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It's Always the Duke: Historical Regency Romance

Page 10

by Lisa Campell

  She swallowed hard, realizing that her thoughts had become anything but proper. In a bid to distract herself, she cleared her throat.

  “Did you always know about this townhouse,” she asked.

  He was quick to respond. “Yes. As you know, I was told all about my inheritance, the shoes I would someday fill, and the duties that would be expected of me to a long, long time ago. It was Aunt Helen and Uncle Ethan’s way of preparing me for this life. As the townhouse has been in my family for generations, it was only right that I knew of it too.”

  “Ah… I see. So, you came here right away after you returned from war?”

  He nodded. “Now that I have come of age, I must wear those shoes and fulfill those duties. I cannot do it by continuing to be the Dalton’s ward.”

  “Of course not. You are now a man of your own. A duke in every right.” She sank into a playful curtsy. “Your grace.”

  She was smiling as she rose, and she could swear that she caught hint of an identical one on his face. Alas, he quickly masked it, seeming serious once again.

  Her smile deepened.

  The last time she had seen him beam so sweetly had been four years ago. She wished he wouldn’t hide it from her.

  She wondered why he was.

  There was a moment’s silence as he cleared his throat, looking away. “Thank you. For liking my home. It’s been some months, but it appears I am taking my time growing accustomed to having my own home… and the silence.”

  Caroline nodded, understanding a little. “I suppose it is a stark contrast to whatever lodgings you might have had these past years. And yes, it is quiet here. Berfount was much noisier. Sometimes, it was hard for me to go to sleep at night—though it was much easier to wake in the morn.”

  “Berfount?” he asked.

  Caroline thought of telling him everything then. Of her father’s debts, Whittaker. If things had been as they were before, she would have told him without a single thought.

  He had been her best friend; they had kept no secrets from each other.

  It hurt that things were no longer that way between them, that they couldn’t go back to how they used to be. Despite the fact that the evening had been significantly better than their first meeting at the ball, he was still just as distant.

  No, I won’t tell him.

  She didn’t want his pity, and she didn’t want him to feel any more responsible towards her than he already did for letting her stay in his home.

  Beyond that, she feared he would take it upon himself to pay her father’s debts so she would be free to marry whomever.

  No, she didn’t want that either.

  So, she shook head. “A long story. Nothing you need worry yourself about.”

  He gave a curt nod, not pushing further.

  It made a part of her hurt.

  Silence reigned again. This time, for a very long moment. Eventually, Edward broke the spell.

  “It’s gotten even darker. I reckon now is a good time to call it a night. You must want to rest, after all that walking.”

  Caroline held his gaze, wondering if she would find something, anything that would tell her that just like her, he didn’t want this night to end. That he wanted to continue being with her under the stars.

  She soon gave up. It was a futile attempt.

  It used to be so easy to read his thoughts. Now, he seemed a rock; unyielding, impossible to see through.

  Yet she couldn’t help wondering, did he truly want her to go? Was he indeed so eager to leave her presence?

  Throwing caution to the wind, she stepped closer to him.

  She had said she would seduce him. It was now or never. She knew nothing of the art, save for what she had read in books. But she could, at the very least, try.

  He took a small step backward and she stepped even closer, until their chests were almost touching.

  Then, lifting her hand, she placed her palm softly against his chest and stroked a feathery caress.

  “Before I go, I must say thank you,” she said. Her voice was almost a whisper. Soft, sultry. She made certain they were close enough for her breath to fan his face.

  The top of her head used to reach his ears before. Now, she barely touched his shoulders. He had grown so tall.

  Beneath her fingers, she could feel lean muscle. Evidence of the man he had become.

  A sweet tremble rocketed through her as she imagined being wrapped in those strong arms, charmed in the throes of passion.

  “Thank you? Whatever for?” he asked, swallowing hard.

  She smirked. His breathing had become uneven. His eyes were darker. He was not unaffected by her nearness, not in the least. That much she could be certain of.

  “For letting me stay,” she answered, her voice still breathy. “Myself and Aunt Trudy. You also extended your hospitality to my maid, Amelia. You have my gratitude.”

  He swallowed hard again. “I see.” Clearing his throat, he added, “Well, your father asked so dearly. I could not refuse.”

  Caroline stepped even closer, growing more fearless by the moment.

  “Are you certain that is the only reason you said yes?”

  He looked down at her then, and the distance between their lips was no more than a few inches.

  The night air suddenly grew hot against Caroline’s skin. It was the same heat she felt inside of her.

  “What other reason could there be?” His voice had gone hoarse.

  “You would be the one to know, wouldn’t you?” Caroline asked ever so sweetly. She was enjoying this too much.

  He seemed to search for the right words to say, but it appeared to be an impossible quest.

  His cheeks were flushed crimson and heat rolled off him. He was just as hot as she.

  Caroline hid a grin. Seeing him get so flustered was more success than she had hoped for. It was thrilling to know that she had the power to affect him so.

  Deciding to end the torture for them both, she rose to her tiptoes, whispering again.

  “Good night, Edward. I suppose I shall see you tomorrow.”

  There was almost nothing left of the distance between their lips. She could feel his heavy breathing upon her face.

  This is it. There’s no going back now. You have come too far.

  She had indeed. Beyond that, this was the moment she had waited for for a very long time. She would be foolish to let it go.

  So, ignoring her nerves, she shut her eyes and went all the way, sealing the beautiful evening with a kiss.

  As soon as her lips touched his, she froze, as did he. For the longest moment, they remained that way. As still as statues.

  Nonetheless, Caroline couldn’t ignore the hundreds of delicious sensations that were simmering through her.

  Slowly, she began to thaw.

  She wanted more, needed more, but she knew that had to be enough for one night. So, she began to retreat.

  Thankfully, he didn’t stop her.

  As soon as she successfully pulled away, landing firmly on her feet, she turned around and broke into a run for her room.

  Chapter Twelve

  I shouldn’t have let her kiss me.

  That was the lie Edward kept telling himself ever since he watched Caroline run away the night before.

  He had kissed more than a handful of women in his lifetime but not one had ever made him feel the way Caroline had. He should have known she was up to something from the moment she insisted on having the tour.

  Even if he was wary, he never imagined she would be bold enough to make the first move, not in his wildest thoughts.

  She had cornered him on the balcony and he had just stood there, hopeless to do anything other than submit to her wiles and let himself be seduced.

  He wondered where she had learned the art, if she had been taught by a man, if she had ever done the same to any other man.

  The thought was enough to drive him mad. He didn’t want to envision it, his Lin being so close to another man, kissing him.

>   No.

  He had finally realized what she meant to do when she had started drawing closer to him. He could have walked away then, called it a night, but he hadn’t been able to bring himself to.

  The truth was that he had wanted it, with everything in him. At some point, he had feared she wouldn’t go through with it. He had wondered what he would do if she didn’t. If he would wrap his arms around her, draw her into him and kiss her senseless.

  His whole body still trembled from that light, feathery kiss.

  Now that he had gotten a taste, he wanted more. So much more. He wanted to go all the way.

  To have her naked beneath him, her face contorted in pleasure as he made love to her. He wanted to keep her in his arms all night long, sleep right next to her and awake to worship her body once again.

  That was why now, more than ever, he needed to keep his distance.

  If she hadn’t tried to kiss him, he would have been able to abate his hunger, quell his desire, restrain himself. Alas, she had awakened something in him he feared he could not control.

  He looked down at her through the huge window in the grand hall. She had been in the gardens all morning, after having breakfast.

  Of course, he had been absent from the breakfast table, not trusting himself to behave while being so close to her.

  So, he had decided to settle for watching her from the shadows.

  She looked like a ray of sunshine that morning. She had chosen a warm yellow dress, and she had finally decided to let her hair roam free.

  Every time she lowered her head and strands fell, covering her face, he itched to march down to her and tuck that hair behind her ears.

  His fingers itched to sink themselves in the wild waves, massaging her scalp until she climaxed from sheer desire.

  The thought alone made his member engorged.

  I want her. I want her too badly.

  It was such a shame that she was the very thing he could not have—he wouldn’t let himself have.

  Such a shame.

  Finally tearing his eyes away to look at his pocket watch, he saw that it was almost noon. He had agreed to meet with some business partners at White’s club at noon. If he hoped not to be tardy, it was best time to leave.

  Casting one last long look at her, he sighed and left the window.

  It was going to be a long Season indeed.

  Caroline didn’t set her eyes upon Edward for four days.

  At first, she thought she was doing a great job avoiding him. It didn’t take long for her to realize that he was, in fact, avoiding her.

  He didn’t come down for breakfast or lunch. He ate dinners alone as well.

  Of course, she had been nervous about seeing him again after that night, mortified by what she had done. She had barely caught a wink of sleep all night long, replaying the events over and over again in her head.

  As she did, she started to see that she could never face him again. Her pride had suddenly returned and she had wished she could take back what she had done.

  Had it been worth it? Yes, it certainly had! Her toes still curled randomly from the memories of the kiss, her lips still tingled.

  To think that such a little one could affect her so… she could only wonder how it would be if they kissed indeed, tongues and all.

  She knew she wanted more, but goodness, she didn’t want to have to initiate another.

  The man had turned her away and was now avoiding her! That was more than enough reason to nurse her pride.

  Perhaps the plan to seduce him wasn’t as sensible as she had reckoned it was. Nevertheless, she had to come up with something else if she wished to wear him down and win his heart.

  She couldn’t just sit still and do nothing.

  As she pondered this, she decided to return to the library, believing that she might learn a thing or two more about winning a man from the right book.

  The library was huge, just like almost everything else in the manor. Filled to bursting with an array of books from every part of the world, cutting across every work of life.

  It took her an hour to find a book she hoped would be suitable for her mission. Deciding it would be best to read in the library where she was less likely to be disturbed, she settled into one of the sofas that lay in the middle of the large room.

  As she sat, she removed her shoes and raised her legs so she would lie down on one side, tucking her feet safely underneath her skirts. Feeling utterly comfortable, she opened the book and began to read.

  It turned out to be a good choice. It didn’t exactly have what she was looking for, but it turned out to be a beautiful romantic story and she found herself becoming grossly taken by it.

  She didn’t know how much time went by, but as she started to grow tired, she saw that it was already getting dark.

  Surprised by this, she rose to her feet, preparing to leave.

  That was when she saw him.

  She stilled as she did, wondering if he had already seen her. He wasn’t looking her way. He seemed to only be interested in the books that filled the shelf before him.

  She must have been so engrossed in the story that she hadn’t heard him come in.

  She wondered what to do. Whether to pretend to be asleep, or keep quiet, hoping he wouldn’t see her in the growing darkness.

  Whatever decision she would have made was soon forgotten when he spoke.

  “I didn’t think I’d find you here.”

  At least her question had been answered. He had seen her already.

  And he hadn’t left? Hmm.

  She cleared her throat, closing the book in her hand to put it aside.

  “I didn’t think you’d come,” she replied. She regretted those words as soon as they left her lips. It sounded as though she had been waiting for him.

  He paused then, turning around to face her finally.

  “Why? It is my home. I am free to go wherever, whenever.”

  “Ah,” she muttered. “I cannot seem to recall disputing that fact.”

  He narrowed his eyes at her but she remained unfazed.

  Now he talks to me? After days of silence? Huh.

  He too closed the book he held in his hand then, making certain it gave a loud bang.

  “True. You did not,” he said.

  Caroline nodded, rising to her feet. “I’m glad you agree.” She picked her book and tucked it under her arm, making to leave.

  “As you were.”

  He watched her as she walked towards him, heading for the door, and Caroline held on to all her willpower to make certain she continued to walk gracefully—to act as though she wasn’t affected by his gaze in the least.

  As she walked past him, she started to release a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding, glad that the worst was over.

  It appeared that she celebrated too soon because in that moment, he threw his hand out, catching her by the arm and drawing her so that she slammed into him, bringing them chest to chest.

  Caroline’s eyes widened in alarm and she began to heave heavy breaths, not knowing what to think about his abrupt actions.

  What was this madness? What was he doing? What did he hope to achieve?

  “Have you been well?” he asked her, his voice a whisper.

  The deep, seduction sound of his voice took her back to that night, and it finally dawned on her that this was revenge.

  Still, it made no sense! How could he avoid her for days only to do this to her in a dark library where they were all alone?

  Well, in all honesty, she was thrilled by this new development. How couldn’t she be? It was what she wanted, after all.

  She swallowed. “What do you care?”

  His eyes narrowed to slits. “You really believe I don’t?”

  Caroline turned her face, looking away from him. “So, is this how you show you care? Avoiding me for days, only to corner me in the library?”

  “Forgive my manners. I assumed this is a game you’re used to playing. Cornering and being
cornered.” He let her go then, stepping away. “It appears I’ve been mistaken.”

  Caroline immediately mourned the loss of his nearness. She wished she hadn’t said anything. Wished she had decided to play along. She would still be in his arms.


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