SEALs of Honor: Brett

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SEALs of Honor: Brett Page 10

by Dale Mayer

  Brett shook his head. “Go on the expectation they’ve been murdered.” He motioned at the videos on the laptops. “The woman I found was the only one left alive in the building.”

  “And we’d like to talk to her.”

  Dave spoke from the doorway. “She’s awake again. You can have a few minutes now.”

  As the whole group stood up Dave studied them and said, “She’s pretty nervous, so keep it to just two men.”

  Mason motioned at Brett. “You’re the one who rescued her so you and Markus go.”

  With Markus walking at his side Brett hurried behind Dave. “How’s her condition this morning?”

  “Better. The swelling has gone down.”

  “That’s good to hear.” As they walked into the clinic he could see Dave’s words were true. The woman was sitting up and looking around. Although her gaze was still full of pain, there was a cognitive awareness in her blue eyes.

  Bullard was standing at her side. As Brett and Markus approached, Brett overheard Bullard as he quietly explained to her who they were.

  She held out her hand and said in a warm voice, “Thank you for rescuing me.”

  Brett shook her hand, liking there was a strong grip behind the frail looking body. “I’m glad I was there in time.”

  She smiled. “Me too.”

  Markus stepped up closer. “What can you tell us?”

  She launched into a recital of her day’s events. “We had no warning,” she said. “We were taken at gunpoint down to the garage. The men were interrogated and when they had nothing to offer they were shot one by one.” She splayed out her hands. “They beat me. One of the blows to my head was hard enough I just blacked out. So unfortunately I don’t know what else I can tell you.”

  “Did you recognize any of them?” Markus asked.

  “I didn’t. But I think one of my coworkers did. Chester was shot first.” She shrugged. “There was also an odd smile on the man’s face when he shot him, as if he knew a bullet wasn’t what Chester was expecting.”

  “Do you think Chester was involved? That he was betrayed?” Brett asked. “Ceci, who was staying at the consulate, was rescued as well. And she identified one of the men in the security tapes, saying he started the paperwork for her and gave her the room she and the children were staying in.”

  “That would be Chester.” She stared up at them. “I don’t know what was going through his mind. I’d never have thought he’d do something like this.”

  “We never really understand what’s going on in people’s heads,” Markus said. “I’m sure the investigation will find that there was some kind of mitigating factor. It could be as simple as money.”

  Her gaze flew up to his. “Chester was a reformed gambler. But lately it seemed like he was getting more nervous about something.” She reached up to rub her temple.

  “Any idea how the men got in? I presumed they didn’t just stroll in the front door.” Markus walked to the end of the bed.

  “No,” she said. “I have no idea. Chester may have had something to do with that.” Pallor washed over her face as if she was just now understanding the enormity of the betrayal by her coworker and friend. “It was terrible,” she whispered. “The gunman just up and shot them. He didn’t care.”

  “We often find that’s the case.” Brett reached down and patted her hand gently. “You’re safe here. Focus on getting back on your feet.”

  She turned her attention to Bullard and asked, “Am I safe here? I heard a commotion sometime in the night. I wasn’t even sure where I was.”

  “Do you recognize these people?” Markus held up several photographs.

  “The woman. She’s been to the consulate a couple of times.”

  Markus nodded and held up two other photos. “What about these?”

  She studied them and her face turned red with anger. “The one on the left is the man who shot Chester. I don’t recognize the other man but I couldn’t see everybody. There was somebody talking in the back of the garage. I don’t have a face to identify him.”

  “Good enough. These two men were caught outside the gardens here last night.”

  She shrank back into the bed. “They’re here?” she cried out. “How did they find us?”

  “I stole a truck from the embassy car parking lot,” Brett admitted. “I didn’t realize it had a GPS tracking unit. Or that these men would have access to it.”

  She stared at him as her comprehension was a little slow, and then her face flushed again with anger. “That would be Chester. He insisted our vehicles get trackers. Said it was for our own safety,” she snapped. “Sounds like it was more for his own ass.”

  “Well he won’t be worried about anything anymore as Chester is dead.”

  She turned her head away and stared at the blank wall. “Anything else or do you mind if I just kind of fall back asleep? I’m really tired.”

  Brett was ready to let her rest, but Markus had several more questions. By the time she answered she was definitely looking on the weak side.

  Bullard stepped in and said, “That’s enough for now. You can ask more later. Right now it’s time for her to sleep.” He shooed Markus and Brett back out the door. Brett wasn’t sure what to believe. But they’d known there was a mole in the embassy. Now they had a name.

  “I’ll start running what I can find on Chester.”

  “No, you go back to Ceci and the children. We’ll handle this.”

  Brett turned on him. “Why?”

  “Because you’re too involved.”

  “Is being involved a bad thing?” he protested.

  “Let me rephrase that. You’re too distracted. Go settle up your differences with Ceci. We can use all hands on deck, but we need your head on straight.”


  Chapter 15

  At Jimmy’s insistence Ceci walked the kids out of the playroom into the main foyer hoping to see Dave. They really wanted to go for another swim, but she didn’t know if she needed permission. It would also be better if the children had bathing suits this time.

  “Mommy, they’re over there.” Jimmy pointed down the hallway where the voices were coming from.

  “No, Jimmy, some people are over there. Does that mean Dave is?”

  He tried to take her hand and pull her in the direction he wanted to go. “Dave there,” he said.

  She could hear the voices, but she wasn’t hearing the tenor of Dave’s. She shook her head. “No, Dave is not one of those men.”

  “That’s because Dave’s behind you.” She spun to see Dave standing there with a big grin on his face.

  “I’ll never get used to how silent you all move.”

  Jimmy ran the few steps and reached up his arms. Dave picked him up, slinging him high onto his shoulders. “I hear he’d like to go for a swim.”

  “Swim.” Jennifer waved her pudgy hands at Dave.

  He reached out and gave her little fingers a shake. “It’s this way. Let’s go.”

  “You sure you don’t have something more important to do?” she asked. “I hate to take you away from your job.”

  “My job is to make the guests happy.” He bounced Jimmy on his shoulder. “So right now that is what I’m doing.”

  He led the way to the pool and bathhouse again. This time she struggled to get the kids changed as they were very eager to jump into the water. Finally, she had them both into bathing suits and back outside to the water. Dave stood in swim shorts waiting.

  Jimmy jumped in on his own, and Jennifer did the same right after. Dave reached out and swung her up into his arms then dropped her back under again to her great delight.

  He motioned to Ceci. “Now you go get a suit on.”

  She did not need to be told twice. She raced back to the bathhouse and quickly changed into the same swimsuit from yesterday, only freshly washed.

  She snagged up a bunch more towels and walked back outside. After dropping the towels at the edge of the pool, she said, “Thank you.”

sp; “Don’t thank me. I should be thanking you.” Handing Jennifer over to her, he went to the pool room where he pulled out several inflatable toys. There was a big blowup swan that he placed Jennifer in the middle of so she could paddle around safely and a pirate ship Jimmy quickly claimed. With Dave there to help watch over the kids Ceci took the opportunity to swim laps.

  It seemed like a long time since she’d been able to do anything physical. She was out of shape and this was just too good an opportunity to pass up. When she finally slowed and lifted her head to float back toward the children she heard a different male voice. Brett.

  She was going to have to face the music sometime. Bolstering up a happy wave she said, “Hi.”

  “Hi yourself.” Dave swung Jimmy off the pirate ship and tossed him over to Brett and that’s when she realized Brett was in the water too.

  Jimmy squealed with joy as the two men tossed him back and forth, letting him drop into the water just enough to set off his laughter. It amazed her how these men were with the children. It was not something her husband had taken the time to do. He hadn’t really understood what having a child meant, and had therefore missed out on a lot.

  Dave excused himself after a few minutes and said, “I’ll be back in a little bit. How about a cup of coffee and maybe a treat for the kids?”

  She smiled up at him. “Thank you. That would be lovely.” She watched as he walked away, for the first time seeing his prosthetic. She hadn’t even noticed it before. “It never occurred to me the prosthetics could go in the water.”

  “Bullard and his team are working on several prototypes. What you see today could very well be a very different model for tomorrow.”

  She liked the sound of that. “Good, maybe eventually they can grow him a new leg,” she half joked.

  “Who knows? Maybe down the road.” Brett sat Jimmy back into the pirate ship and gave him a push out across to his sister who was busy playing with the movable wings on the swan. An awkward silence descended.

  “Any update?” It seemed to be the only thing she asked him these days.

  “Just a little bit from Amanda.”

  She listened while he explained what they’d learned, realizing although there were small bits and pieces of the puzzle filling in, none of it affected her situation. She was still in stasis waiting for the passports.

  “I’m sure you guys will figure it out. You always get your man…or woman,” she added at the end with a big smile. “Don’t you?”

  He gave her a flat stare. A reaction she hadn’t expected. “Or not.”

  He dove under the surface. She studied him as he moved through the water as sleekly as a dolphin. Obviously they still had a lot of things to work out but she was hopeful. She wanted him as a friend if nothing else. He’d been instrumental in saving her and the children, and for that she was grateful.

  Lifting Jennifer out she wrapped her up in a towel and sat on the side of the pool watching Jimmy paddle around in his boat. The sense of wrongness had disappeared. She felt safe. Even though there had been two intruders there was a sense of confidence in Bullard and his people. Maybe she was wrong to relax, but her body had a mind of its own.

  Dried off, Jennifer toddled over to the grass where she sat down and tried to pick up several blades in her fingers. They were too short but she kept grabbing at them. She giggled at the handfuls as they fell from her fingers.

  Sitting where she could see the two children Ceci kept her eagle eye watching both.

  It wasn’t long before Dave returned with a tray. He set it down on the table and called to Jimmy. “I brought fruit and some cheese. Do you want a snack?”

  Jimmy immediately jumped over the side of the boat and swam his way to the stairs. He was up checking out the contents of the tray in seconds. Ceci picked up Jennifer and gave her several pieces of fruit to eat.

  Dave set a cup of coffee on the table and said, “Here you go.”

  There was only one cup. She looked up at him. “You didn’t bring a cup for Brett?” Dave nodded toward the pool. She turned to see Brett walking away to the bathhouse to get changed.

  “Damn,” she whispered softly under her breath.

  “Some hurts take longer to get over.” On that cryptic note Dave took the tray back with him leaving her and the children by themselves. And this time she’d never felt lonelier.


  Brett wanted to walk away but he couldn’t. Not only was he responsible for keeping her safe right now, but he knew he couldn’t leave with the distance between them. He came out of the bathhouse with a towel draped over his shoulders and forced himself to sit down at the table.

  The children appeared to be happy and content and that said much about their mother. He could even understand the shock she’d gone through with the miscarriage.

  He didn’t understand her silence with him. He’d always been there for her. This wouldn’t have been any different.

  Trust was a hard thing. Once broken it took a long time to heal.

  “I’ve said I’m sorry,” she said in a low, sad tone. “There’s nothing else I can say to make it better.”

  He slouched back in the chair and closed his eyes. He wasn’t sure he had an answer for that. He sensed movement from the side. Opening his eyes he watched Dave place a large mug in front of him. With a pat on his shoulder Dave turned and walked away again.

  “How is it that he knows and sees everything?” she exclaimed softly.

  “One of Dave’s specialties is reading people.”

  “I didn’t know that was something that could be taught.”

  He turned to look at her and said, “Would it make a difference if it could?”

  “Back then, probably not. The shock was horrific. I wasn’t happy when I found out I was pregnant, just numb. By the time I realized I was actually delighted – it was too late and I lost the baby.” She shook her head. “And the numbness spread.”

  “And here I thought we were working toward something back then. Something serious. But your actions…”

  She turned to glance at him. “That’s why I told you.” She shook her head. “I don’t want any more secrets. I am who I am. But I’m not who I once was.”

  If there was one thing he could understand it was that. He took a sip of his coffee and considered where to go from here. “You’ve had time to get over that shock. For me it’s like it’s real right now.”

  “Every day I wish things had been different. But it’s also over and I can’t do anything about that.” She played with her hands. “But I wish I could.”

  He gave a bark of laughter. “Thanks for that.”

  This time when he smiled it came from deep inside. And she burst into tears.

  Chapter 16

  “Mommy, what’s wrong?” Jimmy cuddled up against her shoulder, his hand awkwardly petting her hair and cheek. He placed his cheek against hers and wrapped his arms around her neck tight. “It’s okay, Mommy.”

  Jennifer started to cry beside her.

  And that only made her cry harder. Wrapping her arms around her son, she held him close. They’d been the mainstay of her life, the force that had kept her going all these years. She loved them both so damn much.

  The world tilted at an awkward angle as she was lifted, both kids still in her arms, and tucked up on Brett’s lap and held tight in his embrace. When he brushed a gentle kiss against her temple more of her walls came crumbling down. Ones she hadn’t even been aware she’d put up. God she’d loved this man. He’d been her everything. And then she’d lost the baby and somehow he’d become something to run from. He was right, she should’ve told him. But she’d been too shocked, too much in pain. All she’d wanted to do was run away. And she had.

  Where did that leave them now? She came as part of a ready-made family. It was a lot for him to take on.

  With his breath against her ear he whispered, “Easy, Ceci, take it easy. You’ll make yourself sick.”

  She tried to bring her emotions back under contro
l. It was hard. Once that dam burst it wasn’t easy to stop. But this wasn’t the time. Her children were upset and going to be more so if she didn’t get herself back in control.

  And in true miracle fashion Dave appeared at their side, held out his hands to both of the kids and said, “You know, I think it’s time for ice cream.”

  Jimmy’s face lit up like a rocket. “Ice cream?”

  Then he glanced back at his mom and said in a teary voice, “Mommy is hurt.” That set Jennifer’s tears off again.

  Dave scooped up both kids and said, “You know, I think Brett can handle Mommy right now. She’s not hurt, she just needs to cry a little bit. And I think your tears will heal much better if you have some ice cream.” He turned and walked the two children back up to the house, leaving Brett alone with Ceci for the first time.

  “Dave’s a smart man,” Brett said in admiration.

  “He’s a conniving man. And I really appreciate him taking the kids right now.”

  “You haven’t given yourself much of a chance to grieve, have you?”

  She shook her head. “Not for any of it. At first I didn’t know how, then there was no time.” Her shoulders lifted in a helpless shrug. “How does one do that with children? The necessities of getting through the day take over. It’s in the darkness of the night that the pain hits.”

  He shifted her gently in his arms to a more comfortable position. “Maybe everything had to happen this way. Look at us now. You’re single again and back in my arms. I find it hard to be upset about that.”

  “Even after what I told you?”

  He nodded. “Even after. I’ll need a little time to adjust. There’s no doubt it was a shock. It hurts,” he admitted. “I’d like to have children of my own someday.”

  Curled up in the warmth of his embrace Ceci wondered how she’d actually managed to come out on top. She figured he’d want nothing to do with her. Brett was such an honorable man. He was good inside – not just good at what he did. Spending a few moments like this with him in private was a gift. One she was determined to enjoy. The children would be back soon enough with ice cream, but in the meantime they had an opportunity to mend some bridges. “I really am sorry.”


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