Unexpected Chances

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Unexpected Chances Page 14

by A. M. Willard

  “Care to take a spin with your old man. I know you’ll find a way to escape soon enough.”

  “Always,” I say, as I stand and hold out my hand for him to take me for a spin around the floor.

  As we share a slow dance, I look over and see Cory watching. He dishes out a quick nod and glance to his watch. We’re on the same path as always.

  Resting my head down on my dad’s shoulder, I relax into him and enjoy this moment. I don’t spend as much time with them as I should, so when I do I take it all in.

  “I’m not sure if I told you, but you look gorgeous tonight. If I wasn’t already a happily married man, I’d sweep you off your feet.”

  “Good thing you’re, married,” I hear my mother say behind us. “Tabitha, care if I finish this dance off with my better half?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I think we’re fixing to spilt on out anyway. That okay?”

  “Of course, dear. Thank you for coming as always. Give my love and thanks to Cory.”

  “I will,” I respond, as I quickly give a kiss to them both.

  Butterflies are rolling around like Thunder Bay. The anticipation to what awaits me causes me to skip towards Cory.

  “Someone’s in a hurry,” Cory states, as we grab our things.

  “Maybe,” I say, as I shrug my shoulders.

  “Is he waiting for you outside or at home?”

  “Home,” I whisper, almost embarrassed to tell Cory this.

  “Well come on Cinderella, let’s get you home before you turn into a pumpkin.”

  With a quick slap to his shoulder, “I could never turn into a pumpkin. Have you seen me? Orange is so not my color,” I playfully say.

  “Orange is not your color. I will agree with you on that one.”

  We ride in that awkward silence all the way home. As Cory pulls into the empty spot next to my car, I spot Carter resting on his bike.

  I suck in all the breath that surrounds me.

  Carter is stretched out on the seat of his motorcycle backwards. His back is resting upon the tank. Leather jacket, and his solid black helmet is resting on his lap.

  In the dark night with the glow of the street lamp, he looks more handsome than I’d realized.

  I don’t move as I notice him slide off the bike and over to the car.

  Cory clears his throat, “Go on and be safe, Firecracker. I’m passing the torch over to this one. Just know if he hurts you, I might kill him.”

  Shocked and fighting tears back, I lean over and place a gentle kiss on his cheek and whisper “Thanks for always being you and loving me.”

  “Anytime. Now go, before he breaks into my car.”

  I look out and notice his hands are clenched into a fist. With a quick snatch of my purse, I open the door to step out. Just as I set one leg on the ground, a hand reaches out to help me up.

  “Evening,” Carter growls out at me.

  “Thank you.”

  “Come on, let’s get you inside.”

  I don’t respond as I allow myself to follow behind, Carter towards my door.

  Stopping, I look back and watch Cory pull out of the parking spot. A part of me feels torn between the two people in my life that I have right here.

  But then, I know I need to trust and follow my heart. Which is currently telling me to take a leap and open my door.

  Just as the door clicks behind us, I freeze and look around. I wasn’t expecting anyone other than Cory this evening. I have a mess in the living room, I know that clothes and shoes are spread out all over my bedroom.

  Wait, does he expect to see my bedroom? Who am I kidding, I’ve been dreaming of waking up in his arms from the very first day. Doesn’t mean I have to sleep with him. I chastise myself mentally as I think this.

  “Cat got your tongue, pretty girl?”

  “No. Oh where’s your bags and stuff? Are you staying here? What are your intentions?” I ramble out as fast as I let it process through my head.

  He holds up a bag in front of me that I didn’t notice before and continues, “If it’s okay with you, I’d like to stay here tonight. I can sleep on the sofa or find a room at a hotel. As far as my plans, I don’t have any. I just hopped on the bike and drove. This is where I ended up.”

  Yes, Carter Northwood causes my knees to buckle. I know now that I’m way over my head without a life jacket.



  Once I left the banquet hall, I drove straight to her place. Without the slightest idea of how long it would take for her to show up tonight, or if she would. I know what she said, but still I’ll believe it once I see her for myself tonight.

  As I wait, I pull out my phone to check message. Kelly sent a text this evening stating that Bethany was on a war path, something along the lines that she had to speak with me urgently. I’m sure that she found a hair out place and is freaking out.

  Scrolling down through some emails, I notice one from my lawyer, Richard.


  I’ve found a loophole in the paperwork you dropped off and I’m looking into it more as I type this to you.

  Just know that this will cause a shit storm when it’s released, but in the end it should be worth the clean-up.

  Once I know more, we will need to meet in person. This isn’t something that needs to be traced back through emails. As you can tell, I have a feeling everything we are doing is being watched and tracked.

  Keep your head on and walk a straight line from here on out.


  Shit, I think to myself. Here I am, waiting for the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, and I’m being told to walk a straight line.

  What do I do?

  Leave and only return when the coast is clear?

  Or suck it up and have tonight with her.

  Have this moment to share?

  Of course I choose this, I’ll always chose her for some reason.

  All I need from Tabitha is what she offers. I strive to see the smile on her face, and that fire in her eyes.

  It’s what causes me to wake every day now.

  I can’t wait until the day comes that I can claim her as mine. Mark every inch of her skin, so she’ll understand that she belongs to me.

  All I want to do tonight is crawl next to her, and feel her body up against mine. Then wake in the morning to her green eyes.

  That to me will be heaven.

  Call me a sap or whatever. If anyone understood how lonely I feel on a daily basis, they would get my reasons.

  So for now, I wait for what shoe will drop first. I’ll need to find a way around Tabitha not finding out about my life back in Seattle. If I can make her fall in love with me, as I have her, we can survive this.

  Chapter Twenty Nine:


  I’ve shown Carter around quickly, and head off towards my room. As I told him goodnight, he placed a gentle kiss on top of my head.

  My backs up against the door, hearts racing a mile a minute, and everything in me tells me to go to him. I don’t understand this pull that I have with, Carter. I’ve never experienced this before, and I’m scared shitless of what will happen. I’ve told myself that I’ll learn to trust and open up my heart, but then I have this feeling that something is off.

  As I throw all my clothes into my closet and shove the door close, I know what I need to do.

  Changed into my boy shorts and matching purple top pajamas, I head out towards the guest room.

  Knock, knock

  I wait for a little bit, sucking in my breath as Carter opens the door.

  “You, okay?”

  “Yeah… I… I was wondering if I could sleep in here tonight. No funny business, just sleep and maybe talk?” I ask, after I pull it together. Standing here looking at, Carter in his black basketball shorts that hang off his hips, bare chest and that V. I literally can’t think straight, I’m pretty sure I licked my lips which caused my cheeks to blush.

  “Come on in,” Carter says, as he opens the door wider for m
e to enter. I don’t say anything as I make my way over to the bed and pull the covers back.

  “Wrong side. That’s the side I sleep on.”

  “What? It’s my guest room, and I like this side of the bed.”

  “Tonight, this is my room and you will sleep on the left side.”

  I straighten my shoulders more and glare at him, “Are you serious?”

  “Dead serious. Now get your ass on your side and let’s talk.”

  Not even bothering to walk around, I jump up onto the mattress and crawl to what he thinks is my side of the bed. Pulling the sheets down, I slide underneath then and shoot Carter a death glare.

  “You get worked up, easy? Don’t you?”

  “No.” I say as I pout.

  “You do and I find it very sexy.” Carter states as he climbs into the bed.

  He pulls me into his side and I sink into him. My body fits his perfectly, almost as if he was made for me to do this. I’ve always cuddled with Cory and I’ve never felt this comfortable.

  Carter must realizes this, “You feel good next to me,” he states, as he runs his fingers up and down my arm.


  “Yeah, Tabby Cat.”

  I look up at him, “I’ll ask about the nickname later, but for now I need to know what we are doing?”

  “I haven’t the slightest idea what we are doing.”

  “That makes two of us,” I muddle into his chest.

  Throwing my leg over his, I bury myself a little closer into him. He feels like home. My eyes are heavy but I’m afraid to close them. I’m petrified that when I wake in the morning, he’ll be gone. Carter might slip out as I did when I was back in Seattle. I just pray that’s not the case.

  “Careful, pretty girl. I’m using all my control to not mark you as mine.”

  “Would it be that bad?” I ask.

  “Yes. It would be. I told you before that we have to take it slow, and I meant it. I promise you as soon as I can make you mine, you will know it. I won’t be able to wait another minute. Mark my word, it will be worth the wait.”

  “I’ll hold you to that promise.”

  “Let’s get some sleep and see how we feel in the morning. I might have to head back tomorrow.”

  “You just got here. How is it you drove all the way here and have to leave so soon?” I ask since I’m confused why he would go to the extremes that he has for a night in my bed with me.

  “It’s complicated and I do have a company to run.”

  “Life is complicated, Carter. Just live in today and not worry with what will happen tomorrow. As for your company, you need to stop uprooting and work. We can talk and skype then figure this out. I’m not sure if I’m able to do a long distance relationship, just yet. I don’t trust you completely and you terrify me.”

  Silence has engulfed the tiny room as neither of us know what to say next.

  “I’ll earn your trust, Tabitha. I just need to find out some thing’s on my own, before I go the extra step.”

  I don’t respond to his statement, I only nod my head into his body. My mind’s racing with possibilities and then the unknown.

  The last thing I remember before I drifted off, was the circles being drawn on my arm.



  I’m not sure how long I’ve been laying here listening to Tabitha sleep. She has a soft snore that I’m sure she’d be embarrassed by if I told her. It makes me laugh on the inside every time she does it.

  I think back to all the different encounters that we’ve had so far. I’ve witnessed so many sides of her, but the one that she guards, is the one I’m in dire need to experience. I want her to open up to me, even though I have no right to ask.

  What I’m hiding, I know now will destroy her, and any chance of a future together.

  Tonight will be the last night that I show up in her life. Tomorrow I’ll explain that I’m busy and leave. She deserves better than what I have to offer. I refuse to bring her down with me.

  Once I know it’s safe, I’ll try to make her understand why I left and the reason behind my actions. If she ever finds out before I can explain, I don’t know what I’ll do. Pretty sure it will have a lot of begging and pleading involved.

  She has a tight knit group of people around her. They will protect her in the end and keep her safe.

  For now, I’ll enjoy every second I have.

  Chapter Thirty:


  Stretching, I’m pulled back into a hard chest. I fling my eyes open and look around as I almost forgot where I was. As I think back to last night, I mentally slap myself for crawling into bed with, Carter.

  “Umm. Go back to sleep,” Carter grumbles in a low growl.

  “It’s time to get up, Carter.”

  “Let me hold you a little longer,” he says, as he scoots a little closer to me.

  “Is that your morning wood hitting me in the back?” I laugh.

  “No. Just ignore it and go back to sleep, I am.”

  I shift in his hold and turn to face him, only to find the most gorgeous pair of blue eyes looking back at me. It takes my breath away and before he has a chance to talk, I lean over and kiss him.

  Placing my hand on his cheek, I hold him in place and run my tongue along the seam of his lips to entice him to open to me. Carter moans as if he’s giving into me, and I delve my tongue into his mouth to dance with his.

  His grip on my hip flexes and tightens as he kisses me back, “Tabby, we can’t,” he says, pulling away from me.

  I’m not taking no for an answer though and follow him by straddling him. I grind myself against his hard cock and kiss his neck.

  “Tabitha, this isn’t right.”

  “What’s not right is the fact you’re still talking.” I kiss him until were both breathless. All of a sudden he flips us so he’s on top, and grinds himself against me.

  “You don’t know how much I’d love to claim you right now. Rip your clothes and underwear off and bury myself inside you, but I can’t.”

  “You’re right you can’t. I’m not wearing underwear.” I state.

  “Christ, Tabby you trying to kill me?”

  “I want you, Carter. I can’t deny it anymore.”

  He kisses me hard and I wrap my legs around his waist.

  “You don’t know what those words mean to me, but I can’t give you what you want. What I can give you is an orgasm so good, you’ll not be able to think about anything else.”

  I unwrap my legs and he kisses my neck as he makes his way downwards. Grabbing the hem of my boy shorts, he pulls them off slowly. I watch as he lowers his head and gently nips my inner thigh. I gasp and he smiles wickedly up at me.

  Carter pushes my legs wider as he slowly moves down, leaving a trail of kisses behind. The anticipation of what’s to come next almost has me coming unglued. It’s been so long since I’ve had as intimate moment as this one.

  “Relax,” Carter says, as he feel my body stiffen.

  I close my eyes and just let the feeling takeover; the feel of him touching me will be enough to give me an orgasm.

  Carter runs a finger through my folds, causing me to gasp from being under his touch. I’m lost until I’m brought back to what’s going on by a quick lick of his tongue against my clit.

  He’s not stopping and I can feel the buildup deep within my core. My fists tighten into the sheets next to me as I buck my hips upwards. I gasp as I feel his fingers enter me deep as he continues to lick and nibble me.

  “Carter!” I pant out, only causing him to move faster. He’s not responding to me and I’m about to lose control.

  I grip his hair as I move my hips in the same motion with him. It’s beat for beat between us.

  “Carter… I’m almost there,” I scream out.

  “Let go,” I hear him mumble.

  “Oh… God… Carter… Please, don’t stop,” I scream, as I fist the sheet and his hair at the same time.

  I collapse back onto the bed
as I come down from my orgasm. My body is trembling and Carter is sending shivers throughout my body now as he kisses his way up to me.

  “Give me a moment and I’ll take care of you,” I say, holding up my hand towards him.

  “I don’t think so, pretty girl. I didn’t do that for you to return the favor. I did that because I needed to taste you before I leave. Just know this, after having that little taste, I need more and I plan to have more very soon,” he says, as he gets up from the bed.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Shower and then I need to make a few arrangements.”

  I lay here for a little while longer, taking everything in from this morning.

  I’m screwed.

  All I can think about is Carter Northwood, coming back to bed with me and letting me have my way with him.

  I’ve never been huge on going down on a man, but after that I have to taste him.

  Screw that, I need to feel him within me.

  He keeps telling me that he will claim me one day, why can’t today be that day?



  As I glance back towards Tabitha spread out on the bed, it’s a sight that I’m memorizing into my brain. Not knowing when I’ll get to see her like this again, I damn well better make sure I don’t forget what she looks like.

  Shutting the door behind me, I brace myself on the counter and stare up into the mirror. I lost control this morning and went too far. Tabitha has no idea how hard it was for me to not take her right then and there.

  I push off and turn the water on, I’m hard and not even sure if I can take care of it. The only person it wants, is her; my fiery, red-headed girl.

  Stepping into the shower, I let the hot water run down my body. It’s a little too hot, but I welcome it. As I brace myself with both hands on the cool tile in front of me, I look down and beg for my arousal to go down. I can’t walk back out into the room with it.

  I close my eyes and picture Tabitha spread out before me. It’s something I’ll never forget especially as I chose this moment to remember. I soap up my hand, and lather up my cock.

  It’s so hard that it hurts. As I stroke it faster, my grip tightens as I imagine what it would feel like to be buried deep within her. I’m close to release and throw my head back and brace myself onto the other wall.


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