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Page 11

by Bonnie Burrows

  Deliriously, Sierra kissed him about the neck and shoulders and took in the pump and thrust of his piston. The buildup of pleasure made her muscles tense once again and tighten around him as if to lock him to her and never let him go. “You’re so good,” she whispered at him, greedy for his body and his root. “You’re so good. I can’t get enough of you…”

  Tynan sucked her lower lip while beating urgently into and against her, his body singing with the rhythm of his proud and ample took drilling inside her and her slippery tunnel squeezing his tool. “I’ll never get enough of you,” he breathed hotly at her. “Damn, you’re the best. Don’t stop…don’t stop…squeeze my fucker…squeeze it…”

  Their bodies felt like a molten mass, made hotter and more incandescent with every stroke of Tynan’s drilling. The way Tynan banged away at her, the way Sierra received him, they knew what their bodies were truly for; they knew why they existed. They were a single flesh and a single heart.

  His ecstasy taking him ever higher, Tynan brought himself up on the palms of his hands and started to slam himself into her more and more furiously, and their voices climbed towards a crescendo. He had no doubt that he could do it as hard as he needed, and she could take everything he gave and then some.

  Sierra let her legs go down around his thighs and took her fingers to the fast-rising and falling mounds of his buttocks. She raked her fingernails up and down them, again and again, scoring his flesh with reddened streaks and searing him with animal pleasure. Shocked by the incredibly delicious feeling of her lady tube squeezing his long, thick pipe while her fingernails made red tracks up and down his ass, Tynan threw back his head and bellowed, “FUCK…!”

  His orgasm hit him like a meteor. His cream surged forth in a titanic white deluge, filling her. Sierra’s body hummed and vibrated with the feeling of his coming inside her and the satisfaction of having ripped his climax from his body. Gasping as if to faint from the siege of total pleasure, Tynan kept himself lodged in her until the hardness of his rod finally gave out, and he slumped on top of her.

  Burying his head on her shoulder, Tynan half-gasped and half-laughed, “Damn, Sierra. If you keep making me come that way, I may not live to get you pregnant.”

  She held him tightly, saving the feeling of his muscular body in her arms, and cooed, “You can take it. You’re my dragon.” She sighed, shutting her eyes, filling her other senses with her oneness with him. “My dragon,” Sierra repeated, smiling. “My sexy, horny dragon…”

  The days ahead played out in Sierra’s mind. Tomorrow they would go to see Dr. Gwyneth Garver and Sierra would give samples of her blood. The doctor would test the blood itself and the DNA that it contained for interactions with the Proliferon compound.

  In a few days’ time, the doctor would have her verdict as to whether to commit to the final test of the drug by having Sierra use it while Tynan had sex with her. And Tynan would have sex with her, as he’d done today and tonight: torrid, all-consuming, wicked sex, hour after hour, night after night, mornings and afternoons. And she would love every kiss and feel and grope and lick, every stroke and penetration, every climax—hers and his.

  And, while sifting and ruffling her fingers through his hair, she would love not just his sex, but him. She would love him.

  All truth be told, she had begun to love him already.


  Dr. Gwyneth Garver’s office was all shiny and soft surfaces in calming, peaceful hues of light blue and off-white. She had Sierra lying on a softly cushioned examination table while devices inside the table and in the diagnostic unit extending from the ceiling above it went about the business of probing and assessing what was happening in every tissue and organ of her body. From the unworried look on Dr. Garver’s face, Sierra could tell that everything was as fine as she expected it to be. A few steps away, Tynan patiently looked on.

  Dr. Garver said, “Proliferon had to be tested like any drug before we made the announcement that we were ready to use it with a trial couple. We had to be sure that it would be stable in a woman’s system where the mutagenic inhibitor was present, and that the inhibitor would also remain stable. If something was off somewhere and you started to mutate into a Lacertan while trying to get pregnant with Prince Tynan, or if some component of the inhibitor affected how Proliferon works, there could have been serious complications for you, or for the embryo or the fetus.”

  “But you’re not expecting any of that,” Sierra ventured.

  “Not after the tests we made with your DNA and blood samples. Everything’s good. We are ready. You’re ready. You can get up now.”

  Sierra brought herself sitting upright on the table, her preliminary physical exam completed. “We can really go ahead?”

  “We can absolutely go ahead,” the doctor said with a confident smile.

  Sierra sent a beaming smile in Tynan’s direction. He returned it. In their minds they were already naked and burning up the sheets and furniture in Tynan’s bedchamber, and doing it in any number of other places in the aerie.

  She climbed down from the table and walked into his arms. He gathered her up and into a kiss while Dr. Garver went across the examination room to a cabinet. Tynan whispered at her, “Don’t expect to be wearing a lot of clothing for a while. Not with what I have planned for you.”

  “Good,” Sierra simply replied, and let him kiss her again.

  “Ahem,” came the doctor’s voice from behind them.

  Sierra spun around with Tynan’s arms still around her. They found Dr. Garver presenting them with a square-shaped case, just large enough to fill the palm of her hand. “These are for you,” the doctor said, and handed the case to Sierra.

  Like a little girl opening a birthday gift, Sierra flipped open the case and she and Tynan looked inside. The case contained individually wrapped square-shaped pieces of a gold-colored, film-like gelatinous substance, four squares to a set.

  The doctor explained, “When you get home and you’re ready to begin, the first thing you do, put one of these on Sierra’s skin, anywhere you like. It will melt completely into your skin, Sierra, in a few hours. Then, put another one on her, anywhere you like, first thing every morning until we get the result we’re looking for.”

  “They remind me of something,” Sierra said.

  “Women used to use birth control patches that they’d wear on the skin,” said Dr. Garver. “These are the opposite. Think of them as conception patches.”

  Sierra nodded. “A little ironic, isn’t it?”

  “A little,” said Dr. Garver with a subtle smile.

  “I like it,” said Tynan. “We can get a little…creative with these.”

  One of those wicked looks passed between him and Sierra.

  “They’re for external use only,” the doctor pointed out. “Only on the skin.”

  “Yes, Doctor,” Tynan acknowledged.

  “And that will just about finish things for now,” Dr. Garver said. “I look forward to hearing that we’ve…or you’ve…seen results. As I’m sure you will.”

  Sierra and Tynan expressed their thanks to the physician. Tynan slipped the case of patches into a slit on his skinsuit and they saw themselves out into the courtyard just outside Dr. Garver’s office.

  Between the rows of planted trees and flowers, with people coming and going about their business with Dr. Garver and the other professionals in the building, Tynan and Sierra saw nothing but each other. “Come here, you…!” he said, and swept her up in his arms and swung her around, laughing.

  “Tynan,” she said, not really admonishing as he set her down again, “there are people…”

  “Oh, so what? Do you care?”

  Sierra sighed in his embrace. “Not really.”

  “I am taking you back to the aerie,” he said, pecking at her lips, “and getting you back in bed.” Another peck. “And we’re going to put one of those patches on you, and I am going to do such things to you…”

  She put a finger to his lips, stopp
ing him. “Um…Tynan…wait a minute.”

  He was perplexed at this. “What…?”

  “There’s something I want to do first.”

  He lowered his voice: “Before we get down to me starting on some hot ‘purposeful fucking’ with you? What the hell…?”

  “It’s just something I want to do, and you have to go home and wait for me.”

  “Sit there waiting for you? With a screaming hard-on? Sierra, I don’t like to wait…”

  “And I’ll never ask you to wait again, I promise. Just this one time.” And she gave him a peck to seal her word.

  Tynan frowned slightly and groaned. He realized that once he’d gotten her pregnant he would have to be patient with her, and accommodating and supportive, in other ways, attending to other needs that she’d have. And he would. He would be the best expectant father the planet Lacerta had ever seen.

  “All right,” he said, giving in. “Just this once. But later on, you owe me the most insane blow job…”

  “You’ll get it. And more…” She put her arms fully around him and kissed him meaningfully.

  “Go on, then,” Tynan told her, parting the embrace. “Whatever this thing is you’re going to do, it had better be good.”

  “Oh, it will be,” Sierra said with a mischievous smile. “You’ll love this.” And she spun on her heel and walked briskly off down the courtyard, flashing him once last smile over her shoulder.

  Tynan watched her go and sighed. Damn. When I get that woman alone again, so help me, she’s not going to see anything but me on top of her for a week.


  Mentioning that she was the consort of Prince Tynan had gotten Sierra a priority booking at the spa. Of course, she was taking advantage of her new position, and of course it was the kind of posh and genteel thing that she hardly ever did. She simply was not the kind of girl who usually patronized a place like this. But she had a special reason for being here, a special thing she wanted to do for tonight. When they made themselves naked this evening, Sierra wanted to make Tynan’s eyes light up even more than they usually did before sex. She had a very good idea of exactly how to do that.

  The spa was just like the city surrounding it, a place of no straight lines and no corners; all circular and rounded contours, ergonomic and sexy. This design aesthetic was present in every pool and tub and table and lounge chair. The colors were all in blues as in Dr. Garver’s office, and in violet and gold hues, with low, soft lighting. Ethereal music wafted through the place as if to massage the mind while the workers of the spa attended patrons’ bodies. It was a tranquil, relaxing, sexy place. This, Sierra thought, was good. She and Tynan would be a long time getting to sleep tonight, as every night, so she ought to have a restful time now. Perhaps there would even be a chance to steal a nap before she returned to the aerie and their bed.

  The smiling woman attendant at the front desk checked the database for today’s appointments and what Sierra had requested for her visit. “Oh, really?” she said to Sierra from across the desk. “That will be a lot of fun for you. Prince Tynan is going to love that.”

  “We both are,” said Sierra. “And I want to keep him waiting as little as possible.”

  “Of course,” said the woman. “Let me take you to your compartment and I’ll have the specialist there for you right away.”

  She stepped around the desk and led Sierra off down the front corridor between the swimming pool and bath pools and the stations of sunning tables, to the more private sections of the spa.

  The attendant ushered Sierra into a room—circular, of course, with a comfortably contoured lounge chair, a small table, and floating sun lamps. “You can get undressed and take a moment to look over your choices, and your specialist will be right with you.”

  “Thank you,” said Sierra, and the smiling woman let herself out through the compartment portal that closed behind her.

  Sierra peeled off the top and bottom of her simple jumpsuit and boots—as Tynan’s consort she would likely be called upon to wear more elegant attire at times, but simple clothing suited her tastes and needs for now—and placed them in the clothes basket, where they would be freshened for when she dressed to leave. She sat on the table—another of those body-contouring pieces of furniture that felt as if it were massaging her while she sat on it—and the spa’s computer system addressed her. “Ms. Smith, your scale selections have been loaded. Please select your favorite.”

  Leaning back on the table, Sierra said, “Thank you,” and watched an array of holograms appear like bubbles in the air. These were holograms of women who had received the treatment she was here to get. They were all tastefully nude, their bodies decorated with patterns of artificial reptile skin in a variety of colors, some that naturally occurred in Lacertans, other combinations much more imaginary and exotic.

  The patterns were all in strips and shapes that were laid on the skin with special natural adhesives that would hold them in place—until it was time to peel them off. That was the fun that Sierra had in mind for herself and Tynan tonight. This afternoon she would have artificial but completely natural-feeling. multicolored dragon skin laid onto her arms and legs, her back, her bottom, her bosom, her belly.

  She would have it temptingly layered onto the inner part of her upper thighs, and onto her abdomen right over her pubic hair. In fact, she would have her pubic hair gently lasered away and replaced with a dragon skin patch. Tonight, when Tynan took her to bed, as foreplay she would let him strip all the dragon skin away and kiss and lick the places from which he removed every strip and patch. And when he was done peeling the faux scales away from skin, he would fix her with the first Proliferon patch. Perhaps she would have him put it where her pubic hair was. By that time the heat and throb in Tynan’s erection would be truly monstrous and he would not be able to stop himself pinning her to the mattress and fucking her half-senseless on the spot.

  She grinned like a Cheshire cat at the thought of it. Yes, by putting the dragon on herself she would surely bring out the dragon in her Prince tonight. She selected the perfect pattern: an array of stripes and bands along her arms and shoulders and upper back, another one down her legs, and the most alluring one tracing the contours of her breasts and converging to a point right above her sex, a trail that would lead Tynan exactly to where she wanted him and where he wanted to be.

  She tingled at the thought of the voracious eating out and the thunderous humping in store for her. She would start by giving him that going-down that he said she owed him, which would be all the sexier while she wore the skin strips that would make her seem as reptilian on the outside as he was on the inside.

  Then she would give herself to him, and he would peel her down to human again. He would take that first patch of fertility and affix it in the place where her dragon skin strips led him. And then Tynan would plunge the mighty shaft of his ardor deep into the squeezing depths between her open thighs. And he would moan and curse like a madman until he finally emptied his copious seed into her.

  That first time likely would not make her pregnant. It would take many times, many bouts of Tynan plunging himself into her wet and caressing womanhood, to create the new heir to Nest Moran. But for each time, the things she felt for him and the things she knew he felt for her would grow stronger. Their purposeful sex would serve more than just the purpose of creating another little dragon Prince. It would make them love each other ever more strongly.

  Sierra touched her fingertip to the pattern she wanted, then touched other lights to indicate a color scheme of green, vermillion, and black. A sensor in the room logged her choices, and all the holograms winked out. She leaned back again and waited, silently playing the scenario in her mind of what Tynan would do to her tonight.

  Her sexy reverie broke with the opening of the compartment portal and the tall woman with the dark hair done up in a bun, and a tight bodysuit with the spa’s logo on it, stepping inside. “Hello, I’m Barbara,” she said with the same cordial smile as
the woman at the front desk, as the compartment sealed itself behind her.

  “I see we’re having some skins put on today.” She was carrying a rigid valise that she opened up into a portfolio containing the set of reptile patterns that Sierra selected. “This is one of my favorite designs. It’s a real attention-getter.”

  “That’s the idea,” said Sierra.

  “Well,” said Barbara, “if you’d like to remove the breast cups and panties, we can get started.” And she waited for Sierra to make herself fully nude and took the last of her garments and deposited them in the clothes basket with Sierra’s other things.

  Sierra made herself comfortable as Barbara laid the portfolio open on the table and began to peel out the first of the skin strips. “The wonderful thing about these,” Barbara said, “is that they feel as good to you when they’re on as they do when your partner takes them off. The adhesive on them contains special endorphins for that.”


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