Unexpected Chances

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Unexpected Chances Page 12

by A. M. Willard

  “Just thought you’d like to know something. That guy she’s always hanging around with, was either putting on a show for me or moving in.”

  “I think you need to clarify the meaning behind putting on a show.”

  “She spotted me, and then the next thing I know they were making out up against the building. He got in the cab with her, and from what I can tell he went upstairs.”

  “You still there?”

  “Yeah, I’m out front and I’ll stay here as long as I can.”

  “Okay, let me know when the bastard leaves.”

  “Will do. Hey man, you sure you know what you are doing? I mean, I get it, but aren’t you worried what could happen if anyone found out?”

  “I worry every minute of the day. That’s why I’m paying you good money to keep watch.”

  “Later, Carter. I’ll keep you posted.”

  Not bothering to say anything else, I hang up and make my way to the kitchen. I’m not going to be able to go back to sleep tonight, especially with thoughts of Tabitha being with another man.

  I have no right to be jealous, but I am.

  Pumped with anger I make my way down to the gym. I knew when I designed this place that I wouldn’t have a lot of time to attend one, so the next best thing was to add a workout space.

  I’ve equipped it with free weights, your normal treadmills, and a few punching bags. Not being big on weights, I tend to run on the treadmill and knock around the bags a few times a week.

  Skipping my warm up, I head right over to the stereo and crank it up. Sound proof walls for my 3 a.m. bouts with the devil.

  “Sail” blares through the speakers as I slide my gloves on. I start out taking a few light punches and throwing some kicks towards the bag.

  My blood is pumping now that I’m truly awake, and feel.

  The punches start to flow harder and faster, as I mix in some roundhouse kicks. My mind wonders to that awful marriage license I signed all those years ago.

  I wrap my arms around the bag, and hold it tight. Bringing up my legs, I clinch it, and pound out everything that is built up inside me.

  Pushing the heavy bag away, I walk backwards placing my hands on top of my head, and slow my breathing down.

  All this workout has managed to do, is work me up even more. I need to clear my head and do it fast.

  If I plan to make it out of this mess alive, I have to play my cards right or I might as well cash in all the chips now.

  I know there is no easy way to deal with Bethany or her father, I just have to be patient.

  Ten years of misery, regrets, and torture.

  I refuse to allow another year to pass by.

  It’s time to reclaim my life and fight for what I want.

  Chapter Twenty Four


  Cory lays me down on top of the bed, and hovers above me. I lift my arms so he can slip my shirt off. His hands make quick work at my bra. I hear it hit the lamp beside the bed, and let out a small laugh. To quiet me, Cory crashes down to my lips. Kissing me with everything he has.

  Slowly kissing down, he leaves a trail of goose bumps in his wake.

  Cory lowers his mouth, darting his tongue out to lick my already erect nipple. “Oh!” I gasp, as I twist my hands into the comforter beneath me.

  His eyes glance up to watch me as he reaches over and attacks my other breast. Letting it pop from his mouth as he runs his lips over towards the other one.

  Our bodies have become a tangled web, and I hear Cory emit a low growl from his chest.

  It’s enough to cause me to stop.

  With a slight shake of my head, I stare up at him above me. Taking him in, I wish I could find a way to love him.

  Maybe if I’d never set eyes onto Carter Northwood, I’d be able to let myself love Cory.

  Complete silence surrounds us as he caresses the side of my face.

  I’ve known him long enough to know that he’s thinking just as hard as I am.

  I go to speak but he stops me, placing his finger up to my lips, “Shh… Let me talk. I need you to listen to me, Tabitha.” I nod my head in agreement with him.

  “You’re beautiful inside and out, but I can’t make love to you. Especially when you don’t belong to me. Your better than a simple lay and I could never use you like that. As much as it’s going to kill me to walk out of here tonight, I have to. I have to walk away from the one that I love. If by some chance your able to love me back one day, then I’ll make you mine. Stop fighting him and give in to your feelings.”

  Confused and upset that I even allowed us to get this far, I drag what part of the blanket that I can over my body. Not stopping the tears as they slide down the sides of my face. “I’m sorry, Cory. I’m so sorry for hurting you.”

  “Don’t cry, Firecracker,” he whispers, as he wipes around my eyes, “I know and you need to follow your heart.”

  “How do you know?” Is all I can ask, as I don’t understand myself.

  “I watched you at dinner, and the way you were acting tonight is because you’re upset with him. You never let anyone get close, and he’s gotten close. How? I have no idea, but it’s happened.”

  “I do love you, Cory. I do…”

  “I know, but it’s not enough love to make us work. I’ll always love you Tabitha, and I will always pick you up when you’re down. I need a little time to heal and figure it out.”

  “Okay… Will you still be my plus one for mom’s banquet?” asking in between cries and hiccups.

  Cory lets out a laugh as he shakes his head, “Only you. Yes I will still be your plus one. I always will be.”

  He gently places a kiss on my forehead and pushes up from the bed. I prop myself up on my elbows, and watch as he looks at me. It’s like he’s committing me into his brain one last time. Tossing a quick wink in my direction, Cory turns and leaves.

  I slam my body down onto the bed and curl up into a fetal position. Nothing seems to be able to calm me down, I cry for the love that I lost years ago, the love I wish I could have with Cory, and mostly for the love that I dream to have with Carter.

  As my clock screams at me, I knock it off the table and onto the floor. I’ve got to pull my shit together today, and act as if nothing has happened.

  I despise keeping things from Angela and Seth, but I don’t need another lecture from any of them. Angela is currently in no shape to hear my problems.

  So I’ll do what I do best.

  Find something that sparkles, plaster my killer smile upon my face, and set out to fake my day away.

  Striding into the office this morning, I look around and take in the place. It’s a mess and mostly from me. I don’t know how I ever find a thing. I decide to do a little clean up after I pop in and say hello to, Angela.

  “Hey hooker!” I yell out to startle her, and watch her jump back from her desk.

  “Why do you always scare me?”

  “You love it,” I respond, as I plop down in a chair.

  “I thought I’d heard from you before now. How did everything go?” Angela asks.

  “Went okay. I’ve got some ideas, and I’ll start to work on them later today. How’s the home front?” I ask, and watch my best friend slump back into her chair.

  “Good I guess. He’s being an ass but what did I expect?”

  “True… He’s always been an asshat, and I’m glad you’re kicking him to the curb. I like the new one,” I say, while raising my eyebrows up and down at her, causing her to laugh.

  “Go to work. I need to finish this stuff up.”

  “Fine, but you know I’m right. Yell if you need me.”

  “Oh before you go, have you thought about your replacement?”

  Turning around in the doorway, I say “Yeah, I just need to make a call. You going to handle or me?”

  “I trust you and plus, you have to train the person,” she says laughing, especially since Angela can’t wait for me to show someone else how to use the equipment.

today, huh?” I respond, and walk out.

  As I wait for my computer to wake, I look around and decide I might as well move my stuff into the other office. Once I can get Jessica to agree to the job, she’ll need this area.

  I grab a few boxes and load them up with all my crap. Picking up one of the photos I always keep on my desk of Seth, Cory and myself. I take in the smile plastered on my face.

  It was taken years ago, and I was so happy back then.

  The last weekend before I left to go to the university, we rented a beach house. We spent the whole time surfing, cooking, and just hanging out.

  “What are we going to do while our little Firecracker is off breaking hearts?” Cory asked, while pushing my hair around.

  “Guess we have to find a new squirt,” Seth responded.

  “Funny you two. I’m not going to break any hearts while away.”

  “You better be the one breaking hearts, or we’ll have a fight on our hands,” My brother responded, and I knew he was serious.

  That was the last weekend we spent together, just the three of us until after I graduated. Robert took up most of my time after we started dating. I’d come home when I had to, but other than that I stayed at the dorms or the sorority house.

  “You okay?” Angela’s voice echo’s around me, bringing me back out of the past.

  I look up at her and say, “I’m good. Just thinking of that weekend before I had to grow up.”

  She walks over and looks at the picture with me. “Look at the three of you. You never told me where Mitch, Jason and Ben were that weekend.”

  “They would pop in and out, but you know I’ve always been closer to Cory and of course Seth.”

  “True.” As Angela glances over to me, I can feel her eyes piercing through me. “You sure you don’t want to talk or anything?”

  “I’m good.”

  “Okay, you’ve just been in a funk. I know I’ve had a ton of drama here lately, but know you come first. I’d do anything for you.”

  “I know, and I’m fine just haven’t been sleeping much.”

  “Stop partying like the guys and you might sleep.”

  If she only knew that even then I’m haunted by a pair of blue eyes every night in my sleep.

  I need to spill it, but how?

  How do I tell her that just like her I’ve fallen for a client?



  Today has been one of those days, nothing’s gone right. It all started when Jack called this morning and its gone downhill from that moment. A contractor has walked off site, leaving me a heaping pile of shit to clean up. Richard my lawyer isn’t any closer to figuring out how to get me divorced from the evil witch, Bethany.

  On top of everything else, Kelly my assistant gave me a detailed list of events that I’m to attend over the next few months. That’s just what I needed to walk into this afternoon.

  Slamming my office door behind me, I walk over to my drafting table and look down at the blueprints spread out.

  I shake my head as I look at the new designs that I have, I know I have to put a hold on them. I’m going to finish the projects that I have, then wait.

  I’ll wait forever if I have too.

  The intercom dings from my desk, alerting me that Kelly needs something.

  “Yeah?” I answer.

  “Sir, your father is here.”

  Throwing my head up to the ceiling, my whole body tenses up, “Send him in and remember I have a meeting in ten.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  No reason to make myself comfortable, I know how this meeting will end.

  A shouting match before all is done and said.

  Without knocking, my father hauls himself into my office as if he owns the place. “Son,” he says, with a curt nod.

  “Dad, wasn’t expecting you today,” I state, with aggravation.

  “I find myself in a little predicament, and was hoping you could help me out.”

  He’s not asking, it’s more you’re going to listen and do as I say.

  “I couldn’t fathom what this is about,” I respond, as I sit down and prop my feet up on the edge of my desk. Looking at how my father has aged, I pity him.

  He’s allowed the Edward’s family to destroy his family.

  And what for?

  All for money and power.

  “Cut the shit, son. You know why I’m here,” he says, as he unbuttons his suit jacket and places it on the chair by my desk.

  “No, I have no idea. Did you find me another wife? Oh wait, I know, maybe I can assist in furthering your career just a hair more.”

  “I can see we are still bitter about things, but what you need to understand is this. Call the dogs off.”

  “I don’t have dogs, father. What I want is my life back.”

  “What life? A life of someone who draws and thinks he can build something?”

  All I can do is shake my head in my father’s direction.

  Nothing will ever be good enough.

  He will never approve of the things I have done.

  “For the record, I can build a whole city. As for a life, it’s the one I’m taking back,” I say, standing tall to face him, “If you don’t approve, then there’s the door, I made myself clear months ago. I am divorcing her… I am done being your pawn… I call check-mate.”

  “You will regret this Carter,” my father lashes, as he stands to leave my office.

  Nothing else needs to be shared, we lost that relationship years ago and I don’t plan to rebuild it; ever.

  Giving him a few minutes to exit the building, I snatch my keys up. I need to clear my head, and the only thing right now that will fix it, is my bike, and the road.

  “Kelly, I’m out. You need me, call. I’m not sure when I’ll be back,” I spit out, and hear a confirmation from her as I rush out of the office.

  In my truck, I head home to gather a few items and stuff them into my pack.

  I don’t need much, but I do have an idea of one thing I need.

  The ride will give me time to clear my head and come up with a plan.

  Chapter Twenty Five


  As I sit in my parent’s driveway, I’m not sure how I wound up here. I’ve been hiding from my mother now for weeks. She’ll see right through all the bullshit, it’s something I’ve been putting off.

  “Mom!” I yell out, as I walk into the foyer.


  Stepping around the corner, I look and watch as my mother is busy preparing dinner. I don’t know how she has manages to get everything done. It’s just her and dad here in this big ole house now, but she cooks for him when she can.

  Taking in a big whiff of the aroma, “Smells great,” I say, as I walk over and wrap my arms around my mother’s waist, looking over to the counter to see what she’s doing.

  “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” She asks, in her motherly tone.

  “Nothing, I missed you and wanted to stop by and say hi.”

  “You could call to say hello,” she says, as she spins around to look at me.

  “I know, but then I wouldn’t get a home cooked meal,” I let out, as I grab a cherry tomato from the bowl of salad.

  Spanking my hand, my mother gives me that deadpan look that all moms give. “Cut the crap, child. I’ve seen you and your brother within a twenty-four hour time frame. What’s going on?”

  “Where’s dad?”

  “Work and stop stalling.”

  Allowing my shoulders to slump I look over at her and say, “I’ve made a mess of things and I don’t know how to fix it.”

  “Come on, grab the salad and I’ll text your father to stop and get one of those God awful burgers he enjoys,” saying as she heads out to the dining room with me on her heels.

  “Sit and lay it on your dear mother.”

  “I don’t know where to start,” I say, to my bowl as I push around the lettuce.

  “From the beginning. You have to fill me in or I can’t
help my baby girl.”

  “Fine. Seth is angry with me, Cory’s not only in love with me, but I think I lost him for good and then…. I like someone.”

  “First off, you and your brother are always at each other. Second, I’m not shocked that Cory is in love with you, and who is this person that’s causing my only daughter such distress?”

  Confused that she skips over everything I just said, and lands on the last part. “You don’t know him, and I really don’t either. He’s just, ugh…” I stop as I try to figure out what I can say about, Carter. I don’t know anything other than business about him, so how am I to explain this.

  “Tabitha Jean, do not make me drag it out of you. You’re here because you need the wisdom of your mother. I’d say you have about thirty minutes before your father arrives.”

  “How did you know dad was the one? Weren’t you scared to trust him?” I blurt out.

  With a shocked face, my mother leans back into her chair and I can see the wheels spinning. “The one?” is all she can manage.

  “I’m not saying I’ve found the one, I just need to know.”

  “Tabitha, I need you to listen to me, okay.”

  “Okay,” I whisper

  “I don’t know everything about the history between you and Robert, but I know he crushed your spirit. You haven’t been the same ball of fire that your father and I raised. You’ve been walking around for years now with a lost soul. I see through your shield. I knew that one day we would have this conversation, and I’d need to tell you how to find yourself again,” she says, as she reaches for my hand and continues.

  “When you find the one, and he’s the first thing you think about when you wake, and the last thing you remember dreaming about at night. That’s the one. If he can steal the air from around you, he’s the only one for you. The man that manages to make my daughter fall in love with him, he’ll be the luckiest man on earth. Tabitha, you love with all your being, and that person will forever be yours.”

  Tears streaming down my face I look up and say, “I don’t know if I can trust again. How do I make my heart and mind work together? My heart wants to leap while my brain is saying run for my life.”

  “That, I can’t tell you how to do. You’ll figure it out, I promise. It might not be today, or tomorrow, but you my dear will love fiercely when that day comes.”


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