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Leoti Page 5

by Mynx, Sienna

  “It’s not you I fear.”

  “Come back, Elu. It was nice,” she said extending her hand.

  He did. He sat again, and she wouldn’t allow him space. Though the kissing stopped the intimacy was there. They rocked in silence and soon he realized she drifted against him. He ran his hand down her shoulder, comforting her, and it hit him. There was a journal. She didn’t read it, but he knew he’d stuffed it in one of her bags. When she uncovered the journal he was sure this time would pass. Until then he’d hold a little tighter to his Leoti.

  After awhile he brought her off the swing. Four days of caring for her had bounded them closer than even he believed possible. She moaned slightly in discomfort and he adjusted her to make sure she experienced little pain. With an arm around his neck and her face pressed to his chest she relaxed.

  He placed her gently on the bed to not cause pain to her still tender ribs. He pulled the blanket over her body. Then he tended to the fire to make sure she was warm, the night chill could be felt strongly in the room. The log shifted in the grate, sending a shower of sparks up the chimney. Josie rolled over and let out a deep moan, he looked up. He returned to her side to make sure she was comfortable and gently kissed her bandaged forehead before leaving her for the night. He wanted to sleep next to her to feel the warmth of a woman’s body next to his. To smell her scent and know her, but that wasn’t his privilege.

  “Elu,” she moaned. She smiled and reached a hand out to him. “Sleep in here. Please?” she said leaving her hand hanging in the air.

  “Are you sure?” he asked returning to the bed.

  “Yes,” she said pulling him gently down next to her. He wrapped his strong arms around her. She was as soft and warm as he imagined. She eased into him, her body fitting perfectly. He heard her yawn and he let go a sigh of his own, burying his face into the slender nook of her neck.

  They snuggled down into the chill of the dying fire. The last thing she recalled was the perplexed tone in his voice when she asked him to join her in bed. It was strange yet fulfilling to lie with him this way. She had to trust her instincts. Her instincts said that this was right.

  So she drifted, at peace for the night.

  Chicago Illinois

  Carlton closed the door to his hotel room and walked into the darkness alone. Tiffani was right. He hadn’t fought hard enough to explain his concerns to Josie. He truly believed that giving her the space she needed after their fight would have her calling him, rethinking this business about marriage and kids. It had been over a week and he missed his woman. He sat on the edge of the bed and picked up the phone. He dialed her personal cell phone that only he, her mother, sister, agent and a few friends had the number to. It went straight to voicemail.

  Hi! You’ve reached Josie. I’m not available at the moment. Leave a message and I’ll call you back! Oh and have you heard the latest Notorious Noise song Anarchy? Check it out! It’s hot!

  Carlton smiled. Never in his life had he had a woman who loved him and supported him like Josie. “Hi babe, it’s me. I really need to hear your voice now. Call me in the morning. I’m ready to listen. Okay?”

  Carlton dropped back against his pillows and smiled. Fuck. He could imagine little ones in the studio jamming to his music, and Josie there supporting him. Why was he fighting it? Another year or so and he definitely could be ready. Carlton yawned and chuckled again at her voicemail message. “I miss you.”

  Chapter Four

  “Wake up.”

  The bed shook. Tiffani jerked awake. Her mother glared down at her. “Ma? What time is it?” Tiffani moaned reaching in the dark for her watch.

  “Have you spoken to your sister?”


  “Josie. Have you spoken to her?”

  “No. Not in a few days.” Tiffani’s voice croaked. She cleared her throat. “Good grief it’s three in the morning Ma. Go back to bed.” She rolled over.

  “Wake up!”

  “I’m up. I’m up.” She sat fully up again and sighed. “What’s the matter?”

  “She’s not answering my calls. I tried her all day. I haven’t spoken to her in six days.”



  “Mama, c’mon. Josie’s on a sabbatical. She told you she would ditch technology and commune with nature or some stuff. Leave her alone.” Tiffani moaned.

  “I don’t like it. She knows not to turn off her personal cell phone. Only a few of us have the number. What if you or I took sick, what then? Josie is more responsible than this and so are you. I call and the phone just goes to voicemail. That’s not like her, something is wrong.”

  Tiffani was awake now. She tried to do her sister a favor on this one. The last thing she needed was Madeline robbing her of her peace. “I’ll call her, okay? Just leave her alone. She was really upset about how things were with Carlton. She went there to get away from us remember?”

  “Hmpf. I’m her mother. You don’t run from your mother. And when I spoke to her she was talking nonsense about wanting to stop practicing law. The girl won one of the most groundbreaking cases for our people since Thurgood Marshall. Her first book nearly won her Nobel Prize. Who quits after that to make babies at twenty-six?” Madeline crossed her arms in disgust. “I made babies for your no-good father and dragged them all over this country chasing his dreams. What did it get me?”

  “Two successful daughters?” Tiffani frowned.

  Madeline smiled. “Of course. I’m only saying that she and Carlton are famous. They should enjoy it. They have all the time in the world to be parents or whatever is going through your sister’s head. Talk to her, Carlton isn’t a man she should ignore.”

  “I’m sure she’ll call. The phone is probably in her purse or something. Just give her a little space. Promise me. Ma? Promise me.”

  “Fine, but you tell her to call me. You hear?”

  “Yes mam.”

  “Get some sleep baby.” She kissed her forehead. “I’m staying with you here in Chicago until your sister surfaces. I’ll make you breakfast.”

  “Oh goodie.” Tiffani rolled her eyes. Her mother left her room. She flopped back on her pillow and shook her head. No way in hell would she be stuck with Madeline for a month while Josie found herself. She was going to call her and tell her to get her ass back home. Pronto!

  In His Arms

  Josie woke to find herself spooned by a warm male body. Elu’s arm lay heavily around her sore waist. It took a moment before she understood where she was. And it took even longer to recall the facts and meaning of their time together, but slowly the night before seeped into her languorous brain.

  Elu. Her mind whispered the name and her pulse raced. This man was so divine, she wanted to know more. The length of him curled into the dip under her buttocks and her nipples hardened, straining against her shirt. They both had fallen asleep clothed.

  “Good morning,” he spoke against her ear.

  She squeezed her eyes shut and pressed her lips tight to keep from moaning over the silky comfort his voice brought. The inner channel of her ear proved to be another erotic zone on her body she barely knew. Elu released a low hum deep in his throat, a sound of pleasure and contentment as he carefully held her to him. It was sweet. And he continued his gentle wake-up touches, with his nose grazing over the tiny hairs on her neck and his breath warming her there. She pretended she was dreaming to keep from making a fool of herself again, like she had on the porch-swing when she could barely let go of his lips and pleaded with him for more.

  Minutes ticked away and soon a soft snore escaped him. Josie opened her eyes. The fireplace held cooling ambers, which flickered along the charred barely-there wood.

  Gently she turned over to face him. Elu was sound asleep. The pain in her side was still there but it was just a dull reminder that she wasn’t altogether well. Careful not to wake him she moved in close, then ran a single finger over the long fallen hair covering his cheek before moving it aside, revealing his face. His
smooth brown skin stretched evenly over his squared jaw and high cheekbones. He had an aquiline nose and straight forehead with thick silky brows set over those eyes she could get lost in. His mouth was sensual with lips that a girl would want to run her tongue over. A shadow of a beard could barely be seen but it gave him that rugged mountain man appeal.

  How was it he’d found her? Was she traveling or wandering like he said in search of him? She did have a feeling of longing, of wanting something more. With Elu she felt that longing subside each passing day. His eyes opened. He looked directly at her and she inhaled through her teeth.

  “I’m sorry, did I wake you?”

  He gave her a sly smile and said nothing. Josie wanted to touch him again, just to make sure he was real. Her hand went to the side of his face and she brought hers in close on the pillow. Their noses brushed, then their lips met, briefly. She drew away and smiled.

  “Good morning.”

  “Hello,” he said softly.

  “Hello,” she repeated in an equally lowered voice.

  He put his arm to her waist and she rested her hand on his neck with fingers circling, their foreheads now touching. Together they eased back to sleep linked with the contact they needed. And it felt right. Josie woke again. This time she found herself alone. She lifted on her elbow, eyes searching. Faint sounds of activity within the cabin could be heard beyond her closed door. Po rose from the corner where he watched her.

  “Morning, Po,” she smiled.

  He trotted over, sniffed at her sheet then looked up panting. She reached and touched him. He was such a sweet animal, a great extension of her Elu. “You watching over me baby?”

  Po licked her hand. Josie smiled. He then went to the closed door, stopping to look back at her then the door.

  “You need to get out? Well why didn’t you say so sweetness?”

  She pulled back the covers. When she eased out of the bed she found she was stronger today. Standing and walking didn’t exhaust her lungs or breathing. In fact, moving around seemed to help stretch her achy bones. Josie rubbed the sleep from her eyes and ran her tongue over her teeth. Should she shower and put on fresh clothes?

  Po paced before the door and she smiled. He’d waited patiently for her to wake and now it was time to start the day. Opening the door he walked out and looked back for her to follow.

  “Can I shower first please?”

  He tilted his head then decided it was okay and padded away. A shower was long overdue. Elu had set aside a cute green sweater and pair of jeans, a toiletries bag and several curling irons. She gathered her haul in her arms and headed for the bathroom.

  Elu stacked the French toast on a serving plate with the flip of his spatula. He sprinkled cinnamon and powdered sugar over of the crisp brown slices of egg bread. Po licked his chops watching him in the kitchen.

  “She’s up?” Elu asked.

  Po walked a full circle then sat back on his hind legs, tongue hanging, deep pants huffing out of him.

  “Good. Time for breakfast. I’ll take care of you too friend.”

  Po barked. Elu finished breakfast, set the table, and then filled Po’s dish with his dog food. He turned to find her watching. She’d showered and changed into her things. Her dark hair had lost its untamed charm. She had curled it into loose locks. She looked as they did the first time they’d met, except for the addition of the bandage over her right eye.

  “Anetâheveoeso,” he stammered, eyes traveling over her.

  “What did you call me?” she said with her hands on her hips.

  “Ah, it does not translate well. Means stands different. I meant to say on the side of beauty.”

  Josie blushed and lowered her eyes shyly. Her hand went to the bandage on her forehead. “It was hard freshening up with these bandages. Can we take them off today? The one on my chest is really restricting.”

  “Yes, it’s been five days since I’ve found you. I believe it’s time. The head may need more to heal though.”

  Po barked in agreement, scurrying over to her and circling her legs. She knelt and let him lick her face, ruffling him under his throat and ears. “You already eating without me? Greedy Po!” She grinned and looked back over to Elu. Rising she walked over and peeked at the eggs in the skillet. “Smells so good.”

  “I thought you might have more of an appetite today.”

  “I do.” She announced, stepping closer. He loved that bold fearlessness about her, that inner strength. He reached around her to take the plates to the table so she stepped aside. Together they went to the table and sat. He tried to not stare but when she began to drown her food in syrup he couldn’t help it. Josie grinned at him, forking more in her mouth and humming.



  They ate with Po munching on his breakfast loudly in the corner. He told her of the land surveyor that kept coming by and that if he showed up to ignore him. His intent was not to sell. She said she couldn’t imagine him ever leaving this place and he had to agree. Though he also wanted a wife and kids to share it with, he kept that truth to himself.

  After breakfast she offered to help. He washed and she dried the dishes. When she tried to put away some plates in the cabinet above he noticed her struggle. To assist he stepped in close, maybe too close, because after placing the plate on the shelf he couldn’t step away. She turned and he gave her a little room, but kept her pressed between him and the counter. He was sure she would object. She didn’t. Instead she ran her hand down the length of his arm.

  He had that fresh clean manly smell that bloomed in her nostrils and aroused her senses. This time he didn’t shy away from her and she was grateful. He maintained the closeness, waiting for her lead, careful to not rush her. She rose on her toes, angling her lips up to his, and she spoke, “Kiss me.”

  Elu leaned in and tasted her. His lips, sticky with maple syrup and cinnamon, brought a soft moan from her as he dipped his tongue in her mouth for a deeper sampling. So sexy was their exchange that her breasts undulated up against his rock hard chest. He drew back once the kiss got good. Licking his lips, those dark eyes of his grew even darker with need, as she blew out deep breaths placing her arms behind his neck, locking her fingers together. “Don’t stop,” she said. The exertion of extending her arms didn’t burn her gut like before. She was stronger and determined to prove it.

  He came in for more. This time he captured her tongue, running his over hers, draining the breath from her lungs. She was in his arms now, nothing between them but their mounting desire, and the soft grunts and moans escaping them both. His lips lifted from her mouth to rain tender kisses over her chin then along the slender curve of her neck. Josie’s head dipped back allowing him greater access. The hold he had on her was fierce yet gentle at the same time. Elu caressed her neck with his lips as he ran his hand over her back holding her firm.

  Josie flinched. A strong memory of kissing another man hit her full force. Though she didn’t see a face she felt his presence in her heart. She pushed Elu away. “I’m sorry,” she said putting her hand to her forehead, her heart racing. “I don’t know what happened,” she whispered, her voice broke, and she escaped him heading for the front door.

  “Leoti?” He followed. Po pushed past him hurrying after her too.

  She sucked in deep breaths and waited for the conflicting emotions to settle. They did, but her throat closed and her stomach clenched with dread. Whoever the man was she remembered he’d filled her with so much sadness and regret she felt like crying. It wasn’t the same sweet relief she felt with Elu.

  “Is it your memory?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said sadly. “No. I don’t know.”

  Elu stepped behind her. He gently wrapped his arms around her and held her to him. “Let the memories come. You need to be whole.”

  “But what if… what if, I remember someone?”

  His silence spoke to his disappointment. Her attachment to him was too soon. She’d barely been with the man a wee
k. He couldn’t possibly feel the intensity of emotions she felt. “Elu?”

  “Then I will treasure my time with you. No matter who you are, these moments were real. Our time is borrowed either way.” Josie shivered. The sun pushed away the darkness but the morning chill felt as if there was no light approaching, just more darkness. “Come inside. Let’s warm by the fire. We can talk. Try to help you remember more.”

  Josie allowed him to slip his arm around her waist and turn her to lead her inside. They returned to his large sofa in the living room and sat close. “Tell me how I seemed when you met me? Before the accident,” she asked.

  “We didn’t speak. Not really.”

  “But how did I seem? Was I happy? Did I seem happy?”

  Elu frowned, “Reserved, shy, but warm and pleasant. You didn’t seem unhappy.”


  Josie nestled up next to him. “What woman would come to a cabin alone with a bunch of legal papers and nothing personal? I mean if I was married I would have a ring. If I was involved with someone I would have a picture or something. Maybe I was all alone in the world, like that flower in the prairie, with no one who cared for me.”

  Elu lifted her chin and brought her face to his. “If that’s true you’ll never have to worry about loneliness again.”

  Josie shook her head. “I don’t want to remember, Elu. I want to stay here. With you.”

  “You must.”

  “No. The more I think of who I am it saddens me. But when I’m with you, I don’t feel that way. I’m Leoti. I want to stay. Can you agree to this?”

  Elu smiled “Are you sure?”


  The Next Day


  She looked up from her computer screen. Carlton stood in her office doorway. He had changed. He didn’t have on the black leather pants and silk threads. He wore faded blue jeans and a white turtleneck under a weathered brown leather jacket. A white New York Yankees hat was pulled down low on his head to conceal his identity she supposed. “I hope I’m not disturbing.”


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