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Santa's Elf

Page 19

by Qwillia Rain

  “We’ll get to them,” she grinned.

  “They can’t all be for me?” Dayton remarked noting at least a dozen gifts in various wrappings covered the coffee table.

  “No, not all of them,” Elf assured him.

  “Good.” Standing, Dayton moved toward his bedroom. “Wait here.”

  Elf didn’t protest. Her eyes followed him until he disappeared into the bedroom. Hoping his leaving didn’t hint at disapproval, she remained in her place on the sofa, knowing he would expect her to be in the exact same spot when he returned.

  As he collected the packages from the closet, Dayton shook his head at the fanciful mood that had struck him the morning after his Elf had seemed so distraught at his lack of Christmas tree. After scouring the internet for some items, and paying for next day delivery, he’d braved the local malls searching for other gifts.

  With the half-dozen boxes wrapped and decorated with ribbons and bows stacked in his arms, he exited his bedroom and set the presents beside those Elf had brought.

  “I thought you said you didn’t do Christmas.” She grinned at him.

  “I don’t.”

  “Then what are those?”

  “I said” ‑‑ Dayton settled onto the sofa beside her ‑‑ “I don’t do Christmas. I never said I don’t buy gifts for other people.” Pulling the largest box from the bottom of his stack he held it out to her. “This one is first.”

  The look in his eyes must have forestalled the protest he could see in her expression. Instead, she carefully removed the bows and paper before lifting the top off the garment box. When she pushed aside the tissue, her breath caught, and she lifted her head to smile at him.

  “It’s beautiful.” She sighed, lifting the jade-colored robe from the box.

  Reaching over, Dayton removed the box from her lap so she could stand up. The fabric was heavy. “The sales person said it’s made of silk brocade and lined with raw silk.”

  Elf’s hands stroked over the leaf pattern stitched into the material.

  “Put it on,” Dayton suggested, enjoying the sight of her slender fingers sliding over the material, fingering the trim around the collar and turned-back cuffs.

  When she moved to slip it over her shirt and jeans, he shook his head. “No. I want to see it against your skin.”

  The flush in her cheeks made him stifle a chuckle. Even after the various forms of foreplay he’d introduced her to, the sight of her blushing still heated his blood. Leaning back, he adjusted the fit of his jeans to accommodate his stiffening cock. It excited him even more that she no longer hesitated when following his directions.

  The robe was laid on the sofa cushion beside him, before she slipped buttons through their holes, and eased her shirt off. Another button, followed by the downward slide of the zipper, and she shimmied out of her jeans and thong. Her belly chain gleamed around her waist, the nipple chain dangled between her breasts, and her bare pussy drew his gaze. Even as he watched, he could see the flesh grow plump and dewy.

  Holding the robe out to her, he watched her ease her arms through the sleeves. She sighed at the sensual feel of the fabric. Again her hands stroked along the collar, before flipping it up, and snuggling it against her cheek.

  “Do you like it?”

  She smiled and nodded. “Yes. It’s beautiful.”

  Motioning her toward him, he waited until she stood between his spread legs before telling her his intentions. “Later tonight, after you’ve recovered” ‑‑ he chuckled at the color that washed up into her cheeks, amused that he could actually see the tide ripple from her belly, over her breasts, and along her throat before it entered her face ‑‑ “I’ll untie the belt on your robe. Using the lining, I’ll rub your breasts until your nipples grow hard, and then I’ll take them in my mouth.” His fingers smoothed over the slope of her breasts, teasing, but never touching the hardened tips pinched by the clasps of her chain. “Once I’ve satisfied myself there, I’ll slip the belt free and bind your hands behind your back.” Taking her wrists, he secured them in the small of her back with one hand, while the other caressed the heated flesh of her mound. The pink lips parted, each petal glistening with her juices.

  “Put your left foot on my thigh.”

  She did.

  Dipping forward, he settled his lips over her exposed clit and suckled it, tickled it with the tip of his tongue, before nipping it with his teeth, and then smiling against her as she arched in excitement.

  Releasing her hands, he eased her leg back to the floor, pulled the robe around her body, and tied the belt at her waist. “Let’s finish opening our presents, hmmm?” His hands settled at her hips until she stopped swaying and eased onto the cushion beside him.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The water caressed her body as she knelt in front of Dayton. The smell of his aroused flesh made her dizzy as she bathed his erection with her lips and tongue before sucking it into her mouth. Massaging his balls as he’d taught her, Elf circled the broad tip with her tongue, lapping at the sensitive vein underneath.

  The distant sound of a ringing phone made her hesitate, but the fingers thrust through her wet hair returned her focus to the task at hand. Relaxing her throat, she suckled his length, taking as much as possible, and then with the muscle contractions she used to swallow, caressed the sensitive tip while tightening her hold on the flesh she couldn’t accommodate.

  The fingers in her hair tightened, Dayton’s other hand clamped over hers, while his cock pulsed and flexed in her mouth. Salty-sweet fluid filled her mouth and flooded her throat. Swallowing quickly, Elf savored her ability to bring him to climax in the same way he luxuriated in satiating her needs. Taking her time, she bathed his length clean before releasing his still-firm sex and lifting her face to the water washing over her. Eyes closed, she savored the warm cascade, and practically purred when she felt his hands stroke over her brow, down her nose, and across her kiss-swollen lips.

  She looked beautiful kneeling before him, her face turned up to the shower, eyes closed. Images of her kneeling beside his chair, her only coverings his collar, the nipple chain of golden rings, belly chain, and one of the seven silk scarves he’d gifted her, flooded his mind, kicking his arousal into high gear. Similar scenes had been enacted by other Masters and slaves at the club he frequented. Never before had he been drawn to such blatant displays of ownership. With his Elf, though, parading her through the club, laying her across one of the tables, and fucking her in front of the other members, marking her as his for all to see, felt inevitable. The need to show others her full submission burned in his chest, reverberated in his head, until the only way to drown it out lay in possessing her again.

  Reaching down, Dayton lifted her to her feet, meeting her questioning gaze. Her heavy lids lifted, eyes growing wide, reading something in his expression which brought heat to her cheeks and made her nipples peak.

  A rough twist of his wrist, and the water ceased. Snapping a towel from the heated bar, he swiped at the majority of the moisture coating their skin, wrapped her hair turban style, and exited the shower. Guiding her ahead of him into the bedroom he left the bathroom light on as the only source of illumination. Beside the bed he turned her face up to his, and captured her lips. The mingled flavors of his seed and her unique taste appeased some of the hunger driving him. Moving to the delicate shell of her ear, he tugged at the lobe before whispering, “Belly down on the bed, baby. Knees tucked, and ass in the air.”

  The hitch in her breathing, the flush on her cheeks, reassured him her excitement matched his. Just as it had the night she’d presented the tenth gift to him and assured him she was ready to experiment. Releasing her to gather what he needed from the nightstand drawer, Dayton watched her climb on the bed, and arranged herself in the middle of the mattress. Knees tucked against her belly, ass resting on her heels, Elf settled a single, soft pillow beneath her cheek as she watched him sheath his cock with a condom, and slip the cap from the tube of lubricant.

  As he ap
plied the gel to the condom, her pretty, heart-shaped ass tilted up toward him. The rounded cheeks slightly parted, providing a glimpse of the taut rosette hidden there. The flush on her cheeks, and the little wiggle of her hips, assured him this new aspect of their lovemaking was as exciting to her as to him. Settling in behind her, Dayton stroked her pussy, grinning at the honey coating her lips. Dipping first one finger, then a second inside her, he stroked her heated channel, urging a response.

  “You like this, don’t you, my Elf?”

  Her purr slid into a gasp as her hips pushed back at him, riding the penetrating digits until he pulled them free. A mixture of her juices and the lubricant rimmed her ass as he worked his first and middle finger past the first ring of muscles. “That’s it baby,” he urged, spreading the lube, scissoring his fingers to open her. “Push back.”

  He watched her body tremble, swallow his fingers, and arch beneath the sensations. Setting aside the lube, he moved in, the tip of his cock pressed to her tight opening. Without instructing her, he felt Elf pushing back, relaxing as much as possible to allow first the tip, and then the rest of his length to slide inside. Rocking forward and back, Dayton kept the pace slow, steady, knowing her body was still adjusting to his possession. Feeling the pulse and contraction of the muscles around him, Dayton fought the urge to increase his thrusts. Smoothing one hand over her hips, and up and down her spine, his fingertips registered the quiver of her flesh, the rasp of her breath as she pushed back into each motion of his hips.

  Paying close attention to her, Dayton felt his hold on his dominant nature slip when Elf buried her face in the pillow to stifle her cries. Bowing over her body, he forced their bodies to still. The loosely wound towel had slipped free, spilling her damp, tangled hair across the sheets.

  Shoving the pillow away from her gripping hands, Dayton secured his hold on her by twisting her hair around his wrist. Tugging her upright, he settled her on his lap, her legs straddling his thighs, his cock buried balls deep in her ass, and his hold on her hair arching her back, thrusting her breasts out in front of her.

  A part of him thrilled at her lack of protest. Instinct in most women would be to struggle, or reach back to clutch at the hands gripping her. His Elf did neither. Her breathing grew ragged, heat flushed her cheeks, beaded nipples blushed a deeper rose, and her hands rested, palms up, on her own thighs.

  Willing to see how far she would allow him to push, Dayton nipped at the curve joining neck to shoulder below her collar, while his free hand reached for her nipple and pinched it. Hard.

  He felt her jump, her body reacting to the bit of pain, but she didn’t cry out. The smile on his own lips was growing, he could feel it.

  “What do you want, my Elf?” he whispered against her delicate throat.

  Incoherent sounds answered. Her body trembled against his, the muscles in her thighs bunching.

  A sharp slap to the outside of her thigh halted her attempt to move and drew a shocked gasp.

  “No moving, until I instruct you, my Elf.” His fingers moved over her thigh to the juncture between. “Tell me what you want,” he ordered again.

  “Please…” whispered past her lips, her eyes focused on the bedding beneath his knees.

  “Please, what, my Elf?”

  Her voice grew louder, firmer with her next answer. “Fuck me. Please, fuck me.” She asked, her eyes still downcast, her hands trembling against her thighs.

  “Here?” Dayton asked, his fingers stroking over her swollen clit, before delving into the wet channel of her pussy.

  Her body arched, pushing down on the delving digits, gripping the invaders with delicate internal muscles. “No.” She shuddered, moaning.

  “Tell me, my Elf,” he ordered again, his fingers pulling free of her pussy to lightly smack the underside of her left breast. “Tell me where I should fuck you.”

  “My ass,” she gasped.

  “Tell me again.”

  “Please, fuck my ass.” She cried out, body quivering as she fought the urge to move.

  “Whose ass?” He pushed needing to hear her concede to his ownership.

  “My…” She cleared her throat, a shiver working its way through her body. “Your ass. Please fuck your ass,” Elf begged.

  He smiled against her throat before turning her head to meet his gaze. “Very good, my Elf. Now, what is my name?”

  He watched, expecting to have to deliver a punishment, knowing she would use his given name. When she stayed silent, her gaze locked on his for long moments, Dayton urged her to continue, “Use my name and tell me what you need.”

  The trembling eased beneath his touch, her liquid green gaze held his as she responded. “I need you to fuck your ass, Master.”

  Two emotions twisted through his mind and heart as the words whispered past her lips, and registered in his ears. Fear and joy. He wasn’t sure which was more powerful. The joy surged as he acknowledged the level of trust his Elf had bestowed with the utterance of her understanding his mastery over her body. The fear stemmed from the peace flooding his body knowing she was his. Belonged to him body and soul and trusted him to see to her safety.

  Her safety. Shaking off the images trying to swamp his mind, Dayton focused on the contracting muscles milking his cock. “Again, my Elf,” he demanded.

  “Please.” She arched beneath his hold, pressing down on his engorged length. “Master, fuck your ass.” Her eyes never left his. Voice never wavered.

  Elf savored the first heavy thrust of his cock as he began loving her in earnest. Pain mingling with pleasure as the pace increased, she fought the climax building, knowing she had to await his permission.

  Again the sound of the phone ringing registered, but again it was ignored as Dayton’s pace increased. The pleasure-pain of his thrusts bound the knot of arousal in her belly. Beneath them, the bed, heavy as it was, shifted just enough to thump against the wall.

  Soft cries whispered from her lips, but she resisted the temptation to beg. The need to prove her worth, her ability to hold off orgasm until given permission had been a hard-learned lesson both before and after her first gift. Trying to focus on not coming, Elf let her mind wander over the last ten days as Dayton’s lover.

  After Christmas morning, he had taken every opportunity to touch her body, taste her flesh. All the attention overwhelmed her senses, drowned her emotions in his closeness, and, she was afraid, marked her as his for the rest of her life. Elf couldn’t see allowing another man the intimacies she’d shared with Dayton.

  The taste of him, the heat of his flesh, the weight of his body were permanently imprinted on her psyche, and she didn’t see her attachment to him fading any time soon. If ever.

  Whether his lovemaking took hours from kiss to climax or, if like the day before when they’d gone out to eat dinner, he simply found a shadowed corner, and fucked her against the wall smothering her cries with his lips, Elf was sure her addiction to him was never going away. His need for her seemed to match hers for him.

  Elf had to grin when she remembered how thankful she was most of the employees weren’t around, especially given Dayton’s need to live out the fantasies he’d whispered to her. He thought nothing of calling her into his office, flipping up her skirt, and bending her over the conference table, all the while praising her body’s response to him.

  Though he never said the words “I love you,” the fact he still wanted her gave Elf confidence that something besides sex connected them. Her own admission was still bottled up inside her, but it was a battle to keep it there.

  Like now, as she approached climax and could feel the advance and retreat of Dayton’s cock increase, she bit her lip to hold back the words. Her body tensed fighting the orgasm.

  His hold on her hips slid upward, cupping her breasts. His sweat-dampened chest settled against her back as his thrusts grew shorter, harder.

  “Now, Elf,” he commanded, his voice gruff, breath puffing across her shoulder to caress her cheek.

  Elf let go. T
he explosion shuddered through her frame, setting stars off against the inside of her eyelids as the pulse of his body within hers signaled his own release and loosened the admission she’d held back for so long. Much as she wanted to take the words back, her cry of “I love you” seemed to echo in the room.

  The sound of their breathing, and the palpable tension seeping from Dayton’s taut frame to hers was shattered by the ringing of the telephone.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Dark gray clouds blanketed the sky. A chill wind tugged at the coats and scarves of the few mourners who’d braved the weather to attend the graveside service. The usual sunny California landscape had turned bleak and damp in the three weeks since the phone call. Rain had begun to fall and the mercury had dipped below freezing over the last two days.

  Dayton’s mood had changed just as suddenly, Elf decided as she stood beside him next to the open grave. Beside him, but not touching. Touching was no longer allowed. Her body shuddered as an eddy of wind swirled around her ankles, and eased under the hem of her coat.

  It hadn’t just been her telling him she loved him that created this fissure. The phone call had been responsible for some of it as well.

  In her coat pockets, her hands balled into fists as she glanced over at Dayton. The cold, unapproachable expression had become permanent not long after they’d arrived at the hospital to find Sister Agnes waiting for them.

  “I knew you’d want to be here, Dayton,” the older woman had greeted them.

  “What happened? Where did they find him?” Dayton had fired the questions at the older woman, oblivious to Elf’s presence. Moving away, he helped the sister ease into one of the worn chairs along a wall to discuss the details, leaving Elf standing by herself in a corner near the door.

  In a corner, like a naughty child being punished. She fumed silently, ignoring the heavier wind that tugged at the ends of her crocheted scarf. A week of being relegated to the side, left to manage the various issues that cropped up at the office, while Dayton spent hours exhausting himself at the bedside of a man who’d been part of his childhood.


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