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Currents of Will

Page 20

by Susan MacIver

  She worked so long and so intently, that when she felt the first signs of the energy drain, she refused to stop. Sweat beaded at her hairline and trickled down her brows until it ran into her eyes. Blinking the sting away, she still refused to stop. She worked until she could no longer hold her arms up. Falling to her sides, arms dangling uselessly, she tried to keep her intonations going, but her voice cracked. She no longer had the strength to push the tones out.

  Slumping back into the chair, despair enveloped her. I have failed. Why did I think I could possibly help this man? It is beyond my abilities and he is now beyond my reach. Her eyelids closed and she joined Travlor in a dreamless sleep.

  Disturbed by a far-off sound, Daria climbed toward consciousness. When she was finally able to focus, she realized that someone was at the office door. She glanced down at Travlor. He still slept. Blearily avoiding his sleeping form, she crossed the room to admit the person that had interrupted her rest. It was one of the generals. She didn’t know or care which one.

  Seeing Travlor on the floor, the man barged past her and into the room. He bent down, hurriedly searching for Travlor’s pulse. “What have you done?” He glared at Daria and back at Travlor.

  “He was highly agitated so I administered a sleeping pill. He needs rest. As you know, he has pushed himself too hard, rarely sleeping. It was high time someone helped him to do that.” She wasn’t sure the man would believe her, but again, she didn’t care. She had calmed Travlor the only way she could. And now that she thought about it, the sleep would indeed help him. Whether she had eased any of his pain was doubtful. All she knew was that she didn’t want to be there when he woke up.

  “I’m going back to my rooms. Have your men get him into bed. Make him comfortable and order a tray to be brought up. He’ll probably sleep through the rest of the afternoon and into the night. But he’ll need food as soon as he wakes.” Not looking as to whether the general affirmed her instructions or not, she left Travlor’s headquarters as fast as her swollen feet could carry her.

  When she entered her rooms, she was so tired that she had to make herself pick up the phone and request the food that she knew her body required. The phone fell out of her grasp and she just managed to haul herself to the bed before her body pitched forward.

  She rolled onto the mattress, almost too tired to close her eyes. Her heart actually ached, but she couldn’t stand to feel Travlor’s pain anymore. She released him from her thoughts and her lids closed. Daria willingly slid back into the comfort of sleep.

  Rousing himself, Travlor was surprised to find that he was in bed. He couldn’t remember how he had gotten there. He stretched and as his mind started to clear, the scene with Daria swam back into focus. What was the aftermath? The infernal woman didn’t seem the least bit traumatized. And why can’t I remember falling asleep? He lurched up. She bloody well better not have tampered with anything.

  He searched his body and could detect nothing amiss. He scratched his head. Why do I feel less disturbed about her betrayal? He threw the covers aside and got out of bed. Still in his clothes of the day before, he went to his bathroom and disrobed. He scowled. And remarkably enough, I feel less inclined to kill her. That in itself was perplexing.

  Catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror, he stopped. Turning his face left and then right, he thought he was seeing things. His skin was a bit flushed. He laughed. “Flushed may be too hopeful a description. But definitely less gray.”

  He stepped into the shower, turning it on full blast and as hot as it would go. He wondered at the fact that his mind wasn’t in turmoil as he went through his morning ritual. He felt almost … relaxed. What the hell did she do to me? Bah, it was the sleep. I haven’t had enough of it lately.

  He felt reenergized and could it be … Optimistic? Wait a moment, don’t get carried away. He admonished himself. Maybe I should consider letting her healings continue. The topsider wouldn’t dare cross me again. She may even elevate me to more health than I initially thought. I do believe the she devil will work twice as hard as before.

  Slightly annoyed, he turned off the water, stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. I’m tired of thinking about the bloody woman. She disturbs my equilibrium.

  Running through a list of emergency calls that had to be made, his day was planned before he finished dressing. Only then did he spot the tray of food. Suddenly ravenous, he threw his shirt on, not stopping to button it or tuck it in before he hurried to the table. He was starving and he started eating so fast that he hardly chewed. At least someone has their head on straight.

  When he had completed his meal and finished dressing, he threw open the door and barked. “Get the generals assembled. I want them here within the hour from wherever the hell they are. If it’s war they want, then its war they’ll get!”

  Men rushed down the halls, dragging out cellphones and setting fires under other backsides. Travlor slammed his door, clapped his hands once and crossed to his desk. He picked up the handset on his landline. “Get me the president,” he snarled. “Yes! Of the Estados Unidos!”

  He hung up and sank back in his chair, hands behind his head. Those bastards are playing a game with no idea of the rules. If it’s brinkmanship they want, I’m their man.

  Slightly annoyed, he turned off the water, stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. I’m tired of thinking about the bloody woman. She disturbs my equilibrium.

  Running through a list of emergency calls that had to be made, his day was planned before he finished dressing. Only then did he spot the tray of food. Suddenly ravenous, he threw his shirt on, not stopping to button it or tuck it in before he hurried to the table. He was starving and he started eating so fast that he hardly chewed. At least someone has their head on straight.

  When he had completed his meal and finished dressing, he threw open the door and barked. “Get the generals assembled. I want them here within the hour from wherever the hell they are. If it’s war they want, then its war they’ll get!”

  Men rushed down the halls, dragging out cellphones and setting fires under other backsides. Travlor slammed his door, clapped his hands once and crossed to his desk. He picked up the handset on his landline. “Get me the president,” he snarled. “Yes! Of the Estados Unidos!”

  He hung up and sank back in his chair, hands behind his head. Those bastards are playing a game with no idea of the rules. If it’s brinkmanship they want, I’m their man.

  Around the world, headlines shrieked:

  Travlor threw the paper aside. By God he was ready. He wasn’t worried about his safety; he could shield himself to withstand anything those bastards threw at him. But, it was a crapshoot as to how many topsiders he could shield. Not to worry. I will inherit the earth, even if I’m the last man standing.

  He rocked back in his chair and swiveled to look out the window, then stood and raised his arms. “I will not to be deterred nor will I be thwarted. This battle of wills, I will win … one way or another!”

  Daria woke feeling much better. She lay still for a while and analyzed the scene that had unfolded in Travlor’s quarters. He had said something about going before the council and begging to be released to live topside. She struggled upright and rested her back against the headboard. Ni-Cio! I remember what you told me!

  When she was new to Atlantis, Ni-Cio had rescued her from her first meeting with Travlor, but she had been curious about the man. Ni-Cio explained that Travlor had come before the High Council and informed them that the woman and child had both died due to complications in delivery. He didn’t beg them to let him go to her! Why would he do that? Why would he lie?

  She got out of bed and noticed the phone lying on the floor. I was really tired. She strained to reach the cord and hoisted the phone back to the desk. She depressed the receiver and dialed.

  She ordered breakfast and then went to the bathroom to ready herself. I have no idea how Travlor wil
l react to the healing. He might feel better, but he could be angrier, although I doubt that’s even possible.

  Through with her grooming, she waited for her food as she gazed out the window. Things are an incredible mess. How the man has brought the world into the net he has cast is beyond me.

  War is coming and Travlor must be stopped. But what can I do now that I can no longer weaken him? I don’t even know the truth of his past. Maybe the woman died, maybe she didn’t. Evan certainly is alive. What really happened?

  She wrapped her arms around her stomach. “Good morning, my sweet. I know how Travlor feels about loving someone so much that you would be willing to give your life. You are safe and loved and wanted, always.” A picture of tiny arms wrapped around her neck and a tiny head resting against her cheek made her smile. She sent an answering thought back to her daughter. “Thank you, my most precious child . . .”

  The food arrived and she shambled to the door. She was surprised to be greeted by a new face. Without thinking, she blurted, “Who are you?”

  A lovely Latina with laughing brown eyes and long wavy hair stood in the doorway. Her soft curves probably enticed the eye of many men. She carried the tray gracefully to Daria’s table and set it down with a bright smile. “I am Graziella.”

  Startled, Daria stammered in abundance before she collected her wits. “You, you’re speaking to me?”

  Graziella moved the food from the tray. “Of course, why not?”

  Daria didn’t know what was going on, but she seized the opportunity. “Do you have news of what’s going on in the world?”

  Fright leapt into Graziella’s brown eyes. Picking up the tray, she prepared to leave.

  Daria couldn’t give up; she pushed the edge of the envelope. “No, please, I have to know. How close are we to war?”

  The woman backed up in panic and held the tray to her chest as one would hold a shield. “It is madness!” She whispered fiercely. “The whole world is on the brink! The United States and Europe are terrified of the Savior. Russia refused to open a discourse. China and North Korea are threatening a nuclear strike! Everybody has missiles aimed in every direction! War is coming!”

  Her eyes were wide and her full lips were set in a grim line. “I do not understand. Why are these countries so afraid? He is the Messiah, returned as predicted in the Holy Bible. Their fear has escalated into panic because they see that they cannot control him. They do not want to lose the power they have. But when the fighting starts—and it will—we will defend him at all costs.” Graziella turned to go.

  Daria grabbed her arm. “How is it you are allowed to talk to me?”

  Puzzled by Daria’s question, Graziella licked her lips and tried to pry her hands away. “I … no one told me not to.” Afraid she had broken a rule that she hadn’t known about, she jerked out of Daria’s grasp and fled the room. The door swung closed after her retreating form.

  Alone with her thoughts, Daria massaged her temples and sat on the chair next to the desk. It’s worse than I imagined!

  She tried to lean forward but it was too uncomfortable. Time was running out. She needed Ni-Cio now. “My love, if you can hear me, I need you. Travlor is out of control. If his will does not prevail, he is bent is on total destruction! Oh my God, where are you?”

  “Hold Daria! We are coming! Stay strong—it is not long now!”

  Shock, fear, joy, and sorrow tore through her until she thought she would run screaming from the room. Ni-Cio, nearby?

  Her heart thudded in her ears and the baby kicked so hard that she had to press her tiny foot from beneath her ribs. Her breath came in huge gulps until she almost hyperventilated. I have to calm myself. She had an uncontrollable desire to run into the jungle until it swallowed her whole.

  Deliberately, she slowed her breathing before she responded. She went to the window, her heart on fire. “I don’t know how Travlor’s block has been breached but I am here and I will wait. Be careful … he is sinking into total madness and he doesn’t care if he is destroyed as long as he takes everyone and everything with him. He will not stop . . .”

  Ni-Cio’s reply soothed her torment. “Do not fear; there is always hope. Keep yourself and our daughter safe. We will find a way …”

  Four long, anxious months had passed since she had been taken. All the emotions that had been held in check finally surfaced. She put her head in her hands and sobbed with relief. When she was able to find her voice, she whispered to their child. “Your father will be here soon.”

  Their daughter moved gently inside her womb. Daria put a hand on top of her stomach. “There is always hope and if anyone can stop this insanity, the men to do it are coming.” Hungry, Daria pulled the chair up to the desk and ate voraciously.

  Having reached their destination much sooner than expected, Ni-Cio and Evan were hidden inside a small gas station bathroom in order to figure out logistics. Masked so that they were invisible to any but each other, the rest of the men waited in back of the station.

  As Evan was the only one with a license, he and Ni-Cio were trying to come up with an idea as to how they could acquire a vehicle large enough to carry everyone. Suddenly, Ni-Cio stared off into space, mouth agape. Evan grabbed his shoulders. “Are you all right? You look like you’ve seen a ghost!”

  Ni-Cio focused again and Evan dropped his hands. A smile lit Ni-Cio’s face like the sun. “I have just heard from Daria!” His voice was filled with awe as trails of yellow and orange streaks raced up and over his face. His joy was evident. “Somehow, Travlor no longer blocks our thoughts!”

  He let loose an Atlantean howl and clapped his hands. “Daria is well, our daughter is well and we are almost to them!” Evan stepped back as Ni-Cio paced the small bathroom like a caged tiger. A dark frown replaced the smile. “Daria says that Travlor has lost his mind.”

  Ni-Cio stopped his rapid circling and faced Evan. “Evan, your father is out of control. Time is no longer on our side. We must hurry. Let us depart and find their whereabouts.”

  He started for the door, but Evan stopped him. “Ni-Cio, we have to figure out how to move the men and we need food. We have to eat before we can do anything else.”

  “By the gods Evan, you are right. I race ahead of myself and forget the needs of my men. But there is not a moment to lose. What do you suggest?”

  Evan perched on the stained sink and ran a hand through his hair. “We’re going to need a pile of food, which won’t be easy to provide. The issue of how we get everyone there has to wait.”

  Considering their dilemma, Evan rubbed his chin and worked the problem. “Just might do the trick.”

  “What are you thinking?” Ni-Co was extremely worried about Daria’s safety and he was impatient to get started.

  Evan stood, “If we could, uh … requisition … a truck, we could load it up with enough food to fuel us for a while.”

  Nodding, Ni-Cio frowned. “How do we procure this vehicle?”

  With a big sigh, Evan went to the door and unlocked it. “As a time saving measure, I steal it.”

  Walking into the sunlight, Evan masked Ni-Cio. They rounded the station and Ni-Cio sent his orders. “We are all masked now. Spread out and find Travlor’s whereabouts and meet back here in …” He looked questioningly at Evan.

  “An hour should do it . . .”

  “One hour… we will know something by then. We leave, but we will stop on the way to refuel. Our plans must be executed quickly. Questions?”

  The men were ready for action. With no questions, they took off. Ni-Cio grabbed Evan in a bear hug. “Good luck, my friend …”

  “I’ll be back soon …”

  They departed towards their chosen destinations.

  With his hands in his pockets, Evan tried to look nonchalant as he scoped the parking lot. Clunkers and luxury cars were mixed in together. There were a lot of trucks, but since he knew nothin
g about stealing a vehicle, his needs were specific. He needed something that was unlocked, preferably with the keys left inside. His education had not included any information on how to hotwire a car.

  He strolled through the lot, casually eyeing interiors. One possibility caught his attention—parked in a corner, an older truck with an attached camper shell looked fairly reliable. Better than the jalopy at the compound.

  Evan walked to the cab and tried the handle. It was unlocked. The door opened, accompanied by a loud cracking sound. Praying no one had noticed, Evan slipped inside and hauled the door closed.

  No keys in the ignition. He lowered the visor. No luck. The glove box? Nothing. With his nerves starting to fray, sweat trickled down his back. He did his best to ignore the need to scratch and rummaged under the driver’s seat. Exasperated, he thumped the steering wheel and exited the truck. “What the hell am I going to do?”

  Then it hit him. Travlor’s mercenaries had hidden their keys outside their vehicles in case of emergency. Surreptitiously, he walked around the truck feeling under the fenders of each tire. The third attempt yielded treasure. Evan pulled out a single scratched-up key.

  Hopping in, he inserted the key and pumped the gas. “God, don’t let this be like the compound truck.” He turned the ignition.

  The engine sprang to life. Shifting gears, he drove carefully out of the lot, shoulders hunched almost to his ears as he anticipated the cries of alarm that would follow in the wake of his taillights. However, he turned onto the thoroughfare and drove away without incident.

  Accelerating through the morning traffic, Evan drove as fast as he dared. It wasn’t long before he spotted a good sized restaurant. “That should work.” He downshifted and found an unobtrusive spot, turned off the truck, and sprang from the cab. He took the key with him.


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