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It's Always the Duke: Historical Regency Romance

Page 18

by Lisa Campell

  Her chest rose and fell in a sigh but she still wouldn’t look at him.

  “How did you know I was there?”

  “I heard you had stepped out with Whittaker. For some reason, that made me very worried. I was even more afraid when I couldn’t find either of you on the balcony… it was your cry that alerted me to where you were.” He paused as he sighed, bowing his head. The anger rose anew inside of him.

  “I should have come earlier. If I had arrived even a moment later… there’s no telling what would have happened. I wouldn’t have been able to forgive myself if he had gone beyond that.”

  Caroline looked at him then, a small smile on her face. “He said he would ruin me for every other man. He would make certain no one else married me.”

  Edward cursed under his breath.

  “The rake! I knew he was good for nothing. He’s the scum of the earth! I’m afraid I cannot just let him go, Caroline. As your friend and guardian,” and as the man who loves you, “I have to make him pay.”

  She was shaking her head before he finished. “If you do, my family is only going to suffer for it.”

  Edward frowned. What was she on about?

  “What has your family got to do with this?”

  She sighed. “I told you I would explain it all. Come, you might want to take a seat.”

  Something told him whatever it was he was about to hear might rock him off his feet, so he did just as she advised.

  Sitting side by side, he waited for her to speak.

  Caroline’s hands were shaking.

  Her entire body had begun to shake after the ordeal with Whittaker. Though she had managed to get herself to calm, her hands wouldn’t stay still.

  She was still struggling to sort through what had just happened. To come to terms with the reality that Whittaker would seek to hurt her so.

  She knew he had meant every word. He would have made good on them had Edward not saved her. She still did not know how to feel about it.

  She did not know if she would ever fully recover from it.

  Nonetheless, there would be time to consider that later.

  For now, she had to tell the entire truth to this man in front of her. The man who would speak no word to her for days and then charge through the night, coming to her rescue like a shining knight.

  He was an enigma.

  “Caroline…” he said in almost a whisper as he reached out to take her hands in his. He squeezed.

  Her heart fluttered. He must have seen them shaking.

  She looked into his eyes then, and what she saw sent warmth flooding through all of her insides.

  Care. So much care and affection. Yet he continued to push her away. She would never understand him.

  “I’m sorry you had to go through that, really sorry. It will never happen again. This, I swear to you. as long as I live, I will never let another man do that to you.”

  She saw her Edward then, the one she had grown up with, and she knew he meant every word.

  They comforted her. His promises, and his evident concern.

  She nodded, thankful for them.

  It was only then that she believed she could speak. So, taking a deep breath, she told him everything.

  Right from the moment they had arrived in London to find their townhouse gone, the confrontation she had had with her father in the study, Whittaker’s words when they had first met alone in the drawing room. His threats when they had gone for the walk. How he had revealed the truth of her father’s debt and why she had considered marrying him.

  When she finished, Edward’s jaw looked like it could crack a stone.

  “How could your father do this to you? His only child! How could he have given you to such a man to pay for his own sins? Whittaker is the devil! He is not one to gamble with or be trusted. He simply would have continued to take more from your father until you truly had nothing left. I do not think his marriage to you would have saved your family, Caroline. Not as long as your father remains in his debts.”

  Tears flowed down her cheeks. She was too weak to even attempt holding them back.

  “Then what was I to do?”

  “You should have come to me. I could tell something was amiss but I understand why the viscount couldn’t confide in me. From one man to another, it is a shame. Nonetheless, you know I would do anything for you, do you not?”

  More tears fell from her eyes as her sob racked through her.

  “Why do you do this? Why do you make me feel as though you can’t stand my presence one moment, and act so utterly sweet the next? Why, Edward? I looked forward to the day you would return to me with hope and longing. I never would have thought our reunion would be filled with so much pain—so many fights. What happened to us? What happened to you?”

  He looked away. “I cannot tell you. Not now. Nevertheless, you must know that I do care about you, Caroline. I have cared for you all my life and I shall continue to do so till the day I breathe my last. Whatever pain I have caused you thus far, I beg you to forgive me. It might not seem like it, but I have been doing it all for your own good. I do not expect you to believe it, but I tell the truth when I say it has been difficult for me as well.”

  She didn’t want to believe him but she did. Hearing him speak so deeply soothed some pain in her. Yet, it didn’t resolve her questions.

  Deciding to let them go, she drew in a deep breath, drying her tears.

  When she was certain that she had gotten a hold of her emotions, she asked, “Whatever am I to do now? I did not want you to hit him because I feared you would incur his wrath. Although I believe the die has already been cast. I refused him, and on top of that, you hit him before I could stop you. He must be both mortified and enraged. I do not expect him to sit still.”

  Edward shook his head. “No. I do not think he would.”

  There was a small pause, and he appeared to be seriously contemplating something.

  Eventually, releasing a deep breath, he said, “Marry me, Caroline.”

  Caroline froze. Her mind went numb. Bells went off in her head and she reckoned that she must have heard wrong.

  “What did you say?” she asked.

  It couldn’t be. Certainly not.

  Edward couldn’t have so simply asked her to be his wife.

  Surely not.

  “Marry me. I shall give you my name so that you will be protected. Of course, I will also pay all of your father’s debts and reclaim his townhouse. As you know, I can very well afford to.”

  She hadn’t heard wrong. Still, she couldn’t believe those words.

  There was only one other explanation. This all had to be a dream. Everything.

  She pinched herself, yelping when she felt the pain.

  So, it isn’t a dream.

  Her heart skipped a beat. Shivers ran down her spine and her belly churned.

  Truly, Edward wanted to marry her, pay off her father’s debts? Heavens!

  It was all she had ever wanted—the marriage part, at least. She had never imagined it would happen this day.

  It would have been better if he had asked out of love, the knowledge that he could never live life without her. Still, who was she to be picky, especially at a time like this?

  “Are you sure about this? You don’t have to.”

  Edward shook his head. “I do. You are my oldest friend, Caroline. I have always loved you. I feel some sort of responsibility towards you. You and your family have been good to me all these years. This is the least I can do. I would not put it past Whittaker to begin spreading rumors about what happened in the gardens.”

  He paused before continuing. “He will tell people you seduced him or imply that you have been defiled. Then you will have no choice but to be his wife. Society will expect it of you. However, if we march into that ballroom together and announce our engagement, we will foil his plans before they begin to hatch.”

  I have always loved you.

  As much as she had always wanted to hear those words, she
knew she could not take them to heart. He had said it as one would declare love for a sibling.

  How could she take it to heart?

  “What do you say?” he asked, halting her thoughts.

  She looked at him then. What could she say? Every word he had said had made sense. His offer of marriage and promise to pay off her father’s debt was the answer to all her problems.

  She would be rid of Whittaker for good. Her father’s reputation would remain intact. Her family would suffer no disgrace, and she would be wedded to the love of her life.

  This is it. The moment when my life changes forever.

  “I say I couldn’t have asked for anything better, and I shall never be able to repay your kindness. Yes, Edward. I will marry you. Thank you, for everything.”

  He rose to his feet then, pulling her along with him.

  She stared at their hands, so tightly entwined. It all still felt surreal, and yet it was happening.

  “There is nothing to repay. Come now, let’s go tell the world that you are mine.”

  With those words, they marched for the ballroom.

  The first dance had just ended when they arrived. Edward seized the opportunity to gain everyone’s attention with the clinking of his glass.

  When he had succeeded, he held her hands again and said, “I wish to announce to everyone that the lovely Miss Caroline Wentworth here has agreed to be my wife. We shall be getting married in two fortnights. You are all welcome to celebrate with us. Thank you.”

  A hush fell over the crowd and Caroline watched as everyone stared at them in astonishment. The silence reigned longer still, before suddenly everyone began to murmur.

  As they recovered from their shock, some people walked up to them to offer congratulations.

  Whittaker, too, walked up to him, face red with anger.

  “I knew there was something amiss. You might have denied it all you wanted but I always knew it would come to this. It’s not the end, Caroline. You will pay. For humiliating me. You will both pay.”

  Edward remained unperturbed. “Yes, we will. I will pay all of her father’s debts. Do send me the IOU so I shall know just how much to send to you. If that is all, I am eager to take my fiancée home. It has been a long night. Surely, you will understand.”

  Edward didn’t leave room for a response from Whittaker.

  Still holding her hand in his, he turned and led her out of the ballroom and the Dunham residence altogether.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  It wasn’t until they’d arrived home that Caroline realized they had left her aunt behind.

  “I shall send the carriage to bring her back home when she’s ready to return,” Edward said when she brought it to his attention.

  “Oh, alright,” she answered.

  They continued to walk in silence. When they reached the steps and he wouldn’t leave her side, she reckoned he was going up to his chambers as well.

  However, as they reached the top of the stairs, he continued to follow her into the hallway that led to where her chamber and Aunt Trudy’s were.

  It appears he wishes to send me to bed.

  It was the first time he had ever done such, but then she supposed they were engaged to be married now. Things were bound to change.

  She wondered what that would mean for them. What exactly would change; what manner of marriage they would have. If he would kiss her at will—if she would.

  If they would laugh together often and enjoy the friendship they had always shared. If he would ever grow to love her like she did him, or if he would only ever see her as simply the girl he had spent his childhood with.

  These thoughts kept her occupied and she didn’t even mind the silence that spread between them.

  Finally, they got to her room and they both came to a stop at the door.

  “Will two fortnights be enough to prepare for the wedding?” he asked, breaking the spell.

  Caroline gave it some thought. “I have never had a wedding before so I wouldn’t know. I know you invited everyone at the ball tonight, but I would love a small ceremony with only family and close friends present. I believe we can arrange that in two fortnights.”

  He nodded. “If it’s a small wedding you want, then a small one it shall be. You must write to your father, tell him of this development. I believe it is only proper that I visit him, to ask for his blessings and also discuss other matters.”

  Caroline understood. “You haven’t been to the countryside since your return to England.”

  “It is a good thing I finally have reason to visit now, is it not? I wonder how much Yorkshire has changed these past years.”

  “Not much.”

  Nowhere near as much as you have.

  His brow arched. “Good to know. I shall arrange for the journey to happen within the week. You should include that in your letter, so he will know to expect me. If you so wish, you are free to come with.”

  “I will give it some thought.”

  It would probably be a good thing to see her father again, to speak with him face to face. The thought of traveling with Edward also thrilled her.

  He gave a curt nod. “You should get some rest. It has been quite the evening.”

  Caroline agreed. “Thank you,” she said. “Again. For everything, all of this. It is a lot to do for someone you only consider a friend.”

  “Who shall I do it for then, an enemy?”

  Suddenly overcome with something she couldn’t quite put a finger to, Caroline moved, stepping closer.

  It was that first night at the balcony all over again. “Are you certain that is all there is to it?”

  His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed, but he maintained his rigid stance.

  “What more could there be?”

  “I don’t know,” she said, stepping even closer. “You tell me.”

  Her voice had become a breathy whisper, and despite the ordeal she had just escaped, she was burning to kiss him again.

  He is to be my husband now. Why can’t I kiss him?

  “Caroline,” he called. It sounded like both a plea and a warning.

  Damning it all, Caroline rose on her tiptoes then and pressed her lips against his.

  When he would not respond, she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him harder.

  He remained still. Just when her heart began to break anew, believing he wouldn’t respond, he wrapped his arms around her waist.

  With a low growl, he pulled her further into him. He opened his lips then, kissing her as passionately as he had the evening in the library.

  Caroline’s heart sang for joy. Her entire body wouldn’t stop tingling. Everywhere he touched burned. His lips were so delicious, she simply couldn’t get enough.

  Giving it her all, she nibbled and sucked and bit… When he pried her mouth open with his tongue, she let him in. As both tongues clashed against each other, engaging in a lustful dance, she sighed.

  A low growl sounded at the back of his throat again. Breaking the kiss for a brief moment, he groaned, “Oh Caroline, you have no idea what you do to me!”

  Oh, but she did. It was the same thing he did to her.

  Before she knew it, he was pushing her against the wall. She went willingly, grateful for the support against her back.

  When he had her just where he wanted her, he angled his head, deepening the kiss.

  He tasted so delicious. His manly scent overwhelmed her nostrils, further robbing her of her senses.

  His hands started to roam. They moved from her waist, lower, settling on her derriere.

  When she felt him stroke lightly, she drew in a sharp intake of breath.

  Why does it feel so good?

  She wanted for him to keep touching her there. She wanted more of whatever he intended to give her.

  “Edward,” it was her turn to plead. She didn’t know exactly what she was asking for. All she knew was that she needed it.

  Her nether parts ached, throbbing with that need.

bsp; As her pleasure heightened, she grew impatient. Her hands too began to roam, feeling his back, his strong arms.

  “Lin, my dear Lin,” he whispered in her mouth.

  He squeezed her rear and she gasped, enjoying the delicious sensation that spread through her.


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