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One More Day - the Alexanders, Book 1

Page 28

by Minx Malone

  Nick stood in the middle of her living room and stared at her couch. They’d done some pretty inventive things on that couch. Raina blushed. It shouldn’t embarrass her but somehow it did. She’d been someone totally different that night, and as much trouble as it had caused her, she couldn’t find it in her to regret it.

  “How is Ridley doing?” Nick asked. He looked faintly guilty.

  “Better. Nothing that rest and a little peace and quiet won’t cure. Which is why I’d appreciate it if you’d go bother someone else.”

  “She hasn’t returned any of Jackson’s calls.”

  “Maybe she doesn’t want to talk to him.”

  Nick ran his hands over his hair. “Is she even getting his calls?”

  Raina thought about lying, but knowing him he’d already figured out what she’d done. Part of the reason they loved to hate each other so much was because they were so much alike.

  “Not unless he knows her new number. I had it changed before she even left the hospital.”

  Nick shook his head. “I figured it was something like that.”

  “I am just trying to protect my sister. She’s been hurt enough.”

  “You’re right. She’s been hurt and it’s mainly my fault. My fault. Not Jackson’s. I screwed this up because of what happened between us. But unlike us, Jackson and Ridley are good for each other. Let’s fix this.”

  Raina squeezed her eyes shut against a sudden rush of emotion. She whipped around, horrified when tears welled in her eyes.

  "All my life, I've worked so hard to make sure that we're safe and we're never vulnerable again. I thought if I had enough money, everything would be perfect. But everything I have wasn't enough to keep the only person who loves me safe."

  The hand that settled on her shoulder was as unexpected as it was comforting.

  “She's not the only person who loves you.”

  She shivered and tried to pull the emotion back in, to lock it up before she became an inconsolable sobbing mess. It actually hurt to tamp it back down, a literal crushing pain in her chest, to ignore his offer of comfort. But if she ever made the mistake of allowing anyone in, she feared she’d simply break apart—all her insecurities and fears spreading her into a million tiny fragments.

  “You’re right,” she admitted, “Jackson and Ridley do belong together. So, just tell him to come over and I’ll let him in. Someone deserves a happy ending.” She wiped her cheeks and faced him.

  Nick went to the door and opened it. A second later, Jackson appeared.

  He waved from the doorway, a sheepish smile on his face. “I was hoping you’d say yes.”

  Raina shook her head, unable to resist smiling back. “Let me just go see if she’s awake.”

  There was a loud crash right above them. Raina looked up, dread racing through her.

  “What was that? Ridley!”

  * * * * *

  RIDLEY FELL AGAINST the dresser and dropped her head down to the wood. Going to get her man was not supposed to be this hard.

  The door flew open and she was scooped up into a pair of strong arms. She looked up into Jackson’s eyes. Everything that had happened over the past week fell away and suddenly all the pain, fear and heartache didn’t exist. There was just the pure, incandescent joy of being in the arms of the man she loved.

  “This reminds me of how we met,” he said.

  Ridley sucked in a breath, suddenly overcome with some emotion she couldn’t define. It seemed crazy that she could be so happy to see him after only a week apart. How could someone she hadn’t even known existed last month suddenly hold the difference between happiness and misery?

  “Yeah, except this time we don’t have an audience.”

  “Well, not exactly.” He looked over his shoulder and turned slightly. Raina and Nick came into view. Nick waved.

  She smiled through her tears. “Oh, you’re right. This is just like old times.”

  He carried her to the bed and put her down gently on top of the covers. “Are you hurt?”

  She shook her head. “No, but that picture frame can’t say the same. Sorry, Ray.”

  Raina knelt and picked up the pieces of the frame that had broken when it fell. “I never liked this one anyway. I’ll just go throw this away and leave you two to talk.”

  Ridley watched as Raina left the room and Nick followed, pulling the door shut behind him. For a long moment, they sat in silence just gazing at each other.

  “What? You’re staring,” she whispered.

  “I am. You’re beautiful.”

  She smiled at the familiar words.

  “I just want to look at you for a minute,” he continued. “I thought I was never going to see you again.”

  She understood. It felt as if she could look at him for hours, just soaking up his scent and memorizing the lines of his face.

  “I came to apologize. When you didn’t answer any of my calls I figured you meant what you said when you left. That after you proved you were innocent, that you never wanted to see me again.” His bowed his head for a moment.

  “Wait? You called me?” Ridley pointed to her phone on the nightstand. “I never got any calls.”

  Jackson picked up her phone and handed it to her. She tapped the screen a few times and then showed him the missed calls log. His number wasn’t there.

  “I probably called a hundred times. Wait, call me.”

  She tapped the screen. His phone rang in his pocket. He pulled it out and looked at the unfamiliar number.

  “You changed your number?”

  “No, when would I have had time to change my number?” She thought for a moment, then groaned. “But Raina had plenty of time to change it without me knowing. I knew there was a reason she wouldn’t give me my phone back!”

  “She’s just trying to protect you. I don’t blame her. I’m not good for you. I’m not a good bet for anyone. I’m damaged and even if you give me another chance I’m sure I’ll make mistakes over and over again.”

  “I lied to you. And I’m not sure if I would have believed me either if that much money showed up missing from my account. We both made mistakes.”

  “I finished our song.”

  Ridley squinted at the sudden change in subject. “You did?”

  “It’s called ‘One More Day’. I’m going to record it.”

  “Jackson, that’s wonderful! But I thought you said it would never be recorded? That you were scrapping it.”

  “Some things are worth saving.” He got off the bed and knelt on the floor in front of her. For a moment, Ridley felt weak again and leaned against the pillows for support.

  “Working on the lyrics really made me think about my mom’s advice. About wanting one more day. The thing is, sometimes you don’t have one more day. Sometimes all you have is the moment. And if you don’t take it, it’s gone forever.”

  “What are you saying, Jackson?”

  “I’m saying I love you. And I really hope you love me, too.”

  Ridley bit her lips. “Is this crazy? Is it just completely crazy that I felt like I’d lost a limb just because I didn’t see you for a week. Is this even logical?”

  “Screw logic. I love you. I love the way your forehead crinkles when you laugh. I love how you put everyone at ease, my mom, my brothers, even the kids. I love waking up and looking over at you and being the happiest I’ve ever been. Even if you find someone else, someone who isn’t all damaged and scarred, he’ll never feel the way about you that I do.”

  “I love you, too. So much.” Tears spilled down her cheeks as she smiled at him.

  “Give me one more day, Ridley. Marry me?”

  The sound of whooping in the hallway made him scowl. The door to her room swung open and she saw Nick and Raina cheering and dancing in the hallway.

  “If I’d known you were going to propose, little brother, we could have stopped at a jewelry store on the way,” Nick said.

  Jackson looked down. “I guess this would be a great time for me to
have a ring, huh?”

  “Say yes, Ri!” Raina yelled.

  Jackson’s lips twitched. He lowered his voice so that only Ridley could hear him. “You realize it’s always going to be like this, right? Just wait until the rest of my family hears about this.”

  Ridley laughed, the beauty of the moment so overwhelming it had no way out of her system except through laughter. The past month had been the worst and best of her life. She’d been stalked, terrified and shot at. But she’d also been cherished. She’d fallen in love. She’d made friends. Most importantly, she’d gained a family.

  “I’m not sure laughter during a marriage proposal is a good sign,” Jackson said.

  Ridley cupped his face. “Oh, yes it is. Our lives are going to be filled with laughter and joy and love. So, yes. I’ll give you one more day. Every day.” She kissed him gently.

  “For the rest of our lives.”


  Did you miss the start to the series?

  Teasing Trent (The Alexanders, prequel) is available now!

  Author’s Note

  If you’ve enjoyed this book, please consider leaving a review. I love to hear what my readers think!

  Teasing Trent Summary

  The only thing Trent's best friend has ever asked of him is to keep an eye on his twin sister while he's deployed. He just has to remember the promise he made to himself in college to keep his hands off her. Which is getting harder and harder by the day.

  Ever since Mara walked into her brother's dorm room freshman year and came face to face with a shirtless Trent, she's known he was The One. The problem?

  Trent has no idea how she feels.

  Well, it's her first birthday without her twin and Trent's coming over to keep her company. A skimpy yoga outfit and a few glasses of wine later, she plans to finally have Trent exactly where she wants him.

  In her bed, for as long as she can keep him there.

  If Mara has her way, she'll get a whole lot more for her birthday than a Hallmark card.


  This book contains yoga as an erotic torture device and the unexpected appearance of a vibrator. I'm just saying...


  © 2011 by Minx Malone

  Chapter One

  “Just keep your hands to yourself and you’ll be fine.”

  Trent Townsend climbed the steps to the second floor landing of an older townhouse and knocked a fine layer of snow off his boots. Virginia winters were usually mild, but this year Mother Nature apparently had PMS. It had been snowing for the past three days and more was on the way. He was inordinately happy to be out of his house even if he knew the evening would be one step short of erotic torture.

  "Anything is better than being stuck in the house watching reality TV." Cabin fever was like a disease. He couldn’t eat any more cereal or watch one more rerun of Jerry Springer without losing his mind. He patted his pocket, feeling the rustle of the tiny wrapped package. This was also his first chance to give Mara her 25th birthday present since he’d been too busy last weekend.

  Too busy coming up with reasons he should stay away from her.

  Seeing Mara always made him hard enough to poke a hole through his pants, and he’d promised his best friend Matt that he’d take care of his sister, not drool all over her.

  They’d become entirely too close over the past year. Something that had to stop when Matt’s tour of duty ended next month.

  “You just have to get through dinner. Keep your hands to yourself and it’ll be fine.”

  The door in front of Trent flung open. Mara Simmons stood on the other side regarding him warily. Warm, amber eyes with long, inky lashes narrowed as she leaned against the doorframe. Her thick dark hair was twisted back from her face and left to fall loose and curly on the sides. She looked like a warrior princess ready to do battle. He groaned as his body immediately responded with a salute of its own.

  “Are you still wearing your pajamas?” He cursed under his breath as he took in the sight of Mara in a curve-hugging tank top and the tiniest pair of cotton shorts he'd ever seen.

  "These are my exercise clothes. I'm doing yoga." She put one hand on her hip. The top stretched across her chest in just the right way, emphasizing her petite figure. "I saw you as I was passing the window. I wasn't expecting you to come so early."

  He grimaced at her choice of words. He was about to come where he stood. Her shorts were practically indecent. There were miles, just miles of smooth, creamy skin on display. His nails dug into his palm.

  She even smelled good.

  She’s Matt’s little sister. Keep your hands to yourself.

  Trent sucked in another deep breath. He needed more than a weak mantra reminding him who would kick his ass if he screwed this up. What he needed was a bucket of ice down his pants and a blindfold.

  “Why are you just standing out here talking to yourself anyway?” Mara shook her head and grabbed him by the arm. She pulled him across the threshold and closed the door behind him.

  “Just thinking out loud. I do that sometimes.” Trent felt oddly defensive. Having a raging boner could do that to a guy.

  “What, think?” She chuckled as he glowered at her.

  “Ha ha, smart ass. I’ll remember that the next time you need my help with something.”

  He turned to watch her flip the deadbolt, his eyes taking in her long legs and bare feet. She wore bright purple polish and had a little silver ring on the second to last toe of her right foot. A wave of heat almost forced him to his knees. The girl even had sexy feet. Good thing she wasn’t in the habit of going barefoot.

  He turned away and busied himself with removing his jacket. He needed to focus on something else or he’d never get through the night.

  Damn Matt for putting him in this position. It was just like him to join the military and play the hero overseas. His college buddy was that type of guy and someone Trent felt proud to know. Matt had come through for him more times than he could count, and the only thing he’d ever asked in return was for Trent to keep an eye on his twin sister Mara during his deployment. He wished he’d known in the beginning how hard it would be to keep that promise.

  And how hard it would be to keep my frickin’ hands to myself.

  “So, how fast can you get ready to go?” Trent folded his coat over the arm of the couch. He looked around her place curiously. She changed things often, bringing home stray furniture found at a thrift store or adding weird knickknacks picked up on eBay.

  Her place reflected her eclectic spirit. Bright, wildly patterned furniture clashed with the mint green wall behind the couch. He’d helped her paint the crazy color just a few months ago. She’d said she was going for “energetic.” He thought it looked like the inside of a funhouse.

  “Well, I was thinking maybe we could just stay in.” Mara flopped down on the couch and curled up with her legs tucked under her. In that position, her top stretched tight across her breasts. He could see tiny indentations where her nipples pressed against the fabric.


  “I know you had a big happy hour night-on-the-town thing planned but … I don’t know. I just don’t feel like going out. Do you mind?”

  Trent blinked a few times and then dragged his gaze away. He glanced around desperately. There was a yoga video playing on her TV and the lamp on the side table next to the couch cast a soft amber glow across the room. A warm smell emanated from the kitchen, making his mouth water.

  “You cooked?”

  She sat up and threw one of the fluffy green pillows on the couch at him. “Yes, I cooked. You don’t have to sound so surprised. I made some lasagna and rented a few dvd's. I figured we could do dinner and a movie here.”

  She was watching him expectantly, so Trent nodded. A smile spread across her face and his heart turned over a little. He looked away and tucked his hands in his pockets. If something as simple as staying in put that look on her face, he’d gladly do it.

  Trent sat on
the edge of a dainty wing chair. Somewhere in the kitchen there was a soft ding and Mara hopped up.

  “It's time for me to put the lasagna in the oven. It doesn't take that long to bake. Do you want a beer while we wait?”

  His gaze followed the sway of her hips as she rushed to the kitchen.

  “Trent? Hello, earth to Trent.” Mara stood in the doorway to the kitchen, waving her hands back and forth like an air traffic controller.

  He looked up, heat flooding his cheeks as he met her gaze. “Huh?”

  “A beer. You want one?” She said the words slowly. Great, now she thought he was an idiot.

  He gulped and nodded furiously. “Sure. A beer. Right.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him before turning into the kitchen. As soon as she was out of sight, Trent’s strained smile fell.

  It was Matt’s first year in the service and he worried about Mara being alone so much, especially on their birthday. Their parents weren’t keen on traveling from Florida again so soon after the holidays and Mara couldn’t get the vacation time to fly down to them. Trent no longer had a girlfriend so it hadn’t been any imposition to spend a little time with Mara. He’d arranged a perfectly safe birthday dinner in a public restaurant. They’d eat, dance a little and head home, end of story.

  The plan did not include a cozy dinner for two, followed by a movie on the couch with only a remote control as chaperone.

  And it definitely didn't include licking her from the top of her head to her pretty little purple-painted toes.


  * * * * *

  Teasing Trent is available now!

  Beg for It - The Mirage Agency, Book 1

  The only thing ad executive Mya Taylor loves more than winning is her best friend Milo Hamilton. Nothing has ever come between them--until she finds out Milo is her chief rival for a new account.

  Milo's not sure when it happened but his secret crush has morphed into an obsession. He wants Mya in his bed, screaming his name, and he knows just how to make it happen.


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