Single Wide Female in Love Complete Bundle: Books 1-4

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Single Wide Female in Love Complete Bundle: Books 1-4 Page 32

by Blake, Lillianna

  “I try.” He rubbed the curve of my knee. “I’m glad you’re having a good time.”

  “A good time? No. The greatest time of my life? Yes.” I grinned.

  As we drove through a small town, it was easy to see that it was set up for tourists. There were brightly colored shops and a large selection of restaurants. But in between the flashy buildings, I could see little patches of the true island life.

  There were small cottages with chicken-wire fences. Some had goats roaming through the yards along with chickens. I smiled to myself as I saw a few little boys, shirtless and shoeless, that chased each other around. I loved getting this visual of what life was really like on the island. Although I had been enjoying the luxury of the beach-side hotels, real travel to me meant seeing different ways of life—not just different versions of the same hotel room.

  Chapter 11

  The cab pulled into a small parking lot. In front of us was a white modular building.

  “Here you are.”

  “This is it?” Max eyed the driver. “Are you sure?”

  “This is what you see.” The driver held up a brochure that showed a towering hotel. “This is what you get.” He gestured to the small building.

  “No, this isn’t right. This can’t be right. Sammy, I swear this is not what I reserved.”

  “Max, don’t worry about it, I’m sure we can make do. Let’s just check it out.”

  Max frowned. He jerked open the door of the cab. “Wait here, let me see what’s going on.” Max stormed up to the small building.

  I gave him a minute and then followed after him. I waved to the driver to let him know it was safe to leave.

  When I opened the door, Max turned to look at me. “I asked you to wait in the—” He stared out the window at the cab as it drove off. “Sammy?”

  “Don’t worry, Max, whatever it is, we can work it out.” I smiled at the sleepy man behind the counter, who said:

  “We’re the only place on the island with vacancies.”

  “Well, I guess we’re staying here then.”

  “Number three.” The man slid a key across the counter to us.

  “What about the gazebo?” Max frowned at the man.

  “Don’t worry, it’s all set.” He winked back at Max.

  “Alright, let’s check it out.”

  “Don’t let it get to you, Max, I’m sure it’s better than you expect.”

  Max slipped his hand into mine. “Please tell me that you have a good feeling about this.”

  “I have a feeling that we can make it good.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  We rounded the corner of the white building and saw six smaller buildings.

  “This was not what was in the brochure, not at all.” Max groaned.

  “Don’t worry about the brochure. This is where we are right now. Let’s make the best of it.”

  “Well, since we no longer have a cab—”

  “Max.” I squeezed his hand. “Positive thoughts, my love, positive thoughts.”

  “I positively think this is not what was in the brochure.”

  We walked up to the bungalow that matched our key.

  “See, it’s not so bad, is it?”

  “Well, it’s no yurt, but it will have to do.” He unlocked the door and swung it open.

  I started to step inside, but he swept his arms around me before I could.

  “Max! Put me down!”

  “No way, I’m going to do this every chance I get.”

  Max didn’t put me down until he reached the bed. The bungalow was a studio with a bathroom and a small kitchen. The bed was small but cozy.

  “Oh, this is nice. I think you need to test it out.” I tugged hard on his hand and pulled him down on the bed beside me.

  “Oh, this is nice, you’re right.” Max nestled his head against my stomach. “Cozy and warm.”

  “Stop it.” I laughed.

  “What? You said to test it out.” He grinned and kissed the curve of my neck. “We have the place for two days, how about we don’t leave this bed?”

  “Hm. As tempting as that sounds, I’m pretty sure that lovely sound and scent drifting through the window is the beach calling my name.”

  “Oh, fine.” He sighed. “If we must leave, I suppose I’ll allow it—on the condition that you skinny-dip with me.”

  “Nope, not doing that.”

  “What? Sammy, remember—adventure?”

  “Adventure does not include getting sand in unmentionable places, trust me.”

  “Okay.” He laughed. Then he sat up in the bed. “Wait a minute, are you speaking from experience?”

  “Never mind, Max. I’ll get changed.” I hopped up out of the bed and rushed for my suitcase and the bathroom.

  “Wait a minute, I want to know how you got sand in unmentionable places.” Max tried to follow me but I closed the bathroom door before he could catch up.

  “One day I might just tell you, Max…one day.”

  The warmth of the sun danced across my skin, but it was nothing compared to the warmth of Max’s touch. As we left the bungalow behind, he glanced over at me.

  “Okay, you were right, this is better than I expected.”

  “How can it not be when we’re together?”

  “Good point.”

  We stepped off the wooden walkway and onto the sand that lined the shore.

  “Max, look at the sand!” I tightened my grasp on his hand.

  “It’s amazing, isn’t it?” He kicked his toes through the sand, which was a color that I’d never seen before—it had almost a pinkish hue to it.

  “Wow.” I shook my head. “Another thing that I can say is a total surprise.”

  “How about wine under the stars?” Max gestured to a small gazebo on the beach. “It’s ours for a few hours.”


  Chapter 12

  As Max led me into the gazebo my heart lurched. I didn’t intend for it to. It just happened. The magic of the water, the sand, the clear blue sky, and the warmth of his skin against mine was enough to make me feel like the luckiest woman on earth. Except, I didn’t want it to end. I wanted it to continue—and to expand.

  “Max, wouldn’t it be great if we could explore new places together?”

  Max sat down beside me in the gazebo and opened the bottle of wine that waited for us in a chilled bucket. “Sure it would.”

  “Our life could be so free. We could travel anywhere we want and explore as much as we want. What could be better than that?”

  Max was quiet. He poured us both a glass of wine, then handed one to me.

  “Is that something that you would like, Max?” I took the glass and tried to meet his eyes.

  “Who wouldn’t?” Max chuckled.

  “I’m serious, Max. We have our lives ahead of us, and we can choose how we’re going to live them. Right now, we can decide what our future will be like.”

  “Sammy, not everything can be planned.” He took a sip of his wine.

  I watched as he settled his gaze to the water, instead of on me.

  “Maybe not, but this can be. If it’s something that we really want, we can make it happen. But maybe it’s not what you want? You can tell me the truth, Max.”

  “Well, like you said, this is the beginning. Our lives are opening up before us. There’s a lot we need to sort out. But right now, this is about celebrating the present—this moment. We’ll be headed back home soon, and we can deal with all of that when we do.”

  “But, Max—”

  “Please, Sammy…” Max leaned forward and met my eyes. “You told me to relax about the hotel not being a hotel, and I did. So can you relax about this?” He reached out and took my hand. “The sun is setting, we have wine and we’re together. Isn’t that enough for just this second?”

  “Yes, it is.” I sighed and took another drink of my wine. “Why don’t we take a walk?”

  “Good idea.”

  My muscles were tight wi
th tension as we walked. I didn’t deal well with not knowing what would happen next. I had to bite into my bottom lip to keep from asking again and again, until I got a clear answer. The further we walked, the more I began to relax. The sunset eased the remainder of my tension with its colorful display. I focused on being in the moment with Max.

  When he spun me into his arms to kiss me, I was ready to let go of all control and savor the moments we shared—until I felt a pinch.


  “Hm? Teeth?” Max leaned back. “Sorry, I was swept up in the moment.”

  “No, it wasn’t you. Ouch!” I hopped up on one foot.

  “Sammy, what’s wrong?”

  I looked down at the sand. A vicious-looking crab was poised to strike my ankle again.

  “Ah!” I pulled away from Max. “It’s out to get me!”

  “Just stay still. It will move past you.”

  “No way! That thing’s after me!” I turned and started to run away from the crab. The crab scuttled right after me.

  “Sammy, stay still!” Max chased after us both.

  I splashed into the water. I thought maybe the crab wouldn’t chase after me. I was wrong. It splashed right into the water. Max followed after.

  “Get away, beast!” I kicked my feet in the water to scare the crab off. Max plucked me right up out of the water.

  “Don’t worry, he’ll end up on our plate one day.”

  I laughed and slung my arms around his neck. I knew in that moment that even if Max decided not to quit his job, our life would be just as adventurous and wonderful.

  Early the next morning I plopped down hard on the bed next to Max. He muttered in his sleep. I tickled the tip of his nose with my fingertip.

  “Mm, stop.” He swung his hand in the air and sighed.

  “Max, guess what!”

  Max rolled over in the bed and opened one eye to look at me. “No.”

  “What do you mean no?”

  “You asked me to guess what, and I said no.” He yawned.

  “I know that, but why not?”

  “Because I want to sleep. Preferably, I want to sleep curled around your beautiful naked body. So why are you out of bed and dressed?” He sighed.

  “As tempting as that sounds, I just spotted something amazing on the beach.”

  “Really?” He opened both eyes. “What?”

  “You’re not even going to guess?”

  “Alright, fine. There’s an army of crabs waiting to attack you?”

  “There’s a yoga class.” I smiled. “If we hurry, we can catch it.”

  “Yoga is not really my thing.” He nestled back down in the blankets. “Let me know how it goes.”

  “Max!” I put my hands on my hips, partially because I knew that I looked great in my yoga pants. “I want you up and out of that bed.”

  “Why?” He moaned and buried his face in his pillow.

  “I got in a helicopter for you, Max, remember?” I poked his big toe, which stuck out from under the edge of the blanket. “The least you can do is crawl out of bed and spend some time on the beach.”

  “But—but I’ve never done yoga.” He sat up. With the heel of his palm he dug into his eye. “I’m tired, Sammy.”

  “Nope. Sorry, Max, you’re not getting out of this one. Once you start doing it, you’re going to love it. Just think, if you were home with me, we could do yoga together every day.”

  “Thrilling.” He forced himself out of bed with a grunt. “Alright, alright—just give me a minute.”

  “Don’t take too long, I don’t want to miss saluting the sun.”

  “Saluting the sun?” Max groaned again. “Does that mean no sunglasses?”


  “Okay, okay!” He hopped over to the bathroom.

  I tried not to grin. Even when Max and I argued, I found him impossibly adorable.

  Chapter 13

  When Max emerged from the bathroom he looked a little more awake.

  “Let’s go.” He slung an arm around my shoulders. “But I’m not going to call anyone guru.”

  “Why would you call anyone guru? You watch too much television.”

  “I watch too much television? Don’t think I don’t know about those late night TV binges. Who’s your TV boyfriend right now?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Only you, baby, only you.” I did my best not to blush.

  “Uh-huh—me and that detective that runs around in a kilt.”

  “Well, yes, him too.” I smiled.

  “I’ll be right out. Don’t worry, no kilts in here.”

  I laughed as he closed the door. I loved that Max and I could still banter the way we did when we were just best friends. A part of me had been afraid that when we got married I’d disappear into the “wife” role and lose that position of best friend. So far that hadn’t been the case.

  The group on the beach had everything set up when Max and I arrived. It was clear that this was not their first routine together.

  “Good morning.” I smiled at the yoga instructor.

  “Good morning. Welcome. Please take any mat you like and find a space that resonates with you.”

  Max arched an eyebrow in my direction. I pointed to the pile of mats. “What color would you like?”

  “Uh, yellow, I guess.”

  I grabbed him a mat and chose my own.

  As we walked to an open area on the sand, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from it. The pink shade fascinated me. “I didn’t know sand could be this color.”

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Max situated his mat next to mine.

  “Oh, you might want to leave a little more space. I have a bad habit of losing my balance when I do yoga.”

  “Alright.” Max slid his mat over.

  “Now, Max, just take it easy. A lot of these people aren’t beginners, so they may do more difficult positions or hold the pose for longer. It’s not a competition.”

  He smiled. “You say that like I might feel the need to compete. I’m sure it can’t be that hard.”

  I looked at him for a moment. I was well aware that Max could be very competitive. “Just remember what I said and don’t push yourself too hard.”

  “I hear you, I hear you.” Max nodded.

  The instructor began to go through the first movement.

  I knew the movement well, so I watched Max to see if he would need any help.

  His brows seemed to knit with confusion. He tried to position his foot correctly, but he had it in the wrong spot.

  “Just move it over here.” I pointed to the right spot on his mat.

  “I know, I’m just stretching.” Max grunted his words.

  I eased into position, then glanced over at Max. He was about halfway into the movement. I could see that his right leg was trembling with the strain of the position.

  “Just relax, Max. Only stretch as far as what’s comfortable.”

  “It’s okay, I’m fine.” Max gritted his teeth.

  I tried to focus on the teacher. We changed positions.

  Max ended up with his back to a group of about six women.

  “Now, raise your arms—slowly, slowly. Now bend them back over your head—slowly, slowly.”

  “Is that even physically possible?” Max sounded out of breath. Beads of sweat lined his forehead.

  “Are you okay?”

  Before Max could answer, he started to sway.

  I tried to move in time to catch him, but my own muscles burned from the stretch, as I was a little out of practice. Before I could reach him, he fell backwards, right into the group of women behind him.

  One by one, they all tumbled—like dominoes—until there was one big pile of yoga students on the mats.

  “I’m so sorry!” Max jumped up. He turned to offer his hand to the women he’d knocked over.

  I tried not to laugh. For once it wasn’t my clumsiness that had interrupted the class. I held back my amusement and helped the others back to their feet as well.

  “Sammy, I can’t do this. I’m sorry.” Max shook his head.

  “Max, everyone has mishaps when they start out. I know I did. Don’t let it stop you.” I took his hand and guided him back onto the yoga mat. “Just get centered. Stay in the moment, right?”

  “Right.” He sighed and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

  “Alright, everyone, let’s move through some breathing exercises.” The instructor looked right at Max. “Sometimes focusing on breath can bring everything else in our body into alignment.”

  Max frowned and glanced over at me.

  I tried not to smile. It wasn’t that I took pleasure in Max’s embarrassment; I was just relieved that for once it wasn’t me. I reached out and took his hand in mine. When he met my eyes, I smiled.

  “You’re doing great.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t think there’s anything great about what I’ve done.”

  “It’s the effort and the experience that counts, Max. Try to breathe. It will help you to relax. This is how you get naked—without taking your clothes off.”

  “Wouldn’t taking my clothes off be a lot easier?” He sighed.

  The instructor shushed him.

  I tried not to giggle while I focused on my breath. I drew it slowly in and out. I recognized that I’d lost that sense of living in the moment. I wanted to structure what came next, instead of accepting it. I released my desire to control and felt my body ease deeper into a state of relaxation.

  “Wonderful, everyone, wonderful. Now open your eyes and look out at that wide-open ocean. Allow your heart and mind to be just as wide and open. There truly are no limits.”

  Chapter 14

  As the class broke apart Max looked over at me with a quirked brow.

  “You do this all the time?”

  “Not as much as I should.” I handed the mats back to the instructor. “This was a good reminder that I need to get back into the routine.”

  “Wow, Sammy. I have to admit I didn’t know how hard this was. I thought it was just a bunch of twisting and breathing. I’m worn out.”

  “I’m glad you did it with me.”

  We started to walk back toward the bungalow.

  “Excuse me, excuse me!”

  I turned to find a woman walking up behind us. She was about the size I was when I first started my journey, with bright green eyes and thick red hair. I couldn’t help but notice how pretty she was.


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