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It's Always the Duke: Historical Regency Romance

Page 16

by Lisa Campell

  As was only proper, all three of them had to ride together. It was one of those nights when he could neither avoid nor ignore her. He spent the entire day readying himself to be in her presence once more.

  When evening came, he stood below the stairs, waiting for her to join him as the hour of the ball neared.

  He had only waited a few minutes when she appeared at the top of the stairs, looking like a magical dream.

  His eyes widened as he beheld her. Suddenly, he forgot how to breathe and his jaw could only stay ajar.

  He had never seen another look so gorgeous.

  She had chosen a lovely yellow dress that utterly complemented her beautiful golden locks. Her blue eyes shone even from a distance, reminding him of stars.

  She held his gaze for a moment. Then, looking away, she picked up her skirts and began to descend.

  He watched her every step, all of which she executed flawlessly, until she came to stand by his side.

  Edward was hopeless. He knew he was embarrassing himself, yet he could not take his eyes off her.

  Slowly, he began to remind himself to breathe. As he did, he realized that his heart was thudding heavily against his ribs. He managed to shut his mouth closed then.

  As he did, his gaze fell to the glimpse of cleavage her dress’s neckline afforded anyone who cared to look.

  He swallowed hard, his throat suddenly growing dry. He tried hard not to think lewd thoughts, but it was a futile attempt.

  Blood flowed down south and his member stirred, growing instantly. If she was his to have, they would not be going to the ball.

  He could think of a hundred other ways that they could spend their evenings. Some involved leaving that scandalous dress on.

  He hated that every man in attendance tonightwould be able to see the fine swell of flesh covered by silky skin. He wanted to be the only one with that privilege. The only one with any right to look at her.

  It occurred to him then that she wasn’t even looking at him. Her eyes looked straight ahead. It was as though, for all she cared, he wasn’t right there by her side.

  He knew this was deliberate and could not find it in him to fault her. After all, he hadn’t treated her any better all week. It was only to be expected.

  He thought about breaking his silence. He wondered what he would say.

  You look ravishing tonight.

  He almost hit himself. Of course, he couldn’t say that. Not after a week of silence. It would be, in the very least, insulting to her person, and he did not wish to hurt her any more than he already was.

  Perhaps I shall just tell her she looks stunning.

  He opened his mouth to speak but just then Lady Trudy appeared at the top of the stairs. She wasted no time in beginning her descent.

  “I have kept you two waiting, have I not? You must forgive me. I had a little stomach trouble but I am all good now.”

  She was all smiles as she joined them below.

  “My, my!” she chimed. “Don’t you two look absolutely wonderful? Darkwood, you certainly are going to steal hearts tonight, and my dear Caroline!” She heaved a dreamy sigh. “You are utterly stunning! My goodness! I have never seen you look more beautiful. Amelia certainly outdid herself this time.”

  Edward smiled as he watched Caroline turn red in the face.

  Turning to Lady Trudy, he said. “Thank you, my lady. I never thought the day would come when a beautiful woman would flatter me so.”

  Lady Trudy broke into a giggle, brushing him off with her hand. “Pshaw! I’m no beauty, and I definitely wasn’t flattering.”

  “If you insist,” he said. “But I beg to disagree on the former. You shine, my lady. You must make the stars envious.”

  Lady Trudy only giggled harder. All the while, Caroline said nothing, but from the side of his eye, Edward could tell that she was fighting a smile.

  He wished she wouldn’t. He really would love to see her smile.

  “It is half an hour’s ride to Durham manor. If we begin the journey now, we are certain to arrive just in time for the ball,” he said.

  Lady Trudy finally recovered. “In that case then, let us be on our way.”

  Upon that agreement, they all turned to leave.

  A carriage was waiting for them when they stepped outside. As the gentleman he had been raised to be, Edward held out his hand to Lady Trudy, helping her in first.

  When she was seated, he turned to Caroline, hand held out.

  For a moment, she simply stared at it, and he feared she would refuse his help.

  That fear was quickly vanquished when she finally took his hand. A tremor racked through him as their fingers touched, and he relished every second of contact.

  Taking his time, he helped her climb on. When she too was seated, he joined them.

  Three knocks to the roof of the carriage with his cane was all it took for the coachman to begin the journey.

  As the carriage lurched forward, Edward couldn’t shake off the feeling that it was going to be a memorable night.

  Why, he could not say. All he knew was he was looking forward to it.

  Just as he had said, half an hour later, they arrived at the Durham residence. Edward helped the ladies down from the carriage and they went into the manor, side by side.

  Joining the other guests who were just arriving, they found their way to the massive ballroom.

  “Ahh… the Season has truly begun,” Lady Trudy chimed.

  Edward agreed. It was bigger than Nathaniel’s ball had been, and it was clear people had only begun to arrive.

  Speaking of Nathaniel, his dear friend had promised to be at the ball. Edward wondered if he had already arrived. Mindlessly, he started to look around.

  He was still doing so when he felt a presence by his side.

  “Never worry, dear friend, there are plenty of fine ladies here tonight, and there will be more still.”

  Edward would recognize that voice in his sleep. Smiling, he turned to Nathaniel.

  “As I can see. Although they are not the reason why my eyes were wandering.”

  “Truly? Pray tell me, what were you looking for?”

  Edward’s answer came simply. “You.”

  Nathaniel laughed, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “I’m both touched and honored to learn that you hold me in such high esteem. Although…” he turned to Caroline. “I can see why you were not concerned with the ladies. It appears you already have the most beautiful ones present here tonight by your side. Don’t be rude now, introduce us.”

  Edward gave into the urge to roll his eyes as he shook his head at his friend.

  “Miss Caroline, Lady Trudy, you must meet my dearest friend, Lord Witherspoon, Marquess of Belshire. Miss Caroline Wentworth and Lady Trudy Wentworth. I have known them all my life. They’re like family.”

  “Such lovely names for even lovelier faces. Quite fitting, if you ask me. My lady,” he said as he held out his hand to Lady Trudy. She gave him hers and he bowed in a kiss. “It’s an honor to make your acquaintance.”

  Lady Trudy was beaming from ear to ear, her blush evident. “Likewise, my lord.”

  “I do hope you enjoy the evening.”

  Lady Trudy smiled even harder. “I intend to.”

  Returning her smile, Nathaniel straightened up and released her hand. Then, he turned to Caroline.

  Edward watched this exchange closely. For some reason, it mattered to him that Lin and Nathaniel got along well.

  He was happy when Caroline dazzled his friend with a smile.

  “You mustn’t smile so often, Miss Caroline,” Nathaniel said as he took her hand. He pressed a soft kiss to the back of her palm and rose from his flawless bow before he continued. “I fear if you do, many men will fall dead at your feet, breathless. I would know, for you have just stolen my breath and even now, I find myself almost gasping for air.”

  Caroline’s smile deepened and Edward suddenly felt the urge to curse Nathaniel.

  “It appears you’re qui
te the charmer, Lord Witherspoon,” she said amid soft chuckles. “You certainly have a beautiful way with words. It is the ladies I fear for. With a honeyed tongue and a face like that, they’re at risk of losing their hearts.”

  Nathaniel laughed then. A gale happy laughter.

  “I am certain there is a fine compliment in there somewhere. For that, I say thank you. I am very pleased to make your acquaintance, Miss Caroline.”

  “So am I,” she responded warmly, still smiling up at him.

  Edward wanted to hit his friend.

  I asked you to win her over, not win her heart, scoundrel!

  As though Nathaniel could hear his thoughts, he winked at him, eyes twinkling with mischief.

  Edward vowed to have his head.

  Ignoring his death glare, Nathaniel returned his attention to the ladies. “Glad. Now that we have the pleasantries out of the way, surely you wouldn’t mind if I took my dear friend away for a moment? There is much to discuss. I hope you ladies will be fine on your own.”

  They were quick to provide an answer. “Certainly.”

  “In that case then, until we meet again.”

  Nathaniel bowed his head slightly. When he straightened, he nudged Edward and began to walk.

  “I will only be a moment,” Edward muttered before following him.

  When they had walked a short distance, they stopped.

  It was Edward who first spoke. “If you had told me you intended to charm her stockings off, perhaps I would have reconsidered making introductions.”

  Nathaniel chuckled. “Is that jealousy I hear?”

  “I would challenge you to a duel if you weren’t such a dear friend,” Edward responded, jesting. His emotions might have tried to get the best of him, but he knew he could trust Nathaniel where Caroline was concerned—and he did trust him.

  Nathaniel jested just as much in return. “Ah. I suppose I should count myself lucky. I would so hate to have lost to your excellent marksmanship in the presence of so many witnesses.”

  Finally, Edward chuckled. He truly was grateful for the friendship he had with the marquess.

  “Well, you have met her,” he said as he recovered.

  “That I have. I now see why you’re so smitten. She is beautiful, although not as beautiful as my Sarah.”

  Edward scoffed. “Indeed. Let’s say you are right, brother. One day soon, I know I shall meet her. Then, I shall see for myself. You must know, though, Caroline will always be the fairest to me.”

  “As she should be.” There was a small pause before Nathaniel continued. “I could tell she’s still cross with you. She wouldn’t even look your way.”

  Edward heaved a sigh. He had told Nathaniel everything. The kiss in the library and his avoidance of her.

  “Are you still going to let her go?”

  Edward bobbed his head. “It is the best thing. For the both of us. Especially her.”

  “Perhaps one day you shall tell me the reason?”

  Edward gave it some thought. He didn’t take long to make his decision. “Someday.”

  There was another moment of silence. It was longer this time, but eventually Nathaniel broke the spell.

  “Are you going to let things continue the way they are? Living under the same roof but barely speaking to each other, going out of your way so you don’t see her?”

  Edward lowered his gaze. “I probably shouldn’t.”


  Edward heaved a sigh. “What am I to do? If I get too close, I lose what little restraint I am managing to hold on to. All I can think about is being with her. She consumes me, Nathaniel. I fear I might go mad soon.”

  “You are miserable.”

  It wasn’t a question. Still, Edward nodded.

  “It hurts. When I’m awake, my mind is filled with thoughts of her. Those thoughts keep me up on many nights. On others, when I do manage to catch a wink of sleep, I see her in my dreams. I want to laugh with her, eat with her, speak with her. I want to be with her, but I cannot.”

  Nathaniel eased a deep breath. “You do not have to become strangers just because you cannot be together. You cannot continue like this, Edward. I say you go to her. You have done her plenty of wrong. Attacking her the way you did that evening. Kissing her, spending the night away from home and not speaking to her for days.”

  Mr. Giraud had told Edward that she had waited up for him. Her gas lamp had burned bright until past midnight, and she had paced the hallway all morning, awaiting his return.

  Guilt had gnawed at him when he’d heard that. His only reprieve was the fact that he had shared his bed with no one. He would not have been able to forgive himself if he had been pleasuring another woman while she lain awake, worried over him.

  He drew in a lungful of air and released it in a ragged stream.

  Nathaniel was right. Things could not continue this way. He had to apologize, sincerely, for his behavior so far.

  They had tried to be friends once and he had enjoyed every moment of it. Perhaps he still wouldn’t spend much time in her presence. Nonetheless, at the very least, they did not have to live as strangers.

  “You seem to always be right, my dear friend.”

  “Well then, it is a good thing that I am benevolent with my wisdom, is it not?”

  Edward sent him a hard glare then, but Nathaniel only chuckled.

  “Go after her, Edward. Tarry no longer.”

  Edward didn’t need any more encourage. Thanking his friend with a pat on the shoulder, he took his leave.

  Chapter Twenty

  Caroline released a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding as Edward walked away.

  Pretending that she was unaffected by his presence had required more strength than she had reckoned it would.

  After Amelia had finished helping her dress for the ball, she had sat in front of her vanity, preparing to face him. Eventually, aware that she could not keep him waiting for too long, she had gotten up and left her chamber.

  From the moment she had seen him standing there, looking as handsome as ever in his grey formal attire, she had known that the night would be the most difficult of her life so far.

  All the while, she had only wanted to look at him, feast her eyes until full. She had kept reminding herself of her resolve to hold on to her pride.

  If there was anything Edward had consistently done since their reunion, it was trample on the pride she had so unwittingly laid down for him.

  He could not simply continue to blow hot and cold and expect that she would be there, ready to welcome him with open arms whenever he wished to speak with her.

  She had decided to stay angry at him for as long as she could this time. She would not speak to him. If he decided to start coming down for meals once again, she would resort to taking hers in her chambers.

  She would treat him in the exact manner he so easily treated her. All of these had been her resolutions.

  Yet, after only a few hours of being by his side, she was already dangerously close to weakening that resolve.

  What is it about him that makes me act a fool? Why do I love him so?

  She had met his very charming friend, who was just as handsome as he, perhaps even more. It had been an utterly pleasant encounter and she could just tell that the marquess was a wonderful man.

  Still, she had felt nothing.

  He hadn’t made her heart tremble or her skin tingle. He hadn’t made her wonder what it would be like to kiss. He hadn’t made her want to sin.

  She had simply felt the warmth one would feel for a dear friend or family member.

  Thus, she was able to conclude that it wasn’t about looks or charm. It was simply Edward. He was the only one who affected her this way.

  It was an ill-fated thing, it seemed. Doomed from the start.

  She would never stop loving him, and he would never love her. She would marry another and eventually he would, too.

  Yet, she could not say for certain that he did not love her. When sh
e thought of that morning in the music room, his teasing actions in the library, and the fiery kiss they had shared, it made her want to believe that he too was struggling.

  Struggling with his passion for her. If it was so, she wondered why he continued to fight it. Why he simply wouldn’t give in.

  She might not have said the words aloud, but surely he had to know. He had to know just how much she cared for him.


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