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RUIN (Kenshaw Legacy Book 1)

Page 10

by Piper Frost

  We both laugh.

  “They know it’s me. I have to go. I’m riding a thin line between staying out of trouble and earning my first ever detention. Don’t want to give them fuel to add to the fire.” She grins up at me. “Thank you for the cookies.”

  “I’m sorry I’m kind of a fuck up,” I whisper and she can’t reply because the teacher has reached us.

  “You, sir, go to the office.” She points in the wrong direction so with a quick smile to Paige, I walk that way.

  After getting my ass chewed out for twenty minutes, Coach Matthews lets me get on with practice but I can’t focus ‘cause I’m looking for Paige. Usually the cheerleaders are practicing too, but not today. Afterward, Gray runs up to me while I head for the road.

  “Where you going?” He clasps his hand around my shoulder and starts to veer me back towards his truck. “I’m parked over here.”

  I look over at him, everything in me telling me to shove him away and be the asshole my dad tells me I should be. But Gray’s my friend. A real friend, and I don’t want to lose that.

  “Dude,” I huff. “I apologized to your sister already. Everything’s cool.” Not really. We still aren’t going on our date and she’ll probably be upset when I make her ride with her friends to homecoming. I’d never actually let her walk there.

  “Good. That’s good.” He unlocks his truck. “Hop in.” He’s doing this because he’s a good friend, and an even better brother, but he shouldn’t get in the middle of my problems. One of those problems being I’m crazy about his sister.

  “Gray, I gotta get home today, man.” He knows that’s a lie. I’ve been at the ranch on Thursdays since I started.

  “I don’t necessarily like being lied to.” He starts up the truck and stares at me. “Get in and buckle up or I’ll hogtie your ass and drag you there.”

  “Why don’t I doubt that?” I mutter and get in. I want to ask him if Paige is home, but she’s probably with friends. They’re probably making fun of me for asking her to walk to the dance. I groan and rub my sore face. I wasn’t supposed to come here for these problems. My set of problems were supposed to be on a completely different level. “Gray, what’re we doin’? I’m still not feeling up to getting back into work.” I play up being sick the past few days.

  “You’re not going to work.” He looks over at me. “Even though I highly doubt you were actually sick.” He pulls out of the parking lot and guns it towards the ranch. “I told you I’ve got an idea. Well, me and my dad do. But it was my idea first.” He grins over at me.

  “Fuck, dude, no.” I look at him wide eyed. “Gray, what’d you tell your dad, man?”

  “Nothin! I promise you, he doesn’t want to kill you.” He giggles then busts out laughing. “I mean, I wanted to kill you. But he doesn’t.”

  Handouts from the Kenshaws is the last thing I need. My guess is he’s going to let me use one of the three vehicles he owns and while I appreciate it, I’m getting too close to this family. I open my mouth to tell him he should tell his sister to stay away from me, but the words don’t come, only a groan as my stomach twists. Brandt Kenshaw’s a respectable man, but intimidating. Especially in my situation.

  When we pull up to the ranch, Gray grins over at me and I shake my head, begrudgingly getting out.

  “Boys,” Mr. Kenshaw calls from the garage on the side of the house. “In here.”

  Gray grins over at me and hits the hood of his car in excitement. “Don’t be mad, okay?”

  “Dude,” I harshly whisper but follow him because Mr. Kenshaw’s standing in the doorway, staring expectantly. “Mr. Kenshaw.” I nod my head as we approach.

  “Hey,” he says, wiping his hands on a towel. “How ya feeling?” He looks at me and his eyes narrow. “What the hell you been into?”

  “The flu?” I say in confusion and put my hand on my stomach to sell my lie.

  “The flu give people bruises like that?” He lifts an eyebrow at me.

  “Uh, no, sir. That was from horsin’ around with my brother. Just an accident.” I try to hold his gaze but it’s like he’s reading my thoughts. If that were the case, I better start running now.

  “Alright,” he slowly drawls out. “So I hear this date you were planning with my girl isn’t working out so well for you.” He leans against the side of the garage. “Mind tellin’ me why?”

  Gray’s standing right next to us watching this with a huge grin on his face for some reason. He said his dad isn’t mad, but he’s sure not coming off as happy right now either.

  “I don’t have a car, sir. Well, I got my car taken away, and my father isn’t allowing me to have it back for the dance.” I glance away. “And my aunt will be out of town with her vehicle. I didn’t expect not to be able to use my own car. But my father said no.” I look him in the eyes again.

  “Why’d you get your car taken away?” He crosses his arms in front of him like he’s trying to decide if he’s misjudged me this whole time.

  I rub the back of my neck and drop my gaze. “We don’t see eye to eye on a lot of things. My...” I glance at Gray. I should just walk away. This shit isn’t their business but damn if I don’t want to get it off my chest. “My mom left us and my dad’s been harder on my brother. I overstepped my boundaries one particular day when he was reprimanding my brother.”

  Gray’s smile is replaced by a frown and his dad’s watching me, slowly nodding.

  “So,” he finally says. “I think I have something that’ll help you. Come on.” He opens the side door to the garage and steps in. I glance over at Gray who’s grinning again.

  “Go on,” he says, pushing me to the door.

  A Chevy sitting on jack stands is waiting inside and the tires are leaning up against it. I glance back at Gray then look at Mr. Kenshaw.

  “Sir?” I question, not sure what he’s offering here.

  “See, Gray came to me all kinds of hot the other day when he found out what happened.” Mr. Kenshaw rests his hand on his son’s shoulder. “Just like you, he looks out for his siblings. It’s commendable.” He steps over to the truck. “We’d had this truck sitting around the last few years and just never really did anything with it. I bought it to have as an extra vehicle around here, but it never got used. So, this one here had the bright idea of fixing it up, giving it a tune up, really, and selling it to you.”

  “It’s in real good condition,” Gray blurts. “My uncle Bo walked me through everything. Swear on it, this is a good truck, man.”

  I stare at it. I can’t accept a car from the Kenshaws, not even if it’s for sale. My dad would kill me. “I don’t think I can afford this. I don’t have a savings.” My mom took that with her.

  “I think you can afford it. Trust me.” He walks over and sets his hands on my shoulders. “We take a little out of each paycheck and after a while it’s paid for. Swallow the pride, son. I see it all over your face. But this isn’t a handout. You’re going to be working for it.” He steps back and shoves his hands in his pockets. Waiting for me to do what he knows I want to do.

  I can keep it from my dad. I’ll just stash it in the cornfield down the road when I'm at my aunt’s.

  “Thank you,” I say then glance at Gray and laugh at the grin on his face. “I appreciate it.” Turning to Mr. Kenshaw I nod. This guy’s a better father than my dad ever could be. “You’re good people.” I’m telling him like he doesn’t know, but it’s more a reminder to myself.

  “We take care of ours,” he says then tosses me the keys. “Be careful.” His eyes narrows a bit. “Seriously. You’ll have my girl in there. Don’t pull anything stupid.”

  “No, sir.” I chuckle. “I got my license at sixteen. I have a couple years' worth of experience. And I wouldn’t do anything to put Paige in danger.” I look away from him and clear my throat, taking a step back. “Thank you,” I tell him and turn to the truck.

  Me and Gray put the tires on it then I follow him out to the lake where we do a little off roading. The boys join us and we
spend a few hours together, helping me relax. At dark, I park it in the cornfield and jog the hundred yards to my aunt’s.


  FENTON: I’ll be at your house at 5. You gonna be ready?

  PAIGE: Dance isn’t until 7. Why so early?

  PAIGE: But yeah, I can be : )

  FENTON: It’s a long walk. I figured we’d take the scenic route there.

  I chuckle imagining her face right now. I hope the poor girl isn’t trying to figure out a comfortable shoe choice for a ten mile walk.

  PAIGE: Cool. See you soon!

  She shoots me a picture of her feet in her cowboy boots. A cute girl in a pretty dress and cowboy boots is a dream come true. Girls at my old school wouldn’t wear a pair of boots if it were the last shoe on earth.

  I’m nervous as hell because for once, I swear I’ll do anything to show Paige how I feel about her. She’s gotta know I like her, but once I can hold her and touch her while we dance, I’ll make sure she’s sure of it.

  I pull down the driveway of the ranch and see she’s sitting on the porch with the sister my brother likes. When a confused look crosses her face, I smile. The dress she’s wearing isn’t what I expected and keeping my hands to myself tonight is going to be hard. Beautiful doesn’t describe her and I feel like the luckiest loser on earth that she’d go to the dance with me. Paige should be walking a runway somewhere.

  Wiping my hands on my pants, I jump out. “I’m lookin’ for a date to the homecoming dance. Leena? You available?”

  “Gross!” she blurts, pushing Paige towards me. “But I’ve got this one that looks like she’s halfway ready for a dance.” She laughs. “Those boots suck, Paige.”

  “Bite me,” Paige snaps back but she’s grinning the whole time. Leena reaches over and gives her a hug just as the front door opens and their mom comes out.

  I can’t pull my eyes from Paige, but I manage when Mrs. Kenshaw props her hand on her hip. “Nice suit, Fenton.”

  “Thank you, ma’am.” I nod my head and my eyes go back to Paige. A smile pulls at my mouth. “Oh.” Quickly walking toward her, I grab the corsage out of the box and pull on the strap to put it on her wrist. “Here.”

  “Thank you,” she whispers, her fingers touching the rose then bringing it up to her nose. “It smells good. You’re not going to be mad if I lose this by the end of the night will you? Because I love it, but I’m also a klutz and will lose it.”

  “No,” I chuckle. “It’ll probably die in an hour anyway. Whenever you’re ready to ditch it.” I slide the band up her arm to show the bracelet that was underneath. “You can just wear that.” I shrug hoping she likes it because the money my aunt’s been giving me for food went to buying this bracelet.

  “Oh...oh my god, Fenton.” Hopefully her wide eyes means she likes the bracelet. “Mom,” she whispers and turns to show her mom.

  “Very nice, Fenton. You must really like my girl.”

  “Mom,” Paige blurts and I chuckle.

  “Yeah, she deserves much better than that, but...” Shrugging, I slide my hands into my pockets.

  “I love it. Thank you. Can we switch wrists then?” She moves the corsage to her other wrist then holds both arms out.

  “Looking good.” Her mom chuckles before smiling at me.

  I keep my eyes on Paige until the front door opens and her dad comes out. He wraps an arm around Mrs. Kenshaw. “You two have dinner plans?” He says, nodding to me with a slight smile.

  “Yes, sir.” I give him the rundown of where and what location, then thank him again. “Can you...” I awkwardly hold my phone out to her mom. “Just a picture. Please.”

  Her mom takes the phone and I walk over to Paige, but Mrs. Kenshaw lifts it then her and Mr. Kenshaw pose, snapping a picture of themselves. I can’t help but laugh but Paige groans.

  “Okay, come on.” Mrs. Kenshaw motions for us to stand closer. When she snaps a few she hands the phone back then hugs Paige.

  All these pictures are awesome because I’m with Paige, but I choose one and set it as my phone background. Not that she’s my girlfriend, but a guy can wish.

  “Thank you again, sir,” I tell Mr. Kenshaw with a nod while Paige’s mom walks over to the truck with her.

  “I’m glad it all worked out. And remember, it’s not a handout. You’ll be here more, working harder to help pay for it, son.”

  “Yes, sir.” I smile at him and he pats my shoulder. When I get in, I smile over at Paige. “I couldn’t say this in front of your parents but you look fucking gorgeous, Paige. And it had to be said like that.” I chuckle and look her over again.

  “Yeah?” She smooths her hands down the front of her dress then looks over at me. “Well there are a whole lot of things I want to say about how you look, but I think I’d scare you away so I’ll stick with hot. Really, really damn hot, Fenton.” She grins and bites her lip, tucking her hands under her legs.

  With a laugh, I reach over and pull her hand out, clasping our fingers. “You ready for our date? Sorry if you really wanted to go for a walk, but I couldn't do that to you.”

  “I...” She laughs. “This is my dad’s old truck, right? I feel like I’ve been in this before.”

  “He’s letting me make payments on it.” I haven’t felt this proud since I bought my car with money saved from birthdays and holidays. “You and your family are good people.” I give her hand a gentle squeeze then look down at the bench. “I think there’s a center buckle. If you want.”

  Without hesitating she slides over the bench and buckles herself, then lays her hand on my thigh and her head on my shoulder as I wrap an arm around her.

  “I can’t stop smiling,” she says.

  “Hold that.” I pull my phone out as we come to a stop sign and I snap a picture of us. My ex was constantly taking pictures of us, but I never saw them again. She probably deleted every one after she took it. “Here.” I hand her my phone. “Post that on my account. Use every hashtag you can think of. I want the entire world to see I’m going to homecoming with you.”

  She giggles then furiously starts typing out hashtags. “Damn we look good. How many hashtags is too many?” She asks, still typing.

  I laugh, trying to keep my eyes on the road but her smile is addicting and I can’t stop looking at the curve of her neck and the swell of her tits. I blink my gaze away, reminding myself she’s a virgin.

  “Until you can’t think of anymore. Make sure you hashtag homecoming king and queen. Even if we’re not, we should be.” I grin at her.

  “Did we get nominated? We would so win that.” She hits one final button. “There. Done. I texted these to myself, too. I want all the pictures from tonight.”

  I pull the phone from her hand and look at the screen. “Paige...” I pull the phone closer, making sure I’m not just seeing what I want to. “Does that say fuckable?” I look over at her.

  “Oh, does it?” She glances half-assed at the phone screen then grins at me. “Huh.” Her hand rests on my thigh again and her head goes back to my shoulder.

  “Your brother’s going to kill me. Holy fuck.” I laugh but it’s not funny. Anyone that sees that is going to think I put that hashtag and I mean it about her. “You gotta delete it. Though you are.” I clear my throat and grip the steering wheel. I shouldn’t talk to her like that. “You gotta delete it, okay?”

  “Why?” Sitting up, she huffs. “My brother probably won’t see it. And if he does, who cares? He fucks a different girl every weekend.”

  “Yeah, well, that’s your brother. Not me. And I don’t want to fuck you.” When she looks hurt I want to slam my forehead to the steering wheel. “I do,” I quickly correct myself. “Hell.” I rub my neck. “You got me in a tight spot here, Paige.”

  “Obviously.” She takes the phone out of my hands and quickly deletes the entire post, then hands it back. “Sorry.” She clears her throat and looks out the windows. “So where’s dinner?”

  “Don’t be like that.” I whip the truck to the side of the road
and repost the picture, tagging every word I can think of when it comes to her. Words she deserves to be called, then I tag her. Hopefully she doesn’t mention the girlfriend boyfriend hashtags. “You’re fuckable. But that’s not you.” I put my arm around her shoulders and pull back on the road. “Make love to-able? That a thing?” I chuckle.

  Her hands clasp in her lap. “Don’t know, I’ve never had either of them. I was just screwin’ around. Didn’t even think of my brother and how he’d react.” She seems nervous now that I said what I did. And I want to fuck her, make love to her, whatever she wants to call it, but I want her to realize she’s more to me than just a fuck. “You’re not going to spend all night worrying about what my brother, or anyone else for that matter, thinks about us are you?”

  “No. I care what you think about us.”

  She looks up at me. “I like us. Together. A lot.”

  “I do too.” I glance her way, not sure the smile on my face will fall tonight. “Have you ever had a boyfriend?” I stupidly ask, but I just want to know. Not sure why.

  “No. There have been guys here and there. Dates and stuff, but no boyfriend.” She winces. “I feel so much more immature than you.”

  “You’re...” I pause. I never thought about this. “You’re at least seventeen, right?” I slip my arm out from around her shoulders. It wouldn’t be that big of a deal, but I’m eighteen, and I turn nineteen soon.

  “Yeah, I’m seventeen. But the big one eight doesn’t happen until next summer. I think I'm the youngest in our entire class.”

  “I might be the oldest. My birthday’s in December.”

  “Gray turns eighteen next week. He’s got you beat.”

  I glance at her. “I’ll, uh, I’ll be turning nineteen in December.” I wince slightly when she looks a little surprised.

  “Oh,” she says, then giggles. “Yeah, I think you’re the oldest. God, now I feel even more like a child. You’ve had a steady girlfriend for two years. You’re definitely not a virgin. And you could very well find someone closer to your age to date than little old me.” She whistles. “Geeze.”


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