mattered, nothing existed, but the man making love to her, and the explosion hovering just beyond her reach.

  She scrambled to hold on, her fingers dripping with their mingled sweat as she fought to grip his back. Sliding free, unable to find purchase, Elf latched onto the flexing bicep holding him over her.

  “Wait,” he commanded. “Not yet.” His eyes focused on hers, snared hers as he willed her climax into submission, even as he pushed her arousal higher, beyond any limit he’d set for her in the last twelve days.

  Lost in the need, Elf’s eyes held his.

  Again he ordered, “Wait,” as his hips hammered away at hers, penis rasping against cervix with every thrust.

  Fighting the urge to beg, cry out to him, by sinking her teeth into the tender, swollen flesh of her bottom lip, Elf couldn’t hold back the whimper of relief as he nodded, snapping out, “Now! Come for me, my Elf.”

  His hips slammed home once, then a second time. She could feel his climax flood her body as she convulsed beneath him, her sheath contracting and massaging his length as he settled close, hips locked with hers, his mouth capturing the cries escaping her lips.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The sound of the Beatles “Love Me Do” barely registered in Elf’s mind as her exhausted body fought to surface from the sex-induced fog shrouding it. Blinking toward the floor-to-ceiling window on one side of the bed, she mentally noted the sun had turned the horizon pink when the melody stopped then resumed. Even as she remembered the ringtone had been selected by her mother, she lost the thought beneath the wave of heat rising from her belly to her breasts.

  Rolling her so she lay beneath his sleek frame, Dayton grunted, “Ignore it.” He dipped his head to capture her mouth. The stroke of his tongue entwined around hers distracted her, but not enough.

  Pulling back, she gasped, “It’s my mom.” Despite her protests, Elf made no effort to move away.

  The slide of his body into hers had Elf arching beneath him. Overworked muscles and tender tissues protested his invasion, but Elf stifled her cry against his shoulder. Unfortunately, she wasn’t quick enough to hide the reaction from Dayton.

  Cursing, he held her gaze as he eased free, “I guess you might as well…” he started then stopped when the ring tone finished and didn’t repeat.

  Elf wondered at the concerned look in his eyes as he watched her. He hovered over her, arms braced on the tangled sheets, one leg resting between hers while his arousal pulsed against her hip. When he seemed about to say something, the telephone beside the bed rang, echoing through the room.

  “It’s the holidays, for God’s sake.” He groused reaching across her to pluck the handset from the charger stand. “Kringle?”

  “Okay, Mr. Studmuffin Santa, quit fucking like little bunnies on Viagra and let me talk to my daughter.” Eleanor’s voice was loud enough Elf could hear her as Dayton braced himself over her.

  “Mom,” Elf covered her face with one hand and reached for the phone with the other.

  On the phone another voice could be heard, “Eleanor! Do not torment the man…” Gerry made an attempt to curb his wife’s tongue, but it didn’t work.

  “What am I supposed to say to the man, Gerry?” Eleanor’s reasonable voice chirped from the phone.

  Dayton shook his head and rolled away, smiling as Elf slapped at the hand holding her off. She followed, listening to the conversation between her mother and stepfather.

  “‘Mr. Kringle, when you get finished boinking my daughter could you have her call me before next year?’ Would you prefer I lead in with that?”

  “Mom,” Elf laughed, reaching across Dayton for the phone only to have him shift away again.

  “Mrs. Jeffries?”

  “Lincoln, dear. Jeffries-Lincoln,” Eleanor corrected.

  “It’s barely eight, ma’am.” Dayton grinned at Elf’s chagrined look.

  “I know. And I wouldn’t have resorted to calling your phone if Elfina hadn’t been ignoring hers.” There was a significant pause. “She was just ignoring it, right. You haven’t actually been burning up the sheets…”

  “Mother!” Elf gripped one of said sheets against her breasts. Straddling Dayton’s waist, she was finally able to wrestle the phone from him. “Don’t you start.”

  “Start what, sweetie?” Eleanor laughed.
br />   “Merry Christmas, Mom.” Elf redirected the conversation while trying to ignore Dayton’s hands tugging at the soft, silk covering her. Sending a stern look down at him, she tightened her hold on the sheet.

  “Merry Christmas, baby. Have you checked out your presents yet?”

  “Not yet. We were up kind of late…” She pressed the phone against her shoulder to muffle the sound of Dayton’s laughter then lost the struggle to keep the sheet. Putting the phone back to her ear, Elf added, “I haven’t had a chance to open my gifts, but I’ll get…” She gasped when his mouth opened on her breast, whispered over the slope, and captured her nipple. Fighting to sound normal, she continued talking to her mother. “I’ll get to them later this morning.”

  “Have you talked to him about Christmas dinner?”

  Strong white teeth nibbled on her taut peak, distracting Elf from the conversation. “Him? Dinner? Oh.” She hissed at a particularly sharp tug on one breast, before his attention switched to the other. “Yes, it’s still up in the air, but I’ll be, be…” Elf couldn’t stop her body from reacting to the heat of his belly against her pussy as he slid the sheet from between them. “I’ll be going over to Jodi’s around two.”

  The drift of his fingers over her naked mound had her grabbing the headboard with her free hand and concluding the call. “I’ve got to go, Mom.”

  “Talk to you later, Mrs. Jeffries-Lincoln.” Dayton chuckled just before Elf disconnected. Glaring down at him, she dropped the phone onto the jumble of blankets and pillows that had found their way onto the floor beside the bed.

  “You couldn’t behave long enough for me to talk to my mom?” She snapped as Dayton shifted beneath her.


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