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Mouse Trapped

Page 36

by Manda Mellett

  Her head shakes side to side rapidly. “No, thank God. But for a moment there…” She must see the way my face falls. “Tse. It’s not the right time. I’ve got to get my head around everything that’s happened. Still got a long way to go, things to prove, before I’m a permanent resident. Adding a baby to that right now is too much. But one day, I’d love to have your children.”

  She’s right, I know it. Her upset stomach shows how much strain she’s been under. “If you had been, I wouldn’t have minded,” I tell her, truthfully. “But all the stress wouldn’t be good for a baby if you were. Let’s just be us, for the moment.” My attention is caught by laughter from the pool table. Drew is playing against Jayden and clearly the youngsters are having fun, Paladin is leaning against the wall, his arms folded, glaring at them. Uh oh. “I think,” I tell her, “we’re going to have enough trouble with one teenage boy.”

  She turns to see where I’m looking. “Hmm. Jayden’s with Paladin, isn’t she? I thought they were leaving, going to Colorado?”

  I continue to watch Paladin. That’s the plan. The young member won’t want anything to happen to upset that. It’s not hard to see what he’s thinking. Drummer’s given him instructions he’s got to be hands off until she’s eighteen. Drew’s had no such warning, and may not, they’re so much closer in age. Could be nothing, but from the look on Paladin’s face, there could be trouble brewing. But I don’t want to add to Mariana’s stress tonight. I content myself with saying a simple, “Yeah.”

  The next night, as I’m walking into church, I find I was right to be concerned. Paladin puts himself in front of me.

  “Tell your boy to keep away from Jayden,” he snarls.

  “Whoa.” I hold my hands up in front of me. “They’re around the same age. Kids are gonna get together if they’ve got things in common.”

  His hands make fists by his sides. “You know how long I’ve fuckin’ waited for her,” he hisses. “Might not be able to publicly claim her, but she’s mine. Ain’t havin’ someone else fuck it up now. Not now we’ve got plans in place to leave for Colorado.”

  I top him by a couple of inches. Pulling myself up to my full height, I rasp out, “You can’t claim someone who doesn’t want to be claimed, Brother. I don’t know what the fuck Drew thinks about Jayden, but it’s up to her to tell him if she’s not interested. Seems to me you might be taking things for granted. Need to work at it, if she’s the one for you.”

  “You’re not going to speak to him?”

  “Nah. But if you lay one finger on him, Paladin, I’ll break both your fuckin’ legs. Man up, will you?” I place my palm on his chest, physically pushing him back. “Drew’s not your problem, but maybe your assumptions about Jayden are. Seems it’s her you should be focusing on, not my boy. You hearin’ me?”

  He spins on his heels and storms off.

  “You’re right, Brother.” Slick steps out of the shadows behind me. “Jayden’s growing up. Paladin never thought she might grow away from him.”

  “She’s sixteen now, Brother. Maybe time to loosen the reins a little,” I suggest.

  Slick frowns. “Part of me agrees with you, part of me still remembers that broken little girl we rescued. And it’s not me that needs to be convinced. Ella wants to keep her wrapped in cotton wool.”

  I gaze thoughtfully after Paladin. “Paladin’s had his hands tied by both you and the prez. If Drew or anyone steps in when he’s forbidden to make a move, there’s going to be bloodshed.” I just hope it’s not Drew on the receiving end.

  A loud sigh, then, “You’re right,” he repeats. “I’ll have a word with Drummer. Won’t be able to do much anyway when they go to Colorado.”

  “That still happening?”

  Slick grimaces. “Much as I hate it, that’s for the best. We live with the fear of Jayden being snatched off the street, hell, taken out of school under some pretence or another. The Herreras getting hold of her however careful we are. So, yeah. Hellfire has agreed. They’ll be leaving in a few weeks. That will be your problem with Drew solved.”

  It will. But maybe it’s opened Jayden’s eyes as to there being other possibilities. I wonder how Paladin will cope if she sets her eyes on somebody else.

  Conversation over, Slick slaps my back and we walk into church and take our seats just as Drummer bangs the gavel.

  This time I can pay attention to what’s going on. Blade’s report is particularly interesting.

  “Got the lease signed on the tattoo shop. Rock and I have been going through the applications for a couple of tattoo artists.” Blade breaks off, spins his knife until it’s pointing at me, his grin evil. “Brother there is a blank canvas. Thought we could use him to try them out.”

  “No fuckin’ way,” I snarl. “Not gonna have needles anywhere near me.”

  “Says the man who’s got a fuckin’ apadravya,” Joker reminds them.

  Once. It was one time I told them. Memories like fucking elephants around this table. “I was drunk,” I explain through gritted teeth. I was. Woke up with a fucking hole and jewellery in my dick. Once it had healed though, I hadn’t regretted it. I shift in my seat as I think of how much Mariana appreciates it, and my cock reacts.

  “Come on, Mouse. Take one for the team. Have Mariana’s name tatted over your heart.” Now Lady’s joining in.

  “You fuckin’ volunteer,” I point my index finger at him. “You can have Joker’s.”

  “Alright, alright.” Drummer’s loud voice brings our exchange to a halt. “No one’s forcing anyone to get a tattoo.” He jerks his chin toward Rock. “What about your back?”

  “Be a few months yet, Prez. Doc reckoned to leave it a year so the skin’s properly healed.”

  I send him a glance of sympathy. Poor fucker had his Satan’s Devils tattoo flayed off his back. While Doc did what he could to minimise the scarring, he’ll still need a good tattoo artist to replace that.

  “I’ll volunteer,” Beef steps up. “Let me know when, Blade.”

  “Now that’s sorted, I’ve got one thing I need to bring up.” Prez tugs at his beard. When his eyes land on me, I brace myself for trouble. “Fuckin’ glad the way things worked out with your ol’ lady, Mouse.”

  “You givin’ her a property patch now?”

  Prez glares at Blade for interrupting him, but a grin comes to my face. Thought it would be tempting fate to give her one before. But now it’s confirmed she’s here to stay, yeah, that’s next on my agenda. “Sure am.”

  “If I can finish?” It’s that voice that makes you want to slide under the table. Even Blade shuts up. Instead he opens a pack of cigarettes, gets one out, and lights it.

  “Devil’s been in touch.”

  That name never carries anything good with it.

  “They picked up the trail of El Procurador. Tracked him to Mexico. He went into a house in a town near the border. He never came out. Thought it was an ideal opportunity to take him, so they raided it.” Drummer pauses. “Tore the place to shreds, found a tunnel starting under a bed. It led to a derelict building this side of the border.”

  My mind whirls with the information. The implications hitting me fast. “He’s in the US?”

  “Either that, or he’s disappeared into thin air,” Prez confirms.

  “He’s coming for Drew.” And for Mariana.

  “Mouse, he’s not going to get him or your ol’ lady,” Peg peers around Heart and reassures me. His words are echoed and come at me from every chair.

  “Drew goes nowhere alone. And Mariana’s not going off the compound.” Fuck. Can I take him out of school? Just when I thought everything was rosy, this shit happens.

  “Feds are on the lookout for him. Hopefully it’s only a matter of time until he’s caught.”

  “He’ll want to make a move quickly. He’ll be feeling like a fish out of water here,” I suggest. “I’ll keep Drew and Mariana on lockdown.” And make sure those security cameras are monitored day and night.

  “Doubt he knows where they
are,” Blade puts in.

  That’s true. El Procurador knows nothing to link either of them to us.

  “You need help, Mouse? We’ve got your back.”

  “I’m going to try to find him,” I tell them. “Use my contacts. He must be hiding somewhere. I’d like to flush him out. He needs to pay for what he did to Mariana and her mother.”

  Again, Drummer’s eyes watch the reactions of my brothers, then he sums up. “You do that, Mouse? Think you’ll have a full house of volunteers to help you.”

  Blade’s eyes light up. “Got plans to scalp him, Chief?”

  I roll my eyes.

  “Still think we ought to change your handle,” Shooter suggests.

  I push down my anger, knowing they don’t understand. Perhaps it’s time to put them right. “Using the title Chief is disrespectful. It’s a name Anglos throw around and Natives hate it. Unless they are a chief, of course. I played a part to get a reaction, it was no more than that. As I’ve never been, or will be a chief, I’d be happy never to hear that handle again in my life.”

  Blade looks at me thoughtfully, his knife spinning in his hands. Suddenly he nods. “I didn’t understand that.”

  “I know you didn’t, Brother.”

  Drummer’s glare lands on each man around the table. “That’s the last time we’re going to hear it, then. Mouse stays Mouse.”

  Chapter 42


  I thought once everything was over, I’d be able to go back to school and resume my training. But no such luck. At first the threat of El Procurador being in the country was enough to persuade me that both myself and Drew were safest not setting foot off the compound. But as the days pass and Tse can’t pick up any chatter about where he might be, I begin to think even Devil’s not infallible, and that he must have been mistaken. My father may not be in the country at all.

  Drew’s school’s getting antsy that he’s still recovering from the mythical illness I’d invented, and my college is making threats they can’t hold my place open forever. We need to resume a normal life. Tonight, I’m going to plead my case. Get Tse to see reason. It’s good timing, nature had seen to it that we had to take a natural break from our sexual activities. But tonight, I’m ready. I’ve showered, shaved, and groomed myself to perfection, still enjoying the luxury of hot water anytime I want it. Those days in the trailer seem so long ago now.

  Drew’s tucked up and asleep, Tse’s working in his office, but he’ll be back soon. In preparation, I’m daringly lying naked on the bed waiting.

  Just in time. I hear the outside door open, then the one to the suite. In the light from the lamps on the bedside tables, I see Tse’s eyes flare. He prowls toward me, his face dark with desire.

  I prop myself up on my elbows. “Who am I going to get tonight?”

  His lips curve. “Who do you want?”

  “Hmm,” I tap my finger to my lips. “Let’s see. The white man who acts like a gentleman? The computer nerd who looks up instructions? The Indian who takes what he wants, or the rough biker who gives all he’s got. What a decision.” I giggle.

  Already having discarded his cut and tee, his hands go to his belt. As he slides it out of the loops, he remarks, “How about just your husband who loves you?”

  “That will work.” Eyeing him taking down his jeans and boxers, my tongue licks my lips. I’m feeling greedy tonight. I peer up through my eyelashes. “Can I taste you?”

  For an answer, his naked body approaches. Kneeling, I put my hands to his cock, and let my tongue flick over the end where pre-cum’s already pooling. He places his hand gently on the back of my head. Opening my mouth, I take him inside, well, as much as I can, pausing to play a little with his piercing, an action which makes him hiss. I’ve no idea what I’m doing, but from the way his hand fists in my hair, and the guttural sounds he’s making, it seems I’m on the right track.

  With one hand on his cock, I slide my other down, cupping his ball sac. His body jerks, as my mouth moves up and down his shaft.

  “Fuck, that feels good, darlin’. Too fuckin’ good.” His hands close in on the side of my head, and gently pull me away. He pushes me back on the bed.

  “Was I doing it wrong?”

  “Fuckin’ perfect, babe. But I need to taste you, then I want to be inside you.”

  Two orgasms later and I’m sated. I’ve almost forgotten my name, let alone what I was going to ask. Almost.


  “Hmm?” he replies sleepily.

  “Drew needs to go back to school, and I need to go to college.”


  His short response would annoy me, were it not that I know he’s trying to keep us both safe. I keep my tone reasonable. “Tse, you’ve found no trace of my father being in this country. We could stay holed up for weeks, months. At some point we’ve got to start living again.”

  “You mean the world to me, Mariana. You know that. I couldn’t cope if I lost you.”

  “You won’t lose me. You’re doing everything you can to prevent that. But please, let Drew go to school at least.”

  His arm slides under my head, and I snuggle into him. “Let me sleep on it.”

  Two days later, Drew goes back to school. Once again, either Matt or Truck goes with him. There’s no sign of my father.

  A week passes. The only excitement on the compound is a going away party for Paladin and Jayden. Drew misses her company, but returning to school has at least distracted him. He’s taken up with all his activities again.

  “What time does Drew need collecting?”

  My eyes flit to my man as I answer. “In a couple of hours. He’s got football practice today.” My mouth curves as I remember how happy he’d been to get back into the swing of things. I now glance around, it’s quiet here today. The clubhouse is quite empty. Half the men have gone on a run to Las Vegas, why I’m not sure, Matt’s gone with them driving the crash truck, and Truck’s on his firefighting shift. Mouse and I will be collecting Drew.

  Mouse’s phone rings. I can only hear his side of the conversation.

  “Prez? Yeah. Hey, really? Yeah, I bet it is good fuckin’ news. Hope everything goes well.”

  He listens for a moment, looking at me in consternation. “Prez, I was… Sure. I’ll sort something out. Yeah. Course. And good luck.”

  Ending the call, he stares at me. “Sam’s gone into labour. Prez is heading straight out to take her to the hospital.”

  I grin. “She’ll be relieved.” The baby is almost two weeks overdue, and she hadn’t wanted to be induced.

  “About fuckin’ time.” Blade comes over. First he grins, then he frowns. “Had that meet arranged with the Wretched Soulz.”

  “About that,” Mouse tells him. “Prez asked if I would go with you.”

  Blade holds out his fist for Mouse to bump with his, “Appreciate that, Brother.”

  “Which leaves me a problem. Who’s going to pick up Drew?”

  “Me.” It’s the only option. One look at his face tells me he’s not on board. “Look, Tse. I’ll be picking up Drew along with all the other parents. Nothing’s going to happen to me, right? There’s been no sign of my father. I’ll be quite safe.”

  He glances at Blade as if for reinforcement, but Blade shrugs. “Can’t see what else you can do, Brother. Of course, I could go to the meet by myself.” The look on his face suggests he’d rather have company.

  Tse’s hand snakes over my shoulder, he grabs hold of my hair, tugging it gently so I’m forced to look into his face. “Straight there and back, Mariana. No stopping.”

  When he releases me, I nod.

  “Got an idea.” Blade disappears out back, then returns a few minutes later.

  I can’t immediately see what he’s holding, but Tse does. When Blade shows him the back, he bursts out laughing.

  “What is it?” I screw up my eyes.

  “A bullet-proof fuckin’ vest,” Tse grins. Then he shows me what Blade has chalked on the reverse.

>   Property of Mouse.

  Blade sniggers. “Figured it’s more protection than a property cut.”

  I huff, not certain whether they’re serious or not. If they are, I don’t like it. “You’re being ridiculous. I’m not wearing that.”

  Tse and Blade look at each other, then in unison they tell me, “Yes, you are.”

  So an hour or so later, I’m driving into Tucson wearing a freaking armoured vest. When I make a promise, I keep it, even though I think it absurd. I’ve also got a gun in the glove box and the knife Blade had given to me in a sheath strapped to my ankle. Overkill. But there’s no doubt Tse’s concern gives me a warm feeling. He’s doing his best to protect me, even when he can’t be there to do it himself.

  As I drive, I spare a thought for Sam, wondering how she’s doing, and what gender she’ll have. I’ve a sneaking suspicion she’d like a daughter, but will be a great mom again whatever she has. Eli is a little rascal, a handful, but then, with Drummer as his father that’s not unexpected. Already he seems to assume people will jump to his demands. Could Sam handle two like that? Yes, she could.

  My mind turns to thoughts of what it would be like to have a baby of my own. I’ve been a mom to Drew for six years. Once he’s older and no longer such a responsibility, it would be nice to have a family with Tse.

  I’m still full of happy thoughts as I turn into the parking lot for the school, parking close to the playing fields. I stay in the car as I’d promised Tse, listening to music on the radio and singing along.

  The boys start coming up, one by one the cars leave the parking lot. I tap the steering wheel in time to the beat, appreciating the excellent sound system in my brother’s car. I brought his, so he could drive it back and get in a bit more practice.

  Come on, Drew. When half the cars have gone, I start to get impatient. When a few more leave, I begin to get worried.

  Stay in the car. Tse’s voice echoes in my head, reminding me. My hand goes to the door handle, then returns to my lap. Another car leaves. One more and I’ll be the only one here. He’s probably stayed back to talk with Coach.


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