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It's Always the Duke: Historical Regency Romance

Page 8

by Lisa Campell

  “Do you feel better?” he asked, his voice soft.

  She nodded. “I do. Lady Dalton’s visit was just what I needed.”

  He nodded. “I’m glad. She was truly worried when she didn’t see you at the dinner. I told her you were feeling unwell and she insisted on visiting.”

  Caroline nodded again. “She said.”

  “Oh, I see. Well, heavens bless her soul.”

  Caroline said nothing this time. Silence reigned for a moment. It was awkward, and seemed to last a century. Eventually, her father broke it.

  “I wished to speak to you because there is something you must know. I hope to return to Yorkshire in a few days. As I envisioned, I have run out of resources to keep this place for the time being. I can no longer afford the rent or pay the staff. We all have to leave, soon.”

  Caroline wasn’t surprised to hear this. She had been waiting for it.

  “But you alone will return to Yorkshire,” she said.

  He nodded. “I have made arrangements with Brandon.”

  Her eyes widened. “Edward? What sort?”

  “You and your Aunt Trudy shall be moving into his townhouse in Grosvenor Street. I spoke with him last night. He says you won’t be a bother. The house is big and there are more than enough rooms. You will be with him for the rest of the Season. Until your marriage to Whittaker.”

  “I see you’re still insisting on that.”

  “I wish I could not... Alas, there are things I cannot tell you. Reasons why you must marry him.”

  Her brows furrowed. “You mean worse things than I already know? Dear Lord.”

  “All will become clear in good time. However, I must assure you that Whittaker is not the man you believe him to be. He will do right by you. You have my word.”

  “Your word is a pinch of salt, Father. One puff of wind and it vanishes.”

  “I see you’re still angry. I deserve that.”

  Caroline shook her head. “No, simply disappointed. Why Edward’s? I could live with the Daltons. That would be better for propriety’s sake.”

  “They are going overseas. Edward is as good as your brother. You grew up together. I trust him. As I said, your aunt shall be there to make certain your reputation will not suffer.”

  The thought of living with Edward was both thrilling and worrisome. She would certainly enjoy being so close to him. Yet, if he continued to treat her so coldly, would she not only bruise her already hurting heart all the more?

  Nevertheless, this could be just the opportunity she needed to help him remember it all.

  In the meanwhile, she could bide her time.

  Oh yes, she would pretend to be giving in to Whitakker’s charms. She would let herself be wooed and courted.

  Perhaps Edward would suffer jealously, would go mad at the thought of losing her to another man. Then, he would come to his senses, confess his love, ask her to marry him, and they would live happily ever after.

  She was also certain he would be more than willing to pay her father’s debts. He was such a gracious soul.

  She heaved a dreamy sigh.

  My Edward.

  “Are you alright?”

  Her father’s voice startled her out of her thoughts and she remembered he was still present.

  “Yes, yes, of course.” She brushed her hair, tucking a few stray strands behind her hair.

  “Edward’s home? Oh well, if he has agreed to the arrangement, I see no reason why I should object. You let me know when you wish me to leave and I shall be on my way.”


  She froze as she heard that word.


  Her father nodded. “I shall need some time to tidy up this place. Then I will return to Yorkshire. There, I hope to put my affairs in order. Nonetheless, I shall visit Brandon before I leave England, say my goodbyes. You have my…” He paused. “You may count on that.”

  Caroline smiled. “I’ll try not to hold my breath.”

  Her father looked like he had more to say but he didn’t. He simply rose to his feet, mumbled some words she did not quite catch, and turned to leave.

  Caroline followed him to the door. As she shut it behind him, she started to do a happy dance.

  She skipped and jumped and waltzed.

  She was going to be living with Edward. In one house. It was better than when they were neighbors.

  She fell on her bed on her back, arms spread wide and eyes twinkling with joy.

  It was everything.

  Edward stood just outside the door of his manor, awaiting the arrival of the Wentworths.

  I shouldn’t be doing this.

  Those were the words he kept telling himself since the moment he had agreed to have Caroline and Aunt Trudy stay in his home.

  A thousand times, he had wished he had the power to turn the hands of time and take himself back to when Viscount Wymore had asked him.

  I should have said no.

  He had wanted to—well, a part of him had wanted to, but he had been too shocked by the viscount’s request to properly think things through.

  He never could have imagined that the viscount would ask such of him. Ever.

  He had been taken aback, frozen for a brief moment as questions rang in his mind. Why did they have to leave their home? Why does it have to be his home?

  Of course, Lord Wymore had explained that he was returning back to Yorkshire, and as Aunt Helen and Uncle Ethan were going overseas, Edward was the only other choice left.

  Edward hardly considered that enough reason. Caroline and Aunt Trudy could remain in their townhouse for the Season. They didn’t need to move into his home.

  He had wanted to point that out, but there had been something in the viscount’s eyes that had stopped him. Something that seemed all too much like pain and shame.

  So, Edward had swallowed his curiosity. Not yet fully recovered from the shock of being asked, he had simply considered the years of history between his family and the Wentworth’s, and he had said yes.

  He had never wanted to take back his word so badly.

  As soon as he returned home that night from the dinner, his mind finally began grasp all the reasons why accepting Caroline into his home was a terrible decision.

  He didn’t need her any closer to him than she already was. In fact, he ought to be doing all he could to push her away. That was the plan, was it not?

  However, was he supposed to act as though all was well and keep his hands to himself if they continued to sleep and wake up under the same roof? If he continued to see her every day?

  Only a few moments at the ball and it had felt like his whole world had stopped.

  Thinking she would be at the dinner, he had prepared himself for days to see her again. To act aloof and behave as though her presence affected him naught.

  He wouldn’t deny that he had felt a modicum of disappointment when only the viscount and Aunt Trudy had arrived that night.

  Learning that she was ill had made him worry, so much so that he had barely been present all through the night. His thoughts had been filled with her.

  How she was faring. If she was alone, if she felt lonely… if he should go see her.

  He missed her.

  Ever since that night at the ball, he had continued to struggle with himself. The urge to go to her was overwhelming. It had taken him every ounce of willpower to stay away.

  If only he had known what fate had in place for them. The irony of it all was almost amusing.

  How was he going to succeed in keeping his hands to himself until the Season was over?

  She had gotten even more beautiful. Grown from a girl he had cherished to a woman he desired.

  With passion.

  It would be wise to turn her away. Perhaps he should leave his home and move into Nathaniel’s. Anything to make certain he wouldn’t lose his mind one day and end up seducing her.

  He was pulled out of his thoughts as a familiar carriage rolled into his yard.

sp; They’re here.

  Edward swallowed, as his throat suddenly felt dry. His heart began to thump wildly in his chest and his stomach churned with great discomfort.

  He folded his hand behind his back in a bid to hide his sweaty palm. He almost laughed at himself. If only Nathaniel could see him.

  He had gone into battle after battle knowing that he might not return alive. Yet, he had never been as nervous.

  With Caroline, everything was different.

  Finally, the carriage rolled to a stop and the first person to disembark was the viscount. As he did, he turned to help his sister and daughter.

  The last person to drop from the carriage was a lady Edward assumed to be Caroline’s lady’s maid.

  Edward remained where he was as they came to him, all the while, he religiously avoided Caroline’s gaze. As soon as they stopped before him, he bowed his head.

  “My lady, Miss Caroline, my lord.”

  The viscount was the first to respond. “Good day, Brandon,” he chimed, patting him on the shoulder. “A beautiful one is it not?” he asked, looking at the sky. “Yes, the weather certainly is nice today.”

  He returned his gaze to Edward then, his lips curved in a bright smile. “Did we keep you waiting long?”

  Edward shook his head, a small grin on his face. “Not at all. I have only been here a short while. I thought it best to receive you myself.”

  “Ah… ever the gentleman. No wonder Helen and Ethan are so proud. They raised you right.”

  Edward’s smile deepened as he bowed his head again. Rising, he turned to Aunt Trudy, who had a bigger smile for him.

  “You’re welcome to my humble home, my lady.”

  Her eyes widened in incredulity. “You call this humble?” she gushed, taking in the sheer size of his manor. “There is nothing humble about this, your grace. It’s such a grand manor. I suppose being a duke does come with its benefits, does it not?”

  He raised his shoulder in a slight shrug. “I reckon you may say so. It’s too big a house, though. Sometimes it feels lonely.”

  “Ah… it is a good thing Lady Trudy and Caroline will be staying for a while then. It shall not feel so lonely anymore,” the viscount said.

  Edward couldn’t help but agree.

  So, finally holding Caroline’s gaze, he answered. “No, I believe it won’t.”

  Her blue eyes peered into his dark ones for a brief moment before looking away.

  It didn’t matter that it had happened so quickly, it was more than enough to make his heart skip a beat and his belly squirm with strange sensations.

  The pull he felt towards her became even stronger. Now that he saw her in the daylight, he realized that he had been awfully mistaken about how beautiful she had become.

  She was beyond lovely. She was utterly gorgeous, breathtakingly so.

  She had tamed her wild waves again. He wished she wouldn’t do that so often. He missed the Caroline that let her hair roam wild and free despite lectures from her father and aunty.

  Her cheeks were rosy. They reminded him of cherubs. Her lips, full and luscious, tempted him to have a taste. Just one.

  His throat suddenly clogged in that moment and he swallowed hard, needing to breathe.

  Of their own volition, his eyes began to lower. Down to her neck—long, delicate, creamy. A vision flashed before his mind’s eye—his fingers wrapped around that neck, her eyes closed in the heat of passion, her teeth biting those luscious lips as he got drunk off the scent of her—and he grew hot.

  He could see it perfectly. They would be so fiery together, he could just tell.

  And her dress. He wondered if it had been a deliberate choice, as that dress was wicked. The neckline so low, it gave him more than a glimpse of her cleavage.

  Full, succulent, covered in the finest skin he had ever seen.

  What I would do to hold those lovelies in my hands. To drink from them.

  He felt a tightening in his breeches and he cursed.

  Bloody Hell.

  Then there was her waist. So tiny, he could tell only one arm of his would go around it entirely. It gave way to curvy hips that he could glimpse even covered by a heap of skirts.

  This was definitely a terrible idea, he thought to himself.

  Even now, I want to take her and ravish her until she fills my ears with cries of pleasure and releases her flowing juices onto my sheets.

  He wanted to bury his seed inside of her and make her his forever.

  How was he ever going to survive an entire Season?

  Thankfully, just before he lost it completely, Mr. Giraud appeared by his side, distracting him.

  Edward heaved a sigh of relief, grateful for his butler’s arrival. He only hoped that no one had caught him ogling his newest ward.

  Even then, he still couldn’t take his eyes off her.

  Goodness. It’s going to be a long Season.

  Chapter Ten

  After making introductions between his guest and Mr. Giraud, Edward led everyone into the manor.

  He had asked that a feast be prepared for their welcome, but he let the ladies be shown to their chambers first.

  After they had settled in, they came down to the dining hall.

  Lord Wymore had told Edward they would be arriving at noon, the perfect time for lunch. Edward had made the cook prepare all sorts of delicacies, particularly the ones he knew to be Caroline’s favorite.

  As Caroline joined them at the dining table, Edward watched her take in the arrangement, wondering if she would realize what he had done, hoping that she would.

  He knew she had when she looked up at him and smiled. A genuine smile like the one she used to so effortlessly give him those many years ago.

  She probably didn’t know it, but she never smiled at others the way she did at him. It was something that had always secretly pleased Edward.

  It delighted him even more that afternoon. He didn’t realize he smiled back at her just as sweetly.

  As they broke eye contact, he announced, “Let’s eat our heart’s fill!”

  Aunt Trudy and Lord Wymore cheered in response and they all dug into their meals.

  Lunch went quietly and well.

  As it ended, the viscount and Aunt Trudy were filled with praise for the cook and thanks for him. Unlike them, Caroline made no fuss.

  “It was a wonderful meal,” she simply said. “Thank you.” With that, she took her leave, retiring to the drawing room.

  Aunt Trudy went after her, leaving Edward and the viscount alone.

  “I shall be on my way soon,” the viscount announced as they began to walk away from the dining hall.

  Edward nodded. “When are you set for Yorkshire?”

  “In three days. As soon as I’m done tidying up affairs, I shall take my leave.”

  Again, Edward nodded. He was still curious. He knew that there was so much more than Lord Wymore was telling him. He feared the viscount had gotten himself in some sort of trouble.

  He wished the older man would trust him enough to confide in him. Edward was willing help in whatever way he could.

  Alas, it was clear that whatever it was, Lord Wymore wasn’t willing to share. It was not Edward’s place to ask, so all he could do was what he was already doing—help by keeping Caroline safe, with him.

  Now that he thought of it that way, he wasn’t so conflicted about her staying in his home.

  There was still the matter of attraction and desire. Nevertheless, he would continue to try his best to keep his hands to himself.

  He mustn’t betray the viscount’s trust. Beyond that, he mustn’t do anything that would hurt his Lin more than he was already hurting her.

  “I wish you safe travels,” he said simply.

  “Thank you, Brandon. You must know how grateful I am for this. It is a great kindness you’re doing me. You do not know how much so. I will never forget it and I hope to repay it someday, in some way.”

  This time, Edward shook his head. “Please, Lord Wymo
re, I do not consider you in my debt and I wish that you would not either. We are like family. I am only doing what one member would happily do for another.”

  The viscount smiled then. “You have always been noble. It is why I have always admired you.”


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