Book Read Free

Donut Overthink It

Page 1

by Shantel Tessier

  Table of Contents





























  Copyright © 2018 by Shantel Tessier

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  For more information about the author and her books, visit her website- You can sign up for her newsletter on her website, or you can click on the link below. The newsletter is the only place to get exclusive teasers, first to know about current projects and release dates. And also have chances to win some amazing giveaways-

  Editor: Jenny Sims

  Formatter: CP Smith

  Cover Designer: Tracie Douglas with Dark Water Covers.

  Dear Reader,

  June 1st is National Donut Day. To celebrate this amazing dessert, a baker’s dozen of authors have come together to create thirteen new stories that are sugar-free and donut contain carbs! Each story is a complete standalone. They vary in theme and heat levels. We hope you enjoy the donut day collaboration and that we bring you a little something to help satisfy your sweet tooth as you check out the stories. Please consider reviewing to help your authors.

  Enjoy! With love and sprinkles,

  Donut Day Authors



  MY GASPS AND HIS GRUNTS FILL the darkly lit hotel room. I don’t know why, but every time we have sex, it’s in a hotel. It’s as if he’s afraid to take me to his house. To get so personal. He just likes to use me, and I don’t mind.

  “God, you feel amazing, baby,” the man whispers in my ear.

  My nails dig into his sweaty back, and I moan as his hips continue their slow and steady thrusts.

  I need more! “Harder …”

  “Shh,” he whispers, his hot breath hitting my neck, and a shiver runs through me. “I wanna take my time with you.”

  I arch my back and let out a cry as he bites down on my shoulder. “Do it again.” Desperately, I pull his mouth down to me when he tries to pull away.

  “You like that?” he asks with a chuckle. “How about this?” His lips kiss my tingling skin as he makes his way across my collarbone and down to my breast. He wraps his lips around my nipple and sucks, making it harden.

  “Oh, Goooooddd,” I cry out. He pulls his hips back, then thrusts forward. “Aiden …” My words are cut off as his lips slam down on mine, and he picks up his pace.

  I feel that sensation taking over my body, making my toes curl. I can’t come again … fuck … I go to scream, but he won’t let me pull away. His hands are tangled in my hair, holding my head in place while his lips assault mine in the most delicious way.

  My pussy tightens around him, and he growls into my mouth while his kiss grows possessive. I love it!

  My heart pounds in my chest and my body shakes as his lips pull away from mine. He looks down at me with those dazzling blue eyes and GQ smile. “How was that, baby?”

  “Amazing,” I breathe, my body physically shaking against his.

  He leans back down, and I part my lips to accept his kiss, but instead, he licks my face.

  “Uh.” I pull away at the rough feel of his tongue. He licks it again. “Aiden, what are you …?”

  He meows like a cat, and I lie there thoroughly confused. He licks me again, and his gorgeous face fades away replaced by black fur and a pink nose.

  I see my cat sitting on my chest while she licks my face.

  I laugh at myself, placing my hands on my chest to see I’m still wearing the same T-shirt I had dressed in last night before I climbed into bed. “Of course, it was a dream,” I say to myself.

  “Meeeooww.” She purrs, and I reach up, petting her between her ears.

  “What are you doing, pretty girl?” She arches her back. “Do you have sex dreams about cats that you see when you sit in the window?”


  “So you’re saying I’m just crazy?” I ask with a laugh.

  My phone dings, and I reach over to grab it off my nightstand, finding a text from my best friend.

  Andrea: How is the jackass this morning?

  Smiling, I look at the time displayed on her text. “FUCK!”

  I throw off the covers as my cat takes off running, now hissing at me. “I’m late!” I squeal, stumbling out of bed.



  I shout as the scalding hot tea splashes over the rim of the plastic cup, burning my skin. Leaning forward, I try to blow on it while running down the busy Chicago sidewalk.

  I knew I should have gotten lids. But it would have cost me another second. And I don’t feel like getting my ass reamed by my boss this early.

  That train is long gone.

  “Watch it,” a woman says as she jumps out of my way.

  “Sorry,” I holler over my shoulder unable to slow down. I can’t. I’m already late. Just gotta keep going …

  “Excuse me!” I shout before I squeeze among three women standing in the middle of the damn sidewalk like they got nothing better to do than gossip on this early Tuesday morning. I shove my way past, even as one of them gasps at me like I was in the wrong.

  “Sorry,” I snap over my shoulder this time. “Maybe you could move,” I add as I continue running in my Nikes. I’m thankful I thought to wear them this morning and put my heels in my purse. I learned my lesson a few weeks ago when Mr. Kyle had me running across town to get his dry cleaning, and I scuffed my new heels when I fell off the sidewalk. I was embarrassed, but the man who helped me up off the concrete couldn’t stop laughing. He said I made his week. Possibly his month. My ego was happy to help him out.

  Almost there …

  I can see the black and white fifty-story building up ahead—Legacy Tower—and pick up my pace as I suck in a breath.

  “Hello, Miss Burns!” a man dressed in a black suit with a genuine smile on his face says as I come to a quick stop in front of my destination.

  The sudden stop causes tea to run over the back of my hand once again. “Hello, Charles,” I say, thinking I’m going to need a skin graft now.

  “Let me help you,” he offers, reaching out for both the teas in my hands.

  “I got them,” I say, giving him a warm smile. The damage is already done. “Thanks, though.”

  “Well, let me get the door for you then.” He grabs the stainless steel handle on the glass door and opens it for me.

  “Thank you,” I t
ell him with a nod, entering the building.

  “Mr. Kyle needs to give you a vacation,” he calls out as I start to walk quickly through the large lobby. My shoes squeaking on the marble floor.

  “I second that,” I mumble now as I flat-out run toward the elevator banks. People no longer stare at me because this is a usual occurrence for me.

  “Good morning, Miss Burns.” The man nods his head to me as he sits behind the front desk.

  “Hi, Earl,” I say, running past him, and he chuckles. “Hold the door,” I shout as one of the elevators starts to close.

  A hand slaps over the steel frame and pushes it open, and I squeeze in while the people shuffle around to allow me to fit.

  I turn to face the front, sucking in a deep breath. My purse has fallen off my shoulder and sits in the crook of my arm, cutting off my circulation due to the weight of all my shit in it. My heels being one thing among many others.

  I suck in another breath. Geez, I need to do some more cardio. Maybe hot yoga twice a week isn’t enough because I sure am out of shape. My boobs are already starting to sweat from the August heat and the fact that I just ran three blocks. My boss has to have some special fucking hot tea from the Tea Place in the morning. He acts like such a diva.

  “Hello, Hadley,” the man who held the door for me says with a smile.

  He’s a guy I know well who works on the fourteenth floor. I sometimes have to go down there for legal. “Hello, Trevor. And thank you.”

  “Anytime.” He looks down at his watch and lets out a low whistle.

  “Yep,” I say, trying to flip my hair away from my face. “I’m late.”

  He laughs softly and then drops his hand down by his side, and his soft blue eyes look at me. “Well, if he fires you, I’d be more than happy to give you a job,” he says with a big smile. “And I won’t make you go across town to grab me tea.”

  I grunt. “I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks.”

  My boss is a fucking jerk!

  I swear he likes making me run around Chicago like a chicken with my head cut off. He likes to test me, and I hate that more times than not, I fail. You can’t go anywhere in this town within a matter of twenty minutes. But of course, this morning was my fault. I knew I should have just gone to bed last night, but I got my Kindle out and discovered my favorite author had released a new book that I had forgotten I pre-ordered. I love when that happens. It’s like Christmas.

  I was sucked in from page one. And by the time I finished, I realized it was almost three in the morning, and my alarm would go off in two hours. Needless to say, I slept through it, and the book had me dreaming of my own little romance. Why would I wanna wake up? And the worst part is that it’s Tuesday. The office was closed yesterday for Labor Day, so now it’s like my Monday. I’m gonna have to pay for the rest of the week.

  The elevator comes to a stop. “Have a great day,” he says before he exits on his floor.

  “You too,” I call out, blowing a stray hair from my face as I lift my right arm, my purse still hanging from it and the weight getting unbearable.

  I ride the rest of my way up to my floor in silence as everyone else talks among themselves. My boss and his brother work for their father, who is partner at a prestigious law firm here in Chicago. It occupies the entire thirtieth floor.

  My mind is running a hundred miles an hour just as it has been since I woke up. When I step off the elevator, I take a deep breath and pray he doesn’t see me. That maybe he’s in his brother’s office, and I can just slip his tea onto his desk and get out. If I’m lucky …

  “Miss Burns, is that you?” I hear his deep, baritone voice call my name before I can even get to his office door, and it causes goosebumps to cover my arms. I swear he has eyes everywhere.

  “Late again, Hadley?” his brother’s assistant, Bianca, announces as she walks past me. She makes a tsking sound that I ignore.

  I drop my head, and blond hair falls around my face. I always wear it up, but waking up late didn’t allow me enough time to fix it this morning. Lifting my head, I square my shoulders—like he doesn’t intimidate me—and walk over to his open door.

  “Yes, sir?” I ask, entering.

  He sits at his massive desk with a cell in one hand and a pen with the firm’s logo on it in the other. He clicks it when he’s agitated—just as he is now. Papers scatter the dark mahogany surface, and a stack three inches tall is placed in the top right corner. The beautiful Chicago skyline is visible through the floor-to-ceiling windows behind him.

  He looks up at me, his piercing blue eyes pinning me where I stand, and my breath catches in my throat. Especially since they’re the same ones from my dream this morning.

  I have dirty dreams about my boss.

  That clicking continues while his eyes leave mine and slowly look over my blouse. His gaze lingers on my tits, and I’m thankful for the extra padding in my bra, hoping he can’t see my nipples harden from the assault. They continue down over my skirt, legs, and then my bright pink Nikes. When they meet mine again, they are full of disapproval, and the annoying clicking stops. “You’re late.” He states the obvious as if my ass can’t tell time.

  I may have the hots for the jackass, but he does not reciprocate the feeling. I bite back a no shit remark and instead just nod. “Sorry, sir …”

  “Tea,” he orders, dropping his pen and reaching out to me, his suit jacket sleeve riding up, showcasing his black and silver Rolex watch.

  I walk over to his desk, almost tripping over his black and white Safavieh rug in my haste, and he sighs loudly, irritated at my clumsiness. But thankfully the tea didn’t spill over since most of it was already gone. I take a calming breath and hand it to him once I reach his desk. He takes a sip. “Jesus, Miss Burns,” he hisses. “When did you get this? An hour ago? It’s cold!” He growls, tossing it into his trash. The tea is now filling the bottom of his trash can.

  I’ll have to clean that up.

  It was scalding hot not fifteen minutes ago when I burned my hand with it, but instead, I say, “Sorry, sir. I had to run … I couldn’t catch a cab—”

  “I don’t need to hear excuses.” He interrupts me, standing from his desk and buttons his black Versace suit jacket that fits him like a glove. The man has a body of a God. I know, I’ve seen it while I spied on him with one of his many women.

  I place my elbows on my desk and sigh heavily. I’m so tired. It’s gotta be past eight, and I’m still not done with work.

  I lay my head on the cool desk and close my eyes for a brief second to relax, but a noise has it snapping up. “Hello?” I call out.

  I hear it again, and I shove my chair back as I stand. Making my way over to my office door, I open it quietly and peek my head out. “Is anyone here?” I ask softly. This office creeps me out at night. The long hallways remind me of scary movies where the chick runs but falls over an imaginary item and can’t get up fast enough. Most lights are off, making it too dark …

  “You’re funny,” comes a voice, then a giggle.

  Was that what I heard? I step out into the hall ’cause a giggle can’t be that terrifying, can it? I make my way down the long hallway and see that Mr. Kyle’s door is ajar. Light from his office floods the hallway, and I tiptoe in my heels to it.

  I come to a stop when I hear the giggle turn into a moan, and I instantly know what it is. My boss has a woman in his office. This isn’t new. He parades them around here like they’re the fucking mascots of this firm. Their asses and tits hanging out for all to see.

  I turn around to walk back to my office, but then I hear her cry out in pleasure, making me come to another stop. Nibbling on my bottom lip, I debate what to do.

  Just leave, Hadley!

  She moans again, and I hear what sounds like clothes ripping. Something inside me can’t turn away. I have to see what is so special about him. I mean, he has money, but most of the women I see him with are rich. That’s obvious by the way they dress and stick their noses up in the air. And I know
he doesn’t buy them that shit! I want to know what other women find so attractive about him. Hell yeah is he hot, but he’s a dick!

  Making up my mind, I turn around and tiptoe back to his office. My heart pounds in my chest when I get to the open door. Letting out a shaky breath, I peek my head around it to see him sitting on his black leather couch. A bleach blonde straddles him; her mini dress pulled up over her hips to allow her legs to spread. He has the shoulder straps of her dress pulled down over her arms, and she has her head thrown back as he’s bent forward with his head between her massive breasts.

  “Gooodddd …” she breathes while his mouth devours her fake tits.

  He abruptly stands from the couch, making her squeal. Wrapping her legs around his waist, he carries her over to his desk. He places her ass on one end and pushes her to lie back across it long ways. I have the perfect side view of them. She scoots back and brings the heels of her shoes to the dark wood.

  He stands at the end looking like a fucking sex God. His button up is open, and I can tell she ripped it—the buttons long gone. He shrugs it off, and it falls to his feet. I watch shamelessly as his abs and arm muscles ripple when he steps up to the desk.

  “Pull your dress up,” he orders since it had fallen down in their movement. His voice makes my body break out in goosebumps.

  She lifts her hips off the desk and pulls it up without thought, exposing her white lace underwear to him once again.

  Placing his hands on her knees, he spreads her legs wide for him, and she whimpers. Mine threaten to buckle.

  Walk away, Hadley!

  “Pull your panties to the side, baby. Show me that pussy.” His voice is rough, and it makes my pussy tighten. It’s like he’s talking to me.

  Leave, Hadley!

  “Yes, sir,” she purrs as she reaches down with her right hand and pulls them to the side for him. Thankfully, I only have a side view, so I can’t see what she is offering him. But that wouldn’t matter anyway because I can’t look away from him.

  His hands leave her knees, and he brings them to his black slacks. He undoes his belt, and my breath catches as he unbuttons his black slacks.


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