Santa's Elf

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Santa's Elf Page 18

by Qwillia Rain

  Easing her off his belly, and up onto her knees, his lips drifted from her breasts to her stomach before stroking over the hypersensitive tissues spread for his attentions. “What would be the point, my Elf? You told me she knows about our arrangement.” Calloused fingertips eased the puffy lips apart, exposing the reddened flesh glistening with her arousal.

  “She may know about it” ‑‑ Elf relaxed her grip on the bed frame, swung one leg over his waist, and eased off the bed ‑‑ “but I don’t necessarily want her to hear me…” She caught herself before she said “making love.” Stooping, she picked up the phone, walked around the bed, and settled the handset in the base. Slipping on the shirt he’d discarded the night before, Elf fastened a majority of the buttons leaving the tail of the shirt loose from mid-thigh down. Needing something to distract herself, she began picking up the jumbled bedding and clothing littering the bedroom floor.

  Elf could feel Dayton’s gaze on her as she tidied the room, but he refrained from commenting.

  “You were the one who told your mother.” Dayton reminded her. Unself-conscious of his nudity, he lay on his left side watching her, head propped on his hand.

  “I know I told her where I would be while she was away on holiday,” Elf conceded, tossing the extra pillows they’d shoved aside the evening before back onto the bed. “What I didn’t expect was to have you…” She folded the discarded green silk comforter with fast, jerky motions. Throwing it across his feet while trying to come up with a diplomatic way of explaining her discomfort, she finally settled on, “…fondling me while I was trying to carry on a conversation.”

  When she turned for the closet, Dayton rose, and followed her. Inside the darkened space, his hands turned her to face him. Lifting her onto one of the built-in drawer units, he stepped between her thighs. “My fondling you…” he growled, wrenching the two sides of her borrowed shirt open and sending buttons pinging off his chest and the cedar shelves beside her, “…is the least of your worries, my Elf.”

  The stroke of his fingers through the sore petals of her sex had her gasping. His lips covered her, taking her breath and swallowing her protest as he easily rekindled the heat her mother’s phone call had doused.

  Tugging her hips close, Dayton held her belly to his, trapping the engorged length of his cock between their bodies, stroking the base of his shaft and the firm warmth of his balls over her sensitive clit and the damp opening of her vagina. His tongue tangled with hers as his left hand snaked upward to her breast to pinch the taut, strawberry pink nipple before treating its twin to the same.

  His words barely registered as he played her body, drawing her closer to climax. Making her crave his possession despite the pain it would involve. When she did decode them, it was only so she could stammer out “Why…what do you mean?”

  “I mean” ‑‑ Dayton’s lips smoothed over her cheek, the soft rasp of his beard just as arousing as the stroke of his flesh or the touch of his lips ‑‑ “making you come while you’re talking to your mother, or in view of strangers when we’re in a public place, is the least of your worries after the deception you pulled last night.”

  Elf tried to decipher his expression. The cool regard of his blue eyes, the implacable set of his features, even the stiff way he held himself while tormenting her body with pleasure, warned Elf his anger was real.

  The thinning of his lips, and the cold seeping into his gaze, halted her denial.

  “Good girl,” he crooned. “It’s best not to increase your punishment by denying it.”

  “How?” Her whisper carried a hint of unease beneath the husky tone of unfulfilled arousal.

  He finished the question for her. “How did I know I became your only lover last night?”

  She nodded, trying desperately to read which emotions he’d connected to the gift of her virginity. In the hammering of her heart, she was sure he would figure out how she felt about him, but surprisingly she didn’t see any indication he realized how deeply she loved him.

  “The feel of your body,” he explained. “The way your sweet little pussy fought every inch I put in it.”

  She didn’t try to deny his conclusion. As he’d said, lying about it wouldn’t do her any good. “Do you want me to leave?” Elf dreaded his response. Worrying about the motivation connected to her trepidation, she wondered if it was because her body hovered on the brink of climax due to his attentions, or if her anticipation of this time alone with him had conjured fantasies of him returning her affections.

  “I want to know why.” He substituted a question for his answer.


  His head dipped, and his lips drifted over hers. Heated palms slid the ruined shirt off, dropped to her hips, and tugged her close. His erection settled snug between the spread petals of her sex. “No warning, my Elf. Full disclosure would have been appropriate.”

  “Isn’t that a bit of a double standard?” She objected.

  His head tilted, eyes holding hers. “Explain?”

  Elf settled her hands on his shoulders, stroked down his defined biceps. The need to touch, stroke, feel his body was impossible to deny. Shrugging, she responded, “Would you have disclosed your sexual history if I’d told you about my lack of one?”

  Before he could answer, she posed another question. “If I had been the one to approach you, would you have volunteered your information?”

  His eyes carefully examined her face. Analyzing each feature thoroughly before moving on to the next, Elf found it difficult to remain still beneath his scrutiny. Inside, she suspected, any hint of embarrassment, emotional discomfort, or hesitation on her part could result in his ending their time together.

  “You do have a point,” Dayton admitted with a short nod. Stepping back, he gripped the full curve of her bottom and lifted her from her perch.

  Hands and legs wrapping around his shoulders and waist, Elf waited for him to continue.

  Stepping out of the walk-in closet, he turned toward the bathroom. “But it also means my plans have to be altered somewhat.”

  He set her down on the closed commode, his lips quirking when she squeaked at the chill, and moved to the sunken tub. Twisting the brushed brass knobs until the water temperature met his satisfaction, Dayton watched the water level rise. When the tub was just over half filled, he turned off the flow, gathered Elf in his arms, and stepped into the tub.

  Resting against his chest, Elf stifled a low moan of contentment as the warmth caressed her sore flesh. “What plans do you have to change?” she asked, settling her hands over his as he gently stroked up her belly toward her breasts.

  Taking his time to answer, Dayton shifted his hold back to her legs. “I had determined we would spend most of this morning figuring out which of your oils you liked best.” Cupping his hands beneath her thighs, he positioned Elf’s feet to the outside of his knees.

  Her new position left her body open to the warm lapping of the water, the stroke of his fingers along the insides of her thighs, and over her separated labia.

  “H-how?” She stammered as Dayton’s fingers returned to pluck at her taut clit.

  “Well…” Dayton whispered against her throat as he nibbled along the damp flesh of her neck and shoulder. “I thought I’d drip a little right along here.” His fingers stroked the puffy flesh surrounding her opening. “Then coat my fingers before sliding them inside.” His forefinger tapped the sensitive bud seated above her sheath. “After you offered a response I assumed I’d move on to testing my satisfaction with each of your oils.”

  His fingers moved away from the weeping opening at the juncture of her thighs causing Elf to arch upward, and her hands to capture his wrists. She tugged at them to try to get him to return his attentions between her thighs, but he gently shook off her hold and teased the pearled points of her breasts.

  “Wh-what…” Elf cleared her throat and tried again. “What do you have planned now?” she asked.

  “I thought I’d let you relax a bit. Have some break
fast…” Dayton offered.

  “How mag…” She gasped, back arching again as his teeth nipped her throat just above her collar, and his hands massaged her breasts. “Magnanimous of you,” she teased. “Just who was going to be making this breakfast?” Settling in to enjoy his attentions, Elf stroked her hands over his.

  His chuckle rumbled against her back. “Well, considering I provided dinner ‑‑”

  “Paid for at a restaurant,” Elf injected.

  “-- I thought you might be willing…”

  Considering it fit perfectly in with her plans for the morning, Elf wasn’t too put out by his assumption she could cook. Still there was the issue of his having referred to “punishment” earlier, so she asked. “You mentioned reprisals? What punishment were you talking about?”

  The deep rumble of his laughter vibrated against her back. “You’ll have to wait to find out, my Elf.” His fingers plucked at her nipples, while he snuggled his hard cock into the crease between the cheeks of her bottom. “For right now, I want you to let the warm water sooth your tender pussy. Let it remind you, as it gently laps against you, of the attentions of my lips, my tongue. Stroking, tasting, drinking down the juices hidden there.”

  Elf suspected he could feel the increased beat of her heart as his words whispered against her ears, his fingers exploring, caressing her breasts in mimicry of his words.

  “Can you feel it?” he asked.

  “F-feel what?”

  “That sweet knot, twisting in your core,” he encouraged. “Growing tighter and tighter, with each wave of liquid slipping in and out of your body?”

  Immersing herself in the visuals his words created, Elf closed her eyes, and allowed the sensations to build. Heat was curling in her belly, between her thighs. The slide of his calloused fingertips over her breasts, the rasp of his beard against her throat, all combined with the advance and retreat of the water between her thighs reigniting the arousal he’d stirred before their confrontation in the closet.

  The flex of his jaw beside hers hinted at the smile she couldn’t see while the rocking of his hips against her butt reinforced the state of his arousal, and ratcheted hers higher. “The water isn’t as hard or as full as me, my Elf, but its advance and retreat in and out of your tight body will help ease the ache my attentions wrought while preparing you for later.” His hands cupped her breasts now, squeezing, massaging. “In and out. In and out,” he rasped, rocking his hips to increase the flow of the water.

  Her hands gripped his wrists, hips pulsing with his until the twist in her pussy begged for release.

  “Can you feel it?” he asked again.

  Unable to speak, unable to breathe, Elf jerked her head in a frantic nod.

  “So close, my Elf,” he teased. Up and down, his body pushed her. “So very close you can taste it, can’t you, my Elf?”

  “Ye-yes.” She choked, desperate need throbbing in her voice.

  “Come for me, my Elf.” He whispered. “Come.” His order was clear, precise, and triggered her orgasm as easily as the ministrations of his body had throughout the night.

  * * * * *

  She wondered if he was going to ignore the Christmas stocking beside his plate for the entire meal. After his vehement refusal of a Christmas tree, Elf had decided surprising him with the stocking would be less likely to create a stir. The way he was avoiding the white and red velvet gift, she worried how he would react to the other little touches she’d placed around the apartment.

  He had to have seen the poinsettia on the coffee table in the living room as well as the twin wreaths decorating the French doors on the east and north walls. Both led onto sections of the roof. The north onto an open area that wrapped around toward the west, while the east exit opened into a huge greenhouse filled with miniature fruit trees, root vegetables, and flowering plants.

  It wasn’t just his lack of acknowledgment of the changes she’d made, but his appearance which had Elf squirming in her seat. He’d shaved his beard off, exposing the sharp lines of his high cheekbones, and square jaw. Even a shade paler than the rest of his face, the skin along his jaw and around his lips still held color from the hours he spent outdoors.

  “Sore?” His question startled her from her thoughts.


  Bracing his elbows on the table, left hand holding a fork, right cupped over left, he held her gaze. “You’re shifting in your seat. I wondered if you were sore. From last night.”

  Elf could feel the heat creep up from her chest to her cheeks, but she held his gaze. “No, just” ‑‑ she motioned to his face with a forkful of fluffy scrambled eggs ‑‑ “you look different.”

  He resumed eating. “You’ve seen me without a beard, my Elf.”

  “And” ‑‑ she grinned ‑‑ “it startles me every time the holidays are over and you walk into the office clean shaven.”


  “I don’t know.” Elf tried to examine her reaction to his altered appearance. Without the closely trimmed white beard there was very little different about Dayton’s features. The high cheekbones, firm square jaw, all of it looked the same just no longer sporting a coating of white whiskers.

  Deciding it was better to know than guess, Elf asked, “Are you angry?”

  He seemed confused, his brow creased as he finished chewing, before asking a question of his own. “Angry about what? Your virginity?”

  Elf felt her cheeks heat. She didn’t want to go there yet. “No.” She motioned to the stocking and the other bits of Christmas she’d placed around his home. “The decorations.”

  “No, but I am curious.” He set his fork down and settled his hand over the stocking, fingers stroking the velvet, examining the shapes hidden beneath the cloth. “I told you I don’t celebrate Christmas. So, why bring them?”

  Shrugging, “No one should be without Christmas decorations.” Before he could protest, she hurried to explain, “My mom is really big on Christmas. It’s why she named me Elfina.”

  “But you weren’t born at Christmastime.” He leaned his forearms on the table.

  “According to her, I was conceived on Christmas Eve.” Elf smiled. “Mom has a hard time passing houses that don’t have lights up and wreaths on the door.” Chuckling, she added, “It used to piss Lorraine off whenever Mom would put a wreath on her door.”

  “Lorraine? Your friend Jodi’s aunt?”

  She nodded, surprised and pleased that he’d remembered the detail from only a single conversation. “Yes, after I met Jodi, and the first Christmas I found out she didn’t celebrate it, Mom went charging over in the middle of the night, and placed a wreath on their door.”

  Dayton’s lips quirked up on one side. “You’re mom is ‑‑”

  “Deranged,” Elf finished for him. “I know, but I love her. And loopy as she is, she loves me.”

  “You’ve never mentioned your father.”

  “I don’t know him.” Elf gathered her empty plate and glass, and carried them to the sink.

  “Did he leave when you were little?” A hint of disgust colored Dayton’s voice.

  Surprised at his response, Elf smiled over her shoulder at him, as she rinsed her dishes, and tucked them into the dishwasher. “No. He never knew my mom, other than the one night she went home with him.”

  His brows drew together in a perplexed frown. “I don’t follow.”

  Turning to face him, Elf dried her hands while leaning against the counter and explained. “Mom wanted a baby, but not a husband. So, she went to a fertility specialist to make sure it was possible for her to conceive. After she was told she should have no problems, Mom tracked her cycle for a few months. When she knew she was in her fertile period, she picked up a guy at a nice club, went home with him for a weekend, which just happened to be Christmas Eve and Day, and then left.”

  “She intentionally got pregnant by a stranger?”


  “That’s insane.”

  “That’s my mom. She talked to
him while they were in the club for about two hours, was impressed with his intelligence and his good looks.”

  “Did she ever tell him? You know, that he had a child?”

  Elf nodded and returned to gather the other empty dishes from the table. “Yes. She went to his home in February, after she was sure she was pregnant, and had a polite discussion with him and his fiancé.”

  “His what?”

  Elf nodded. “Seems their relationship had hit the skids around Thanksgiving, and after his weekend with my mom he decided to give it another shot. I guess Mom listened to his sob story between bouts of boffing his brains out, and the advice she gave him took.”

  Dayton’s chuckles made her smile as she rinsed plates and cups before settling them into the dishwasher.

  “So, have you ever met your father?” Dayton reached around her to rinse his own plate.

  With his body snug up against her back, Elf had to concentrate in order to answer his question. “Yes. I met him and my two half brothers and two half sisters when I graduated from high school.” Leaning out of his reach, she shut the dishwasher and dried her hands.

  Easing an arm around her waist, Dayton led her out of the kitchen into the living room where the pile of presents surrounded the poinsettia on the coffee table. “You haven’t heard from him since then?” He collected the Christmas stocking from the table as they passed it.

  Smiling at the gesture of acceptance, Elf shrugged. “I’ve gotten a letter or two. He and his family moved out of state just after I graduated. We hadn’t been in touch very much before that. Mostly it was just Mom and me.”

  “It doesn’t sound as if you regret that?”

  Elf thought about it. “No. I never thought much about my situation. Mom is great.” Settling into the cushions, she rested her left elbow on the back of the sofa and her chin in her hand, watching as Dayton continued to prod at the contents of the stocking. “You know, it’s not going to bite you.”

  Relaxing next to her, Dayton shook his head, “I’m not so sure of that.” He smirked. “What about those?” he asked, motioning to the gifts spread over the smoked glass and chrome coffee table.


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