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Guarding His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

Page 14

by M. L. Briers

  He didn’t move, he couldn’t damn move, she had him tied up in knots of desire that caused him pain and then intense pleasure, and when she took him out of her mouth and started all over again from the beginning, he wanted to head butt the damn wall. He was in agony and ecstasy at the same time, and it was the most erotic experience of his entire existence, human or vampire.

  When she brought him close to edge she let him down again, slowly building back up, until he wanted to grab her, yank her up his body and thrust into her.

  “Fiona…”He growled out through clenched teeth. His fangs ached to bite. His manhood ached to thrust. His sack was hard and tight, and ached with the longing for release.

  She took him down into her throat and pulled back up, and he knew that she was going to start over again, but he tightened his grip within her hair, and her eyes flicked to his. She saw the need there, the torture of his desires and she sucked him back into her mouth, her finger stroking against the flesh between his sack and his backside, as she increased her speed.

  Taking him towards his release hard and fast, and when she swallowed him into her throat, she felt him swell in her mouth, his hot seed spilling down her throat as every muscle in his body went rigid, before she allowed him to pull back his hips and take her throat again. He was gentler with her than she had been, as he took her deeply and spilled out over and over, as she suckled him hard.

  Mac practically melted in front of her. Easing back from her mouth, he dropped to one knee, his head dropped forwards as he waited to regain his strength. He hadn’t felt this damn weak since before he had become a vampire…

  “Maybe you’re getting too old for all this sex stuff, Mac-Sexy…”Fiona teased him.

  In a heartbeat she was pressed against his chest and the bathroom was just a memory. He had her flat on her back on the bed, her knees were pressed up and out, and he was between her legs making a long lick of her folds, before his fingers slipped inside her.

  Damn it, but she couldn’t keep track of him. One second he was nibbling on her folds and the next he was biting her earlobe. His tongue was doing wicked things inside her channel and then he was nipping at her breast, sucking her nipple into his mouth as his fingers worked against the sweet spot inside her. Then she facing the mattress and he was running his tongue down her spine, as his fingers strummed over her nub.

  Either she was going insane or he was going to send her there.

  “Mac…”It was a half plea mixed with a heady dose of frustration, and his breath against her ear let her know exactly where he was for once.

  “I thought you liked to tease…”And he was gone again, running his tongue against the tight puckered hole of her backside, as he reached beneath her body and rolled her nipples.

  “I like… to tease…I don’t like…”She was facing the ceiling again and he was climbing up over her body, looking dark and sexy, and very ravenous. “To be teased…”

  “Aye, well, what’s good for the goose…”He devoured her breasts, first one and then the other, as his fingers took her deep, and his thumb rolled over her nub.

  “No…No goose… you’re driving me insane…”She gripped the covers until her knuckles where white, and moved her hips against his touch to try to find some relief.

  “Not too old for this sex thing then?”He was grinning at her as she pried her eyes open, and she damn well knew he would be.

  “Too ravenous maybe…”She offered as he settled between her thighs and eased inside her with one long, push that took him halfway. And he groaned as her muscles tensed and released around him.

  “Sweetheart, we haven’t even got to ravenous yet…”Mac run his hand up her spine, and swept his tongue over the vein in her neck. He pulled his legs up, and took hers up with them, and he nudged out as far as he could, stretching her wide as he thrust to the hilt inside her, and she moaned with the pleasure of finally having him deep within.

  “I’m feeling Mac-Nibbley…”He gave her a devilish grin as he pulled back his hips, rolled them, and thrust to the hilt, grinding his hips against hers.

  “Anything, if you just let me…”

  “Anything?”Mac liked that he know knew how to get the upper hand with her.

  “Anything…”She promised. What he was doing with his hips was close to heaven, but the release that she had been seeking for the last half hour was still nowhere in sight.

  “I have a list…”He whispered against her throat and she swallowed hard. She couldn’t even lift her hips, he had somehow managed to hold her in place beneath him with his body, even when he pulled back from her. His arm against her back kept her arm pinned down to one side, and the other hand he was holding, his fingers laced in hers.

  “We’ll work through the damn list… bite…Mac…”She felt his fangs pierce her skin and sink down into the vein, and tensed for an instant with the pain, but only an instant.

  The first pull on her vein created a sweet sensation that shot through her body and pulled on every part of her womanhood, like a fiery pulse that swept her up and over the edge as he thrust into her, over and over, and she cried out with the intensity of the orgasm that tore through her body, and it didn’t stop until he released her vein.

  His tongue swirled over the wound, cleaning and sealing it closed as he moved over her body, bringing her legs with him as he pounded into her, taking her faster and deeper, over and over, and she felt that build to release surging through her body until it broke over her like a tsunami, wave after wave crashing to shore, lapping at every inch of her until she couldn’t think, couldn’t feel anything but him, and still he didn’t stop.

  There was no time between her release and the next rush to another orgasm to even compose herself, and this time when he took her vein he drank deeply and thrust her over the edge, until she thought she had surely lost her mind.

  He took his pleasure, finding his release buried deep inside her, as her blood spilled over his tongue and down his throat, he spilled his essence against her womb, over and over, until he was done.

  Fiona felt his fingers against her cheeks. Felt his breath touch her skin like a caress, and heard his soft, gentle words as he brought her back to him. Soothing her as only a vampire could, and bringing her back from the edge of insanity.

  “That was…”Fiona still couldn’t make a full sentence in her mind or from her mouth, as she panted hard. Forcing her lids to open as he grinned down at her innocently.

  “Tell me when you’ve recovered, love. Because I have a list we need to work through, if you’re up to it.”Mac gave her that devilish smile that made even his black eyes light up, and she couldn’t help the giggle that rocked through her.

  “You look tired.”Seth growled across the kitchen counter at Mac as they stood sipping coffee. “Should a vampire look tired?”

  Mac lifted a brow and regarded his brother in law. “Have you met my mate?”He growled out sarcastically, and Seth couldn’t help but chuckle.

  Between loving his own mate all through the night, he wasn’t deaf to the fact that in every occupied room of the house mates were mating. Some louder than others in the case of Fiona and Mac.

  “Just be grateful that you’re not the alpha of this pack, with our four new female additions it’s going to be like world war three broke ou…”Seth snapped his mouth shut as the unfamiliar steps drew towards the kitchen door.

  Kay walked into the kitchen and eyed both men suspiciously. “No really, you keep right on talking about us…”It was a guess and a good one. She knew it the moment that she saw the spark of guilt in her new alpha’s eyes.

  “Oh we will, love. Close the door on your way out now.”Mac informed her, before lifting his mug to his lips and hearing the hiss of annoyance come from the young sister, as she turned on her heels and stormed back outside.

  “I don’t think you played that too smartly, Mac…”Seth chuckled, but Mac just shrugged his shoulders.

  “I’m too old to care, beside’s I’m a hard to kill, even for
a Fae.”

  “What about four Fae working together?”Fiona took a step into the kitchen and placed her hands on her hips, as Kay came up behind her and nodded enthusiastically.

  “You insult one of us then you insult all of us.”Hannah nudged Kay out of the way to stand in the doorway as Seth groaned.

  “Really smart, Mac…”He muttered, and watched the vampire turn to place his cup down on the table as he noticed Mary tucked in at the back.

  “Now, Fiona, Love. Your little sister got entirely the wrong end of the stick. We were speaking of you all, but it was about how beautiful an addition you all are to the pack…”Mac offered with all the sincerity that he could muster.

  “You buying it?”Kay asked looking over at Fiona, and she narrowed her eyes on her mate and considered his words.

  “Nope.”She offered as Mac smile slipped, and he turned back towards Seth with a shrug.

  “That’s the trouble with mate’s you can get away with a little poetic licence.” Mac watched Seth chuckle into his cup, totally at ease with the situation, after all, it wasn’t his backside in a sling.

  “Lying you mean…”Mary offered from the back and all of the sister’s turned to look at her.

  “Embellishing…”Mac wagged a finger over his shoulder as he kept his back to them. If they were going to zap him, he’d rather not see it coming, it somehow hurt less.

  “Look who piped up…”Kay pointed at Mary who scowled back at her. “Did having sex finally bring you out of your shell?”

  “Don’t start with her…”Hannah warned as Fiona sent a little zap of warning in Kay’s direction.

  “Hey!” Kay snapped at Fiona, and bedlam broke out as all the sisters started to talk over the top of each other.

  Seth gave a low growl, as he rolled his eyes towards Mac and Mac gave him a sly grin, “that’s what the alpha does, right?”

  Seth growled again, but this time it was aimed at Mac who couldn’t help but chuckle.

  “Enough!” Seth roared out every last drop of his alpha dominance, all forced into that one word, bringing silence to the room and peace to his ears.

  “That’s what an alpha does.”He retorted to Mac, who looked suitably impressed. Especially when after a few minutes not one of the sisters had said another word, they were too busy all staring at him open mouthed.

  “But I need to go to my shop.”Hannah looked up at Seth with those wide eyes and he almost caved, almost, but not quite.

  “It’s too dangerous right now. I have pack out tracking the vampire, but until then all of you need to stay where we can protect you.”Seth watched his mate roll her eyes and turn away, and he reached out and snagged her wrist bringing her back to face him.

  “It won’t be forever, Hannah.”Seth offered and she shrugged.

  “I know. I just need to do something.”She gave growling her frustration a go, but he just raised a teasing eyebrow at her.

  “I have something you could do…”He dragged her against his chest and rubbed his arousal against her belly. “Let’s go make some pups.”He growled down gently, before nuzzling against her neck and running his tongue across the mark he placed there.

  “Make some pups?”Fiona gave a gagging sound as she strolled into the room, and Seth felt Hannah tense against him, but Kay got there first as she came in from the other side of the room.

  “What’s up Fi, no motherly instinct? I suppose giving a baby to you would be like asking Jack the Ripper to start an outreach program for prostitutes.”

  “And what’s that supposed to mean? Nothing bad happened to Mary when I was looking after her.”Fiona crossed her arms over her chest and tipped her head in a challenge to her sister.

  “So you didn’t lose her in the local supermarket?”Kay snapped back and Fiona threw up her hands and gave her best look of innocence.

  “That wasn’t my fault, and you’re the one who nearly drowned her at swimming club…”Fiona retorted and Seth went to step away from Hannah, but she put a hand out and stopped him.

  “Don’t even bother. They’ll be shrew for about ten minutes, zap each other, and storm off in different directions. You on the other hand have much more important issues to take care of.”Hannah walked her fingers up his chest and he growled at her.

  “I do?”

  “You do. Let’s go make some babies.” Hannah whispered as she took a step back from him towards the staircase and pulled him along by the arm with her. His grin widening with each step.

  Mac leaned over Mary’s shoulder and rested his chin against her, looking decidedly downcast and tired.

  “Are they always like this?” Mac whispered as Mary chuckled on a nod.

  “Always, unless they’re eating, or dancing.”

  “Dancing, you say? Hmm, I feel a Salsa coming on…”

  “You can Salsa?”Mary shot him a look of disbelief and he pulled back from her, and then appeared in front of her in a heartbeat.

  “You don’t believe me? I can show you.”Mac gave her a devilish grin and held his hand out to her.

  “I don’t dance.”Mary announced with a shrug of her shoulder and Mac grinned wider.

  “Time to learn, littlest Fae.” Mac raised his brows and she chuckled as she slipped her palm against his.

  By the time night fell Hannah had cooked up a storm. With double the mouths to feed she was glad of the distraction it created for her. While she could willingly stay in bed with Seth all day and night, there was still pack business to attend too and a vampire to hunt down, and as she couldn’t concentrate on getting the shop up and running, she focused her energy where it would do most good.

  Besides hiding out in the kitchen made sure she was out of range of her judgemental sisters for now, although she was sure to hear more about her choices during dinner if something didn’t distract them. Goddess, she hoped something good distracted them.

  The back door flew open and Hannah whirled around in surprise. Stupid really, Dermond couldn’t get in, and if he tried he was just setting himself up for a zapping of epic proportions.

  “Which one are you?”The elderly Lycan woman invited herself in and slammed the door closed behind her, but that didn’t stop the chill wind from whipping up a shiver through Hannah.

  “Hannah, who…?”

  “Not you then.”The woman dismissed her with a wave of her hand as she strolled off out of the kitchen and into the living room as Hannah stood there in confusion.

  “Nice talking to you.”She called after the woman, and got another dismissive wave back over the woman’s shoulder. Turning back to her cooking she shrugged and dismissed her.

  Fiona sat down and blew out a sigh as she reached for the remote control that Kay had resting next to her leg, but Kay snatched it up before she got to it.

  “First come…” Kay reminded her, and Fiona sighed again motioning towards the reality show on the television.

  “Seriously? How boring are you?”

  “Which one are you?”The loud voice startled both of the sisters and they turned their heads to see the elderly woman standing in the doorway, her dark eyes intent on Fiona.

  “Who are you?”

  “I asked first little Fae, and as an elder you should be more respectful of my status…”The finger wagging in Fiona’s direction was enough for her to shoot a look towards Kay, who shrugged accordingly.

  “I’m not of your pack. It’s her you want.”Fiona pointed towards Kay who balked. When the elder stepped further into the room, Kay sat forward in her seat, not knowing what to expect.

  “I’m Kay…”She started and the elder nodded her head.

  “Lee’s mate.”She confirmed with a nod and strolled into the room, plopping herself down into a chair and regarding her with dark eyes.

  “Yes.”Kay answered slowly, she wasn’t sure where this was going, but she hoped this wasn’t Lee’s mother. From the look of her, she seemed a cantankerous old buzzard, but then she was an elder and had to be respected.

  “So that makes you
Fiona.”The woman turned her scowl on Fiona and she cringed slightly under her gaze.

  “Yes.”She answered equally as slowly.

  “Hmm. Mated to Mac…”

  “That’s right, so not officially a member of the pack.”Fiona thought she’d let the woman know that again, just in case it didn’t sink in the first time.

  “Mac’s what we call an honorary member, so you being his mate and sister to three members of this pack means you’re a part of this pack too.”The elder informed her.

  “Well technically…”

  “Technically or not, you’re pack, sister.”The old woman shot back and Fiona shrugged.

  “Fine, I’m pack. Good to know. Now if you’ll excuse me.”Fiona went to get up from her seat but the elder shook her head and motioned for her to sit back down.

  “As an elder it’s my duty to acquaint you two with the workings of pack life.”The elder watched the two sisters take a moment to look at each other, and she held back the smile that was tugging at the corners of her lips. The alpha had been right, these two Fae were going to be handful, but she liked a challenge.

  “Maybe I should get Hannah and Mary.”Fiona offered, starting to rise again, but the elder just shook her head and motioned for her to sit back down.

  “You got jumping beans in your pants? Sit and don’t interrupt so much…”She berated, and Fiona arched just one brow as she shot another look at Kay who was trying to hide her smirk behind her hand. “We have a lot of things to get through, and depending on how well you two grasp it, it could take days…”She informed them and both Kay and Fiona balked at the thought of days spent with her.

  “Days?”Kay said even slower than before and the old woman nodded.

  “Oh yes, many, many days.”She wanted to chuckle at the look of horror that came over both sister’s faces, as she rested back into the chair and gripped the arms in firm hands.

  “Maybe I should get us some refreshments.”Fiona didn’t bother to move this time, she looked to the elder for any sign of disapproval. The firm shake of the woman’s head made her heart sink in her chest. What had she done to deserve this?


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