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Blurry: A Student Teacher, Age Gap Romance

Page 20

by Michelle Hercules

  She scoffs. “Convenient excuse.”

  “It’s the truth. Nadine is trying to get on a reality TV show, and she thinks dragging the divorce out will give her a better shot at it. She had the paparazzi waiting for us outside the restaurant and jumped me.”

  “You could have pushed her off.”

  “I did, in the next second. I tried calling you last night. I didn’t want you to find out via the tabloids, but your phone was switched off.”

  “Yeah, it died at Robbie’s.”

  “Oh, you spent the night at Robbie’s, then.”

  “Yeah. You saw Phillip drop me off, didn’t you?”

  “I did.”

  She sighs heavily. “Alistair, there’s nothing going on between Phillip and me. What you saw yesterday was me trying to help a friend. Jillian suspects that Phillip is gay, and he’s not ready to come out yet.”

  “I’m sorry, Chiara. I’m a hot-blooded male. I’m not going to be happy to see you kiss another guy, even if it’s just pretense.”

  “It’s the same for me.”

  I reach over and grab her hand, needing the contact to ground me and to let Chiara know she doesn’t have anything to worry about. I’m glad she doesn’t pull away.

  “I hate feeling like this,” she whispers so low, I almost can’t hear it.

  “Me too, Goldi. Me too.” I pause, struggling to put my next confession into words. “There’s something I have to tell you.”

  She turns to me. “What is it?”

  “I was arrested last night.”

  “What? Why?”

  “I went to your apartment, and, well, a neighborhood security patrol thought I was trying to break into the building. Long story short, I got arrested, and Forrester had to come bail me out.”

  She gasps. “DuBose’s principal?”


  “Alistair, I don’t know what to say. Are you in trouble? I mean, with the school?”

  “No, Forrester and I go way back. He used to be my therapist when I was younger. I don’t think I ever told you that. Anyway, I almost caved last night and told him about us.”

  Her sharp intake of breath makes me peel my gaze from the road for a brief second.

  “You did? What stopped you?”

  “I didn’t want to disappoint him. He helped me out more than I can ever repay him.”

  “You still have to tell me that story.”

  “I will, Goldi. I promise. Actually, Forrester is making me take the next week off. I’m going to my parents’ vineyard. I know you have school and all, but I’d love if you could come, maybe only for the weekend.”

  “You want to introduce me to your parents?” Her voice rises an octave.

  “Yes, sweetheart. I do.”

  “Do you think they’ll like me?”

  “They’re going to fall in love with you just like I did.”

  I glance at her again, finding her smiling from ear to ear. The shadow of doubt I saw earlier is gone. I want to stop the car and kiss her, but we’re in the middle of the highway. I take the first exit and return to her neighborhood, dropping her off in front of her building.

  She unbuckles her seat belt and turns to me. “These windows are super dark, right? No one can see us from the outside?”

  “Yep.” I grin.

  She launches herself at me, covering my lips with hers. I let her invade my mouth with her sweet tongue as I wrap my arms around her tiny waist. I want to erase every moment of doubt and jealousy by branding Chiara with my kiss. Immediately, a red-hot fever takes over me, and my cock is straining against my pants. I’m dying for some release, but all I can do right now is kiss her like there’s no tomorrow.

  She pulls back first, out of breath. Lust is running rampant inside my truck. I’m one second away from driving off and taking her back to my place.

  “Goldi, if you don’t leave now, I’m afraid you’ll miss all your classes today.”

  “All right. You make it so damn hard though.” She combs her curls with her fingers, then pulls the passenger mirror down. “Okay, not too bad.”

  “Do you want to stay at my place tonight?”

  She frowns. “I wish I could, but I have to study for an exam.”

  I can’t help the disappointment. It’s easy to forget that Chiara and I are at different stages in our lives.

  “No problem. I’ll be thinking about you.”

  “You know, you could call me later if you’re feeling lonely.” She smiles at me with a glint of mischief in her gaze. I don’t miss the hint.

  “Are you proposing phone sex, Goldi?”

  Her grin wilts a fraction as she averts her gaze. “Maybe. I’ve never done it before.”

  I pinch her chin, bringing her face to mine. “You shouldn’t have mentioned it. Now I won’t be able to think about anything else besides our call later.”

  Leaning toward me, she plants a quick kiss on my lips. “Until later, then.”

  She’s out of the car in a flash, leaving me hornier than I was before.



  Five Days Later

  Between school and sneaking around to see Alistair, the days flew by. Now, we’re on our way to his parents’ vineyard. I don’t get the jitters until he announces we’re about five minutes away from the property. The knot of anxiety becomes tighter in my stomach, and my hands turn clammy. Looking out the window to appreciate the view does nothing to ease my worries.

  What if his parents hate me? What if they think I’m too young for their son?

  A charming country farmhouse appears straight ahead. The driveway is lined with tall oak trees and beautiful landscaping. It’s a place that belongs on a postcard or a Pinterest inspiration board.

  Alistair parks in front of the house and turns to me. “Ready?”

  “No. What are their names again?”

  “You’ve asked me a dozen times already. Duncan and Molly. You got this.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I’ve never met the parents before.”

  He chuckles as he unbuckles his seat belt, then leans across the gap and kisses me. For the first time since meeting him, I don’t melt right away. I’m too nervous to let myself properly enjoy the kiss.

  Alistair moves away, frowning a little.

  “Don’t worry, Goldi. It’s going to be okay.”

  He gets out of the car, and I do the same, but I stay rooted to the spot while Alistair grabs our duffel bags from the trunk and walks around the car toward me. He laces his hand with mine and tugs me toward the house. My heart is beating so fast, it’s a miracle he can’t hear it.

  The front door opens before we step onto the porch. A tall man with gray hair fills the frame. He has a full trimmed beard, unlike Alistair, who prefers a scruff. However, it’s impossible to not see the resemblance.

  “Hey, Dad.” He hugs the man.

  “Alistair, you arrived just in time for lunch.” He turns to me, smiling. “And this must be the lovely Chiara I’ve heard so much about.”

  Shit. What could Alistair have possibly told his parents? Do they know I’m his student?

  There’s a twinkle of mischief in his dad’s eyes, and I can’t figure out why. I glance at Alistair with a question in my gaze.

  “Dad’s being sarcastic. I only told them about you a couple days ago.”

  “Oh, that makes me feel so much better,” I joke.

  Duncan grins. “It’s okay, honey. Alistair can be a little stingy about sharing information.”

  “Nonsense! I tell you everything,” Alistair rebuffs.

  His father rolls his eyes. “It’s amazing how you can say that with a straight face.”

  “Well, he’s an actor,” I chime in, earning a glare from Alistair.

  “Whose side are you on?” he asks.

  “Oh, I like her.” Duncan winks at me. “Come in already. I’m hungry.”

  Duncan heads inside, but I hesitate until Alistair places a hand on my lower back and pushes me forward. With slow steps,
I cross the threshold, taking my time to look at everything. An open living space greets us. The décor is rustic but also homey. I can tell a lot of work was put into picking every piece. It’s lovely.

  Alistair drops our duffel bags next to the massive brown leather couch and continues down a wide hallway. The delicious smell of food tells me that’s where the kitchen is. His mother, a petite woman with a red bob, turns as she hears us. She’s wearing an apron that says “Kiss the chef” and holding a wooden spoon in her hand.

  “Ah, just in time. Lunch is ready,” she says.

  “Dad told us. What did you cook, Mom? It smells delicious.” Alistair places a kiss on her cheek, then proceeds to peer at the pan on the stove.

  I remain at the kitchen entrance, unsure of what to do. All my insecurities decide to come to the surface, and I have to control my urge to fidget nervously.

  “I figured I’d dust off my old recipe book and make something Italian for Chiara.” She looks at me, smiling. “Come here, sweetie. Don’t be shy.”

  I do as she says, not expecting her to hug me. I reciprocate, looking a little startled at Alistair. He just grins at me.

  “Oh, my. You’re more petite than I am. I hope you’re being gentle with this one.” She turns to Alistair, and embarrassment makes my cheeks burn.

  Is she implying what I think she’s implying?

  “Mom! Come on, don’t start.”

  Yes, yes she is. I want to die.

  Alistair circles around Molly and grabs my hand, dragging me away from the kitchen.

  “Where do you think you’re going? Food is ready,” she calls after us.

  “I’m going to take our stuff to the guest house and wash up,” he replies.

  “Forget it, Molly. I think we’re eating alone,” Duncan grumbles.

  I bite my tongue, waiting until we’re outside the main house to turn on Alistair. I hit his arm, not hard enough to do any damage though.

  “You should have warned me about your parents.”

  “What? That they have no filter?”


  Alistair chuckles. “What would be the fun in that?”

  “I hate you.”

  We stop in front of a small house that looks like a miniature of the main structure. He pushes the door open, and the first thing I see inside is the king-size bed. Before I can make any comment, he spins me around and crushes his mouth to mine. He runs his hands down my arms and then rests them on my hips, bringing me even closer to him.

  Reluctantly, I pull back. “Alistair, your parents are waiting for us. We’re being rude.”

  “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.”

  “You’re acting like a horny teenager going away with his girlfriend for the first time.”

  “I feel like a horny teenager. That’s the effect you have on me, Goldi.”

  “You’d better behave or there won’t be any sexy time tonight.”

  “Fine. I’ll behave. Just one more kiss before we go?”

  I should say no because his kisses are like a drug, but I can’t resist when he looks at me as if I’m the sexiest woman alive.


  I don’t remember ever feeling this complete in my life before, not even when I was married to Nadine. I watch Chiara talk with my parents—finally more relaxed after a couple of glasses of wine—and I think, This is it. She’s the one for me. I don’t know how I can be so certain—I thought the same before with Nadine—but it’s somehow different with Chiara.

  My parents seem to like her; they ask questions, they tease her—something they’d never done with Nadine. And Chiara takes it all in stride. She does get flustered on occasion, but eventually she starts to tease my parents in return. I worried she wouldn’t be able to handle their bluntness and dry humor, but she’s giving it as good as she’s getting.

  After lunch, I take Chiara on a tour of the vineyard. It’s not the biggest one in the area, only a few acres, but I’m still proud of it and of what my parents have accomplished.

  “This is lovely, Alistair.”

  “I fell in love with this property as soon as I came here for the first time. It doesn’t compare to the vineyards in Italy, but it’s very special to me.”

  “Have you ever considered retiring from teaching and working full time here?”

  “Yes, many times. When I first started to look in the area, that was exactly my plan, but Na—well, she was completely against the idea. Then the separation happened.”

  “Before I decided to come to LA to study at DuBose, I briefly considered taking sommelier classes and studying more about the wine business. But the appeal to study far away from my family won out. Plus, I’ve always been fascinated by the film industry.”

  “You had no idea who I was, did you?” I ask, not that it would matter if she did.

  “No. Your show didn’t air in Italy. Plus, you look so different now. Is that why you’re never clean-shaven? To avoid recognition?”

  “In part. Nadine wanted me to remain recognizable for her own benefit, and it grated on my nerves. I don’t like talking about my past celebrity life.”

  “Because of your friend Jamie?”

  I nod.

  Chiara stops in front of me, rising on the tips of her toes to kiss me. “Let’s talk about something else, then.”

  I’m glad she doesn’t push to know more, unlike many people I know. Her attitude makes me want to share everything with her, even my darkest parts.

  “No. I don’t want to keep secrets from you. If you have questions, ask away.”

  She shakes her head. “I don’t have specific questions. I just want you to know I’m here if you need to talk.”

  “Do you know why I feel so in debt to Forrester? Why I can’t walk away from my position at DuBose in the middle of the school year?”

  “Because you’re friends?”

  “That too, but most importantly because he saved my life. After Jamie died, I was in a very dark place. Hanging out with the wrong crowd, drinking too much, doing drugs. I almost killed my mother when I got us into a car wreck. I was stupid drunk that day.”

  Her eyes water. “Oh, Alistair. I’m so sorry.”

  “Yeah, me too. The guilt still eats at me. I was lucky enough to get a lenient judge who sentenced me to community service and mandatory therapy. Forrester was my therapist, and he helped me more than he knows. I went to rehab, got clean, and walked away from showbiz.”

  She cups my cheek. “I’m so grateful you were able to find yourself again.”

  “I don’t think I have, not yet. But I know I can with you by my side.”

  Her breath catches. She’s staring at me like a deer caught in headlights, making me think that maybe she wasn’t ready for that truth.

  “I’m sorry. Too mushy?” I add quickly.

  “No, not at all. I like corny love declarations.”

  “Oh, so I’m corny now, huh?” I bring her flush to my body.

  She rests her face against my chest and inhales deeply. “Yes, very much so.”

  Desire is quickly spreading through my body, but I have to ignore my hardening cock for a while longer. There’s one more thing I want to do before I bring Chiara back to the guest house.

  Taking a step back, I pull a little wrapped box from my jacket pocket.

  Chiara focuses on the gift before she lifts her eyes to mine. “What’s that?”

  “Something I got for you back in Italy and never had the chance to give you.”

  With eager hands, she takes the package from me. I hold my breath as I watch her expression change from curiosity to utter shock.

  “You got me the bracelet like Bisnonna’s.” She looks at me with bright eyes.

  I nod. “Do you like it?”

  She throws herself in my arms, wrapping her hands behind my neck and kissing me hard. I match her passion beat by beat until my erection is straining painfully against my jeans.

  Breathlessly, she pulls back and says, “I love it. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, Goldi.”

  “You know what? I’m feeling a little tired.” She smiles shyly at me.

  I brush my lips against hers. “Me too. I think a nap sounds good right about now.”



  Duncan and Molly have gone to bed already, and it’s just Alistair and me on the back porch. Us and the stars. The air is chilly, but Alistair said starting a fire is too dangerous this time of the year. I’m snuggled up against him though, and a warm blanket covers us. Plus, the mulled wine is helping keep us toasty.

  I look around and sigh. “No wonder you fell in love with this place. It’s lovely and so peaceful.”

  “Yeah. I’m surprised you enjoy the quiet though. I thought you were a city girl.”

  “I am, but lately, I’m enjoying places not blemished by noise and pollution more and more. I guess I’m getting old.”

  Alistair chuckles, a low rumble that shakes his chest. “You’re only eighteen.”

  I glance up, peering at his profile. “Does our age difference bother you?”

  Looking down, he smiles. “Not at all, Goldi.”

  “I’m afraid you’ll eventually get tired of me. Don’t you ever think about the future? What’s going to happen to us?”

  “I do, my love. All the time.”

  Heaviness presses on my chest, making me regret opening my big mouth and ruining the moment.

  With his fingertips, he touches the space between my eyebrows. “What’s up with this frown?”

  “I love you so much. I’m afraid this will be over soon.” I drop my gaze to his chest. “You must think I’m an immature, silly girl.”

  He places his index finger under my chin and brings my face up again. “I don’t think that at all. You act more mature than many adults I know. That’s why it was such a shock to see you in my class at DuBose.”

  “How old did you think I was?”

  “Twenty-one, at least. Your confidence was such a turn-on. I think I fell for you the moment you offered me that ride.”


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