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by Mynx, Sienna

  The chants gave way to a song like she’d never heard and she wondered if it was him or the forest that was singing it. There was such enchantment to the scene she again questioned if she was dreaming. Then he went forward and swam out into the water. His glide was strong and full of virility. She stepped forward herself, wanting to stop him, to let him know she was there. He submerged under the black waves and disappeared.

  Josie stood mesmerized waiting for him to surface. He soon drifted further out floating on his back, his arms going out above him in a backstroke. It was him. The guy from the store. Where did he come from? Josie slipped back into the forest, guilty over the intrusion on this stranger’s private moment, and flustered over what seeing him in his element did to her already confused heart. She’d never seen a man and felt such a visceral connection with him. Not after she found her Carlton. Walking back through the forest she looked twice over her shoulder toward the now hidden part of the lake, questioning all she’d witnessed. Disturbed. She respected the privacy of others, and somehow she felt as if she had violated something spiritual, something sacred. Quickly Josie gathered up the blanket, basket, and water bottle and left. The image of him permanently burned into her mind.

  After a hot shower and a warm cup of tea, Josie got under the covers. She turned on the light to scribble her thoughts. However her mind wandered and the image of the man by the lake pushed to the front of her thoughts. Josie should go to the typewriter and begin to trace her thoughts into something meaningful but she wasn’t interested in leaving the warmth of her blankets.

  What her mother and sister didn’t know was that she loved romance. Books, movies, songs, anything romantic and she was all in. She’d even written a few steamy stories herself. She could never abandon the seriousness of her life to become a romance author, but the best-selling non-fiction novel that was so acclaimed had her wishing she could. Josie smiled. Her pen scribbled away.

  He had the body of a god, but it was his angelic voice that drew her to him. She boldly stepped out of the cover of the trees as the stranger dove into dark glistening waters. The lake parted then swallowed his grace. She watched him from the clearing, longing, wanting the peace and serenity the atmosphere seem charged with. But she held back. He swam the lake and returned to the shore. Halfway in she knew he’d seen her. Still she did nothing to conceal her presence. In fact she stepped forward. The stranger stood in waist deep water and walked out of its rippling current. His body was slowly revealed to her.

  He looked tough. His powerful well-muscled body moved with easy grace. The water had slicked his dark hair to both sides of his face and laid the nest of curls above his cock smooth and silky as well. He had a massive chest, long, thickly sculpted arms and herculean thighs. But it was his manhood on display that captured her breath. The stalk thickly veined, dropped at least seven inches and slapped against his thigh.

  She took a step back. Not from fright, but indecision. To stay would mean she’d act on the challenge in his dark penetrating eyes. And she didn’t know him. Not really.

  “Your name?” he asked.

  She’d forgotten her name. In fact she’d forgotten how to speak. He stood before her dripping wet, oblivious to the cool temperature. “You don’t have one?” he arched a brow curiously.

  “I… I do.”

  A sly controlled smile curled the left corner of his mouth. His damp cool hand cupped the back of her neck and she felt shivers like dropping cubes of ice trickle down her spine. But she did not retreat. She stepped forward, her head tilting, her eyes closing. He covered her mouth with his. It felt as if he first tested the sweetness of her tongue. Soon after he took the plunge and it was an urgent demanding kiss. His hands went into her hair and he tugged hard, forcing her chin up and her mouth to open wider for his plundering.

  With his other strong hand he ripped open the front of her shirt. She gripped his bare arm, thrilled by the wildly erotic way he claimed her. This is crazy! This is crazy! Her mind kept screaming but the moment his rough palm and calloused fingers cupped her breast she was lost. Still caught up in his kiss she offered no resistance as he brought her down to her knees then forced her to lay back in the prickly grass and soil. She aided him in removing her jeans and he tore his mouth away from her lips to suck and lick her neck before ravishing her nipples trapped behind the cups of her bra. Swiftly he had her jeans and panties off. Her thighs parted and he fit nicely between them.

  “I’ve been looking for you,” he said with a voice husky with emotion.

  “Me too,” she nearly screamed. “I’ve been waiting… oh, yes, waiting, wanting, needing!”

  A single thrust sent him half way into her. She clenched her channel and bucked her hips. He raised his clenched buttocks and then drove his length deeper.

  “Sweet merciful…” the words dried out in her throat. Josie had to swallow down another deep breath. Her heart skipped a beat before picking up the pace and pounding in her chest. Heat spread through her as her sex contracted around his invading cock and became heavy with tingling awareness. She looked into his eyes and felt like prey caught in his trap. There would be no way she’d let this faceless, nameless man go after this. No way.

  He pumped in and out of her strong and hard, and Josie’s bare ass rubbed over the grainy soil while her thighs were pricked and scratched by blades of grass. Still she capitulated up into his rhythmic commands giving him all of her. The misty, humid currents of love rushed to the surface making her body feverishly hot. All thoughts of pain from a once broken heart were erased. This was how a man loved his woman. The bitter and sweet forced a cry of release from her parted lips.

  The man forced her thighs back with his muscular arms, one draped over his shoulder the other pointed at an awkward angle. And he thrust in and out of her with his lustful gaze pleading with her to submit. So she did. She clung to him the best she could and rolled her hips beneath him until the continual friction of his thrusting cock in her channel, and rubbing of her clit, unleashed what she had been holding back for so long. She tilted her head back and cried out in ecstasy.

  Josie closed the journal. Her heart beat so strong she touched her chest. Did she just write that? Freehand? Where the hell did it come from? Josie tossed the journal aside and slumped down against her pillow. She found herself panting a bit, her blood rushing through her veins and flooding the chambers of her heart.

  She knew her mother expected greatness from her. Carlton just wanted her unquestioning devotion and support with the offer of nothing in return. But Josie longed for something more. Before she couldn’t quite name what she needed. Well now she could. She called it freedom. Reaching over she turned off the lights and tried to forget how vivid her imagination was. If the Native American man from the store visited her dreams she wouldn’t turn him away. Josie chuckled and turned over with a smile on her face, feeling better than she had in weeks.

  Chapter Two

  Elu poured a fresh cup of coffee. He ground his own beans for a richer, more potent swill. It helped his day begin. A day that started with a morning walk on his land to watch the sun rise, then a trip back into town. Nate relied on him to open the store for the traveling tourists until he could wander off his horse farm and tend to business himself. The old man was getting slower so Elu didn’t mind. Nate was family to him.

  Putting down the mug he heard Po barking at the door.

  “Yes, yes, I know boy.”

  The dog paced and wagged his tail. Elu plucked his jacket from the chair and slipped it on. Mornings near the forest and lake were always chilly no matter what the season. He picked up his rifle near the door then threw the door open. Po pushed past him and once down the front porch steps he threw his hind leg up and let go.

  Elu chuckled walking out to join him. He watched Po rush off in a sprint across the lawn, stretching his legs, connecting with the wolf spirit that dwelled deep within him. He whistled for Po to return. There were bears in these parts, which always concerned him.

  He was an outdoorsy mountain man and he loved his life. A woman was all he needed, and they rarely came a calling around here. His young bride had died several years ago and he always regretted that they’d never had kids. Looking back at the log cabin he built with his own hands he smiled. He’d built it for her.

  “Po! Give a man a chance to catch up.” He hurried his stride and disappeared into the forest after him.

  Josie plucked at her locks to extend them into a stylish fro. At night she twisted her hair so it unwound with natural curls in the day. Tiffani, her sister, turned her on to the natural look. It fit with her busy lifestyle.

  Staring at herself in the mirror she sighed. “Okay, a little exploring, maybe some shopping, then I’m packing it in and sitting down at that typewriter. I don’t care what anyone says, I can do this.” She waited for her reflection to speak back. Tell her how pathetic she was by hiding behind her mother’s objections to justify her fear against writing for pleasure instead of academia. Alas her inner self had no words. Josie had heard them all before.

  She padded out of the bathroom to the nightstand where a folded picturesque pamphlet lay. She’d swiped it from the general store. Unfolding the pages she read that a café in town opened at five AM and a few boutiques opened at six. They rose early and closed earlier. That suited her just fine.

  Josie located her purse and sunglasses, which she put in her hair. Outside the sun had risen and the air smelled of dew covered grass and fallen pine cones. It was a crisp clean smell. Josie, out of habit, went to the trunk of her car and threw her purse inside. Growing up in the city she always preferred to ride with her purse in the trunk instead of on the seat next to her. She slammed the trunk down and returned to the car and started it. It was cooler than she imagined late April should be. She turned on the heat and eased in Carlton’s latest CD. Her boyfriend was the lead singer in an alternative rock band. Even the hardest of critics had crowned Notorious Noise musical geniuses equal to Kurt Cobain. Josie couldn’t stop bragging to friends about it. She was so proud of him. His legions of fans, from women to men, spanned all races. And her Carlton was a chocolate dream of a man. Tall, beautiful skin and smile, she was surprised when she found him knocking on her door for the surprise date set up by her publicist. And they’ve been lovers and best friends ever sense.

  She smiled as his voice crooned through the speaker system. The boy had pipes, and Razorback on the guitar was doing the damn thing. It wasn’t until she was out of the driveway did she consider that she forgot her phone in her purse. A pleasant deal, it removed the temptation to call Carlton. Though she was becoming increasingly aware that he hadn’t bothered to call her anymore. He wasn’t the type of man to grovel. If she told him she wanted more and he said he wasn’t ready then he meant it. God forbid if she’d had the courage to end the relationship she’d better be prepared to accept it was truly over.

  Josie sighed.

  Her car headed north on the winding road. The song ended and another with a sexy guitar solo began to play. Josie bobbed her head to the tune. She smiled to herself at the whole idea of a getaway in the mountains. Who was she fooling? She needed the hustle and bustle of young vibrant people to get her juices flowing. That’s what Carlton’s music reminded her of, excitement.

  After driving for fifteen minutes Josie became concerned. The road was narrower, and the cliffs dropped off to steep ravines on her right. She searched for the sign to Mission Creek and saw nothing. “Did I pass it?”

  She reached for the pamphlet. It had a map on the back of it. Somehow it escaped her fingers and floated to the floor. Unhooking her seatbelt she swerved slightly as she careened her fingers for it. Grabbing the edge between her middle and index finger she drew it up, corrected the wheel, and then fumbled with unfolding it. Josie squinted at the drawn lines. All the while she maneuvered the winding roads with her free hand. She discovered she had indeed missed a critical turn. A blast from a car horn caused her to gasp and look up.

  Josie had drifted into the other lane and a large pickup truck was barreling down upon her. Terror gripped her as she turned the wheel too hard for the speed. The car lurched forward as the truck swerved to miss her. Josie screamed out when the car went into a spin. Frantically trying to turn the steering wheel away from the spiral, it skidded to the edge of the road and nosedived over. She was tossed about like a rag doll as she crashed into a steep embankment. The airbag deployed sending burning dust into her face and neck. The roll smashed the side of her face into the driver side window. Everything went dark.

  Minutes earlier

  Opening the bed of the truck, Po ran up behind him and jumped in. Smiling at his best friend’s eagerness he closed the door and walked to the front, whistling. Traveling from his home and into town was a twenty-five minute drive. On nights when he didn’t feel like venturing down from the mountain he would stay at one of the cabins he owned that was closer to town.

  The drive in was usually a lonely one as not many cars ventured this far back. Mostly hikers turned off for the marked trails. So when Elu looked up to see a Mustang driving too fast and swerving across the lanes he was surprised. He pressed hard on his horn. A bad move. The person, inexperienced with those roads, went into a panic. Elu slammed on his brakes, and swerved to the right to avoid the spinning car, careful to not throw Po off the back of the truck. He feared what was to happen next. He watched helpless as the car gave way to a wild spin and pitched over the side of the road, rolling down the embankment.

  Elu was out of his vehicle in minutes. Po leapt from the back of the truck. Together they raced to the edge of the road. The car lay on its side with the wheels spinning. It was running. He had to act fast. He didn’t know what condition the passenger was in. Heading down, sideways, he used the heel of his boots to guide him and prevent him from rolling. Reaching the car he climbed on top of it, being mindful of his weight, not wanting to flip it over and cause it to slide further. It had landed at the base of the lower cliff, and avoided close to a hundred foot drop. Inside he saw a woman, unconscious and pinned by her airbag. He tried the door and found it locked.

  “Damn!” he grunted. Po barked over and over again. Something had his friend agitated, must have been the leaking fuel tank. Elu removed his jacket and tossed it aside. He then removed his shirt and wrapped it around his massive fist. Closing his eyes he punched the car window that was already half shattered. The pain in his hand intensified. He bit his lip hitting the glass again. This time it shattered and spilled all over the injured woman. Quickly he opened the door and reached in to pull her out. Her face was covered with blood. Elu feared she was dead. Careful not to injure her further and leery of tipping the car, he used one arm to hook around her waist and drag her out of the door. As soon as his weight shifted the car tipped and then flipped to its roof falling over the cliff and exploded on the rocks. Elu kept her bloody face close to his bare chest and closed his eyes against the rise of heat boiling up from the explosion.

  And then it was over.

  He checked for a pulse. She had one, and it was strong. Her head lolled over and he got a good look at her. She was familiar, beautiful. They didn’t get many like her in these parts. Elu glanced up the embankment. He could easily make the climb alone, but with his wounded bird it could be tricky. He unzipped her jacket and felt her ribs. Nothing appeared to be broken, so he carefully gathered his jacket and shirt and then put her over his shoulder. The woman hung loose as a rag doll. He located a less steep incline in the ravine, grabbed at a root sticking free through the dirt, and pulled himself up out of the ravine all the while balancing her. Elu had been in tougher spots when in Desert Storm. This he could manage. Po barked excitedly. As he carried her to his truck he felt the ground shake after yet another explosion blasted below the cliff. Behind him came a dark sulfuric cloud of fire and smoke.

  Elu couldn’t believe how close a call it all was. He hurried to his truck and put her inside, careful of her injuries, wondering how severe they were.
Po wailed, scratching and sniffing at his leg, trying to see if she was okay. “It’s okay Po, she’s one lucky lady.”

  A hospital was over 2 hours away. He was the healer for his people and those that lived in Mission Creek. He would take care of her. Opening the truck for Po to leap inside, he closed it and got behind the wheel. He’d take her to his place. He kept looking over to her, realizing she was the lady he’d seen at Nate’s yesterday with the sweet shy smile and beautiful bright brown eyes. “What were you doing back here?”

  Club Ninja, Chicago Illinois

  “I’m here to see Carlton Woods, CW, the lead singer of Notorious,” Tiffani said to the doorman. “My name is Tiffani Eastman. He’s expecting me.”

  The burly bouncer with a tattooed neck and a bone piercing through the bridge of his nose, narrowed eyes caked in black eyeliner on her. Tiffani met his gaze dead on. The crowds that frequented these concerts were some intimidating people, but she had learned that most of it was all an act. The Goth scene was pretty cool.

  “He’s in back with the band.” The man handed her a pass, which she draped around her neck. She ventured through the dark club to the back doors and was cleared by two sets of security guards. Carlton had a dressing room to himself. She knocked twice and opened the door. He sat there with six girls, all in tight skirts and low cut blouses waiting to have him sign their breasts or inner thighs.

  “Tiff! Give me a sec.” he smiled.

  The women glared her way. Tiffani shook her head and waited.

  One by one they left.

  “So this is how you warm up before a show?”

  Carlton chuckled. He reclined in his chair. He wore tight leather pants and a sheer silk black shirt that was open to reveal the hard lines of perfection along his torso. Damn he was hot. She had to look away to keep from staring. Josie was one lucky girl. Yet her sister constantly complained when she should just be grateful that the sexiest bachelor on the planet was in love with her.


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