Book Read Free

One Percent of You

Page 21

by Michelle Gross

  The more I thought about it, the more I realized how much we had. Lucy and Eli had amazing grandparents and an awesome auntie who talked to them over the phone or through Facetime every night. Then there was Elijah…

  “Please, Mommy?” Lucy begged. Still holding my hand, she turned around again and beckoned Elijah. “Elijah, want to see my room? Mommy says other big kids will be with me.” She held her free hand out, and my heart pitter-pattered as she did.

  My face felt hot, not out of embarrassment, but because I felt so much. Lucy really liked Elijah. I really liked him too, but I was scared of getting hurt. Just like Lucy, I was emotionally attached—happy too—and that terrified me. Having him around was wonderful. But what happened if one day Elijah walked away from us?

  “Lucy,” I whispered as I heard Elijah’s giant boots hit the pavement. When I looked over, I caught his uneasy smile as he walked beside her. Oh, fudge, he was uncomfortable and that made me feel awful. I should have known this would happen and had my parents drive me.

  On a positive note, my car was paid off that morning. There was enough money left to put a down payment on a new one. No more being chauffeured around. I was determined to drive home in a vehicle even if it meant breaking the bank.

  “You don’t have to come in,” I rushed out, taking in his rigid stance as he moved.

  “But, Mom,” Lucy whined. “Please, please.”

  “He’s uncomfortable, Lucy,” I tried to tell her.

  “Hadley, I’m only uncomfortable because I know how much you don’t want me going in.” Elijah bent down, stopping at the entrance. An employee walked by us with a smile and a wink as she hurried in. “Let’s listen to your mom, Lucy. I’ll come with your mom to pick you up later.” Lucy’s shoulders dropped, and I felt like the villain.

  Elijah wanted this. I only hesitated because I thought of what Scott’s family would say about Elijah stepping in and doing things for Lucy.

  “You really want him to come inside, too?” I asked and Lucy looked up at me. “Okay. We’re dropping you off, but we can’t stay. This is a big kid’s school where you go to learn and make new friends.”

  She nodded vigorously. “I just want him to see it, too. That I’m a big girl!”

  I glanced at Elijah and gave him a tiny smile. “Do you want to?”

  Elijah dropped his head, shoulders sagged as he took in a relieved breath. His dark, intense eyes touched my soul when he spoke. “I’d like that very much.”

  He stood, and the three of us walked inside. It was a little chaotic with kids crying in the halls. A couple did the same thing inside Lucy’s class. “Luc—”

  I never got to finish my sentence. My daughter slipped into the room like she’d been a thousand times before. She walked around, talking ninety miles per hour. It took a second to calm her down and introduce her to the teacher. I watched Lucy and the others, then knew I wasn’t needed anymore.

  That was it? No tears? Nothing?

  Solid fingers clasped over my shoulders and stroked them. “At least wait until you get outside before you cry. You’ll freak out Lucy.”

  Elijah was right. I never even looked at him as I sucked in a big breath and tried to smile. “Lucy, I’ll be back later to pick you up, okay?”

  She walked over and hugged me tightly the second I squatted down. “Okay. Bye, Mommy.” She waited for Elijah who was bending down for her. “Bye, Elijah.” She wrapped her little arms around his thick neck and shoulders while he squeezed her. “This is my favorite. Mom and Elijah taking me together,” Lucy giggled into his corded muscles before she returned to her seat and ate her breakfast.

  I didn’t have time to wonder what Lucy meant. Elijah led me out of the room before I burst into tears. “I’m proud of you. You kept it together in there,” Elijah patted my back as we walked out the front door.

  I hiccupped, wiping my eyes. “She did so well. She didn’t even cry.”

  He laughed. “I never worried about her.”

  I turned and crossed my arms at him. He leaned down and kissed my forehead, and now I couldn’t remember why I was upset with him for laughing at me. His presence was comforting.

  “She’ll be okay, won’t she?”

  He nodded, draping a heavy arm across my shoulders as we walked. “She’ll be fine. Now, let’s go get something to eat.”

  I wiped my face some more. “I told you my dad’s driving Eli and me to look at cars today.”

  He groaned. “Can’t you just let me drive you everywhere?”

  I got on my tiptoes and jabbed my finger on his chest. “No! It’s driving me crazy not to have a vehicle.”

  “I know.” He pulled me right back to him, slinging his arm over me. “I don’t like the idea of you not having transportation either, but I’m not looking forward to it all the same. I like being with you guys.” Then he scowled. “Your insurance company sure took their sweet ass time. You should let me put you on mine—”

  “Elijah,” I gasped.

  “That way I don’t have to worry about you getting a raw deal.”

  I didn’t know what to make of him.

  “You’ve lost your mind. What’s it to you?”

  He stopped dead in the parking lot. “I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that.”

  “I can’t pretend you didn’t suggest putting me on your insurance plan. That’s crazy!”


  “Why would you do that? It’s weird.”

  “No, it’s not. Not when I want to take care of you.” He studied something on my face before he sighed. “Don’t freak out. I was only saying… Baby steps,” he promised.

  I scoffed. “Baby steps, my butt.” I turned away from him, pushing his arm off me so he didn’t catch my smile. “I don’t know what to do with all this.”

  “All this?” he asked behind me. I heard him unlock the truck as he followed me to the passenger side. He moved ahead of me and opened the door.

  I climbed in. “This,” I gestured to what he was doing for me. “You’re always helping me. I honest to God don’t know what to do with you. I’ve never…” I studied my hands in my lap, unsure if I should say it. “Scott was never this way. I’m so used to doing everything alone that you’re scaring me.”

  “I’m scaring you because I want to take care of you?” He frowned.

  “It doesn’t feel like it should be real,” I admitted, hiding my eyes. “You don’t seem real sometimes.”

  He moved my hands. “Believe it, Hadley. This is how you should have always been treated. But I’m not sorry that Scott failed you. If he’d done right by you, the two of you’d still be together, and that’s something I couldn’t bear.” He leaned into the truck. “I know where you guys belong, and it’s with the man that wants more than anything to take care of you all.”

  “Don’t be,” I whispered. “I like where I’m at right now.”

  “Me too.” He leaned closer and kissed me.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  One week rolled into two. Between Lucy’s new school schedule and my late night text messages from Elijah, I felt like I was living a completely different life. I thought I was content years ago with Scott. I thought I was ecstatic when I got my job at the hospital. I thought I never needed anything more than Lucy and Eli to keep me satisfied.

  What I didn’t know was how much happier I could be. I didn’t know this level of pleasure existed. Not only me, Lucy was an all around joyful kid, but I swear she was even more so lately. Her face could light up the night sky.

  “Lucy talks about Elijah a lot,” Mom said one evening after work when I went to pick them up from her house. Lucy’s school starting at nine clashed with my work schedule, so I had to take her to my parents’ house every day. Of course my dad tried to get Lucy to spend some nights with them, but she always said no, choosing to stay with me. When I was in school, Lucy and I spent nights apart. I guess she had enough of staying away. Luckily, it was only a couple days out of the week. So
far my days off worked to our advantage, and she didn’t have to get up early every morning.

  “She’s so happy, isn’t she?” I beamed at my daughter who sat at the kitchen table showing her papaw something she brought home—probably the millionth time since they picked her up that day.

  “M-hmm, not only her.” Mom grinned at me, but I ignored it. “When are we going to talk about him?”

  Him equaled Elijah.

  “I need to go home and get out of these scrubs,” I told her, rising from the couch.

  “Sit down and talk to your mother.” I sat down. “Still just friends?”

  I fought hard to keep the smile off my face. I examined the floor, plucked at my ear, let my eyes bounce around the room before giving in. “See what you did!” I groaned, pointing at my red face.

  She laughed. “He seems good with Lucy. What about Eli? And you? Is he good to you?”

  I dropped my hands and grinned so wide it hurt. “Oh, fudge, Mom. He’s so good.” My eyes watered. I was so happy and nervous all at once. “I don’t know what to think of someone treating us well.”

  “Oh, baby.” Mom got up from Dad’s recliner, sat down next to me, and hugged me. “It’s all right.”

  “Ugh, stop. This is embarrassing.” I pushed away from her. “I really, really like him. I think maybe more than like.”

  She pulled me into another hug. “You deserve to be happy. Don’t you settle for anything less. I won’t ever let you again.”

  “Is he legit?” I whispered.

  “Only you can answer that.” She patted my back.

  “Lucy has been so happy since he’s come into our lives. She doesn’t even seem bothered anymore when her dad doesn’t call or come get her. Lately, she hasn’t wanted to go see him at all. Makes me wonder what will happen when Scott decides he wants to see them again.”

  “It’s obvious that Lucy thinks the world of Elijah, but that’s not the only place her joy comes from.” I gave Mom a puzzled frown, and she elaborated, “Lucy’s happy because her mother is. I know what you’ll say, but don’t interrupt me. I’m sure Lucy liked Elijah a lot when she first met him, but you realized she liked the things he bought her too. Lucy didn’t start caring for him like she does now until she saw that you cared. You think your four-year-old isn’t capable of seeing how he treats you? You think she doesn’t see everything he does for you guys? She notices all right, and she likes him all the more because of it. And also since he’s spoiling her with whatever she wants.”

  I laughed and wiped my eyes as she continued, “Don’t get upset when I say this, Hadley. It’s only the truth. Neither of you know what it’s like to have a man other than Papaw help out. Scott did nothing for you. Honestly, how much money did you waste on that boy?”

  Her words made me ashamed. It was normally my dad that said these things. She patted my shoulder when I glanced down, unable to meet her eyes. “I love you, Hadley. Now that you know what we did, you know never to settle. Scott was lazy, never wanted to stay home, and didn’t want to grow up and take care of his family. But from what I’ve seen of Elijah, you won’t be able to beat him away with a broom. He’s in this all the way, sweetie.”

  I tucked my hair behind my ear. “Really?”

  “A man is busy until he finds something or someone to make time for. Has he ever been unavailable for you?”

  “Elijah’s tattoo shop is always fully scheduled. I haven’t seen him much this last week since he’s been staying open late. I know he won’t say it, but I think he extended his hours to catch up with all the times he left early to pick me up from work. But no, he’s never too busy for me. He texts me while he’s at the shop and even drove to the apartments between his appointments yesterday because Lucy asked him for chicken.” I cupped my fingers over my mouth. “Oh, fudge. He’s perfect, isn’t he?”

  Mom tilted her head. “I’m sure you know how imperfect he can be already, but yeah, sounds to me like he’s here to stay.”


  With Mom’s words replaying in my head, I decided I couldn’t survive on text messages alone. I wanted to see Elijah, so we went to his parlor instead of heading home. I drove the SUV Elijah helped me pick out last week—he insisted on going with me. I liked it so far. The monthly payments were a little higher than the ones for the car, but I could still afford it.

  Lucy was excited about the idea, but I told her she had to behave. Was it weird to bring a baby and a kid to a tattoo shop? Probably. But if Elijah and I would be a couple, then this was something they’d see and know about. I wasn’t an uptight person, but my dad was a little stricter about things, but even he said nothing about Elijah. Yet.

  Maybe it was coming soon with the way Mom asked about us.

  “Let me give it to him,” Lucy said, trying to take the bowl of soup from my hands. Mom insisted we bring it to him while visiting him at the parlor.

  I gave it to her before she made me drop Eli. “Be careful with it.”

  Lucy opened the door for us and yelled, “Elijah!” He glanced up from his corner as he slipped on a pair of gloves.

  A cheerful grin stretched across his handsome face. My chest cracked open and all these feelings burst through. “Lucy!” He looked over at the guy sitting with his shirt off. “Do you mind giving me a sec?” he asked the customer.

  “Go on. I’m in no hurry,” the man said as Elijah chucked off his gloves and tossed them in the trash.

  “I hope we’re not bothering you,” I said while the other tattooists ogled us.

  “No. I was just about to begin on a back piece.”

  “We brought soup from Mamaw’s!” Lucy thrusted the bowl upward. Thankfully, Elijah caught it. For a second, I thought it was about to hit the ground. “It’s good.”

  “Thank you. How was school today?” he asked.

  “Good. When will you get off work?”

  “Late, I’m afraid.”

  “It’s been like this all week!” She tossed her hands up dramatically.

  “I’ll be free this weekend, and then I’ll come see you.” He ruffled her hair, and she swatted his hand away. “I miss you all.” His gazed at me.

  “You must be Lucy,” the female tattooist hollered over. If I remembered correctly, Elijah told me her name was Wendy, but I was too afraid of getting it wrong to say it out loud.

  “Are you doing a tattoo?” Lucy said in awe.

  “Yeah, I am.”

  “Can I see?”

  “You can get on the stool and sit and watch me from the counter but it’s against the rules to come back here. Health violations and all.” Wendy paused. “Do you mind if she peeks over here?” I realized she was asking the girl she was tattooing. I saw her shake her head no, and she gestured for Lucy. “Come on.”

  Lucy looked at me for permission. “She said at the stool, Lucy. Don’t go back there.” She grinned and rushed over to the stool. “Papaw won’t like how much she’s taken a liking to tattoos since meeting you.”

  Elijah stepped closer and rubbed his hand down my arm. Goose bumps spread over me at the small bit of contact. I hadn’t had the chance to sleep with him since last week. “Does your dad even know about the one on your back?”

  I sputtered. “What? Of course he doesn’t. I’ll tell him when I’m fifty.” I gazed at him—admiring how long and dark his eyelashes were, the unruly mess of hair on his head, and his dark and dreamy eyes. I breathlessly mumbled, “I miss you.” I tightened my hold on Eli, afraid he’d slip right through the putty I became.

  “I miss you, too.” More slow fingers running up and down my arms.

  “How late will you be tonight?” I asked.

  Elijah jerked his head toward his customer. “Depends on how much he wants to get done on his back. I’d say about midnight.”

  “Will you come wake me?” It came out as a whisper. Shyly, my eyes met his.

  “Fuck, yeah.” He glanced over his shoulder. “But I got to get to tattooing if I want to be out of here anytime soon.”
br />   I nodded. “We’ll leave before Lucy looks at all your paintings.”

  He chuckled.


  Elijah woke me up after midnight. He called me so I could let him in. As soon as I opened the door, his hands were all over me. He carried me to my bedroom where we barked out orders to each other on being quiet in which neither of us followed.

  His hands trailed over my nightie until he reached the bottom. Up and over, he yanked it off of me before we tackled his clothes. Our bodies came back together. So much heat—his body was like a furnace against mine and I thrived off it. He kissed and kissed and kissed me all over before burying his face between my legs. Trembling and coming on his tongue, he hovered over me, slipping inside me so perfectly, and brought me to another orgasm as his piercing rubbed into my clit.

  My toes curled in the process. I really, really loved that piercing.

  Afterward, Elijah laid beside me rubbing circles across my shoulder. “Come take a shower with me.”

  “Go shower at your place,” I said.

  “So relentless,” he muttered, pinching my nipple as he climbed out of bed.

  I hissed. “Ow.”

  I watched as he slipped on his pants and walked out of the room. A second later, I heard the shower come on. Sighing, I climbed out of bed and put on some clothes. I turned on the baby monitor, picked up the receiver, and went to the bathroom. Shutting the door, I locked it in case Lucy woke up.

  “This is not your place,” I told him.

  “This is not your place,” he mimicked. Through the curtain, I saw Elijah’s silhouette as he lathered shampoo in his hair.

  “I don’t sound like that.” I fought hard to keep from laughing.

  “You sound like a hard ass,” he grunted. “Come here.”

  My stomach flipped at his soft command. “I’ll wait and shower in the morning.”

  “So stingy with that ass…”

  “What was that?”

  “Come. Here.”


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