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Sophie's Pleasure

Page 4

by Patricia Pellicane

  It was another four days before the picture came. This wasn’t a dream. This time she was emptying a box of scented candles into an arrangement near the front of her shop when she suddenly saw a man pull his pickup to a stop in a dirt drive. This time she got a clear look at the house. Moments later, she was on the phone, waiting for Jake to pick up.

  “You might take a look on Railroad Avenue

  ,” she said when he answered. “There’s a grey house. I don’t know the number, but the front steps are concrete and broken and some of the siding is missing on the right-hand side. They rent out rooms there. I’d check out the top floor. Maybe one of the closets.”

  “Thanks,” Jake said and hung up. He didn’t need more than her say so, for she had helped him on more than one occasion, and he trusted her completely. He didn’t wait for a search warrant, probably couldn’t get one since they had no concrete information and figured for now they’d just talk to the guy. He slid his arms into his suit jacket and signalled for Joe to follow him. “Let’s go.”

  Two hours later, they found the place. While interviewing the landlady, both men saw him leave the building by the back door and slip behind the wheel of a rusting Toyota pickup. He wore a Yankee baseball cap. His hair was blond. He wore it in a ponytail, his face was pock-marked and his jacket was dark green.

  When they tried to stop him to ask a few questions, he panicked at the sight of their badges and raced his truck out of the yard. They let him go for now. Having probable cause thanks to his odd behaviour, they entered his third floor apartment. Behind a locked closet door, a little girl sat among filthy clothes and a few shoes. Both men felt nearly weak with relief to find her alive. She was dirty, sported a black eye and cut lip and was sluggish as if dehydrated. Uniforms were called, along with the crime scene people, as an ambulance rushed the girl to Good Sam Hospital where she met her ecstatic mother.

  It took another hour before they found the truck abandoned in Babylon’s town parking. It was too close to the railroad station for their liking. If he made a run for the city, it might take months before they found him. They called the precinct and asked for an officer with a dog. Later that afternoon, they found him hiding among the car wrecks at Mike’s Towing.

  Sophie knew only relief when Jake called with the news.

  Chapter Three

  “Sorry, I’m busy.”

  “What do you mean you’re busy? I’ve been trying to talk to you for two weeks. You don’t answer the phone anymore. What’s going on?”

  Joe and Sophie stood in her store, on opposite sides of the counter.

  “Joe, I told you from the beginning I’m not someone you’d want to get involved with. I’m not your type. And you’re not mine.”

  “What does that mean you’re not my type? And what the hell are you talking about I’m not yours.”

  “I don’t date players. I told you.”

  “Jesus,” he said, running his fingers through his hair. “Who the fuck is playing? You’re driving me out of my mind. I can’t work. I can’t think. I can’t sleep and all you tell me is sorry…sorry.”

  “I’m sor—”

  “Don’t say it,” he interrupted and then dared to order, “Lock this place up. We’ve got some talking to do.”

  It was five to six, only a few minutes before closing. Sophie thought it best not to argue with the man. He did look strung out. Most of Suffolk County’s detectives had put in long hours this past month and she wasn’t sorry to see things had begun to settle down to a more normal pace again. She thought she wouldn’t push him more than necessary.

  He didn’t say another word until they were in his car. “You want to go to dinner?”


  Joe pulled into the small park that bordered the town’s lake. He sat there for a long moment, watching white water as it fell from the lake into a stream that flowed beneath Main Street

  to empty into a canal and the Long Island Sound. Finally, he asked in a deceptively calm voice, “Did we or didn’t we have fantastic sex?”

  “We did.”

  “So? What’s the problem?”

  “Is that what you’re looking to base a relationship on?”

  “It’s a beginning.”

  “It’s not a beginning. It’s a one-night stand. I told you.”

  “That’s not fair, Sophie. You’re not giving us a chance.”

  “What you mean is you’re not finished with me yet. Isn’t that right?”

  “No, that’s not right, damn it!” His voice was approaching a roar. “You know there’s something more here, something more than sex.”

  “The loudest voice doesn’t win, Joe. So knock it off,” she yelled back.

  “Sorry.” He took a deep breath and tried a bit more reasonably. “Sophie, I know you think I’m not relationship material, but I swear, I’ve changed. I’m not the Joe you knew in high school.”

  “It doesn’t matter. You’re a cop. I’m not getting involved with a cop.”

  “Why the hell not?”

  “Because cops are the worst. Look at Andy. I’d never put up with anything like that. And I’d know. Believe it, I would.”

  “All cops aren’t—”

  “Maybe, but too many are.”

  “Damn it, Sophie! Do you think that’s fair? Look at Jake,” he countered. “He’s a decent guy.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not interested in a cop, Joe. And I’m not interested in you,” she insisted.

  “Right, you’re not interested. Bullshit!”

  She folded her arms over her chest. “Take me home, Joe.”

  “Give me a reading.”

  “What?” she asked with a frown, more than a little surprised at his odd request.

  “You know, one of those psychic things. A reading.”

  “First of all, I’m not that kind of psychic. I don’t give readings.”

  “Just because you never have, doesn’t mean you can’t. Do it.”

  “It’s not that easy.”

  “It is,” he insisted, even though he hadn’t the vaguest notion of what was involved.

  “Joe, it doesn’t work that way. I can’t predict the future for myself or anyone I care about.”

  “Good, the timing is perfect then. You don’t care for me yet. Right?”

  “And I’m not going to,” she said with some fierce determination.

  “So give me a reading.”

  She shook her head, obviously unhappy with the whole business. “Joe.”

  Frustrated, he raved, “Give me a freaking reading, and you’ll know I’m serious about this, about us.”

  Sophie surprised herself with a soft laugh at his clear frustration and suddenly knew, despite some initial misgivings, she was going to give both of them a chance.

  * * * *

  They sat at her kitchen table, sipping coffee. Sophie giggled at his stern, dark look.

  “Stop laughing. I’m serious here.”

  “I know. Give me your hand.”

  Joe did as she asked.

  After a moment, Sophie gave a dramatic sigh and said in a sudden and terrible imitation of Boris Karloff, “I see a tall, dark man.” She chuckled. “Oh no, wait that’s you.”

  “Stop joking around,” he said as he took hold of her hand and pulled her from her chair to sit in his lap.

  Sophie grinned and remarked all too eagerly as she wiggled pretending to try to find a comfortable spot, while purposely causing Joe a helpless groan. “This is interesting. Perhaps I should start giving readings. If I give them while sitting on a man’s lap, it might prove enlightening.”

  Joe groaned and pulled her tightly against him. “Don’t try to drive me crazy. I’m already halfway there.”

  “Are you hungry? I could get on the table again.”

  “Oh God, Sophie,” he said while nuzzling his mouth against her neck. “Don’t make me refuse something like that. I said we’re going to have a real relationship here. No more one-night stands.”

�Then why am I on your lap?”

  He allowed a wicked grin. “I thought you might think better over here.”

  “Mmm…too much distance between us before, right?” She bit his chin and with an appreciative groan licked the supposed injury. A second later, she was nuzzling his neck

  “Be good,” he said while giving a little tap to her backside. “I’m waiting for my reading.”

  She sighed and pulled back just enough to look into his warm gaze. “Okay, let’s see.” She backed up a little more and watched him for a long silent moment, before she exclaimed, “Wow, you really have a lot of sex in your life.”

  “Had,” he corrected. “You’re good enough to know I haven’t had any at all in two weeks.”

  “Poor baby,” she said to his obvious chagrin. A moment later, she reluctantly agreed and corrected with a small shrug, “All right, ‘had’.” She was silent again and smiled. “I like that you love your mother that much. Won’t it be hard supporting the new house on your salary?”

  Joe’s eyes widened at her words. “My mother deserves it. Besides, I’m not doing it alone. My two sisters are helping.” A moment later, he grinned. “You really are good. What else do you like?”

  “I like the way you treat your nephew and niece.” She frowned, “Tom and Sally?”

  “Sadie,” he corrected.

  She nodded. “I like that you want a big family.”

  His eyebrows rose and fell in quick repetition as he gave her a suggestive grin. “Do I hear any offers?”

  “With a smile like that, you should be fighting the women off with a stick.”

  He ignored her comment. Now wasn’t the time to talk about other women. “What else?”

  “You’re thinking of trading in your car. Don’t. The one you want to buy was in a serious accident.”

  Joe’s eyes widened. “I know I keep saying this, but you really are good.”

  “Of course, I’m good. What did you think?”

  “I think the point of this was to see if I’m sincere. Can you see it?”

  Sophie smiled and nodded. “I see you nagged at Jake, asking questions about me,” she said then blinked her surprise, realising what she’d just said. “Did you? What kind of questions?”

  Joe laughed. “I drove him crazy. He threatened to ask for a new partner if I didn’t shut the hell up. His words exactly.”

  “What kind of questions?” she repeated.

  “Have you anyone serious in your life? Did he think you’d date me? Who have you dated recently? Should I ask you out now or wait a bit?” Joe shrugged. “Stuff like that.”

  “And he told you?” Sophie felt a twinge of annoyance.

  “It wasn’t easy, I promise you, but my begging was pathetic. At least, he said it was.”

  Sophie laughed in disbelief. “Yeah, that’s the word I’d use referring to you. Pathetic.”

  “So what do you think? Are you ready to give us a try then?” he asked hopefully.

  Sophie allowed a low wicked laugh. “If I wasn’t you wouldn’t be sitting here.”

  Joe felt his heart give a giant thump as happiness tightened his chest. “I wouldn’t?”


  He grinned. “When did you decide?”

  “When you roared, ‘Give me a freaking reading’.”

  He laughed, pulled her tighter against him and nuzzled his face into the side of her neck. “How are we going to start this?”

  “You mean you’ve forgotten how to do it? In only two weeks?”

  “We’re not going to do that. I want a real relationship here.”

  “And sex means it’s not real?”

  “Damn,” he groaned unhappily. “I’m probably out of my mind, but the truth is, I’m almost positive that a real relationship doesn’t start with sex. You work your way into something like that. Slow and easy.”

  “Oh, lucky me,” she said, her voice dripping sarcasm. “We’re having a real relationship so I have to do without.”

  “Do you think we should have sex?” he asked with some obvious surprise.

  “I think the horse is already out of the barn. It’s a little late to lock the door now, wouldn’t you say?”

  Joe shook his head, obviously having a problem with her way of thinking. “I’m not sure…”

  “The trouble here is you’ve only dated strippers and the like, and, poor thing, you haven’t had all that much experience with the rest of womankind.” She nodded knowingly and with a sly touch of false sympathy. “You know regular people, people who, for instance, own a small business,” her eyes twinkled with laughter, “or who work in offices or stores, people who cook or serve you your food at restaurants, others who teach, drive cars, or deliver mail.” She lowered her voice to a husky whisper and moved to whisper near his ear. “They also have sex.”

  Joe grinned. “Do they? One wouldn’t suspect it by looking at them.”

  She allowed a wicked snicker. “I know they do an excellent job of hiding it.”

  He laughed and hugged her tighter. “You are a brat.”

  “A brat who likes sex,” she shrugged, “so if you’re not going to,” she shook her head, “I’m afraid…”

  “I’m going to,” he stated quickly. “I never said I wasn’t going to. I just thought you’d like to wait a bit so we could maybe get to know one another first.”

  She grinned. “We know the important things, Joe.”

  “Yeah?” he asked as he began to work the buttons of her blouse, revealing a delicious strip of smooth, golden skin and an enticing wisp of lacy, black bra. “What do I know about you?”

  “You know I make a great sauce.” She loosened his tie and began to slowly part his button-down shirt. As each opened button revealed another length of skin, she nuzzled it with her lips and tongue.

  He was trying to keep a clear head but was doing a miserable job of it.

  “And you know I painted my house. Is there anything else worth knowing?”

  “What?” he asked, while wondering exactly what she was talking about.

  Her fingers slipped inside his shirt, her nails skimming lightly over his nipples. “Jesus,” he groaned as his entire body jerked and shivered. “I can’t think…”

  She tried to help him with her blouse, but he stayed her hand. “Wait,” he said. “I need to do this slowly. Don’t help me. I’ve been thinking about taking your clothes off for days.”

  She smiled. “Have you?” She loosened his tie to a wide loop and pulled it over his head, pushed her head into the circle and tightened it around her neck. “I’ve been thinking that I’d like to wear your tie.”

  He swallowed hardly able to breathe at the thought. “Just my tie?”

  She grinned. “That’s all right, isn’t it?”

  His smile turned purely wicked. “I was hoping if we did it again, we could take it slow this time.”

  She chuckled. “You have my permission to go as slow as you like.”

  “Thank you,” he said as he pushed her blouse off her shoulders and down her arms. “But I’m not sure how slow I can go if you’re wearing my tie.”

  She laughed. “You’re not going to make me take it off, are you? I’d be naked if I took it off.”

  “Oh God, Sophie,” was the best he could do for an answer. He tried to take his mind off her standing before him naked but for his tie, lest things grow instantly out of control. “It’s better when it’s slow.”

  “Not better than the first time,” she countered.

  He shook his head. “Nothing could be better than that. Only this time I want to look more, touch more. This time I want to remember all the particulars.”

  “Like how we got upstairs?

  “Among other things.” He leant forward and ran his tongue over her collarbone. “I love the way you taste.”

  “It’s my shower soap.”

  He shook his head. “No, it’s you. You’re a beautiful woman, Sofia Russo.”

  “Thank you,” she said on a sigh as he nu
zzled his face over the soft mounds of flesh above her bra.

  “I’m cursing myself as every kind of fool. I could have been doing this for years.”

  She shook her head. “You couldn’t have. I wasn’t ready for you years ago.”

  He looked up from watching his finger follow the soft, generous, womanly curves. “Are you ready now?”

  She grinned. “You might say I am.”

  “I need to see your hair.” His fingers reached for the pins holding her hair back from her face. “It’s gorgeous stuff.

  “The first time I saw you in this kitchen, I couldn’t stop thinking about your hair, how gorgeous it was and what it might feel like rubbing against my stomach.”

  Sophie grinned. “Wow. That’s what you thought? Lucky, I didn’t catch that one.”

  “I know that sounds bad, but let me tell you all of it.

  “I thought, ‘God, but this is a gorgeous woman and what the hell was wrong with me letting her get away?’ Your hair looked like silk, curling to your shoulders. And your skin, Jesus, it looked as if you’d just come in from the sun with the most gentle, golden tan, along with soft pink cheeks, big brown eyes and luscious looking lips. I remembered how soft, how delicious they were.”

  He smiled at her soft moan as his hands delved deep into the silky softness of her hair, delighting in the feel and look of it as it fell around her face. “I like it best when you wear it down. Jesus, you’re so beautiful.”

  She closed her eyes and leaned into his strong fingers. “I love having my scalp massaged.”

  “Do you? Probably not as much as I like massaging it.”

  She sighed and, with eyes still closed, murmured, “It makes me sleepy.”

  His fingers came to an instant stop. “We can’t have that. I want you wide awake for the next hour or two.”

  She laughed as she watched his fingers return to her bra. “So you expect to last that long, do you?”

  “You mean for the first time? Not a chance.” He grinned but said no more.

  “The first time? You mean we’re going to do it more than once?”

  He laughed at the question.

  “We’ll need to stop long enough to eat. It’s almost dinner time.”


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