Unexpected Chances

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Unexpected Chances Page 13

by A. M. Willard

  “Love you, momma,” is all that escapes.

  “Love you too, baby girl. Now eat your father’s dinner.”

  Between eating and laughing at a few stories from the hospital, mom gets serious for a brief moment.

  “Who’s accompanying you to the banquet?”

  “Cory,” I state, and wait for my lashing to arrive.

  “Very well. Just make sure you arrive on time, and stay for as long as you can, please.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I answer, as I’m in shock. She’s aware that Cory is not the one that I think I’m falling for or possibly love already.

  I decide to not ask, and let it slide. No reason to bring it up again, especially since my father is walking into the room.



  Cranking up the bike, I allow the roar of the engine to spread through me. It gives me that extra adrenaline, which will fuel me for the eighteen hour trip that lies in front of me.

  Since I’m leaving late I’ll determine when and where I stop for the night. My mission is to reach Tabitha, if I have to stay away from her for one more day, I’ll lose it. Accepting the fact that I’ll only have maybe a few hours or a day with her, is what I have to adjust to.

  A plane would have been quicker and allow me to spend the time that I desire, but the bike is what’s calling me.

  I need this time to myself.

  To think about what is important, even though I know the answers to my own questions.

  How do I control a company the size of mine, but have no control over my life?

  Chapter Twenty Six


  Friday couldn’t arrive soon enough. When I woke up this morning, I knew today would fly by, hopefully without any speed bumps. As I arrive in the office, I’m mentally thinking of all the things that I have to get done today.

  At some point, I need to email my proposal to Georgia’s Inc., verify my hair appointment with Frank, and pick up my dress from the cleaners.

  A slight panic overcomes me from the thought of Cory, and I attending tonight’s banquet. We’ve barely spoken since the other night, but he did text last night to remind me that he would be at my place this evening to pick me up.

  I should’ve let him back out, but I hate attending these things without someone to keep me company. I tried once before, and it was the worst night of my life. Every single person in the room, tried to pick me up. When I was asked to dance on several different occasion, I’d dash out a smile and say “Oh is that so and so” this allowed me to move onto the next crowd, or hide out in the hall.

  Hitting send on my proposal, I stretch back into my chair and let out a sigh of relief.

  I’m nervous that they will dismiss my ideas. Always helping and being a part of a few here and there, I’ve never had my own.

  I’m proud of my ideas, I just hope the board of directors for Georgia’s Inc., feels the same way.

  Startled from the alarm going off on my phone, I jump to see the time. “Shit!” I yell out as I gather up my purse and junk. Frank my stylist will kick my butt if I’m late. Time wise I have enough to get where I need to be without running anyone over. But I know I always run behind, and tonight is not one that I need to be normal.

  “Tabitha, darling, Look at you,” Frank says, as he spins me around and continues, “What are we doing to you today? I see you’re overdue.”

  “Yes and I need a change. Take the red a little darker, and I’m in need of a trim then a style for tonight’s banquet.”


  “Yes and don’t give me lip. You’re not talking me out of it this time.”

  Frank shakes his head while muttering something to himself as I follow him back to his station.

  Two hours later, Frank turns me around to face the mirror. My eyes widen as I look at my reflection. The once light fiery red hair has been transformed into a mahogany rich red.

  I’d explained that my dress was strapless and that I’d prefer to have my hair down with a slight curl throughout.

  “You like, dear?”

  “Yes, Frank I do.”

  “I’ll agree that it’s a wonderful color for your complexion. I was worried girl, but now that I see it on you. You’re just as beautiful, if not more.”

  “Thanks, Frank. I love it.”

  Back home I hang my dress up on the back of my bedroom door. I bought it months ago, and I’ve been dying to wear it. Strapless and pink, not a pale pink either, a bright pink that wows you. I plan to wear my strappy silver heels and I’ll add a few Tabitha touches here and there.

  Cranking up the stereo, I realize that I need to get my butt in gear. If I’m not ready when Cory arrives, I’ll have to listen to it until we arrive at the banquet this evening.

  Applying a Smokey look to my eyes, I dash on a light pink blush and search for my pale pink lip gloss. Frank sprayed my hair with enough spray that I’m sure if something sparks near me, I’ll explode.

  I slide into my dress and zip it up in the back. As I take myself in, I know exactly what I need. Searching my jewelry box, I find my dangly rhinestone earrings and matching bracelet, just enough to sparkle tonight for my mom.

  Just as I’m ready to put the finishing touches on, I hear “Ice Ice Baby” roll out over the speakers. Leaping into the living room, I crank it up.

  I use to drive Seth and the boys crazy with this back in the day. I’d crank it up and sing at the top of my lungs. What better way to start the evening than a song that makes you want to start rapping and dance it out.

  Stopping to listen for a moment, I hear a knock on the door, and a smile spread across my face.

  Before I open it, I mentally prepare for the consequences of my actions. I know Cory can hear the music playing and I envision him on the other side of the door shaking his head.

  I fling the door open, allowing it to hit the wall a little too hard.

  Throwing my hand up at him, “All right stop, Collaborate and listen Ice is back with my brand new invention.” Was all I could manage to get out before I doubled over in laughter. I have tears from laughing so hard at my actions, I haven’t done that in years and it felt good.


  Trying to talk through my belly laughs, “I had to. It just came on and oh Lord do you remember how crazy I would drive you guys?”

  “Still do, Firecracker,” he says, as he steps inside and looks at me.

  “Your hair?”

  I swallow and look up as I grab a strand of my hair, “Yeah, I needed a change,” I state, as I turn away from Cory’s stare.

  “I like it.” I hear him call out as I make my way into my room.

  Stepping back out I ask, “Ready?”

  “Yeah. I turned your crap music off.”

  “It’s not crap. It’s classic.”

  “Come on, beautiful let’s get this over with.”

  As we stroll down the sidewalk towards Cory’s car, I just start singing again. “Ice Ice Baby Vanilla, Ice Ice Baby Vanilla Ice.”

  Cory comes to a standstill and turns, “If you keep that shit up, you’re on your own tonight, babe.”

  “Lighten up and have some fun, Cory. You know it’s catchy and you want to sing with me.” I say with a huge smile spread across my face while I wiggle my eyebrows at him.

  Cory lets out a low laugh as he turns and yells back at me, “Come on Ice, let’s go shake a rug.”

  As I reach his car and wait for Cory to open the passenger side door, I hear a faint engine roaring into the parking lot. It causes me to stop and look as my stomach drops to my feet.

  Ever since that night Carter took me on that ride, I can’t seem to not enjoy the sound of an engine roaring by. It’s not him and I scowl down to the ground.

  “Why the sad face now, Firecracker? I promise to shake a rug with you tonight.”

  “Nothing. Come on let’s go before we’re late.”



  All I can think of is getting off this
motorcycle and seeing my, Tabby Cat. As I round the corner into her complex, I notice her immediately swaying her hips and a smile plastered across her face.

  The guy, Cory is a little ways ahead of her shaking his head. I pull over to a section that’s tucked out of the way and watch. She’s halted her footsteps as she looks around. It’s almost as if she can sense me being here, but I know she doesn’t have a clue on what my bike looks like.

  Feeling as a stalker in the night, I keep my helmet on as I watch her slide into his vehicle. She looks radiate tonight, and different. I can’t see her clearly, but I see enough to notice a difference.

  I watch as they pull out onto the street, allowing me to slide out behind them. Slowing my speed down to go unnoticed, we pull up in front of a banquet hall.

  The valet comes and collects Tabitha, as the douche follows on her footsteps. As I watch him place his hand on her lower back, it sends flames throughout my body. Knowing I have no control over who touches her, it still causes me to want to throw a punch through a wall; or his face.

  Last I knew they were friends, but Jack’s call and the way they look tonight, causes me to think differently.

  Parking my bike, I mosey my way up to the entrance. No one’s paying attention and I haven’t the slightest clue to what I’m about to walk into.

  Glancing around the huge marble hallway, I notice a giant banner in front of the brass doors. “Children’s Miracle Network Ball and Silent Auction”.

  My attire is something Bethany would be completely embarrassed by, but in this moment I don’t give a flip. I have to see this through and find out if something is really going on between Cory and Tabitha.

  Wandering around, I finally find the wait staff section. I tuck myself into the room and watch through a tiny window.

  Tabitha glides around with ease, smiling as she interacts with everyone she comes into contact with. Cory stands tall next to her and jumps in when she looks over towards him. The distance between them shows this is a friendship, but the look on his face shows more.

  A tall older red-headed woman approaches them in a group of others. I know immediately that this is Tabitha’s mother. They are a spitting image of each other, except she’s taller. With a quick embrace, she motions for them to follow her to a table.

  Craning my neck for a better view, I jump back as a tap hits my shoulder. “Excuse me, but you can’t be in here, sir.”

  As I turn around, the girl in front of me looks to be barely eighteen. “Sorry but I… Well see here it’s a funny story, I’m trying to figure out if this girl I like is dating someone.”

  I notice I’m not winning this and need to step up my game before I’m escorted off the premises. I reach into my back pocket and pull out my wallet.

  Pulling out a hundred dollar bill, I wave it around and start to say, “This can be yours, if you help me?”

  With a peek of her name tag, I wait for Erin to answer.

  She snatches it out of my hand, “Follow me.”

  We step into a closet full of uniforms and I watch as, Erin tosses me a white uniform. “Put this on and then you can help me. Just try to not get us both fired, okay.”

  “Promise,” I answer while looking at the uniform and shake my head. I know as soon as I step out onto that floor she will notice me. With about fifteen minutes to spare, I need to come up with a better plan.

  Chapter Twenty Seven


  Mom has outdone herself again. Every year she hosts this wonderful event, and I attend with bells on. I’m thankful that Cory is by my side. I’ve met so many of these benefactors, but they aren’t comfortable to talk with.

  I smile, nod, and make small talk, until Cory motions for us to move along in another direction. This evening has been different, I feel as if I’m being watched.

  As dinner is being served, something or I should say someone catches my eye. With a cock of my head, I look over to the other table and gasp loudly.

  “You okay, Firecracker. You look a little pale?” Cory whispers, down into my ear.

  “Ugh… I’m fine.”

  “Can’t lie to me. What’s the matter?”

  With a motion of my eyes towards to next table, I watch wide-eyed as Cory realizes what’s wrong. “Is that who I think it is?”

  I don’t speak. All I can manage is to nod my head up and down in confirmation.

  “Would you like me to deal with it?”

  “No. Excuse me I need to find the powder room,” I say, as I place my napkin back on top of the table and slide my chair out. Standing, I motion with a jerk of my head for Carter to follow me.

  Pretty sure I have steam billowing out from my ears. I’m livid and excited all in one. No, confused as to why he is here serving dinner to a crowd of doctors.

  Once I’m out in the small hallway, I pace and wait.

  I hear the click of the brass doors open and look to see who’s coming.

  Not even waiting for Carter to approach I start in at him, “What the hell are you doing here and what are you wearing?” I let out, while I pace and wave my hands around at him.

  “It was wait on the tables or get kicked out,” he explains, as if it’s no big deal to be in my town crashing my mother’s party.

  With a deadpanned look, “Really? You need a night-time job or something? Cause the last time I checked you live in another state and own your own company. I don’t remember hearing waiter on that resume,” I spit out, sarcastically.

  I suck in the air around me as he takes up my space.

  “You know what? You’re cute when you are mad. Your nose twitches and your eyes light up.”

  “Don’t smooth talk me, Mr. Northwood. I won’t ask again, why are you here?”

  “That’s simple, for you,” he states, as he reaches up and tucks a loose strand of my hair behind my ears. “I like the color, makes your eyes pop even more than before. It’s those eyes that I dream about each night and can’t get out of my mind.”

  All I can do is blink up at him. I have no response to that, nothing. What do you say to someone who just made your heart stop beating and sucked all the air out of your lungs?

  “Look, I know you haven’t a clue on what to say. How about this, I’ll be waiting for you to arrive home this evening, okay?”

  “Okay,” I say, and watch as he turns away, leaving me standing here alone and confused.

  “What the hell just happened?” I ask, the air around me.

  He’s turned the corner and vanished in thin air.

  I’m going to start calling him, Batman.

  He rides in and in a blink of an eye, he’s gone.



  I tried to hide, but Erin kept giving me tray after tray. This definitely wasn’t the smartest plan. Knowing that once I stepped out onto the floor, Tabitha would notice me right away.

  Ten minutes is all it took. I watched as she stood and motioned me to follow.

  The tray’s empty and I hand it off to my partner in crime. As I approach the doors, I hear him behind me.


  I stop and turn around, “Hey,” I respond back.

  “What do you think you’re doing, man? Cory ask.

  No better time to be honest then right now, “The hell if I know.” Cory must be taken back from my directness, it earns me a what the hell kind of look.

  “We need to have a talk before you step out into that hallway. You can either listen to what I have to say or you can turn around and leave the way you entered.”

  Might as well hear what the guy has to say. I cross my hands over my chest before I gesture him along. I know she’s waiting and not patient.

  “Look, I don’t know what’s going on between the two of you. But I can tell you this. She likes you and if you take advantage of that fact, you’ll deal with me. I’ll tell it straight up, I love Tabitha and would do anything to protect her. You get what I’m saying?”

  I get what he’s saying, but I don’t like that he lo
ves her.

  “I understand and appreciate the fact you’re trying to protect her. Just know this, I plan to make her mine and happy.”

  “She’s been through some shit, don’t break her heart. You stay true to what you’re saying, you’ll win her heart if you haven’t already.”

  “I’ll protect it with everything in me.”

  Cory gave me a quick glance and gestures for me to leave.

  A part of me feels pleased that she has people in her life that will fight tooth and nail to protect her. I don’t remember the last time I had that, but I hope in time she will fight for me.

  I know in this moment in time, I have to do everything in my power to never let the lies touch one inch of her beautiful skin.

  She’ll never know what it feels like to be used. I just pray I never have to explain my secrets to her.

  As I walk towards her, I know all the way to the soles of my feet that she was made for me. Tabitha is the one that I’ve been waiting for. She holds the key to my happiness, I just need to steal the lock and hand it over.

  Sounds simple enough, but in reality it’s a complete fucking disaster.

  Chapter Twenty Eight


  Confused still, I make my way back to our table. I notice that Cory is off talking with who I recognize to be, Meredith. She’s the daughter to one of my mother’s colleagues. Cute, blonde and from what I remember she’s pretty feisty.

  Laughing, I feel my father sit next to me. “What has you all happy tonight, dear?”

  I look over towards them standing near the bar and then back to my father. “Oh, are we playing matchmaker?”

  “No, just enjoying his smile. If the cards fall right for them, then of course I might pull out my cupid bow and arrow,” I say, and let a smile plaster my face.

  “I saw you quickly escape and a gentlemen follow, care to explain or does sweet ole dad need to mind his business.”

  “Nothing to explain, Dad,” I say, as I rest my hand on his shoulder for assurance.


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