RUIN (Kenshaw Legacy Book 1)

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RUIN (Kenshaw Legacy Book 1) Page 15

by Piper Frost

  “Hey, Paige!” Ammo calls out and I look to see Gray pushing him back toward his car.

  “If he stays, I gotta go. I’m sorry. We can go somewhere else,” I tell her, the anger coming back full force.

  “He won’t stay, my brother won’t let him.” She says. “But I get it. I just want to be where you are.”

  “Let’s just leave. Kirby’s kind of annoying me right now too.” I look toward him as he’s trying to flirt with the girl Gray brought. “He showed up with that dumb fuck.” I shake my head, trying not to let the anger out.

  Paige pulls me to land and tosses me my shirt.

  “You guys heading out?” Gray asks, looking back at us.

  “Yeah.” Paige says, obviously short with her brother but trying not to get Ammo riled up.

  “You don’t have to go, this is our goddamned property.” He looks at Ammo. “Kenshaw land.”

  “Gray, it’s fine. We were ready to head out anyway.” She pulls the t-shirt out of my truck and yanks it over her head because Ammo’s eyes won’t leave her tits and everyone here can see it.

  “Hey, Sterling,” Ammo calls over to me. “Don’t your pops own Grandma Mae’s Farm?”

  The blood drains from my face and I freeze. When Gray looks at me confused, I move around to get into my truck.

  “Is he right?” Paige asks, hopping into the truck but Ammo won’t stop.

  “Didn’t he just lose almost everything when your mom left? I heard your farm’s going under!”

  I jump in and slam the door, barely looking as I reverse. I whip the truck around and Paige yelps, but just as soon as I’m away from the lake I slow down and reach for her. “Sorry. Sorry,” I say and wrap my arm around hr.

  “Your place is going under?” she whispers. “Fenton, if you guys need help I’m sure my dad-”

  “Oh fuck, Paige! No! Please stop! Shit. Fuck my dad! And that stupid ass farm!” I stop the truck and lean my forehead on the steering wheel.

  I don’t know why that would be kept a secret. Everyone at my old school knows who I am. We were sitting where the Kenshaws are, except that was four years ago. Then my dad started to lose everything. And when my mom left, it just got worse. Everyone knows that, so why did I think no one at Westwind would find that out?

  She’s silent for what feels like a lifetime. I probably scared her. Pissed her off by yelling at her, but there are things that her daddy can’t fix, and this is one of them. My life is one of them.

  “You can take me home,” she finally whispers and my chest aches because of the tone in her voice.

  “Hey.” I reach for her but she yanks bank. “I’m sorry.” I don’t try and touch her again. “I didn’t mean to scream like that. I’m sorry.” I start driving again and glance over at her. “Your family can’t fix everything for everyone. I know you’re used to that. You’re good people. But just...don’t. Seriously. Fuck my dad, okay? Please don’t tell your dad what you just found out. I mean about who I am. I know your dad would try and step in to help mine, but I don’t want that, okay?” When she doesn’t respond, I pull off the dirt road again. “Paige? Okay?”

  “Yeah, good. Okay.” She gives me a soft smile.

  “My dad doesn’t deserve help.” I start driving again thinking maybe this is for the better. She’ll probably break up with me now and I don’t want that, but it is for the better.

  When I pull down her drive, she huffs and turns in the seat to look at me. “Don’t ever yell at me like that again.”

  I nod and keep my eyes forward, not really sure what to do. I know what I want to do, but shouldn’t because this break up will come eventually anyway.

  She scoots over on the bench and forces my arm around her. “And I know you don’t want help. That’s fine. But you can’t get pissed when I offer it. It's in my blood. Take it or leave it. That's who I am.”

  “I’ll take it but please don’t offer to help my dad.” I slow the truck to a stop and throw it in park. “I don’t ever want you to think helping my dad is helping me, got it? It’s not.” I don’t have to be so brash with her, but I want her to understand this. I wish I could just tell her I fucking hate my dad and all the horrible shit about him, but I can’t.

  “Okay. Deal.” She looks up at me and smiles. “Hey,” she whispers and grins at me.

  I can’t help but smile. She always makes the bullshit go away. “Hey.” I gently grab her face and glance toward her house, but I don’t care right now. Not until her parents come out and tell me to get my hands off her will I stop. I rub my nose over hers.

  “You smell good,” she says, pushing against my side like she’s trying to crawl on top of me.

  I push my lips to hers and slide my tongue down hers, inhaling heavily as I pull away. “You taste good.”

  There’s a knock on the hood and we both turn to see her dad staring at us.

  “Shit,” she whispers, giggling. “You think he saw?”

  “Fuck,” I whisper without moving my lips so he can’t read them. “Get out of the truck.” I move slowly like he’s got a gun or something. “Sir.” I nod. “Before ten.” I try to buy myself some brownie points.

  “Well that’s a damn relief,” he says, arms crossed in front of him. “Come on out to the barn, I’ve got a question for ya.” He nods to me, his face pissed, then looks at Paige. “You too.”

  We glance at each other but when he starts to move, we’re right behind him. Paige grabs my hand and I almost run away from her. Her dad’s probably bringing me in here to hog tie me and beat me for kissing his little girl.

  “You two have any clue who the hell did this?” He kicks a flat tire on his work truck inside the barn as hard as he can, then starts to pace.

  “Holy crap,” Paige says, dropping my hand and walking around the truck then glancing at the other truck on the other side of the barn. “Dad, they’re all flat.”

  “Yeah.” He looks at me. “Fenton? You hear anything?”

  “No, sir,” I speak quickly. “Nothing.” I glance around and see out the back of the barn, the tractor tires are flat too. This shit wasn’t an accident. “Ammo?” I blurt and look at Paige. “I’m not trying to place blame, but would he?”

  Paige nods. “He’s never done anything like this before, but he seems to be getting worse.” She looks at her dad. “You need security cameras, dad. We’ve been telling you this forever.”

  “I know,” he huffs, shaking his head. “Well thanks, you two. I’ll look into him. If you hear anything let me know.” He walks over to me and pats my shoulder. “And thanks for getting her home safe and before curfew.”

  “Uh, yeah.” I look around at the tires again before looking at Paige. Thousands of dollars in tires are slashed. “If Ammo did this...” Why the hell would he though? I stare at the barn floor a minute until she’s standing in front of me.

  “He’d be stupid to do something this big,” she whispers, shaking her head. "But like I said, he’s been going off his rocker lately.”

  “Just stay away from him, okay? I’ll find out if he had anything to do with it. But stay away from him, for me.” I look at her before leaning into a kiss. I’d fucking hate to have this taken away from me. She probably should break up with me, but I'd regret it.

  “Yeah,” she whispers, nodding her head. “Of course.”

  I walk her to the front door and don’t want to take my hand off her back. I’d be content holding her in my arms all night, but that won’t happen anytime soon.

  “Night.” I touch her chin.

  She rests her hands on my shoulder, reaching to her tiptoes, and slowly pushes her lips to mine.

  “Text me,” she says after taking a step back.

  I steal one more kiss then jog to the truck, getting in once she goes inside. When I get home and in bed, I lift my phone and that smile’s back on my face.

  FENTON: Sweet dreams beautiful

  PAIGE: I like when you call me that

  FENTON: I wouldn’t say it if it weren’t true.
  Is it possible I’m falling in love with her? After only knowing her a month.

  The crowd’s going crazy as the timer runs down. Thirty seconds until our boys bring home the state champion title for the first time in ten years. It wasn’t a shock when we won regionals. They’d only lost that one game all season. Of course they’d head to state. What was a shock was the kiss Fenton planted on me after the game when their State fate was sealed. It was like he forgot everyone else was around us. It was perfect and hot and made me wish I didn’t have this nagging need to make sure he’s the right guy before going all the way.

  God, who am I kidding? I know he’s the right one. We’ve only been together a few months but Fenton makes me feel. Really feel. I think about him and get giddy, I talk to him and can’t stop smiling, his deep voice brings me more relief than anything else I’ve ever tried. He’s mine. And I’m his.

  When the buzzer goes off and our team comes out on top, my heart leaps and I scream as loud as I can, searching the field for Fenton. His eyes hit mine after his teammates rush him and he pulls away from the group, yanking his helmet off, dropping it to the ground, and catching me when I run full speed to him.

  “You did it!” I yell over the noise.

  “Holy shit.” Other than their last game, anytime there’s a possibility my parents can see us, he won’t usually kiss me.

  I wrap my arms around his neck and refuse to break the kiss until more of his teammates rush over and jostle him away, cheering, yelling, laughing. A full on celebration. I see my brother’s smile across the field and go give him a hug before finding Fenton in the middle of another mob. He grabs my hand, pulling me to him, making sure no one pushes me away again.

  “You guys did great!” I don’t even know if anyone can hear me but Fenton looks at me and smiles.

  Grant comes over so I lose contact with Fenton again. But there’s a trophy to be given out, and by the time everyone’s making their way off the field my cheeks hurt from smiling so hard.

  They did it.

  I wave to Gray as he ducks into the locker room, then feel arms wrap around me from behind. Squealing, I turn in Fenton’s arms.

  “I’m so proud of you,” I tell him, looking into those beautiful green eyes.

  “I didn’t think we’d do it. You’re my lucky charm.” He pecks me with a kiss.

  “You didn’t need me to win a game. But I like being your lucky charm. That means you can’t get rid of me.”

  “Fucking never,” he says and someone grabs his arm, pulling him away from me again. “I’ll see you in a few,” he calls to me and I watch him head for the locker rooms. My dad and mom are standing off to the side so I wave to them and start jogging that way, but Fenton turns back. “Paige!”

  I spin and smile at him. “What?” I yell, laughing at the goofy look on his face.

  “I love you, beautiful!” he yells through his cupped hands.

  I squeal, my heart hammering out of my chest when I yell, “I love you, too!” The other cheerleaders around me start to ‘aww’ and make other super girly excited noises that match what I’m feeling right now. Happy. Light. Excited.

  He loves me!

  “That was so sweet!” Shae runs over, hugging me. “Oh my god!” she shrieks, jumping up and down, and I can’t stop laughing.

  And then I see the look on my mom’s face. Which stops the jumping and Shae scurries away.

  “Hey.” I say, out of breath and too happy to take my smile away. “They won!”

  “Yeah. They won.” Her wide eyes are pinned on me and her arms are crossed over her chest. She looks up at my dad but he’s paying attention to Grant. “They won. And he loves you. And you love him?” She wants an explanation, but I’m not sure what needs to be explained.

  “Yeah.” I giggle. “Yes. Yeah.” I’m so full of adrenaline I think I could run laps around this field and not be any more out of breath than I am right now.

  “After what?” She looks at my dad again but he’s still in his own world so she turns her glare on me. “Two months? Love?”

  “You can’t stop love, Mom.” I smile. “Isn’t that what you always told us growing up? Dad’s favorite saying?” I shrug and grin. “Can’t and won’t.”

  All she’s doing is nodding her head, not sure what to say, and my dad’s not helping her so she’s searching for a life line I’m not gonna throw her. I love him.

  “Okay, we’ll talk at the hotel,” my mom says before wandering away like I just won that round.

  I smile at Grant when he glances over at us and run to give him a hug. “Congratulations!” I say, then hug my dad.

  “Hey, you know what being in love gets you?” Grant speaks up. For a minute, I didn’t think him or my dad heard Fenton, I should have known they were just avoiding my mom. “Herpes,” he finishes matter of fact.

  “What?” I blurt, then start to cough. “Ew, stop!”

  “He’s right. Gonorrhea, syphilis. It’s nasty, Paige. Don’t go there.” My dad chimes in and my cheeks heat in embarrassment.

  “I... I have to go.” I start to back away then turn and walk faster because as long as Grant can see me, he’ll be determined to embarrass me. I grab Shae’s arm and link elbows with her as we make our way across the field and into the girls’ locker rooms, but before we get out of sight I hear Grant’s voice loud and clear.

  “Paige! Let Fenton know I picked up that cream he needs for that rash by his balls! Stay away from his balls!” he screams across the field loud enough everyone in those bleachers probably heard him.

  “Oh my god,” I groan when Shae starts to laugh. “No. Don’t laugh, it only makes it worse.” I pull her into the locker rooms.

  I don’t see Fenton again until we’re back at the hotel. He got swept into post win madness and I need out of this uniform and into my sweats. My parents drove me and Shae back and the whole time my mom was brooding in the front seat. So now that’s we’re back in our room and it’s just me and my parents, I'm suddenly missing the busy hectic house that doesn’t leave a lot of time for them to meddle in my business.

  When my dad goes into the bathroom, my mom looks at me. “Are you still a virgin?” Wow, straight to the point, mom. Nothing subtle about her.

  “Yes,” I snap then pull a hoodie over my head. “Still a virgin.” I huff, falling to the bed and checking my phone. There’s a text from Fenton of the locker room madness still happening and I grin, shooting him a selfie of me in my hoodie. Followed by a heart.

  “You know what happens when you fall in love, right?” my mom reminds me she’s still in the room.

  “Herpes,” I mutter, sitting up on my elbows and glaring at her.

  “What?” She cringes. “Ew, Paige, no. God I hope not. Does Fenton have herpes?”

  “What? No! But Dad and Uncle Grant said herpes happens! And other crap like gonorrhea and syphilis and stuff.” I shudder because it was bad enough talking to them about that. Sitting in a room talking to my mom isn’t any better.

  “Jesus,” she grumbles. “Don’t listen to those idiots. I mean, yeah, sure...” Her sight lingers away then she shakes her head. “Just be careful. Condoms are important, and making sure who you're with is clean. I was going to say after love, you...usually lose your virginity. It’s kind of rare you even wait to be in love. I just need you to be careful and to make sure Fenton’s really the guy you want that with when the time comes.”

  I smile, laying back on the bed. “I think he is, mom,” I whisper. “I’ve never ever felt like this. For anyone. I know it’s love... And I know it’s special and stuff. I’ll be safe. I promise.”

  When I hear her make a noise, I think she wasn’t expecting me to agree with her. “I had Annie young. And we survived. But you, you might be just like me, but is a huge responsibility. Huge.” She’s rubbing her temples with her eyes closed.

  “Yeah, I know, mom.” I feel bad brushing her off like I usually would with a topic like this. I thought she was pissed...but it’s
more of a worry and a sadness that I’m getting now. “He’s a gentleman. Never pushes me too far. Never makes me feel bad for not going as far as other girls our age go.”

  She stares at me a minute before saying, “Fenton is a good kid. I know that. That’s the only reason me and your dad allow him to come around so much. You know if any other kid, like that idiot Ammo, got a job at the ranch and you two started dating, your dad wouldn’t have it. But Fenton’s good. And I think you guys make a good match. Just be careful, baby.” She huffs. “Not with sex, but with it all. Your heart, your body, your soul. All of you.”

  I smile and stand up, walking over to give her a hug. “Thanks, mom.” I say, realizing how much taller than her I’ve gotten over the last year. “I will be. You raised me to be a pretty kickass girl.”

  “We’re all doomed,” she teases then walks to the bathroom door. “Babe! I gotta pee!”

  “Is the awkward conversation over?” my dad asks, peeking his head out of the bathroom.

  “Paige is pregnant,” my mom says before trading places with him and slamming the door closed.

  My dad’s face is pale and his eyes are huge. “Paige,” he mutters, then his face goes stone cold. “I’m going to kill him.”

  “Dad!” I laugh, stopping him as he storms to the door. “Stop, I’m not pregnant. Virgins can’t get pregnant.”

  He chokes and backs away from me, throwing his hands in the air. “I... I need a drink.” He falls to the chair and I smile when I see a text from Fenton.

  FENTON: Where are you? I’m at the hotel

  PAIGE: In my room and need out. Meet me at the pool?

  FENTON: Yeah, give me fifteen minutes. Don’t bring your parents

  I giggle and my dad raises an eyebrow at me. “Do I even want to know?”

  “Nope.” I grin, typing out my response.

  PAIGE: Brandt said he’ll be there. Jo is currently sharpening her knife for your demise. See ya soon!

  “I’m going down to the pool,” I say, shoving my phone in my pocket and finding my sandals. My mom comes out of the bathroom and stares at me. “What? That okay?”


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