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Page 9

by Bonnie Burrows

  “I trust my cock meets with your pleasure,” said Tynan.

  “It will,” Sierra grinned, and kissed him hard for emphasis.

  In a moment they hurled themselves onto the bed.

  They rolled about at first, kissing deeply, Tynan feeding her his tongue. Sierra kept her hands on his erect prize and his firm buttocks where she wanted them. Tynan returned the favor, continuing to grope her bottom. At last Sierra shifted onto her back and gave Tynan’s man-staff a tender but insistent tug, moving it towards her wet and waiting sex.

  “Now,” she said.

  His face hovering over hers, he narrowed his eyes. “Now?” he asked.

  Tugging at his hard-on again, she insisted: “Now.”

  “Fuck…,” he purred.

  “Exactly,” said Sierra, and moved his bluntness to her wetness. Needing no further prompting, Tynan did the rest. He slipped his two dozen centimeters all the way into her and felt her entire body exulting at his entrance. He returned the feeling, bearing down on her, pressing his crotch against hers, reaching for her womb with the pulsing length of his tool, giving out a long and exuberant groan at their bodies joining.

  He made a moan that was almost a shout at what she did next. Sierra’s warm, wet channel tightened around his pole like a snake constricting, then loosened, then tightened, repeating rhythmically. Tynan, besieged with waves of pleasure, gasped and moaned at what was happening to his member.

  “Uuuhhh…!” he gasped, breathing hotly and heavily in her face. “You’re…squeezing my cock! Bane and damn, that’s good!”

  She pressed up against him, taking full charge of the moment. Through teeth clenched with mad delight, Sierra said, “Hump me. Do it. Hump me…” And she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him down into a ferocious kiss.

  Dizzy from her squeezing him down there and kissing him with such fire, Tynan marshaled his senses and proceeded to screw Sierra with every bit of the passion that she was pouring into him. He humped her with steady beats, hard enough to give her pleasure as good as he was getting, but smooth enough to savor the contractions of her channel around his thick and lengthy prong. He groaned drunkenly on top of her, awash in the amazing ecstasy that they shared. “You’re unbelievable,” he groaned while sucking at her lips. “Wet…squeezing me…so wet…mmm…uuuhhh…”

  “Don’t stop,” she whimpered, sucking his lips in return. “Give it to me…all of it…” She melted into incoherent moans, continuing to tighten and release around his thrusting erection. Tynan buried his head in the dark hair falling over her shoulder and kissed and nipped at her neck, sending sparks of increased pleasure into her, while thrusting hard and deep into her. The delight of what they were doing to each other seemed beyond what either of them could bear, but still they wanted more, and Tynan pumped on, screwing away with abandon.

  The pleasure of it became such that Tynan could no longer pump inside Sierra so deliberately. Her squeezing his long and massive rod had charged him up with energy and he was ready to release it. Supporting himself on his elbows, he began to pump faster, harder, making Sierra wail with the impacts of his crotch against her and the sheer force of his huge wood ramming in and out of her.

  She grasped his shoulders and squeezed at them with the same urgent rhythm with which she had squeezed his shaft inside her, making Tynan grunt lustily and pound himself inside her wetness ever harder, ever faster, until he grunted out loudly, “I’m coming! I’m coming! UUUHHH! AAAHHH!”

  His orgasm erupted through his body, and a jet of cream erupted from his driveshaft, a titanic surge of wetness that roared and poured into Sierra’s womb. Huffing and puffing like the Big Bad Wolf in an old fairy tale, he pumped his load deep into her, filling her up with it as he had filled her up with ecstasy.

  Eventually his muscles grew slack and he put himself down on top of her to rest for a moment. Sierra wrapped her legs around him, keeping him in her grasp even as his softened but still large tool slipped from her opening which now trickled with his seed. “Oh, you are good,” she sighed. “You are so good.”

  Slowly, Tynan recovered, sensing that she had not quite reached her own finish. He reared back up and kissed her again, then licked his way down her body, lingering with the tip of his tongue at her hardened nipples and swirling them around each one, traveling to her sex from which his milkiness oozed.

  He put his tongue to the tenderness nestled in her folds and gave it his attention. Jolts of renewed pleasure raced through Sierra’s body. She cooed and whimpered and shuddered all over with the flicks and licks of his tongue on the place where it did her the most good at the moment. After long and luscious minutes, Sierra’s chimes rang. She tossed her head and cried out, “Aaahhh…YES!” And Tynan sensed the wave of ultimate pleasure rolling over her body. He kissed her bud, then her entire sex, tasting the mix of his cream and her own wetness, before climbing back up and gathering her in his arms.

  “That was outstanding,” he said breathlessly. “Damn, that was incredible. Squeezing my cock—that was…that was…” Words failed him. “If you squeeze it that way, I can imagine how you must suck it.”

  “You’ll see,” she chuckled against his chest.

  “Damn,” he said. “I’m looking forward to that. Just now, though…you practically squeezed the cream right out of me.” He pinched and played with her nipple. “You are good. You are just…unbelievably good.”

  “Men love it when I do that,” she said.

  “Well, you’ll have to do a lot more of that for me,” he replied. “Damn…”

  They lay in silence for a bit, reliving the transcendent feeling of this, their first amazing sex. Tynan played at her nipple some more and gently kneaded her buttocks. After a short time, he said, “There’s another thing I’m sure you’ve done. I think I’d like you to do it with me now.”

  “Please tell me it’s sexual,” said Sierra.

  “It is. It absolutely is,” he said, kissing the top of her head. “I know you’ve been fucked in free-fall, haven’t you?”

  She looked up from the plateau of his pecs on which she rested her head into his sexy face. “Microgravity? Of course. Sex in zero-G is great.”

  “I know a place in the city. Want to go?”

  She grinned anxiously. “Oh yes…”

  It seemed a shame to have to get up and get dressed to go out again, but they were all right knowing that soon they would be naked again—and floating.


  Elsewhere in the city was a gym that Tynan frequented. It had large rooms that were padded on walls, floor, and ceiling, for exercise and recreation of all types—including the type for which Tynan and Sierra stripped themselves naked again upon stepping into one.

  Sierra tied her hair behind her back for convenience. They put on wristbands that were connected to each other by a length of elastic, bungee-like cord, and stashed their clothing in a compartment behind one of the wall pads. Then Tynan touched a control surface on that pad to switch on the antigravity, and immediately they left the floor.

  The room was three stories high, giving ample space for maneuvers. Floating up towards the ceiling, Sierra felt the tickle in her stomach that always accompanied the initial loss of gravity—and the tingle of seeing that something else was rising between Tynan’s legs. She looked up from there to the expression on his face. It was a perfectly “bedroom” sort of look, except now there was no bed.

  There was only the air in which they floated, and that would be enough for what happened now. Tynan pulled on the cord between them, drawing her closer. When he got her to where he could take her once again in his arms, Sierra wasted no time starting to pull on something else. Hard and hot, it throbbed in her hand even as his lips met hers.

  They spun slowly in the air, fondling each other down below, Tynan’s fingers rustling in her bush and feeling her wet flower. He took her mouth in sweet, sucking kisses. She palmed the fullness of his sac and felt his stiffened rod jump at the sensation.
They turned like a planet on its axis while playing erotically between each other’s legs. Tynan’s fingers became wet and slippery, the sign of her appreciation of what he was doing to her—and her desire for him to do much more.

  “You want that big hard cock back in you?” he growled softly in her ear.

  “More and more,” she purred back at him.

  With a lusty little chortle, Tynan took Sierra by the thighs and lifted them up around his waist. As an equal and opposite reaction, Sierra’s upper body leaned back away from him, displaying the roundness of her breasts. She instinctively locked her legs around him, and he said, “Bring those beautiful tits back here. He put his hands around the small of her back and pulled her forward.

  With conditioned muscle tone, Sierra leaned forward again and embraced him by the shoulders. “There, that’s good,” said Tynan. “I want all of you right where I can get at you.” And he kissed her hard to show her that he meant business. “You need to be fucked and I need to fuck. A lot.”

  “I know that,” said Sierra, kissing his mouth and biting at his chin.

  Properly enwrapped by Sierra’s limbs, Tynan continued to claim her mouth in wet, warm kisses while taking one of her breasts fully in each hand and squeezing sensuously, spreading heat through her body with the gesture. His wooden pole strained at the cleft of her buttocks, a promise of what he meant to do to her and what she could not wait for him to do. Sierra took one hand from his shoulders and moved it down there. They bobbed in the air, suspended in a moment on the precipice of new joy.

  “You want that back in you now?” he asked hotly.

  “Please,” she answered.

  “Allow me,” he said. And he took a hand from her breast and maneuvered it down to take charge of the situation. Sierra took a deep breath and braced herself. Clenching his teeth, Tynan aimed his javelin into her opening, and with one quick jab began the deed. She gasped and clenched her body against him at the sudden, shocking pleasure of his first hard, deep thrust. And then, it was on.

  Tynan bucked against her and pumped hard and deep inside her in mid-air. With nothing to support them, the two of them began to tumble between floor and ceiling. The impacts of Tynan’s thrusting made them spin and somersault in free-fall. One moment they were upside down, the next right-side up.

  They spun and wheeled like dandelion down in a breeze, filling the air through which they floated with the sounds of Tynan striking hard against her while driving his wood in and out of her wetness, and with their moans of unfettered ecstasy. Sierra took her hands from his shoulders and grasped his pumping, heaving buttocks. Savagely beating inside her, Tynan growled again, more loudly, “Yes! Grab that ass. Fuck yes, grab my ass! Uuuhhh…!” And without letting up for even a stroke, he continued ramming his meat in her, making her whimper and moan as loudly as the sounds he made. “You like it this way, don’t you?” he rumbled at her. “Tell me you like it!”

  Sierra cried, “Yes, don’t stop! Yes…!”

  “Squeeze me again!” he commanded. “Squeeze that fucker!”

  And she did, returning to tightening and releasing around his pumping rod as she’d done to him in bed, wrenching a sound of maddened, intoxicating ecstasy from Tynan that rose to the ceiling and spread out to the walls. They continued tumbling and rolling in the air, launched and propelled by the sheer erotic force of Tynan’s impassioned thrusting.

  They both grew dizzy, their heads spinning from the wet and turgid delight of Tynan’s hard stroking and the way his blows made them spin high over the floor. They became a united mass of whirling, thrashing flesh, joined in weightless rapture.

  Tynan’s voice grew louder and louder, shouting out the limitless pleasure that was building in him. Sierra’s voice rose with his. She sensed the flow of pleasure building and quickening inside him and transmitting the sensation to her. He was getting close…close… She was torn between wanting this moment to go on forever and wanting to feel his body exult in his climax. Without even thinking, she dug her fingernails into the heaving flesh of his buttocks—and he could not hold himself back.

  “FUCK!” Tynan wailed, and his orgasm ripped through him, making his seed fountain thickly into her. He seized her mouth in another kiss, feeding her his tongue while emptying the contents of his balls into Sierra’s depths. He poured himself out, and Sierra grew dizzier from knowing what was happening to his body and inside hers.

  He pulled out of the kiss and his rod, soaked with her wetness and his slickness, slipped free of her. Breathing heavily, they stayed locked together, and Tynan took his fingers to the place where he had so urgently pumped. He found the pulpy little love handle up inside her folds and strummed at it, creating a buzz of mounting pleasure inside Sierra. Her breaths quickened again with the feeling of him strumming and teasing her to another rise of joy. “That’s it…come on, come on…here you go,” he coaxed her, his fingers playing a song of rising pleasure between her legs. “Give me a good one; come on…”

  As they bobbed up and down together, Sierra’s body reached her threshold of pleasure, then surpassed it. Throwing back her head, she went into a spasm of ecstasy that threw them into another spin, and her climax took them tumbling along. Tynan laughed at this euphoric spin. He kissed and nibbled at her neck: “There. That was a good one. There…”

  Gradually they stopped spinning and came to a gently floating hover in the gravity-free space. They kept their limbs wrapped around each other and their mouths together in lingering kisses. While their bodies drifted, time felt as though it were standing still. They caressed each other’s bottom and kissed on and on.

  After they floated for a while in a post-coital afterglow, Tynan pulled out of a kiss and nuzzled her face. “Sierra?” he said dreamily.

  “Yes, Tynan?”

  “Fucking you is everything I hoped it would be. I want more of you. All of you.”

  “I want all of you too,” said Sierra. Giving a tug on his softened and moistened but still large member, she added, “Especially this.”

  He grinned, approving of the way her libido so perfectly matched his own, and felt the flood flowing back to what she was tugging. “Do you think maybe you want to go through with it? Testing the Proliferon, making a baby with me?”

  She pulled back just enough to gaze into the deep brown pools of his eyes. Time froze again, except for the slow and sensuous drift of their bodies in free-fall. Sierra searched her heart, sifted through all the feelings she’d had since she was at New Canada and found the answer. The inevitable answer, the only answer. It was time for her real adventure to begin.

  “Yes,” she said. “I want to see our little dragon boy.”

  “You’re sure you want a boy?”

  Sierra thought of the simulation she’d made, which she had not shown him. She had deliberately chosen a boy. She did not know why; it only felt right.

  “Yes,” she replied.

  “Then let’s make him,” he said, smiling sweetly with a soft peck at her lips. “You ready to go again?”

  “Always,” she answered.

  He gave a throaty little laugh and kissed her again, this time harder, with wicked intent. “You stick my cock in this time.”

  Her expressed desire to be pregnant with him had spurred him back to full hardness. She moved his member back to where they both wanted it and brought up her legs around his thighs to slide it home into her passage again. With a groan of renewed pleasure, Tynan resumed his bucking strokes and they wheeled about in the air in another ecstatic joining.


  Talontown lay near where Nimbus City was presently passing. The city came this way once every year in its passage over the planet. Talontown was one of the larger settlements on Lacerta, an active community known for its arts and music scene. It had a reputation as a place where something was always bound to be going on.

  In a small room in one of Talontown’s more modest guest houses, a female with short, dark hair and an even darker, humorless express
ion, sat on a bed watching a holovision wall. Her eyes burned like hot coals at what she saw.

  How well she knew the place she was seeing, the front entrance to the Moran family aerie in the city floating just a short flight away. And how well she knew the man she saw standing there, so handsome, so confident, radiating an aura of sex. She had lain with him for countless days and nights in that opulent place.

  He had taken her in so many of its rooms. She had let him hump her with abandon, loving him for the things he did to her, the things he had her do to him, and the life that they were making together—or so she thought. The sight of him now made him curse under her breath at him. And at the sight of him with her.

  That woman. That female. That mere human female. The thought of it made the gorge rise in the short-haired woman. He was probably already screwing her, this mere human female. He was probably doing to this woman all the things he’d done so enthusiastically to her. Damn this human, and damn him for being with her.


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